Haircuts and Superpowers!

Well, as you can guess, from the title of this entry, it will be predominantly about haircuts and superpowers.Haircuts:So, yesterday I went and got my hair cut for the new school year. The woman did NOT get the picture I gave her, and she cut my bangs kind of oddly. I was not too happy yesterday, but today I figured out how to style them and now I feel better. HOORAYNow...Superpowers:So my friends...
August 20th, 2009 at 03:38am

Mixed Emotions

This journal is about the bipolar life and times of me, Delilah. So I was chatting with my friend and he told me the worst news ever! He told me my favorite teacher was fired from my old school for no reason. Appearently he "couldn't control his class". That is absolutely not true! I'm so upset, he was such an awesome teacher, he was even in the "Who's Who Book of Teachers", a book naming the best...
August 19th, 2009 at 04:48am

Ninja Warrior!

Alright...for this entry, kudos goes to my friend Emily. She turned me on to a little tv show I like to call Ninja Warrior! This is like the most radtastic tv show ever! It's a Japanese program where these people compete in four stages of crazy obstacles to see who's the most ninja-like. I <3 it.News on Chapter 4: I am currently working on chapter 4 of "Torn in Three". For some reason, the...
August 18th, 2009 at 04:50am

Dae Yum Yum!

Oh-kay...I don't watch nor do I even like the show Big Brother. BUT--I was flipping through the channels and stopped on it for like sixty seconds. I saw this bleached-blond girl and this guy sitting talking and the girl was like "See this. This is my unicorn Dae Yum Yum. He's magical." I couldn't help but laughing. How I love magical unicorns.I'm writing about this because nothing at all happened...
August 17th, 2009 at 05:15am

Chapter 3...among other things

So....what's up kids?Today we continued our garage sale. (oh yeah! this is how we party in Ohio!)I got a sunburn T-T...but not too bad...just on my arms and upper lip (?)Then I went to the bookstore with my friend. (Hooray for Lovely Complex!)I am getting my hair cut on Tuesday (I'm feeling random)I just noticed all of these facts have a note in parentheses (weird huh?)Chapter 3 of "Torn in Three"...
August 16th, 2009 at 06:10am

"Paid Bill for toilet seat- $17.11"

Oh-kay, random title, I know, but just hang with me. It has been a looong day. My family had a garage sale and I had to get up way earlier than I wanted to. We ended up selling a lot of stuff and it was an overall success. So much so...we're doing it all again tomorrow T-TSo overall a really boring day including sweltering heat and a sunburn on my arms and upper lip. But, here was the point of...
August 15th, 2009 at 04:48am

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

Every Thursday during the summer, I have a chance to help out my parents at our neighborhood vacation Bible school. And, in turn, this means I get to be around a bunch of cute little kids. Soooo...where I was going with this seemed to be the funniest Thursday of them all! So there's this one little boy who's like eight or something. He and this six-year-old kid were fighting over a toy...
August 14th, 2009 at 06:23am

Oh My Meteror Shower!

Oh-kay! I'm frustrated! So you may or may not know that there is a meteor shower visible for a few days every August. But the dealio is that there are too many lights on in our neighborhood, so we have to go out into the country to see them. So we get in the car and get banana splits :D...i just wanted to add that in. Then we skedaddle out to the country and my the parental units
August 13th, 2009 at 06:23am

Fun Lil' Q. & A. Dohicky!

—YOUR BOY SIDE—-[x] You love hoodies.[x] You love jeans.[ ] Dogs are better than cats.[x] It’s hilarious when people get hurt[ ] Shopping is torture[ ] Sad movies stink.[ ] You own a car racing game.[ ] You played with Hot Wheels cars as a kid.[ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.[ ] You owned a DS, PS2, N64,or Sega.[ ]You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.[x]You...
August 12th, 2009 at 06:59am