Our eyes met in a crowded room, all the emotions we felt showed upon our faces,how is it possible to meet someone so similar to you and that understands you in a completely other level than anyone before, how is it possible to connect so deeply with a mere stranger, why does this stranger know a side of you that you don’t even show your best friends. A helpless romantic searching for that one...
March 1st, 2010 at 02:44am


I've been sick this past weeknyway I got really mad yesterday cuz I went on myspace and sbnhtarted chatting with a guy friend that I met last year. He was a senior and I was a junior. Anyway I had developed a small crush on him but he confused me. Well by the end of the year he had a new girlfriend and I got over him. And yesterday he starts telling me that he liked me but was too scared to ask me...
November 7th, 2009 at 12:40am

So sad

Today in the morning before school my friend texts me to see if I can give her a ride. So my dad and me go to pick her up. She has two dogs that are super cute. Anyways my dad takes us to school and everything is going normal. After school we went to this dance team thing. Here's the problem...the only reason we are in it is because our other friend asked us to be in it. But we don't like it. And...
September 25th, 2009 at 07:13am

A gust of wind :(

So today I decided to look extra cute for school. I straightened my hair and took extra time with makeup. I also decided to wear my cute new skirt. Its a little above my knees with a totally cute flower print. All day I felt really cute and even received a few compliments. By the end of the day I was waiting for my mom to pick me up and as I was going to the car a gust of wind flew my way. My...
September 24th, 2009 at 08:06am


School is over for the day. The hot sun is beating upon my head. Moisture along my forehead trying to cool down my hot body. I was stupid enough in choosing to wear black pants and an elbow length shirt. My mother is taking forever in arriving. The minutes tick and tock making the seconds pass dreadfully slow.My mother finally arrives and I feel the blast of the air condition cooly on my hot face....
September 17th, 2009 at 11:17pm


Today I decided to go running. I put on some shorts and a black t-shirt. Well there were these nasty old gardeners that started whistling at me. I not racist cuz I'm hispanic so I don't want you to get the wrong idea.When I got home I turn on the tv and started watching this show in spanish called 12 corazones. This show is so entertaining because its a dating show. The people on the show are...
September 15th, 2009 at 09:00am

the diet

Well I started a diet before summer began I have already lost 15 pounds. One of the things I did was stop eating meat. I only eat seafood and veggie. I am trying hard to cut out carbs but it soo hard. My problem isn't sugar. My problem is pastas, cheese,creamy soups and sauces, bread, all that good stuff. I making myself hungry just thinking about it haha. I also started drinking lots of water.The...
September 14th, 2009 at 08:13am

My Crush

If your read my previoud journal you would know I'm at a new school this year. Anyways, so I met this guy in my english class. I find him to be the cutest guy ever. He is a soccor player and he smart too which amazing. I am totally crushing on him cuz he too cute. I haven't had a crush on anyone in the last two years. Werid huh. I guess I hadn't met anyone interesting enough.****Also I have been...
September 13th, 2009 at 09:49pm

BiPolar teacher

I don't know why but I always end up writing journals on sunday. Anyways I had to move so I started my senior year at a new school. I have noticed that quite a few people are in the same situation. Three of my new friends are also new to the school. I just thought it was weird but I guess I shouldn't because the economy is so bad that its forcing people to move.I live about an hour away from where...
September 13th, 2009 at 09:41pm

I thought senior year was suppose to be easy!

Yet again another weekend that I fell sooo lazy and not wanting to do my HW. I hate getting hw on weekends. I don't understand why teachers feel the need to assign hw on the weekends. Weekends are days when I shouldn't be thinking of school. But because my stupid teachers give me soo much damn hw I have to worry all weekend about it, while waiting until the last minute to finally do it. I know...
September 13th, 2009 at 12:07pm


It sunday and I spent my precious nonschoolday writing stories on Mibba instead of writing a 1000 word essay on crohns disease for anatomy class that due tomorrow. I really have to start that but I'm totally lazy. My teacher felt the need to assign a lab a before the test and an essay right after the test! It too much work but it has to be done especially if I want to go to nursing school. I have...
August 31st, 2009 at 05:01am