Valencia Laekin / Comments

  • Au contraire! I shall win and win and win until I cannot win anymore. And then I shall win once more. :)
    January 21st, 2011 at 10:17am
    January 20th, 2011 at 08:13pm
  • Haha, I felt it was time to bring out the inner me. (I've been Lady.Orion since...the summer I guess but I've decided to "change" now. :/) I sign all my poems and stuff that nowadays. XD
    Yup. Finals in a week. Gah.
    Good luck with that. I don't remember our last convo. (:
    January 18th, 2011 at 11:06pm
  • No problem :) I'm totally sure the rest of the story will keep me on my toes. It's so great I'm just like, droool - Finally a good story.
    January 12th, 2011 at 09:55am
  • No, I am absolutely a hundred percent sure that it is superior. (:

    But thanks anyways. haha. My stories are kinda I dunno. I'm not really good at finishing, just starting. And I can't find the right words to describe what I want to describe. It's pretty awful, because I love writing, but I'm just not that great at it. hah
    January 5th, 2011 at 01:13pm
  • Your writing style is really amazing (:
    I wish that I could write nearly as good as you do.
    January 4th, 2011 at 12:13am
  • Sure thing! But which stories do you want the subscription and banner for?
    December 31st, 2010 at 11:13pm
  • I don't celebrate but thanks I guess. :D
    December 28th, 2010 at 08:17pm
  • my friend was actually a lot more ticked off than i was. >.<
    i was just kind of upset about it,
    o: that is horrible!
    haha, i don't think anything would stop me from writing for a quarter of a century..
    though i did think of giving up the story itself.

    haha, i am doing lovely, and yourself?
    and now, christmas is over - sad face - and now i can enjoy my presents ^.^
    did you get anything good?
    happy belated holidays! XD
    December 26th, 2010 at 04:14pm
    December 26th, 2010 at 12:37pm
  • Sure thing. :) Good luck on the exam!
    December 19th, 2010 at 10:47pm
  • hey :)
    thanks a bunch for the story comment,
    yours was actually helpful, and i really do appreciate it.
    i will go back and edit my chapters. not sure if my friend will, but oh well.
    it must have taken you literally forever to write it out.

    how are you? c:
    December 19th, 2010 at 06:07pm
  • Congrats! You have placed first in the Über Infectious Song Contest! Woo hoo! Here's what you've won:

    -A comment on whatever stories you want feedback on (It can be all of your stories if you want).
    -A subscription to a story of your choice.
    -A banner for a story of your choice.
    -A link to your profile in my signature for a month.
    -Bragging rights.

    Great job :)
    December 18th, 2010 at 01:53am
  • I had to Google it the first time too. :)

    All's well that ends well.

    Baby's good. Laughs and smiles for me instantly. (I still don't know what's so funny about me.)

    Haha thanks. I use the age card on myself to explain things that shouldn't be explained that way at all. The only reason I think Mr. Guy is using the age card against me is because he said, once upon a time [while we were professionally flirty, fyi], "how old are you again?" And although that may sound like he doesn't know how old I am, it's in fact proof to my supposed theory. (Which is: he likes(d) me and was afraid of it because I was younger. He also said, "talk to you..some other time." which I deduced to mean, "when you're older." I'm hoping I'm old enough now hahaha. XD)

    I'll listen to it as soon as SHino-possible. :)

    I haven't gotten one yet. Don't think I will either because in a month's time, I have midterms, before that I will be too busy with, ahem, someone. And in February, I will be (hopefully!) preparing for my SATs and getting around to college apps. That's if I get around to deciding my future first. :/ Feb, Mar, April, May. That's all I have until senior year is over. And I graduate. And my life begins. Again. -_-'

    But I still want money!

    I always yell at the dumb person who says, "Who's there?" in scary movies instead of going to check [i]quietly.[/i] O_O

    Haha, thanks for reminding me. I failed Nano oh so terribly. But whatev. It's that By Kismet story. And no, I'm stuck (still) at the part MGC and MBC meet. (Main Girl Character, Main Boy Character....) And I'm a little--a lot--lazy. :/

    Well, okayyy. I meant it's my life story. Except I've made it a whole lot more interesting, the names are so wrong haha and umm...I'm not that cool. :)

    I already lost my first comment so this one BETTER NOT DISAPPEAR.

    Mr. Magic Man, Mr. Magic Man, oh please make me understand. (I don't know what I was doing ^ there just now...)
    December 14th, 2010 at 05:08pm
  • Sorry I didn't to you sooner on this, but yes, it is alright to submit your entry still. :)
    December 11th, 2010 at 10:34pm
  • Yet another warning for the Über Infectious Song Contest! Three more days until your entry is due!!!
    December 8th, 2010 at 04:26am
  • Regarding the Über Infectious Song Contest: Hi there! I have changed the final deadline to December 10th to give you guys more time on your entries. However, there will be a grace period of two days; So get cracka-lackin'!
    December 2nd, 2010 at 02:08am
  • I'm not calling truce. :P

    He's so adorable. xD He likes it when you talk to him and if I ask him a question, he makes this sound like he's trying to answer. Gah, two more months and he'll be even more adorable. Until then, I have to put up with wondering what he's laughing at. :D

    If you get too close, his face is like he can't even see anything hah. But he does know when there's something there and he tries to follow it, wonders where it went. He likes to watch the fan hanging from the ceiling too. Mother says she'll buy him those toys that play songs and rotate above the crib. (The last one we had was for the now 9 year old and it was a Winnie the Pooh. Older sister and I massacred it. :X)

    Hahaha. Now that I think of it, I really do not know why I haven't. It's probably because I like people to find the story all by themselves. To want to comment and subscribe. I sound so corny haa. It's like that whole love thing. (Wait for love, don't go looking for it. Blah.)

    But I might blow a gasket some day. :D

    It was a perfected plan. Never got caught. But the amusement park we went to had only two rides working that day. Ugh. At least one of them was the rollercoaster. (I still have that stomach-ran-away feeling...nah, it's long gone now.)

    Haa, call me nerd for that reason but not for liking to study, willing to study or voting to have extra classes. Because that's absurd. :D (Honestly though, for the most part, even though I guess all the answers, Calculus isn't as hard as I thought it would be. :/)

    Everyone's on about getting a job. I should get off my ass now haha. Dang, you make me feel fat! I've been telling myself to get in shape before ahem, well. Let's just say someone needs to see me looking good when we reunite. :D

    Hahahahaha! And then fast forward ten more years and Cameron is a jock with all the ladies and Jamie is...ahem, gay. XD

    Let me cheer you up on that. I entered Nano and I'm supposed to have 50,000 words by today and then edit those in the next five days but no. I'm a lazy ass that skipped so many days and had a total of 15,000 only. (I don't think 1,200 is that hard. And no, a story is NOT fun when you have a deadline and self-pressure. :P ...But it is easier haha.)

    For what it's worth, I can't even use pencils that way haa. But I'm going to learn to use chopsticks. WATCH ME DO IT! xD

    A and C have died now. May they rest in peace. Amen.

    B) I've read the first chapter and a little of the second. Boy, I feel really stupid haha because it's like, you're expecting us to pick up on the hints that you so cleverly hidden and I only get like, 2/3 of it haa. (I'm sensing a second sequel to Whatever It Takes. My first failed thought? She's the daughter of Kherington and Sparks. :D)

    I can't self-promote. I just can't. I feel like I'm thinking too highly of myself. The farthest I've gone to self-promoting? A) Putting it in my signature next to the current stories I'm whoring and b) Casually entering the name of my story in a comment. Like this: "My life is pretty okay, thanks for asking. I'm just frustrated because I have no idea how to end the eleventh chapter of By Kismet. But I alway come through so. :D"

    :bows: And there you have it! Subtle advertisement. :))

    I'm flattered that writing a comment to me is easier than a PolSci paper. Really. I am. :P

    And now I must go paste this on your page, reply to the others on mine and try (and fail) to write the 35,000 words that's expected of me by my subconcious. Toodles. :)

    ps: Since we're shamelessly promoting ourselves, I suggest you read Beyond the Realms (because it's my favourite), By Kismet (maybe it's to your personal liking...?) and Show Me What You're After (because it could or could not be about my very own life.) :D
    November 25th, 2010 at 10:58pm
  • A) Dude, I don't think any of us will win with this layout contest.
    B) You have a new story up and you didn't come running to me shoving it down my throat?
    C) Your reply is still pending. :3
    November 23rd, 2010 at 07:58pm
  • exactly! :) haha
    November 11th, 2010 at 02:14am