Valencia Laekin / Comments

  • are you going to continue whatever it takes or is it done already : )
    September 20th, 2010 at 01:10am
    It was given to me by Mr. Suspect Number #1 HIMSELF. He said he found it on top of the fridge (the second fridge, not the one in the kitchen...) and that's perfectly okay except for the fact that I brush my younger siblings' teeth everyday and I've never seen it up there. Yeah. I would know. I put their toothpaste up there all the time.
    But whatever. I'm eternally grateful either way. :)
    September 9th, 2010 at 01:01am
  • Haha, nice. (thumbs up.) I approve of your word choice haa. :) I cannot wait until your room is stupendous.
    It sounds like a good apartment. Man, how I want to leave.

    Oh man. That sucks.

    Haha. The youngest vintage clothing disgusts me. And hammer pants? Man. But I swear, the clothes they show on the fashion runway? They make me sick.

    Lmao. Oh. Well, I really hate the Repo Man then. And I never wanna be in debt.

    Haha, that sounds like so much fun. I even like that word. Frosh. :)
    I've been wanting to do stuff like that since I watched Parent Trap. XD

    And no. My classes start sometime at the end of this month maybe. After my birthday. (if I have anything to say about it!)

    Oh yay Mojo! I may not know them personally but I like your story. So there.
    September 8th, 2010 at 09:12pm
  • on a tree*
    September 6th, 2010 at 04:37pm
  • We've all done that before. But at least you didn't lose it. That's always a plus.

    You're welcome for the birthday wish. xD Oh, only 18. That's great. (I thought you might me a million years older haa.) My mother thinks I'm turning 17. (Am I really that mature haa.) I told her I'm still fifteen...she gasped. o_o

    I swear, whenever we move, the first thing I make my dad do is get internet access! XD

    Oh wow. An apartment. It's better than a loft or a house. Where you're completely alooone. But apartments are freakier. I mean, I have nightmares of my old apartment every day. It involves a guy with a knife and me waiting for the elevator...

    What's Frosh week? :) I've been wanting to ask.

    I want to paint. I've always thought it was fun.

    Yeah, some of my ideas come from my dreams. (They really do.) And I don't think I want to know what that dream meant hahaha. :] The other night's dream...I got married. To the guy I've been crushing on for years. And my little sister asked him first but she was referring to his brother and this whole thing got messed up. And he was reading this book and I gave him a flower that looked a lot like a daisy...and somehow, that meant "I love you" to him. I figured he loved me too because he kept the flower, haa. It was really strange. O_O And the dude that reads our vows and stuff (I forgot what they're called.)? He was a cat's face of a tree bark. Kinda reminded me of a mix between the Chesire cat and Garfield.
    One of these days I'm going to lose it. Really.

    I've only been recently aquainted. I can't wait to move out. They're small and hard to see. And they suck blood. Yeah, vampire bugs. For some reason, I only get bitten. (I don't want to think about how my blood is sweet because that's just sick. . . But it's an intriguing thought.) Ohh, Emmett. XD

    LMAO. Well, my Sweet Sixteen is a big one. So I deserve a PSP Go. :) I'm planning on getting a sidekick. I want that so badly. And then a Mac Pro when I leave. (I'll be turning 17 so I can just say it's for my 17 AND 18th...)

    I've got two games downloaded. Sweet. Do you know Assassin's Creed? I love it.

    They didn't dress like that but people are the same. I bet their brains didn't factor in the fact that they could've dressed like that. Face it, fashion was beyond them.

    I don't think so. I for one, know you're alive. And I know a lot of people who don't update in months. It sucks but hey. Cest la vie. :)

    PS: You didn't answer. WHO IS THE REPO MAN? :(
    September 6th, 2010 at 04:34pm
  • YES. I KNOW I LEFT YOU TWO LONG COMMENTS. But I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY. :) Are you nineteen now? Because you're profile said eighteen awhile ago.....
    Well, anyways. Hope work isn't too stessful. ;)
    September 3rd, 2010 at 04:42pm
  • Something in my water. XD It's just, I think about his beautiful smile all the time.

    You should go with purple, any shade of the color. Heck, why do you want to bother yourself?
    Don't you know that a colorful room requires a lot of work? Yeahhhh. :P

    It sounds pretty. (Heck, what do I really know about dresses!) And don't worry, nothing will happen to it.

    Who's the Repo man? I'm thinking you mean the Death Reaper but I could be way off. O_o
    And in that case, I totally bought this PSP for my birthday! (Which is half true to be honest. I bought it a month ago.)

    Epci fail. XD Want my pathetic story? So I finally got my promotion code and am ready to download my ten free games.
    But no, it's not that easy. I have to, apparently, WAIT for the download. I don't mean a three hour wait or something like that.
    No, that's simple. I'm talking hours, [i]days[/i] of waiting and not a hundered percent assurance. See, yesterday, I finally got it to make it to 79%. But guess what?
    The stupid connection cut because I fell asleep. (Can't blame me, it was 6AM!)

    So I started it afresh today...and I was gone for about ten minutes and it cut. Actually, it probably shut off now too. :(

    It could suck. But I want it to be great. :)

    I could give it a try. But I think my brother's fighting my battle. :D :D

    I had a Gameboy before the PSP. My little sister put water on it so it doesn't work. But I kept the Pokemon game. :)
    I gotta catch em all! XD

    Oh my. Haha. But hunz, all songs are like that. I swear, if you really listen to them, you can hear it! I can only shake my head.

    Nope. Haven't found it yet. :(

    PS: 4 hours and it's your birthday where I live. XD
    September 2nd, 2010 at 06:56pm
  • Haha that's pretty funny. I twirled for a majorette squad. If you go on youtube and type in Mountain Valley Majorettes.
    September 1st, 2010 at 01:36am
  • TAILS*
    August 31st, 2010 at 04:35pm

    I know you left me a long comment (trust me, I've read it through haa) but it's gonna have to wait.
    I will reply to that soon enough. But first things first!

    I had this super cool dream and woke up about an hour and a half ago! It. Was. Superb.

    I don't know what I was doing but I remember a bus (maybe a school bus) and my mother was sitting in the seat in front of me, with my siblings scattered around in front of her.
    Beside me was a guy that looked exactly like the cute one with the Elvis hair in my class one minute and the actor in the Japanese drama Orange Days the other. (It's freaky how they look alike. I did a quick search. Here: )

    Anyways, I kept stretching my hand and touching the window beside him and my mother was thinking I was trying to get his attention, haa. (But really, I was trying to hit the cool yellow button that kept popping up...)

    And I don't remember the details of this part but it was...huuuuuuuuuh. So gahh!

    I'm sorta pissed off because these stupid bed bugs (yes, the vampirish type.) had woken me up.

    But when I eventually went back, I had another dream! This one was...F.U.B.A.R. In a good way!

    I was under some kind of mission or something, we had to try and find...something. Or solve something.
    But we had to keep it secret. There was this evil lady on our tales. (Worst, part? I think she was our teacher or something.)

    Four of them went into a seperate room (that looked a lot like my mother's) and I stayed behind...for some reason.
    So I overheard the teacher's conversation. She said, "He (the cute boy I'm about to describe) thinks I don't know anything. But I can hear every word."
    Then she said something like, "I didn't think he'd tell those kids (me and the others) so much. I thought he'd keep it on a low profile. Hmm."

    That's when I casually entered the room. (the one that looked like my mother's)

    I tried to tell them she could hear us but I didn't want to tell them outloud....So what I did was:

    I started to whisper and when it was clear he could not hear me, I...leaned so close to his ear...

    And the teacher was in the room so we made it...uhhh, we made it look like we were making out. O_O

    So we, umm, kept doing that and I relayed the info to him. He tensed and I was afraid he might give it away from his expression so I...

    Uh...well, I um...sorta...pushed him on his back....and kinda...uhh, went on top of him. -__-

    ...I woke up ashamed...but impressed..and really happy lol.

    And the guy? He was a cross between Channing Tatum, Toby Jenkins (my character...) and a little of someone else. I don't really know but he had an adorably handsome face.

    The rest of the dream was about us running away and blah. Not important.

    Except the part where we ran into my friend's sister and she tried to drives us away from the people chasing us...

    She thought we were a drunk couple. (Psst: the boy didn't deny it!)

    So yeah. There's my super weird but super hot dream. XD

    I have no idea why I'm telling you but I recall waking up and whispering, "Must tell Val." :)

    PS: Other reply is coming soon. (But don't worry, not too soon. XD)
    August 31st, 2010 at 04:34pm
  • [i] And to think I just go to bed, pass out and wake up without a thought. What am I missing out on!? [/i] totally managed to screw with my head. What am [i]I[/i] missing out on?

    I think the best colour (note: I'm Canadian, ftw.) would be purple for you. I don't know why but it just hit me. It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm wearing a purple miniskirt, a lilac sports pants OR a lavender summer t-shirt/short dress. Nah-uh.
    Honestly, the colour purple (I did not mean the movie reference..) suits you. (Haha, the you in my head, that is.) It's also my semi favourite (watch that ''u'' in between!).

    A birthday dress? Sweet. Describe it.

    I've never bought myself anything for my birthday. :/

    Great idea! If I don't manage to find one or get one, I'll improvise. ;)

    That's ashame. I on the other hand, cannot seem to lock up these ideas haha. I've been writing and writing!
    And there's always some new twist that wounds its way into my plot. Gosh, I'm so excited.

    Haha, I think it's a lot sad that you're heartbroken over a game. :P

    ....Not so much. I'm moving to a new school. :( And also, I would just like to add how I'm going to be doing five different major exams (its a precaution, ugh.) and that I'll have a newborn family member. Oh and that I might probably never step foot out of this country.
    The worst part of it all is the thought (THE THOUGHT) of going to my old man's university. (DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW I'D RATHER DIE, A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH?????)

    PS: This has nothing to do with anything but I managed to get on friendly terms with my PSP. :)
    We are soon hitting the friends with benefits level, oh yeah. xD
    August 30th, 2010 at 02:03am
  • It's no fixed? Oh man! That sucks. :(
    And work on your birthday? I thought I had it bad. (My birthday's two days before senior year starts.) But at least you get money on top of it haa.
    Bummer. I haven't dreamt of Tom for a long time. I miss those dreams...the ones where random cute/hot guys are in. xD
    I swear, this one time, there was a guy I never met before in it. Not even an actor! And he acted like he knew me (dude, he held my hand!) and now I'm on the hunt to find this dude. For some reason, I feel like I'll meet him in uni. xD
    August 27th, 2010 at 03:41pm
  • Well, I haven’t exactly seen the whole movie but it bore me before I could. Scary things to me are yes, invisible and always jumping at you. Jeepers Creepers is scary. The dude is…maan. The Ring was crap. Except when she crawls out of the television….I didn’t like that very much.
    I guess to me, anything is scary if the lights are turned off and the house is empty and quiet when I watch. And if I have my annoying siblings to scream every second or touch my sensitive neckline. Ugh.
    Aha…so, am I supposed to believe that haha. What a weird pair of names you randomly chose :P
    I’m afraid I do not know a Reid. :/ Criminal Minds is the one show I happen to not watch yet. I always miss it and if I don’t, it’s halfway on already. But I’m going to state how I’ll never wear a hat. Nor glasses or a petticoat. And no briefcase. I’ll just wear obnoxious clothes. I’ll be my very own Sherlock Holmes. I’ll wear a bowtie! And an eyeglass, maybe even a cap. (I just mentioned three clothing from Detective Conan.)
    Even my old classmates, the not so bright ones, loved it. So yeah, I think I’m going to see this movie after all that talk I heard. Then maybe Step Up 3D, haha.
    Dude, good luck on that one. If you need help, I might be here. Though I must warn you, the longest I can write is about…100 chapters. If I push it I mean. :D

    Oh brother. That must have sucked. I mean, wow. All that in one day? Or two, whatever. Ahh, I must admit. I’ve got your throat problem. ( Did you cough on my comment?) I’m sick with a cold and a running nose which I can never seem to catch. XD And it’s all thanks to my stupid cousin who stole half the bag of bread I microwaved yesterday. Grr. I’m so mad at him!
    Are you by any chance rubbing that in my face? Because I happen to love pepperoni pizza and am craving it right about now actually. Stomach’s gurgling. How much did it cost anyway? For further reference when I’m there hahahah. xD
    And I do remember the really cool ones. I don’t let myself forget…until maybe that afternoon. Or sometimes, I recall them just as I’m about to fall into a deep sleep. :) I still remember a couple of years ago, I had a dream that Clark Kent (Tom Weiling.) was in my living room. Not only that, but he was apparently my boyfriend! He was holding my hand so casually and I kept hiding our entwined hands behind my back because my brother, best friend and the guy I’ve been crushing on for years were right next door, playing a game or something. I kept tossing and turning whenever he tried to kiss me and I all but yelled annoyed when I woke up before it happened. It was like, so not fair. xD

    PS: Glad the laptop's fixed! :D
    August 23rd, 2010 at 11:55pm
  • Hah, reading another one of my comment huh? :P
    Who’s Toby and Heath? *looks around nonchalantly*
    And yeah. I see brown hair and blue eyes, a nice build but a hard face. To be truthful, I see blurs too. I mean, Kherington has brown hair and green eyes according to me and isn’t too tall.I can’t see her face though but she’s a beauty. Not drop dead but the type you see yourself envy. At least, that’s what I [i] think[/i] I see.
    I wake up around 1PM everyday, to be honest. And I sleep close to 4AM. It’s a way of life. And summer time makes no difference. When I have school I sleep at 2AM and then take a nap in the afternoon for about two hours depending on how tiring the day was. :/ I’m an insomniac that sleeps way too much haha. It’s pretty ironic really. I only sleep for my dreams.
    Speaking of, there were two cute ones in the other night’s. But they were gay and not only that, incest love. Gosh, what darn luck eh? But I told the one that saved me from getting hit by one of the balls that were flying from the sky that I’ll make him fall for me hahah. The dream me is funny..
    I don’t really know. I love to do Criminology. I mean, I’ve always adored mystery and secretly wanted to become a detective. Be the force behind the force, yeh know? I don’t wanna be a police officer, but the one that gives them leads. Homicidal detective, hah. That is something that might never happen.
    I didn’t think Paranormal Activity was scary. It was rather bogus to be honest. And it was a documentary, if I’m not mistaken…I’d like to mention how I hate those. I’ve never seen one but now I may as well not. Oh and I haven’t seen SALT but it looked good. I wanna see Inception. Have you?
    Now there’s where you and I completely disagree. Firstly, I do NOT wear hats of any kind. I don’t think I’ve ever touched a hat let alone wear one. (Exaggeration.)And yellow? I’m proud to say I don’t OWN anything yellow. If I WERE wearing a hat, I’d wear…black or white or something that matched my skirt. Which would be black or white. Or purple.

    PS: Who would read a million chaptered story?
    August 12th, 2010 at 08:36pm
  • Greetings, Valencia.
    Ah whoops? No, that won't work. Um, well, I hope to have chapter 5 out before this Friday because I can't wait to meet up with Kherington and Bubba once more. So, I'm off to make sure it happens right now. Hobby Lane can't travel itself. Haha. :)
    August 9th, 2010 at 10:03pm
  • Haha. :)

    Yes, yes. The youth have power over the senile. We change the future. It's in our hands. Muhahaha. But in my dream/flashback, I became friends with the old lady that moved into apartment number 504 - where I used to live. Then I thought that was stupid and in my head, made a really cute guy (that kinda looks like Sparks now that I think of it.) open the door, hahaha. The power of imagination. It sucks sometimes because soon after, he became a killer and I had to try and climb down four storeys (?) of balconies. Made it but scarcely.

    That would be cool. Imagine we had our memories like videos. We can't edit it but so what. At least we don't have to forget anything. (And no, only we are allowed to see it and nobody else. That way is so much better.)

    Yawns. I'm pretty much rambling on and on about God knows what. It's already 5PM but I feel like the day has just begun. (Duh, woke up at 1PM.)

    OH OH. I had a dream I went to Canada and we decided to meet somewhere (was it Chapters? hah). But of course, silly us didn't know what the hell either of us looked like! It was a regular SNAFU.
    August 8th, 2010 at 04:06pm
  • *Then my [i]sister[/i] and brother. NOTE: Only one of each.

    Oh and I was kidding about the forensic thing. It's a dream. D:
    August 7th, 2010 at 10:05pm
  • I so knew it. ;) I'm 20 days after you! And yeah, I guess we aren't exactly on their list of "New Year's Resolution". (i.e Experiment A: Make Baby.) You are so welcome for that imagery just now.

    Aha, well I'd rather go young. Then at least, on the off chance that I do fail, I could say that it must have been to early after all. Plus, the thought of everyone feeling intimidated by a sixteen year old in their course makes it exciting. I almost feel like Kherington. (How is she btw? xD)

    Hmm, I'm planing on going to Canada. That's where my heart's set. UOttawa for forensic science. (Does that sound as stupid as it does to me?) But of course, my parents think they can convince me (or force me) to stay here and attend my dad's university. (Um, ew.)
    I really couldn't care less where I go as long as I don't have to be within quick visiting reach of my immediate family. (Unless I go to Ottawa. Then my sisters and brothers can come all the time. Ugh. But hey, you are in Toronto too so I guess its worth it haha.)

    I had one hell of a flashback of all my childhood memories in Ottawa, right down to the apartments name and the nearest mall. :/
    August 7th, 2010 at 10:03pm
  • The flattery is getting to my head. Unless of course, you were talking about yourself haha. :) When's your DO.B?

    Yeah, I usually use LOL, LMAO, FOMCL and ROFL for times when I think is appropriate. LOL is used when you don't know what else to say. People do it all the time. But I'm not one to laugh out loud so I just let you know that, if I were someone else, I'd be ROFLing. XD

    And yes, I skipped a grade. Sucks when you know you aren't in the right class. People don't get how since I'm younger, I have a right to sometimes not understand. But daddyo believes I should always be the smartest. Ugh, it's another S.N.A.F.U. XD
    August 7th, 2010 at 09:08pm
  • F.U.B.A.R is amazing and I will be using it henceforth. I don't know why I don't know it. :) I was obsessed with FOMCL (falling of my chair laughing.)

    Stupendous is a real word yes. :P The reason behind it being my username will be too hard for you to understand thus I shall not mention it.

    Aha. There's no shame in eavesdropping - so long as you don't get caught. But I shamelessly read other people's comments when I'm on hold for one. I don't feel bad for reading my friends' because whether or not they know it, they've read some of mine too. That's how it goes.

    In answer to your question, yes. I'm turning sixteen next month and will be in my last year of high school. Senior life is just around the corner. So yeah, when I enter university I'll have a few days to go before I'm seventeen. :)
    August 7th, 2010 at 08:32pm