Still alive. (Loved that song)

Hello dear readers.I have taken it upon myself to inform you that I am still alive and well, (as well as I can be at the moment anyway). Now before my message box gets filled with thousands of messages from my legions of devoted fans, (yeah right). I have taken it upon myself to explain my lack of activity.In my last entry I told you all of how I had 'defeated' that nasty virus on my computer with...
December 10th, 2009 at 08:01am

my battle with trojans. (no, not the greek guys or the horse)

I do believe my desk is now considered unholy all started last night, I had just posted my last post and was going to play a little DDO. (Dungeons and Dragons online). When, WHAM!, Trojan pops was called 'Windows police pro' and apparently had jumped onto my computer after a late night Youtube session.well, after almost twenty four hours of cussing, hitting the computer, pleas to...
September 22nd, 2009 at 03:15am

A tale of Death, cleaning, and bad parenting skills.

Well sorry guys, my Internet kicked the bucked for the past few days, (it was like living in the fifty's...*shudder*),and so I could not post any sooner then this, but it turns out that this is the best day to post anyway.Now, if you would please let me rant for a few seconds.My father is the biggest idiot in the entire planet. not in a stupid kind of way, but because he is NOT good at all at...
September 20th, 2009 at 01:17am

Rambleings of a crazy persom...(no, really).

How to begin?.contrary to popular belief, writing a journal is harder then any story. Not because you have to worry about plot links or storylines or that stuff, but because your writing about YOUR story line. and that sucks. period.but it's harder when your life consists of nothing but your own little world that you have created. you might as well be allowing someone to cram their hands into your...
September 15th, 2009 at 08:05am