A Letter To Cameron Jacob Shalaby

In this letter I will be pouring out everything that I've wanted to say to you or that I felt was left unsaid.Cameron,Can you believe what has become of us? I still can't but at the same time I'm glad it did. You don't care about me at all, I'm out of your thoughts and out of your life completely. To you I'm nothing but a bad memory I'm sure. I wanted to tell you I loved you. I wanted to tell you...
November 14th, 2017 at 03:10am

Jacob.... <3 ?

You tell me you love me, but I don't feel the same. You tell me that I've changed you in a good way but I don't see it. I don't know if I can trust you because everything about you seems way too perfect to be true. If I could get the chance to fly across the country to meet you without getting introuble, I would. I just want to be able to meet you, see you, and have you hold me. I want to believe...
June 20th, 2011 at 08:52am

For what it seems my lif is sane but screwed up

In the last 15 yrs of my life I have either made it hell for myself or someone else has. I never intend it to be. I'm so used to it having a little complicated but never extremely. The one time it actually is sane, what I say actually gets my ass the opprotunity to go to jail. Luckly the person that almost got it there dropped the charges. I has never gotten that hecktic(?). Also, I've been having...
December 20th, 2010 at 09:45am

He is so confusing

Everything was great, I was happy and he seemed happy too. We went on Adentures every day after school Monday's threw Thursday's, it was getting closer time. He Told me that he quit smoking becasue of me, he told me that my opinion matter the most to him. We hugged every day. He told me that he trusted me, that I mattered a lot to him. He told me so many things that I can't get them out of my...
April 23rd, 2010 at 09:27am

Having to question the world

OKay I don't understand how I feel right now. My best friend is a lesbian and I feel like I'm loosing my girly side. Like I'm turnign Biosexual; I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that it's just I like guys, men, males, Penises. But lately I havn't like a guy so my mind is open to any possiblities right now, but I don't want the possibilties pf being biosexual. Again, nothing against you...
March 16th, 2010 at 04:59am