Valencia Laekin / Comments

  • That sounds. . like what I do to get out of studying all day long. Haha. :) But it sounds fun, tbh.

    Ahh, exactly. Sometimes I wonder how they can wonder when it's so obviously obvious ! I mean, I know I can write mysteriously (trust me, I [i]talk[/i] that way) but I just can't see how they don't understand, hints aside.

    Well, any writer that I tell them is brilliant more than once should be proud. I don't exactly throw that lightly unless I've been blown away. XD

    (I still haven't read your story yet - I got caught up writing something - but it's on my list so it'll get done eventually. )

    You're in Toronto? Wow, my sister's there. :] But I doubt you'd know her or anything. Unless you know a crazy twenty-one year old that cooes at cute things and waves at Asian people despite not knowing them. :D
    June 11th, 2010 at 11:30pm
  • Ah, damn! I thought I had it there. Well, I'm going to read the last few chapters again to figure it out. =D

    I completely agree. It's just a matter of time before new topics move in and people write about that. Like, I've been really into reading band fics, but I've been moving on to hockey. xD I'm not even really a hockey fan.... soo. Yeah, times are changing on Mibba, as always. I think you made me realize something about myself... I've been wondering why it's so hard for me to write fan fics, but I think it's because I'm conflicted by the reality of who the person is versus who I want them to be in the story. Ah, well, I'll figure it out sometime!

    I think it's okay to leave the past out for them, because even though they're important to certain parts of the story, the details you've given about them tell us all the necessary information.
    June 11th, 2010 at 09:25pm
  • WOW. CONGRATS ! (even though I have no idea what that program means.) :D

    Yeah, I feel so sorry for those. My dad makes me take these. I know if I'd drop them, he'd skin me alive. No, he'd make me feel guilty. That's what he does.

    Haha, my life story, yes. I have lots of potential ideas locked up in my notes but I only post the ones I don't care much about because I want to know how they will be received. I feel so self-concious and shy and it took so much for me to post my poems and stories (you'll laugh at this because I have a zillion poems and a couple of stories.) but now it's so easy ! If people like these stories, they are going to love the ones I love so I'm secretly trying to finish those up and then I might post them. (You don't have to go read my stories, they pretty much--well, I'm not going to lie, they don't [i]suck[/i]--but I don't feel what I feel when I read someone else's that I like (Like Sam's!). But maybe that's how it goes I guess. :]
    June 11th, 2010 at 07:42pm
  • Haha ! :)

    I don't even want to think about them. I feel sorry for them but I'm sure they enjoy it. (Why else would they freakin' take the subject?) My dream is to publish a book or two, maybe fifty. Depends really, haha. But I do want my name out there.

    Wait, what do you take again? (I've read chapter three. It almost killed me stop reading you know. But duty calls. And I'm not talking about the bathroom, lol. )
    June 11th, 2010 at 06:38pm
  • Haha, I wish that were true. But unfortunately, I have another year to go.

    That would probably be the smartest move you'll ever make in your life dear. :]

    I'm going to become anything that doesn't require Physics. As far as I'm concerned, [i]that is my dream.[/i]

    Thanks. And I did. I KILLED THEM BOTH ! xD

    Another smart move. I'm going to read it all as soon as I finish editing stuff. :)
    I'm sure it's great but I won't say anything now . . ( :D :D :D)
    June 10th, 2010 at 09:19pm
  • In my opinion, the best authors are the ones who give their characters life.. they're not just involved in the drama of the story. They have pasts, and by giving details of their past, it makes them more real.

    Well, I hope people appreciate the story.. they would honestly be crazy not to. But on Mibba, it seems like the running thing is band fics.. I'm into those, too, but they're getting too generic. It's refreshing to be able to read something different.

    I'm really trying to figure out what you mean... but for the life of me, I can't think of it. I have some ideas, though..
    WAIT. Does it have to do with Santana's illness?! Maybe I'm grasping at straws here. I hate being out of the loop haha!
    June 10th, 2010 at 08:51pm
  • Lmao xD Nice pun! But seriously... I really hope that because he's seen how his father treats his mother, he will know to stop it before it gets completely out of hand and she's put in the hospital.
    Wow, look at me talking like it's a TV show. xD That's should tell you that this is an excellent story... I honestly feel really connected to the characters whenever I read it.

    Oh my god, no.... I noticed more details than I did before, (sometimes I swear I have ADD) and that made it even more amazing in my opinion. I know I skipped over some things in the last chapter, so I'll have to re-read that again. ^.^
    June 10th, 2010 at 04:55pm
  • I was thinking of using that layout today. :)
    It's so me - cat, camera, middle of nowhere. xD
    And yay! It's back to normal! Thanks.
    Now I can read this masterpiece. ;)
    And I don't believe you'll screw it up because you are on SpinningTales' page as a recommendation to the world. XD
    So you at least must have a super amazing story if not brilliant. :P

    I feel almost sad that I can't read anymore chapters because I have an exam (*cough two cough*) tomorrow and although I'm freakin out because I don't know Physics AT ALL despite it being the end of the year. . .all I can think about is replying to my comments and maybe making myself food. :3
    Gah, I talk a lot. Sorry. xD
    June 8th, 2010 at 06:48pm
  • Gah, I didn't mean font. I meant the whole thing. I can't see because of the color.
    June 8th, 2010 at 03:06pm
  • Hey there! :)
    I was just reading your story ( love it so far btw) and I'm only on chapter two but I liked the first chapter and thought I shouldn't judge it so soon and tried out chapter two. But it didn't matter - I loved it all the same. xD
    It's a really good story and I wanted to have a read before I went to bed but there seems to be a problem with your font. I can't read anything. :( Care to explain to my deflated excitement?
    June 8th, 2010 at 03:05pm