daniabee / Comments

  • Oooh, that's cool! :D
    I don't know how that likes thing is, but I do know the Tumblr cloud! I'm such a n00b. xD

    Exactly! They're so great, oh my gosh.
    Speaking of bands, have you heard Hey Monday's new EP? I love it. :)

    Holy shizz, in a boat?
    What? That's stupid, you look tanned, but you certainly don't look black, the skin tones are COMPLETELY different. I think your skin tone resembles Maika's skin tone. :]

    Oh, J-rad has my heart. But lately... Lately I think my crush has developed and now I have a five-men crush. And my old crush on Vic Fuentes has returned thanks to Juli. xD
    August 22nd, 2010 at 03:40pm
  • Wow, thank you so much for the comment. It means a lot to me, i feel honored that you would say that. You are awesome and once again, thanks a ton for the comment :')
    August 20th, 2010 at 01:02am
  • LOL, a Ken doll. That's hilarious. Now that you mention it, he pretty much does. :]

    They should take Warped over there; that'd be awesome. Like, an overseas Warped or something. They did that with Taste of Chaos but I think only in Europe. : /
    Ahahah, true. TWA is definitely up there as a favorite. Somewhere in the top five, maybe top three. [my tops change often, hahahah]

    Aw! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Man, you'll be able to still see your friends outside of school maybe? I hope so, at least.
    I think that's everywhere, hahah. Granted, I've never been to a private school, but I can only imagine. There's a private school in town, and the people who attend there pretty much hate the public school kids. A few houses down from where I live, the kids used to go there before they graduated.
    August 19th, 2010 at 11:34pm
  • Yeah I don't usually like blondes either, but Kyle's my exception. He's just so fricken attractive. You should buy him some hair dye, just in case, and then throw it at him. So that way he gets the hint. YEAH YEAH YEAH! I LOVE TRAVIS!!

    Hahaha that's so great!!! So far my most embarrassing moment was when I met Danny Gokey(American Idol) and everytime he started to walk away I'd ask him another question, and I gave him a hug and literally everyone that was around was like 'AWWWWHHH' YOU MET EVAN AND JEFF?! I HATE YOU. I don't actually, I love you, but I hate you at the same time. I wannt meet Matt Colussy really bad hahaha. Him and Vinny are my favorites, I do love Jeff imense amounts though.
    Haha okay, deal.

    Okay, so I forgot what I was writing down on a peice of paper. I know that it's something I have to tell Zack for you...
    I have not seen these outtakes. I will make it my goal today to find these Merrikat moments though, because I wanna see this lap dance.

    Yeah I sing with people at lunch. Extremely loud too. And we also sing songs from the Lion King...Yup :D
    August 19th, 2010 at 02:51pm
  • Yeah! :D
    I'm not from the times of Tumblarity sadly. But I'm excited to see what that's about! And what are the Tumblr crushes?

    I DO! It's such an awesome demo- I MEAN. A DEMO. THAT FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK IS A FUCKING DEMO? No, I think Alex lied to us and that's the actual song. Because dammit. It's pretty much PERFECTION in a song.

    I have no idea who that is, but yes. If he's a pimp I already love him.
    Lucky! I'm pale as Snow White, but when I go to the beach I only need a few hours to get a tan. :)

    Oh my gosh we do, I don't know what's up with them but they're the first band I know that consists of all "easy on the eyes" boys. ;D
    August 19th, 2010 at 01:19pm
  • Ahahahahaha, probably. But how can someone be an [I]ex[/I] Efron fan?
    Haha, yeah, I went twice. It's the second year in a row where I've went twice; last year was two days in a row this time was a month and a half space between.
    Yeah it is! I was all giddy and shit, ahahaha. Hes too...gorgeous.

    Dang, that's kind of mean though when you think about it. Wow. Youdthink private schools would have a beter chance at getting in because. They seem like they would be more disciplined.

    Sleeping situations suuuucks. : /
    August 18th, 2010 at 12:40am
  • I would so say the same thing. I love that blonde head of his. Like, so much. He's so fricken cute. I also love Caleb. He's my favorite ginger :D

    Hahahaha yeah I so know what you mean. Like when I met Ryan Star last May, I was shaking so bad, but it didn't compare to when I met Andy from the Ready Set. Like, I LOVE him. I adore him. But if All Time Low comes along, any one of them, and I meet them, my life would seriously be complete. But then I'd have to meet Vinny. Because he's Vinny.
    I would have screamed when I was out of his sight hahaha
    Okay, just anything to get me to stop babbling like an idiot works haha

    We should write him a letter, and be like 'Yo. Zack. Teach us how to surf.'
    BAHAHAHA YEAAAH! And Rian was like 'Ooh look at that titty.' and Alex was all 'That's a dude.' And Rian goes 'Oh, well it's hard to tell.' I cracked up. And Jack's knife, fork, and spoon helmet. xD I love that boy so much.

    Bhahah, That's awesome!!! I only have a Shaun White video on my iPod haha xD I need to put STD on there though.
    August 17th, 2010 at 03:47pm
  • Thank you!, you BET I WILL! I've been looking for that everywhere, but now TUMBLR IS UNDER MAINTENANCE OMG WE'RE FOREVER ALONE.
    It went under maintenance right when I was going to recommend my favorite blogs. ):

    Fist pump, bitcha. *pimpin'*
    YEAH, it's in my blood.
    Of course we are, we don't have fake tans! And, we aren't useless like they are.
    August 17th, 2010 at 03:02pm
  • True, I think 17 Again is actually why I think he's good looking, ahahaa.
    ISN'T HE JUST SUPER ADORABLE!?!?! I have the biggest band boy crush on him. I diiiid! Thursday was the second Warped date I hit up this year; the first one this year back in July The Word Alive [the beautiful boy you googled's band] wasn't on the line-up yet, so I had to go again. His face was all up in my shoulder when we hugged! Twas heaven! And he's tall; there's definitely exceptions for beautiful blondies.

    Wow, a better shot at a good University if you're in a public school? I've never heard that before. Private schools are mad strict and they definitely see like no fun.

    Haha, time out of school seems to do that. Four hours a night definitely isn't enough!
    There's time where I do feel tired, and times I don't. It's really weird. Even if I'm super tired throughout the day, once I hit my bed, I'm wide awake.
    August 17th, 2010 at 06:46am
  • Nope, it's true! Actually....I hate admitting this, but Zack Efron is kinda good looking to me...ahahahhahah! Zack Hansen though! Google him; he's soooooooo fucking adorable, and so nice. I got a hug from him at Warped on Thursday.

    Public schools do have its advantages though. Yeah, full time jobs are usually around 40hrs per week.

    Ahaha, right!? Insomnia sucks. I've gotten so little sleep in the passed week, I don't know how I'm still functioning.
    August 16th, 2010 at 09:12pm
  • Damn, what a fuck up. :x

    Oh my jizz, do you have a link where I can download the super long outtakes? 'Cause I went around YouTube and couldn't find it...

    WOOOOOOOSH, oh my gosh, I feel the need to party hardcore now, let's fist pump (I wrote pimp at first) like the Jersey Shore cast, hahahaha.
    WE SHAAAAAAALL *trolling right here*, so excited now!! <3
    August 16th, 2010 at 08:50pm
  • Oh I know, I was so pissed. I was like 'Really Kyle?! YOU COULDN'T LEAVE IT BLONDE?!" I hope he dyes it for you show!!

    Awwwh that same thing would probably happen to me if I had met him. That's so cute though xD
    Hahah I would have like, flipped out if he smiled at me and be like 'HOLY JIZZ. ZACK MERRICK JUST SMILED AT ME.' Gosh I love that boy.
    Awwwh that's awesome!!! I'm sure he looooved it.
    Hahahaa okay, just remind me to slap you, and we should be good. Except you'll probably have to slap me to get me to shut up.

    Bahahah I wouldn't be able to move either! I'd just stare at him. Just a little un-healthy but that's okay. I've wanted to surf for a while, but I agree, that fact that'd he should teach us just makes me want to learn even more. :D
    Oh gosh that's scary. So it was like Zombieland all over again? Bahah, I love that part of STD when Rian's looking out the bus window, and he's like 'Oh god it's like Zombieland all over again!'

    I SAID THAT SAME EXACT THING! I was like 'Alright, I love looking at Rian, but I want to watch shirtless Zack take a shower'
    August 15th, 2010 at 06:48pm
  • That's sad, if he's the boss of a school, the least he can do is really care and look after his students... I hope someone better takes the place!

    Oh, poor them. :x
    But at least they know their gifts got to them, and that's what matters, right? :)
    Oh yes, Jack's poker face shall be amazing x]

    Yeah. Capital letters usage needed. <3
    August 15th, 2010 at 06:28pm
  • Oh, I didn't see this until I scrolled up the page, so sorry I didn't thank you on the prior comment ><
    But thank you! Btw, what does that mean, honorable entry? x]

    August 14th, 2010 at 05:25pm
  • Damn... Well, I'm sure he'll have to stop doing that if he doesn't want the students to start a riot. :)

    YEEEEH, you'd be all badass, hahaha.
    Oh my gosh, Jack's poker face kicks freakin' butts! I love him so much. <3
    I'm sure he will, and if he doesn't, I'm sure he'll keep it safe in his bedroom or where he usually puts his fans gifts. :]

    And I managed to get time to finish the John Ohh story, and write two chapters of each story I have going, yay! :D
    By the way, Dee, you should totally come to Portugal to check out the sexay boys we have here. ;]
    August 14th, 2010 at 04:54pm
  • Oh my, I fucking loove Kyle SO. MUCH. I was mad because at the Bamboozle Roadshow he had his natural hair color and it was short, and I was like 'WHAT!? NO!' I was looking forward to seeing his shaggy blonde head.

    Well her family helped her back up, but the place was a nightclub, so it was really small and she was over heated. I would have done that too though, be like 'Uhm,, yeah. Can someone help me move this body off of me?'
    Riiiight?! I'm so good :) I'll tell him that when I meet him. 'By the way Zack, you're a God.'
    AAAWWWWHHHHH!!!!!!!!! That's so cuuute :) When I meet singers, I can't stop talking. It's horrible. Awwwh he smiled at you AGAIN!? That's greatt. What was in the gift bag you gave him?
    When and if I get the chance to meet them, I'm totally bringing you with me!

    I totally thought that was gonna say "And he's shirtless on top of me." But it doesn't, soooo yeah :) Even though I really don't think either of us would mind that. 'Cause I sure as hell know I wouldn't. But yeah I'd be freaking out. I would make him teach me how to surf though. I really want to learn.
    Awwwh you're so sweet!!! Even if you didn't get to do it, I'm really glad you thought of me and wrote it on your hand :) I'll be sure to do the same for you at one point. Oh wait, you'll be with me so there's no need. :D
    Bahahah rabid girls....I like that.

    I DID THE EXACT SAME THING!!! I was like '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TUWRGJABGLJg lkad hgishhbgljkda ds MUST WATCH NOW.' He was adoooooorable. Have you seen the Buzznet video of him washing his hair in the rain. He's beautiful. It's under 'Splish splash Zack is takin' a bath' on Youtube
    August 11th, 2010 at 03:02pm
  • Haha, he is really good looking. As of now, for me, I think Zack Hansen from The Word Alive is most good looking guy. He's soooo adorable!

    44 hours a week!?! That's more than a full time job!!! That's crazy.

    Haha, man, morning people suck! HAhahaaha.
    August 10th, 2010 at 10:53pm
  • Exactamundo-- the mood has to be right for the words to keep flowin' (;

    that's pretty awesome (: I'm working on my own sequel now, and it's what's sad right now, haha
    breakups are never cheerful

    I have two active ones and two I haven't written for in ages and ages
    but I'm trying to fix that, haha
    I need the closure of just finishing a story, you know?

    that's awesome! Trust me, there's nothing exciting about New Jersey, except maybe for New York City which is close enough for it to be considered an upside (:
    August 10th, 2010 at 09:46pm
  • I know, I like it when I can do the same thing ^^
    Music is perfect for changing a mood, also for getting you into the right mood you need to write it

    That sounds awesome-- Stephen Gomez stories are getting really popular now, but I haven't actually read one yet
    I hate brain-freeze on stories-- I hate starting new ones when I'm still writing one, but I usually try and stay at about four active stories at a time (most of which are more semi-active than not, but meh)
    Oh, that sucks *wince* I run on sugar and sleep, so when I can't get either, I'm inconsolable xD

    I'm from Jersey (you know it's true because I call it "Jersey," not "New Jersey") xD hbu?
    August 9th, 2010 at 04:57am
  • Oh I knoooow! He's so cuuuuuuute! I'm having trouble deciding between him and Kyle. They're just both so adorable and what not :D

    That's what I said! I was like 'why didn't you just move?' She said she didn't want to be mean and make her fall on the floor. I probably would have pushed her on to someone else and left her there hahaha
    Zack IS God. AWWWWH!!! DSGHSAITHIPGBKIBKbb shlbglkA HGLbglk AF THAT'S SO GREAT!!!!!! I would have winked at him and make him keep thinking of me. He would have had to come back and find me eventually, right?

    Oh that's okay, I rant too. I would be like 'Holy shit, am I really here? At the beach? With Zack Merrick? Whom is shirtless?' GAAAAAAH. I love him. I honestly think it's un healthy.
    Zack was singing, in the video. I was saying how I thought of you when he started singing :D

    Oh no problem! I knew I just HAD to send it to you!
    Bahahah yeah I was too, but I don't really care that a toilet is in the background, I just like looking at Zack :)

    Also, I love staring at your layout :) But mostly at Zack
    August 8th, 2010 at 04:45pm