Lyra / Comments

  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    That makes me sad. That's why I'm scared of my son going to school. Like I know I can't teach him the way that school can. But at the same time I don't like that I can't be part of it. I know the kid needs his space and his freedom and all of that. But it makes me sad.

    I honestly always wanted to have uniforms. Lol. The closest I've ever had was a middle school I went to briefly where your pants/skirts/shorts and stuff had to be black, and your shirts/tops always had to be maroon. It didn't matter if it was maroon with a giant cartoon character on it. Just as long as it was maroon. But my parents signed the waiver that said I didn't have to do that anyway. So it didn't really matter. But yeah, I've always thought uniforms were pretty nifty. Hahahaha. Yeah, we rarely have normal socks. And ironing underwear?! Ommigosh! Why? No one sees it anyway? Does underwear even wrinkle?

    I was. Now it's a little toasty because it's extra hot today. But I'm not dying like I was before. And nights are awesome! I love being cold in the summer. It's the best. I am the exact same way at night. Usually I'm an extremely cold person. Like even in really hot weather, I sit in the shade and my fingernails go purple and I start to shiver. But at night I feel like I'm roasting. Just in the summer though apparently. I don't know. I can't sleep if I'm even mildly hot.

    It was terrible! She was like your stereotypical emo kid but she was "so popular." And I just wanted to die. I never finished the chapter. I was done. Deleted that shit real quick. I am guilty of making cool parents because my parents were always really laid back when I was growing up and I don't know any better. Lol. Like Ruby and Felix were the coolest of the cool. But that was also me loving them too much to make them asshole parents. Hahaha. I did, on occasion, like to throw in a strict parent.

    Yes, that's what I mean! It would have been nice. We'll see how it goes down in the movie. *Bites nails*

    I'm sure I will!

    I'm glad you think so. That makes me happy. *Blushes*

    Animaniacs yes! Ommagod. And Sonic. And Sega. Oh lord. My son is obsessed with Sonic right now. But he really loves Shadow the Hedgehog for some reason? I don't know where he obtained this knowledge of Sonic, but he's far more advanced than I am.

    I feel like I should get him in bed earlier. But it's so nice not having to worry about him waking up at the ass crack of dawn. He usually sleeps later than I do and I get to get up and eat breakfast and you know, wake up, before he gets up. So I'm a lot nicer to deal with because I am not a morning person at all. And during the school year when I was waking up and he was whining first thing in the morning, my temper was short as hell. And I always felt bad. But I do not handle whining first thing in the morning very well AT ALL.

    Hahah. SEE! Ravenclaw in my blood! The funny thing is that I actually WANTED to be Ravenclaw before I was officially sorted. I knew damn well I was a Ravenclaw. And then the sorting confirmed it and I was like, "Hells yeah, bitches." I'm like that in classes I don't like. Like my personal finance class. The highest I got was like 87%. I just could not find the motivation to put in quality work. But this is an English class and I am an English major. So I'm very very very much determined to do better. I also want my grade point average to go up. I am determined to graduate with a 4.0.

    It's really good stuff. My son likes it too and I know it's more of an adult show but he enjoys it and I was watching it when I was a kid. So it's all good.

    Yeah, that's exactly it! With art, and any kind of creative medium really, you just continue to learn and grow. And so I think even if I took a shitty art class in a medium I don't like with a teacher who can't teach for shit, I'm still going to learn something valuable. Like I've been watching Bob Ross videos a lot and I just love that guy. I will never paint happy little trees and landscapes but watching him paint them definitely helps me pick up techniques and ideas.

    The justice system in America is really fucked up though. I don't think most judges are wise enough to be judges. :/ Unfortunately that seems to be the case in most places. Justice system in general.

    I could probably get it fixed if I tried harder. Lol. I just sort of gave up.

    I'M GONNA DO IT! FIRST THOUGH! I need to find a skill I can utilize to both get me money to appear more attractive to that pretty man, and also to set me in his path in a non-fan sort of way. I will reveal that information later. If my account magically disappears one day and Sebastian suddenly has a new girlfriend named Tawni, you'll know why. *Crosses fingers*

    Aw, I understand that feeling. Usually when that happens, I skip the chapter and move on. Or I just write whatever blabber comes out and then try to go back to it. I know you said you need to get the chapter out in order to move on, so my advice probably isn't going to help at all. But I'm rooting for you! You can do it!

    Wow. See, I've never been to any cool places. I mean... Los Angeles is a major city. That's about the only place I've ever been Yellowstone is a national landmark. Well, and Disneyland. I'm planning on getting my passport as soon as I can though. Even though I have no plans to travel any time soon. But now you have to have a passport just to cross into Canada. :/ THAT WOULD BE COOL! I've never been on a train either! I would go with you. But it'll probably be a while before I can travel very much. I'll convince Sebastian when I have him. ;)

    That sounds really pretty! I like that certain colors can make eyes pop like that. I haven't found anything that really makes the green stand out without making the brown stand out at the same time. Like all of those colors or tips that are supposed to make the green pop out just make my eyes look brown. Except sunlight! But yeah. Oh! And I forgot! My aunt (the one who hates me and promised to take me to Belgium) has green eyes. But she's also a flaming redhead. I have two redheaded aunts actually. But the other one is younger than me and she has brown eyes like everyone else.


    I tried to find a decent picture but it's all muted. :/ Oh well. Oh, and random fact time. That's why Emily/Demo Doll had heterochromatic eyes. She was based off of my personal Killjoy OC, Nine Lives. And Nine Lives was based on me because I built her costume when MCR had a Killjoy costume contest and I had to come up with a persona.


    I tried to find a picture of me IN the Nine Lives costume, but of course, I can't find it. But you get the idea. :/ I don't want to bombard you with pictures anyway. Hahaha.

    Oh god! I'm sorry! I'm extra sorry for what's going to happen in the next chapter. :X
    June 30th, 2014 at 02:09am
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    @ Indigo Umbrella
    I saw it all the time working in daycare. They have their kids in from 7.30 am to 6.30 pm, and they would have help in the evenings and that point you're a parent in name only. that used to annoy me. Kids are a fucking gift, not a burden and if you being one into the world actually raise them ya' know. And Hug

    Yeah, uniforms suck, but on the other hand they're handy in that at least it makes everyone more...equal. Nobody is coming in in designer stuff, or getting bullied for being 'goth' or whatever in school. Plus, it saves time in the mornings when you don't have any choice in what your wear lol. So, I can see the merits. The sock basket is an awesome idea, actually. That would never work in my house though! Yeah, my mom doesn't even buy special socks. They're normal, non descript socks. She just goes nuts over them. She as like that from childhood though, apparently. She was one of four girls, but she would never allow any of them to borrow her socks, when of they had none. She also irons underwear, which I don't get but there you go.

    Lol. I say you must be in heaven right now! I hate when I'm too hot at night, it's a freaking nightmare. I had to share my single bed last weekend with my sister, and I barely slept because of the heat. I get really warm at night, so add another person to that and the bed is roasting. I radiate heat like nobody's business. I suck at baking because butter melts in my hands if I'm making crumbs.

    Wow, it must have been awful! The cool adult figure can be so annoying to read. Like, occasionally someone will have a really cool parent, or teacher or whatever. But, let's face it, it's really rare. And also, they're never that cool, at least not to the point they are in those kind of books. Even in fantasy stuff, I like a certain amount of realism.

    I get you. It would have been nice to see a scene where she tells Gale that she chooses Peeta. Just to make it more...romantic, or something.

    Aaawww, awesome! ^_^ I just hope you'll like it!

    No chapter felt like a filler in LF, because like you said, it was chronicling her life, as opposed to have an overall plot objective. Nothing was irrelevant, or unnecessary. I think that was why I loved it so much, there was nothing ever over-dramatic about what happened and yet it was still so interesting.

    Now I'm just back to the early 90s...those were good times. I miss the simpler times, with cassettes, vcrs, animaniacs and the only console we had was the Sega Megadrive. With Streets of Rage and Sonic. Those were the days.

    That's the thing about summer, it completely messes their routine up. My mom used to still send us to bed at 8 during the summer, even though all our friends were still out playing and it was still sunny...that used to kill me! She refused to break our schedule though, even though it was freaking summer. And I was the youngest so I was always sent to bed first! -_- It was so mean!

    You're definitely a Ravenclaw lol. I think the highest I ever got was on an assignment 97%. I'm too lazy to put in the effort required to get more than like, 75%, most of the time. Not the best attitude to have, but I can't help it.

    I must admit, I've been watching it more recently, with all my time off. I have a new found appreciation for the show.

    That's awesome, though. Art is one of those things, where any class you take, will teach you something I imagine. Everybody has their own techniques and stuff, so it's always worth investing in.

    Any judge who would giver that woman the dog back, clearly isn't wise enough to be a judge. There's one judge who's notoriously soft on sex crimes. Like, rapists will get off with suspended sentence and stuff. I don't know why he's still a judge, to be honest.

    :( Hug I hope you get it fixed! That would kill me if that happened to me. Last week I was downloading an album, and it wouldn't work properly, and I was almost about to break my laptop. I was fuming because I'd paid €10 for it! I got it eventually, but still...that's my worse fear. I have over 17 gb of music on Itunes, and if I lost it...I'd die. Some of it is from cd's that are now lost, and I wouldn't remember that I had them if it wasn't for Itunes.

    You go get Sebastian Stan...and then bring me to the states. You can do it! I believe in you! Clap

    That's the worse. I have this idea, for a story which i kinda explained to my friends and it's something I really wanna write and publish. Honestly, not to toot my own horn, but the idea is one that I think people would really like. I wrote a chapter, but then got stuck, because I just can't get a pivotal scene out right, where the main character is describing what they are. It's the main fucking point of the book, and in my head I know what they hare, but I can't get the idea across right. It sucks, because until I get that right, there's no point in writing more...and it's killing me. It's the one idea of mine that I feel would actually be publish-worthy.

    I've travelled some. Like, I've been to London for a weekend, I've been to Edinburgh twice, I've been to Paris twice, Tunisia twice and Florida once. I mean, I'm not untravelled, but I would love to do more. Being in the EU is kinda handy because we can travel within EU countries without visas so you can just hop on a plane and go to Paris without dealing with immigration, and there's an airline called Ryan air, which are really shit but they do cheap EU flights. Ireland is such a small country, you kinda have to go outside if you want to see anything. We don't have 'sunny' parts of the country or anything, or theme parks like you have in the States or in bigger countries. That's a shame that you didn't get your passport on time :( if I had the money I'd take you travelling around the EU. You can go on a thing called the Interrail, which is a train which goes through the mainland European countries (basically all bar Ireland and UK, since we're islands stuck on the outside of Europe Sad) I've always wanted to do it, but I never had anyone to go with.

    That sounds kind of cool, actually. I've always been fascinated by the idea of people have two different eye colours. I oversimplified my family a little bit. In my immediate family, everyone bar me and my mam has a dark shade of colour. My sister has brown eyes, but my brothers and dad have hazel-green eyes that are so green they look brown. Even my mom has her dad's dark blue eyes so they don't look bright , and I have this... bright green colour. My eyes used to change colour when I was younger though, though they were grey for the most part because I wore a grey uniform. Then I had a green uniform for about 10 years so they stuck to a bright green/ bluey mix. I'm the only one with real bright eyes.

    And I just read the last chapter of Monster and...omg. My heart is just broken for Jo...and the way she called out for Bucky...oh, the feels. I think you broke them!
    June 30th, 2014 at 12:41am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    I've known a lot of people who've had children just for amusement. :/ It's the only reasonable explanation I can come up with for why my parents had so many kids. And then proceeded to not care for them for the duration of their adolescences.

    I always forget that most places have uniforms. Lol. But yeah! I used to be like that with my socks because I always buy weird socks. Like especially Halloween socks. That's my favorite time to buy them because you get all the ones with owls and pumpkins on them. And my mom is the same way so when we lived together we just had a community sock basket and we all (including my sister) just sort of shared each other's socks. Now I don't have any because this sister (not sock sharing sister) believes my shit is free reign. She never brought my headphones back from her room either. I'm gonna lose my shit if she took them home with her.

    EXACTLY! But... I have a confession to make. My bedroom window wouldn't open for the longest time and I was really angry about it. But it was too goddamn hot in my room to not have the window open. So finally I got fed up and climbed on my dresser with a pair of pliers and yanked out the stupid thingy that was jammed in the window to stop it from opening. I did this in my underwear, mind you. Because I was so hot I couldn't handle it anymore. Hahaha. And I finally got my window to go open. So I stuck my fan in the window and I was like "Yay success!" but it didn't really seem to make a difference. If anything it just seemed worse than before. So I just figured the weather had gotten hotter. But my dad made a comment that there was hardly any air at all coming out of my fan. So I wanted to die. But then! It was really windy and rainy yesterday and it was pretty chilly in the rest of the house and outside so I was really pissed off that my room was just harvesting heat. But I kept hearing this flapping noise, and finally I got up and examined my window. There was a sheet of plastic over the screen. -_- So I got the damn plastic off that no one could see, and now my room is actually cold. I'm wrapped up in a blanket and it's WONDERFUL!

    Seriously! Like it's okay to have "cool" characters. But don't overdo it. They still need to be unique. I especially hate when older author's try to make "cool" characters. And they just way way way overdo what's "in" for teens. And they're just over the top. I had this book on my tablet I was going to use as an example. But I deleted it apparently because it was so ridiculous.

    Yeah, I understand that part. I'm not like super angry about it. I just would have liked it a little better if it was a conscious choice. :/

    Woot! Okay, I subscribed.

    She does that a lot toward the end of the series. And the series isn't even over yet. I don't know. I haven't read the 20th book yet. But it's getting a little out of hand. I understand you love your characters. But it's time to put things to rest or at least work out those plots you dropped. Ugh. Same here. I do have filler chapters on occasion. But when I do it's usually because there's a lot of things being explained or backgrounds going on. Even if there are not events. Gotta keep the plot going. Although, The Lunacy Fringe had a bunch of fillers. But that was mostly because it was chronicling her life, and there WAS no ultimate plot. It was just a build up of stuff. So there were a lot of chapters that didn't lead to anything important. But I enjoyed them anyway.

    Aw, lol. I used to do that too! I had so many tapes with songs where you can hear the DJ right before the song starts or right at the end. Lol.

    I gotta get back into it again. But it's summer so he stays up late and then usually just crashes on the couch. So we don't have our usual bedtime routine. :/

    I'm not too worried about it. I've gotten 100% in every assignment in this class so far. I don't want to be too over-confident. But I think I'm doing alright. Hahaha.

    I understand completely. That's one of the things I love about Futurama though. It's a comedy show and it delivers on comedy, but the characters are very real and you feel for them. Even though they're fucking cartoons.

    I might do it when I get my next financial aid check. Because I took classes online with this one school before. And I know they have art programs and they're relatively cheap. They're not like going to teach me jack shit about animation or anything. But at least I can get some color theory and character design in. :)

    I really hope not. :/

    Yeah, I just want my music back! And my movies.

    Maybe some day. ^.^ (When I marry Sebastian Stan. Lololololol cries.)

    Yeah! Like I used to love just making interesting first chapters. I usually do backgrounds in the second chapter or just add information as I go along. I mean, it really just depends on the story, I guess. But I have a shit ton of intro chapters for various stories I want to write. But now that seems to be the hardest thing for me. I can't get my ideas out. And it sucks.


    I am too. It's okay. Lol.

    Same here!

    Do you ever travel much? Like, I know nothing about Europe, but my aunt once promised to take me to Belgium because she goes there for work sometimes. And she was going to take me and then while she was working I would just ride the train to London for the day. It was going to be rad. But I didn't get my passport in time and now she hates me. So that didn't work out.

    Mine are hazel. Except for one eye. Which is half solid green. I don't know how that happened. There are no hazel eyed or green eyed people in my family. Lots of browns everywhere. Blue every once in a while. Then there's me.


    Thanks! He might. Maybe. I can't say. :D
    June 27th, 2014 at 09:37pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    @ Indigo Umbrella
    Exactly! You don't have kids just for amusement, and people really need to see animals the same way.

    Lol, we wear uniforms here so no way I could have done that, but if we were allowed to, I definitely would have worn my pjs at least once. My mam has a weird thing with socks. She's obsessed with them, and needs a million and one pairs. If you even try to take a pair she'd kill you. I got smacked once because she thought I took a pair, which I hadn't! Your sister really needs to learn not to steal stuff. I'd have gone nuts if my sister did that.

    Lol, at least your corpse won't be hot!

    Yeah, I was watching it and thinking the character was too hipster for my liking. I can't stand people who try too hard to be cool and 'unique' and 'out there'. It's too false for me.

    Yeah, it was a shame that their relationship that way, and it does leave the reader a little...unsatisfied. But in a way, I thought there was something realistic in it. I mean, would she really wanna see him again after what happened? He's connected to something painful, so just cutting him off is understandable in that circumstance.

    The page is up but I haven't uploaded a chapter yet, it's here if you wanna subscribe. It'll be up in a few weeks I'd say,

    That drives me nuts when a writer starts what seems like a plot point then it's dropped and unexplained. Why bring it up? And dragging stories out isn't always good either. None of my stories are too long, because if I added any more it would be useless and nothing but filler, and while I enjoy reading fillers as a writer, I hate writing them if it's just repetition that won't lend anything to character insight or plot development.

    Wow, first cassette was a boyzone one too I think. I can't imagine it being anything else. I miss cassettes. I used to love recording songs off the radio though, and how you had to get it on perfect time. It was pirating at it's finest.

    He will eventually sit down I'm sure. He's so young, and it's tough to get them to pay attention when they have an active mind that just wants to play. Your trying which is the main thing.

    Ah okay, fair enough. It's easier to write an essay when you don't have to cite all your facts, at least I found that anyway. That's an awesome topic actually, and probably really interesting to research. I wish I'd thought of that!

    Man, I was a wreck. I was off sick too, so it was even worse. I never got over that episode, and even if it came on now, I'd be a blubbering idiot.

    Ah, I see. You should definitely try to take some sort of class, even just an evening one. It'd be worth it just to have an artistic focus.

    No judge in their right mind would give her the dog back though... She wanted to kill it! Wtf? What a horrible, horrible person. They only did it because they felt guilty over bit being to afford the surgery.

    :( hopefully you'll get it sorted!

    Aaww, thank you! You're sweet! I wish you could afford it lol.

    Maybe it just depends on the story? I mean, if you're trying to include a lot of info it's harder, whereas if you're just introducing the story and setting up a scenario without a lot of background it's easier.

    Both concerts were in the same same venue actually, as there's only 2 arenas in Dublin and one is right in the city centre while the other is a little further out.

    Yeah, I'm a icky romantic deep down lol.

    That's my motto. Don't be an asshole and we'll get along.

    That's what fascinates me about the US, how diverse it is. Here every town is just like the next, same people and everything! It's a bit boring really.

    Yeah, green eyes are common enough here so she's probably right about that. Most of my family have green eyes, or a green/hazel green/blue mix.

    Aaww, I'm glad you think so!

    Last chapter was awesome hun! I was stunned, I didn't expect it! I hope Bucky comes back soon!
    June 27th, 2014 at 08:14pm
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    That's how I feel. :/ Like I know it's annoying when your cat barfs on the carpet but it's not like they could run to the bathroom or anything.

    I used to do that in high school sometimes. But I had really radical pajamas. Hahaha. And it was just the pants. And also to show that I had no care in the world about my education. Go figure. Socks are the worst! I have like three pairs. And I used to have a ton of them but my sister started stealing them and I went down to like one pair of fucking socks. ONE! And then I slowly started building up more socks. And the other day she was looking through my drawers for some reason and said, "You have a ton of socks!" Like she was excited that she could start stealing them again. But a ton of socks to her is three. I have three pairs of socks. And she thinks I have a ton. So I'm prepared for her to steal them again.

    Hahaha. I was always afraid of there being an earthquake in the middle of the night and them having to pull my body out of the rubble naked. But when it's this hot I'm like "At least I won't be hot when they pull me out of the rubble." Lololol.

    I haven't seen the movie yet either but the book just drags and drags and drags. And I want it to get good but it's just like "Okay. That's great. I don't care." And Clary/the main character is really pretentious. *facepalm* And it's not the character's fault. I just feel like the writer was trying too hard to make her like a "cool" character. She's 14 and she's like "I live in New York and I get coffee with my friends who read poetry in these shops that are better than Starbucks because no one has ever heard of them but me and my friends because we're so hip." Uhghh...

    Peeta was definitely the right person for her. And I have so much love for Peeta. Also, I'm super happy they had babaehhskhazz! And I'm sure they were definitely in love after everything that happened. But her goodbye to Gale was not what I wanted either? And then he just went off to fight and she never heard from him again. Like, I think it would have been important for her to actually say "Peeta is the right person for me." Because I know that she would have thought about Gale in the future because she did love him. And they grew up together. And so I didn't necessarily want him to just disappear and never have contact with her again. :/ But Peeta was definitely the better choice.

    Is it already up on Mibba? Or are you waiting to put it up?

    I really liked the first few books in that series. But then they started to get repetitive. Like she's caught in a love triangle with the cop from the first book and this other bounty hunter. And it sucks because I love both of those characters. The cop is really sexy and he gets her and he's more marriage material (which is what she's actually looking for.) But at the same time the other bounty hunter is like SUPER sexy and he like legitimately loves her. Not that the cop doesn't love her. Just that the cop has a love that's already been there for a while? If that makes sense. Like they've been nearly a thing since the first book so they've pretty much established a relationship and they sit around and eat pizza and have a dog and stuff. But the bounty hunter is like still in love with her, but he acknowledges that he can never give her what she wants, which is a marriage and family. So it's really complicated for me because people seem to pick sides, much like the whole "Peeta/Gale" "Edward/Jacob" thing. BUT I AM SO TORN! And I love them both. But it's been 20 books and she still hasn't made up her goddamn mind. And the writer keeps leaving things open like in one book she was afraid she might be pregnant. But then that plot was left wide open at the end of the book, so I thought it would be dealt with in the next book. Nope. Never dealt with again. Never knew what happened. Never explained. Like jfc already. But at the same time the first 10 books at least, are very humorous and I like them. I just wish she'd end the series already instead of dragging it out with all these filler books that never lead anywhere.

    I'll check it out. I've heard a few songs but not the whole album. But I'm also in that weird music funk still. :/ D'awww. That's cute. ^.^ Prior to Dookie I had cassette tapes. I'm pretty sure I had Spice Girls on tape and some other ones. So it was the first CD I owned but not the first album. I'm pretty sure the first album/tape I owned was Meatloaf. Hahaha.

    Yeah, that's crazy! And it's completely understandable if you live in an area that doesn't have weather like that. That's why Idaho sucks because we're accustomed to snow storms and we're prepared for snow. But we're not prepared for heatwaves. So no one has air conditioning and we don't really know how to deal with tornadoes and stuff like that. But California is pretty much prepared for anything. Hahaha. That's weird! I heard Ireland has the best potatoes. I hear these things because Idaho is the potato capitol of America, and apparently the only place that beats Idaho's potatoes is Ireland. I don't know how true that is because I've never had Irish potatoes.

    Okies. He usually likes reading to an extent. Like he always wants me to read to him, but he doesn't want to sit still and listen. He likes to play and goof around. But I do it anyway. I figure eventually he'll sit down and listen. But weirdly enough, I hated reading when I was younger. I read the occasional book and according to my mom I was a good reader. But I wasn't a big fan of it. Not until I started reading Lord of the Rings after the movie came out. Then I read for like 4 years straight until I started writing. Lol. Now I switch between the two. But my parents aren't big readers either. My mom reads on occasion but my dad refuses to read because he's a big lazy jerk.

    Yeah! Well this class isn't about research though. We're just learning how to write essays, and the basics and fundamentals of essay writing. We go over research papers in the second half of the class. Which I'm not taking for another few months I think. But yeah, that's the point. Is that she wanted us to write about something we do know enough about to write without having to research. Like other people are writing the differences between online learning and traditional learning, or adopting children vs. biological children. So it's stuff that we have to know personally. And we got to choose our topics too. I chose that one and then she asked me what book I was going to write about and I was like "Um... The Hobbit?" because it was sitting on my desk. Lol. That would be cool! My step-mom's presentation was about The Beatles. Which I did mostly to piss her off because she doesn't like them. Hahaha. So it was about the "British Invasion" and how the Beatles influenced modern music/culture.

    Oh god! That was the worst episode ever! It made me cry so hard. I've never seen that episode of Pokemon and I am so glad because I would have been really really angry. Lol.

    It depends on the person, I think. For me it's just that I know what humans look like and how their bodies move. Specifically females. I generally draw more females than males because I don't know their bodies as well as my own. But animals have an entirely different anatomy. I could probably do that. I still want to go to art school. Like even if I just pay extra for a few cheapo classes. :/

    I am so glad they refused to do it and they found the dog a new home. I hate that! Because in the class I took they were talking about how the owners of the animal can sue you if you don't put their pet down. And like I heard a story fairly recently about that exact thing happening. An otherwise healthy animal needed a minor surgery but the owner couldn't afford to pay for it. So they were going to have it put down. But the vet decided to cover the surgery in exchange for the animal. So the woman agreed and said she would give the pet (i can't remember what it was) to the vet. But then once the pet got out of surgery she took the vet to court to get the animal back. I don't know how the case ended because it was still going on when I heard about it. but I was just so livid that this person was willing to kill their animal, and then took it from the person who was paying for it to live in the first place. And the vet was really upset about it because she'd had him for a while already and was taking care of him and they had already established a relationship and then this woman comes back and takes her to court over her own animal. It was sad. It made me really mad. I hope everything worked out in the end.

    I don't know. I tried contacting them but nothing ever came of it. I'd try again if I could access my receipts and stuff.

    If I could afford to, I would fly you out to see some awesome bands. Lol.

    The first chapters used to be my favorite to write and now that seems to have changed. :/ Just happens sometimes.

    Hahaha. Yeah! It's pretty much the same here. We're a year apart. So yeah. and when I saw them in 2011 it was a really tiny venue. It was like 100 people in a super crowded and teensie room. But everyone was at least 10 years younger than me.


    Oh, I haven't seen that movie in forever. I barely remember it. D'awww! How cute! Yeah, Nsync was never my shit. But I love JT! Catchy and awesome!

    For sure. I totally agree! Just be a nice person and we're cool.

    Yeah, the US is very diverse. There's still a lot of racism and biases unfortunately. But there's pretty much enough of a mix of people, religions, and cultures that you don't see predominantly Catholic or Mormon areas very often. Just in certain places. Like obviously there are a lot of Catholic communities in California because of the largely Hispanic population. And this entire area is predominantly Mormon because we're so close to Salt Lake City and that's their homebase. But you still see enough diversity. Yeah, it's crappy and I never knew any of that stuff about my grandpa. Like I didn't even know racism was a thing until I was older. :/

    Lol. Well... To be honest, I think I get most of my features from my Irish family members. Hahaha. Like I have my Native American grandmother's nose and cheekbones. But the rest of me is as white as white can get. And even though there are a lot of Frenchies in my family, no one has green eyes. My grandma said they were Irish green eyes. I don't know how true that is. But unless there's a milkman in my genetic line, I don't know where that came from. But yay Irishness!


    I did get the feels. That's alright. There was no need for a sequel. It was great as is. :D

    Lol. I love the feels! And the smoochie romance snoo snoo!
    June 27th, 2014 at 02:41am
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    @ Indigo Umbrella
    Lol, it happens!

    My parents would be like that now, if they had pets. They'd want one that doesn't need attention, but then what;s the point, really? They;re not decoration, you know?

    There was a really disturbing trend here a while back where people were wearing pjs outside...for fashion. I envy people who can do it in a way though, wearing them all day or going out in them. You obviously reach a certain level of not giving a shit to get to that point. Man, my stuff always gets lost in the laundry...I now no longer have a matching pair of socks in the months since I moved home. True story. I couldn't sleep in just my underwear or naked unless I was alone in the house, or as you said, had a lock on the door. But, then I'd be afraid of a fire breaking out or something!

    I've heard about them, but haven't read them yet. I saw the movie and I wasn't overly impressed. But if you don't get into a story or a show at the beginning it's hard to stick with it. I found Breaking Bad was a bit like that...I was pretty much forced through the first two seasons, but after that shit got real good! But I really had to be encouraged to stick with it, which I'm glad of now.

    I liked Gale, and I felt bad for him, but at the same time...he just wasn't Peeta. I agree, I don't like that that was why she ended her thing with Gale, but, I don't know, the way I read it, she chose Peeta because she grew to love him and he was her choice, not Gale. That was how I wanted to read it though, I wanted it to be genuine and I felt it was more realistic that their love grew from tragedy and helping each other to heal. I don't think Gale would have ever understood what she went through, and she would have gravitated towards Peeta anyway, even if it hadn't been for what happened with her sister.

    Aw, thank you! I hope you'll like it. I have the first chapter started, and I can't wait to get stuck into writing it!

    Oh, those books sound interesting, I must look them up! And I never got to read that story, unfortunately though it sounds really good!

    I prefer Panic too, though I've only started really listening to them recently. Their last album is really good, you should try and get it if you can. Some of my fave songs from them are one the last album. I'm not sure what my favourite Green Day era is...part of me says Nimrod era, which is when I first heard them, but...American Idiot was when I got into them and became a fan. That era was special to me, as that was when I started discovering my own taste, and they were a major band for me when I was 15, right with LP. When I was 16, GD, LP and MCR took my three walls of my bedroom. My sister had the other wall lol. I don't know what the first album I bought was...I have a feeling it was Boyzone though.

    Wow, I just find that so weird, crazy and scary. I'm really thankful that I never have to fear bad weather damaging my house or anything. About four years ago we had a bit of snow in December and it almost shut the country down. Seriously. It was only a couple of inches, but we just weren't prepared for it. We had no grit for the roads and cars here wouldn't have snow tires so it was really dangerous to drive. Schools closed and everything because of the danger. Which is crazy, because it really wasn't that much snow. We just didn't know how to deal with it and no supplies ready because we never get snow for days like that. It would normally just be a day here or there at most. I was watching something yesterday about the weather here, and one guy said that basically we just have mild spring, and mild autumn. We don't get a summer, and we don't get winters. It's great for the soil I suppose, but it's be nice to have a bit more sun. And because we're so small, our weather doesn#t vary from one part of the island to the other, really.

    Oh, awesome! I'll send you my email in a PM. It can be tough to get the time to sit down and read with them, especially if they don't have a big interest in reading either and they try to fight you on it. My parents never read with us when we were kids, so me and my sister are the only ones who would read for a hobby. I always loved reading though, ever since I could read by myself I had a book in my hand. My mom reads, but my dad never reads, unless you count the paper. and my little brother reads for school but otherwise he'll only read historical book or general knowledge books. I tried reading to him when he was younger, but he just had no interest at all and just wouldn't settle down and listen, or read himself. He won't even read Harry Potter. My older bro never reads, not books anyway.

    Wait, you were told NOT to research...the whole point of college is research though. So you can back up what you say...that's strange. At least you have a good knowledge of the book and the movie though, I would just feel sorry for someone who maybe wouldn't be so into book to movie adaptations. Oh, your next class sounds fun. My presentation was on American Idiot and what it said about american culture. It's fun when you get to bring your own interests into assignments like that. Lol, at least she can give you a bit of help with the course then!

    I just have a thing about pets being abandoned or killed in movies. Honestly, today an episode of futurama came on the tv, and it was about Fry's dog, He kinds the fissile of the dog or something, and tries to clone him. Anyway, in the end he doesn't saying 'he's long forgotten about me anyway' but then, they show the dog searching for him, then waiting outside the pizza place he worked in until he died. I actually cried over fucking cartoon. I'm still getting teary thinking about it. Same with an episode of Pokeman, when Ash tries to abandon Pikacho...I was almost hytserical. Things like that get to me.

    I would have thought animals would be easier to draw for some reason. Though as I've already stated, I am the least artistically gifted person on the planet. You could see if there are youtube tutorials on cartooning that might give you a bit of a rough understanding of it, that might help? It sounds too awesome for you not to give to give it a shot!

    That's what would kill me. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a post on my Facebook from the local SPCA, where a couple left a dog in to be put down because the neighbours complained it was barking too much. It was a young dog, springer spaniel and I just, ugh, I was so fracking furious. The vet didn't do it, thankfully, and got in touch the the woman who runs the SPCA in my area, so the dog luckily found a new home. Some people have no respect for any life that's not human. The only problem with that dog was that it was being alone too much, probably and it was looking for attention. It has a better home now, thankfully,

    Surely there's a way Apple can fix that? Especially if you have stuff bought from the store. I'd try emailing them again, that's just not right.

    Yeah, it just sucks though. We're so small we get ignored occasionally. It's not too bad though, I mean, we do get most bands over here. It just sucks when one of your fave bands won't come :(

    I'm hoping I find it soon. I've never had difficulty with a first chapter ever, it's normally the end that I have a hard time writing in a way I like. It's just strange for me not to be happy with a first chapter, but hopefully I'll find that thing that will make it click and work.

    I find it weird now, being in the mcr fandom, because a lot of the people in it are younger, Not just a few years younger either, but like, 10 years younger. When I was first in it it wasn't such a big difference, but they still manage to keep a relatively young fanbase, so when I see stuff on twitter, I feel old. When I saw them in 2011 I was surprised by the fact that there was a decent size base of people my age, so I didn't feel left out. It was a really laid back gig though, in saying that. It was in a big arena, but people were sitting on the floor and everything before the band came on. I saw them in 2007, and that was a completely different experience. I was 19, but I looked 17 so I looked the part. I was in the mosh pit, and man the girls were vicious. I never saw that in a gig before, ever.

    Woah, that was way deep but yet, you're probably right. He needs to find what speaks to him, and I hope he finds it.

    I thought you might know it because it was from the movie 'Stardust'. I love that song, and if I ever get married and have a wedding, that is so gonna be my first dance. I never listened to Nsync, I grew out of the pop thing by that stage. I like a bit of JT, though, Hell, who doesn't? His stuff can be catchy as shit.

    I'm so with you on that. I find it genuinely interesting to listen to people talking about their beliefs and views, and I have no issue with that. My problem only stems from people enforcing their beliefs on others, and bashing others for not agreeing with their views. You may not like what other people think, believe, or the way they live their lives, but hating on them for it is not the way to go. I'm not a bad person for not having any faith, and I respect people who do have faith so it should be reciprocated. As long as people aren't hurting others, I just think live and let live. If you judge me for how I live my life or my (I'll admit, quite liberal) views, I will stuck for myself. Not confrontationally, but I won't let someone talk me down either because I disagree with them.

    That's really cool, though, to have that mix. Here, it's pretty much just Catholicism (the Republic, I mean, not including the North). There are other religions, of course, the street I live on has a Jehovah Witness church, actually, but it must be over 80% of the population that's catholic. That must have been terrible for your granddad to go through, but you're right in that it can make the next generation more tolerant. I think it's awful that anyone would have to go through that because of race and who their parents are.

    That's still cool, though. Welcome to the family, lol. Being Irish is awesome! I may give out a lot about our past, but we're a pretty nice country to live in. We're high up in the Happiness Index apparently, lol. We're a jolly folk!

    I'm just happy you liked it!

    Aw, you got the feels? That's awesome. I honestly just can't imagine a sequel to it though, not one that fits into what I wanted to achieve anyway. Maybe one day I'll think of one.

    And I loved the smoochie romance snoo snoo. Not just because of the snoo snoo, but just because of the feels. It was such a romantic, heartfelt chapter. Gotta love the feels.
    June 27th, 2014 at 01:07am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    And I did not see your previous response! So I will answer that now.

    That's sad. :/ My dad loves his cat. But only because the cat doesn't do anything or require much. Like my cat is obviously a handful so he hates her. He won't get a dog because dogs require walks and a lot of attention. He just likes his fat lazy cat that doesn't do anything.

    I don't wear my PJ's all day either. Mostly because I at least feel more human when I'm wearing regular clothes. But I also lost my only pair of PJ's recently (and by lost I mean they got buried in the laundry basket) so I've been sleeping in my underwear for the past few days. Also mostly because my room gets really really hot at night and I would sleep naked if I didn't share my room with my son. And if I had a lock on my door. Or if I didn't have the window open. Hahaha. I didn't even put a bra on today. I probably will at some point but I'm just like "this is nice."

    Hooray! I love when that happens. I'm trying to read City of Bones right now and I can't get through the beginning and everyone keeps telling me to stick it out and it'll be worth it. But I'm just dragging through it. I can't get invested.

    I'm the same way! Peeta is such a great character. I did love Gale but at the same time I felt like they were destined for different things. I didn't really like how they separated, because of her unintentionally blaming him for Prim's death. Like I think that could have been handled better because in the future she could still potentially have feelings for him. And I wanted Peeta to be her CHOICE, not her only option just because Gale accidentally caused her sister's death. Like Peeta deserved to be a choice, not an option. But! I was not disappointed because the ending was bittersweet and I was glad they finally got their peace.

    That's awesome though! I can't wait to read it. I haven't seen that movie in a bajillion years but it'll be rad. Ray and Silent Bob, ommigod. Lol.

    Have you seen the movie One For the Money? Well, it's a book series that started with that book. But there's like 20 of them now. And she lives in New Jersey and she lost her job so she goes to work at her cousin Vinnie's bail bond place and becomes the world's worst bounty hunter. But the first guy she has to go after is also the guy who took her virginity in high school. And he's a cop. But my story was a Zacky Vengeance fan fic and she worked for a music producer and went to high school with Zacky and he took her virginity. And so when they're working together she's like super attracted to him but hates him at the same time. And they're also being stalked by a crazy person. But it was so much fun. Like the plot is entirely different but if you read the books and then read my story you would see the similarities. It was good times.

    Same here. I'll listen to them but I don't get super pumped. I do like Panic too! But I think it's almost the same as Fall Out Boy. I mean, I like Panic more than FOB but I haven't listened to any of their new stuff. Just the first two albums. I really loved those. I forget Billie Joe a lot too. :X But Dookie was my favorite Green Day era. I did like American Idiot but Dookie is my Green Day. Lol. That's the album that gets me pumped and excited. And I was a kid when that came out. It was actually the first CD I ever owned!

    Yeah! See, I've been through a lot of weird natural disasters. Snow storms, ice storms! Those are fun. Flooding, mudslides, earthquakes, forest fires, Tsunami warnings. That's all just in California. Florida we had hurricanes left and right. I swear, every other week we had a freaking hurricane. And Idaho apparently has earthquakes, but not frequently like in California. I've been here for six years and I've never felt one here. But we also have a lot of volcanic activity, which isn't bad. We're just close to Yellowstone so we have a lot of hot springs and you can find a lot of volcanic rock just like... out on the side of the road. I actually have a huge chunk of black hardened lava rock that I found at a rest stop when we were headed to Yellowstone. It's pretty cool. I have a rock collection. I am so weird. Oh! But we did have a tornado warning a few weeks ago. And it touched down right down the street from us. But it was just a puny little thing and didn't do any damage. Oh! And California has a lot of dust storms and dirt devils in the desert. So yeah. The US is a weird collection of various environments. I think when I was in 8th grade we were actually studying the different kinds of ecosystems. And the US has one of each. Tundra, deciduous forest, coniferous forest, and tropical? I think that's all of them? I don't know why I remember that but I can't remember jack shit about much of anything else in 8th grade.

    Sweet! Let me see what I have. Oh shit, wow. I have a lot more than I thought I did. I have 25 ebooks in my Tolkien folder. Hahaha. But yeah, just send me your email address and I'll send them to you. I'll look for it! I'm sure he'll like it. We don't read enough anymore.

    For fucking real. I'm just glad it's a subject I know about though. Like my teacher made it very clear that we can't do research on our topic. So it had to be something we knew and liked so that we could do it easily. And I'm glad about that because I won't have a problem comparing and contrasting The Hobbit vs. the movie. THAT'S AWESOME! This is the first fun thing I've had to do so far. But my next class is going to be about media and it's influence on American culture. So I will have to do a music presentation. I know this because my step-mom already took this class (and she paid me $20 to do her presentation for her. Shhh.)

    Exactly. And I would have rocked that job too. I'm normally a very anxious person but I knew that store well, I knew the employees, I knew the customers. I would have been just dandy.

    I know. It was really sad. When it was all over Tumblr it made me cry. Oh man. That movie makes me cry too. I was actually really angry at her for leaving Todd behind. He was too comfortable with humanity to be in the wild. :(

    Lol. We need to work on it. I'm just trying to get the hang of cartooning. I can draw people no problem. But I can't draw animals very well. And I definitely don't have an understanding of cartooning. So it's been hard to figure out how we want them to look and stuff.

    Yeah! And I think I changed a whole heck of a lot from when I was a teenager. Back then I legitimately had no ambition whatsoever. I just thought "I like animals. Yay cute! I'll be a vet!" But now I'm like "There's no way in hell I can do that job." Because I actually DID take a class on veterinary medicine, and once I got to the part where they tell you that if a pet's owner wants you to euthanize the animal, regardless of the animal's health, you have to do it, I was done. Nope. Not going to euthanize a perfectly happy and healthy puppy just because some asshole doesn't want to take care of it. Not doing it. Job's not for me.

    Yeah, it did that on my old computer so I thought there was an issue with it. Because that computer sucked. But then I got this new one and it's the same thing. It just hates me. And my husband tried to log in from his computer in California and it won't let him in. Because we bought The Avengers in digital format, and the download never worked. We contacted customer service, we sent them emails, we did troubleshooting, nothing ever worked and we never got our money back. So he wanted to try again and see if we could get it to work but it wouldn't even let him onto my account. Never sent us the password. :/

    Aw, I'm sorry!

    I understand that completely! You just gotta find that random motivational kick and you'll be able to get it going. That's exactly what happened with Monster the first time around. Because it originally started with the second chapter, but back when it was even more boring than it is now. And I wrote a great deal of the story but I just wasn't feeling it. And then I got the idea to make her have PTSD and start the story with a flashback. So I went back and rewrote everything and it ended up flowing out like pachow. Just gotta find that one teeny tiny little thing that makes your brain go "YUUUSSS!"

    What an asshat. That's not cool at all. And that's another great thing about MCR and their little gang. They were definitely like a little army of fans. Although I was always slightly or much older than most fans. So the first time I saw them I was like 18 and in my "I'm an adult now you all suck" phase. And the second time I saw them I was 25ish? So I was marginally older than most of the audience. And they definitely never really made me feel welcome. But I also have anxiety and I might just be reading too much into that. But I always automatically felt outcasted from the group of outcasts. As weird as that is. Except for online! I should clarify. Because I've met a lot of really great people in the online MCR community. Oh! And when I saw them in 2011 there were these two kids who were super nice and they bought us hot chocolate for saving their place in line. And then they separated the lines from boys and girls so me and the girl ended up sticking together since our boys had to ditch us.

    Maybe he will eventually. But he might not. Idk. Just depends on if he finds something that speaks to his soul. And maybe his soul just isn't ready to listen. Whoa, deep stuff.

    Oh, I see. I don't think I know that song. But I was never that much into the boy band scene. Like I was a huge Backstreet Boys fan and I worshiped the Spice Girls. But that's pretty much the extent of it. I didn't even like Nsync. Even though I now super love Justin Timberlake. Hahahaha.

    That's awesome. Like I have no issues with religion at all, so long as people are nice and genuinely good. I live in a Mormon community and it's super easy to tell the difference between the self-righteous assholes and the genuinely decent people. And as I said, some of my closest friends are Jehovah's Witnesses and we're totally cool with each other. I don't even mind if they try to preach to me. Preach all you want, I'll listen. This shit's interesting. But if you start calling me a sinner and being a dick, we're gonna have a problem.

    But yeah, my family is kind of like that. My direct family line (like parents and grandparents) aren't very religious. They believe in God but don't enforce the bible or anything and definitely don't care about baptizing children, but if you speak one word against Jesus they lose their shit. But then I have aunts who are strongly Catholic and drink and swear like sailors, but they're at mass every week. And they DID baptize their children. But they don't give a shit about what I do. But my family is weirdly diverse. Not just in culture and race. Like one of my cousin's converted to Judaism. My uncle is a Buddhist. I have a Catholic aunt, uncle, and cousins. My step-mom is baptist. My mom is atheist. I have pagan cousins. My family has always been pretty accepting. And for a long time I thought I was just lucky. But after hearing about the racism my grandpa had to go through and realizing that my great grandparents pretty much fled their damn country and tribe just because they were a bi-racial couple in a racist time period. That made me realize why my family is so accepting. I mean, the racism sucks and I'm sad that they had to go through that. But they were eventually able to teach their children to be decent people. I say decent because my mom is a horrible person. But she's definitely not a bigot. So there's that. She's just a shitty parent.

    For real! Lol. Yes! I don't know how much though. But I have absolutely no clue. My grandma passed away so I can't ask her. :( I got an account on to see if I could pinpoint locations. But I wasn't even able to find her parents names. :(

    Lol. It was great! I was excited to see where that one went. Hahaha.

    I gotcha. It was great though. I was just curious because of my feels.

    Yay! I love the smoochies. Originally I was going to have that be their smoochie romance snoo snoo chapter. But then I was like "Nah, give it a little more time." So I gave them 24 hours. Hahahaha. I'm glad you liked it though. ^.^
    June 26th, 2014 at 09:38pm
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    Yay! Thank you. ^.^
    June 26th, 2014 at 08:37pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    @ Indigo Umbrella
    Apologies for the delay my dear. I was out Saturday, and I spent yesterday in a less than perfect state!

    Yeah, it was pretty harsh. My parents became less...animal friendly, as they got older, and sometimes they just didn't think.

    Lol, the only thing I don't do is wear my pj's all day. I have a a thing about that, but otherwise, I'm a slob when it comes to how I dress when I'm at home. Well, by slob I just mean I don't care. In fairness, I just wear jeans and a top all the time.

    That's exactly what it means though. If you can make someone cry, it means you've successfully conveyed the characters pain/emotional state. It's the same when you make someone smile when reading, or laugh out loud. Last week, I started reading a random ebook I found by accident, and I was almost in tears at one point. It was a love-triangle, something you might find on here, and really not something to get too emotionally invested in, and yet I was completely invested. I was right there with the characters indecision, and heartbreak and it just got me right in the feels. With Hunger Games, if she hadn't ended up with Peeta, I would have cried. I was shaking reading that, genuinely afraid it wouldn't work out how I wanted it to end. I love it when that happens though, when I get so caught up in a book that I care about how things end. It's the best thing ever in a way, to get so drawn in. I can only hope that one day, I can do that with other. Actually, I think one person told me they cried over something I read, and though I felt a little bad, I was actually happy that I was able to draw someone in enough to get them to care enough to cry.

    I'm ssssoooo looking forward to it. I can just see Gerard and Frank in that scenario, and once I could imagine it, I realised I had to do it. It's strange, because it's not gonna be original, though I may change the end, but if I'm honest, I'm looking forward to Ray and Silent Bob. That's totally the most exciting thing about writing it. I never heard of Stephanie Plum before, actually.

    I feel the same. I like Fall Out Boy, and I have all their albums, but I was never drawn in the way I was for LP, or MCR. I even like Panic better (Brendon just seems like such a sweet, yet funny, guy). I never felt like they had that...charisma factor, if that makes sense at all? Ah man, I forget about Billie Joe a lot, but I do love him. There's something so endearing about him!

    That's pretty awesome though. Here, it's all the same, lol. Well, the west coast can get flooding because of the Atlantic, but I live on the east coast so we tend not to flood. We don't get extreme weather though on the flip side, so we don't deal with earthquakes or hurricanes, and storms are a rarity.

    Oh, that would be awesome, actually. I would appreciate it. And Roverandom is a real children's story, you should so read it to your son. It's design for slightly younger children from what I remember, as opposed to the hobbit which is a little older. Ah, comparative essays...the bane of my English final exams and college literature classes. Actually, I was fortunate that the books I had to do for my Leaving Cert exams ended up coming up in college, so I had that essay pretty much done lol. I aced it from what I remember! I also did a power point presentation on LOTR, in front of my college class, on the comparison between the films and books. I also did a presentation on Green Day too, and on His Dark Materirals too. The joy of college.

    That stuff annoys me. I mean, as a Christian, you're not supposed to judge people based on their appearance. If you were local and knew everything about the store, one tattoo shouldn't negate all the pluses a potential employee has.

    That's horrible! How could someone be so cruel and vicious? The poor fox, he didn't deserve that. I feel so sorry for them, that's just vile. and nasty. How could you take away a pet that someone loves like that? Some people just astound me with their need to suck the happiness out of other people's lives. Go concentrate on your own life instead of making other people miserable because your own existence sucks. Now I'm thinking of Fox and the Hound, which always makes me cry when she had to leave Todd. Sad

    *Giggles* I can picture the chin riding on a pig! Hahaha. That sounds pretty cool, you should so create that one day. I bet a network would pick that up. It sounds hilarious!

    You do change as you get older, so I suppose it's only right that it would change. My mother always said you're a completely different person from your early 20s to your 30s. While I don't think I'm completely different, I certainly have changed in some ways. Life makes you re-evaluate as you go along, teaches you patience and stuff. It's kinda unfair to evaluate someone so young and tell them that they're suited to a particular career. You know nothing as a teenager!

    That might be your computer then. Have you tried logging in from another device?

    You have no idea how jealous I am. Like, I see things like the Carnivores tour, with LP and 30STM, and I wanna scream. And now you get to see Frank. Who probably won't bother coming to Ireland if he does tour. I mean, we get most bands here, but LP have only come here twice. The first time they got bottled off the stage by Metallica fans (the fans here are in a league of their own in terms of snobbery towards other bands) so it put them off coming back. I saw them when they came back, but that was back in 2007. They've had three albums since then, and no sign of them coming back. Stuff like that sucks, especially when a band is in the UK, and won't take the 45 minute plane journey over here.

    Yeah, I could do that easily I suppose. ugh, I'm so excited to get the story started! I started the first chapter, it's about half way done, though I'm not happy with it so far. It doesn't feel right, so I just have to try and think of another way to approach it, which I'm finding hard for some reason. I think there's too much info, but I need to have the info there to put things into context. *Sighs* I normally find first chapters the easiest, but this one is just plain difficult.

    Life would be boring if you didn't have something to invest yourself in. It fulfils a need to belong and identify with something, I think. I know I've always be drawn to bands that had a real sense of community to them. I was so mad at her, I wouldn't talk to her. Worse of all, it was my birthday, too. Of all the days, like.

    I don't know, I remember my older bro being into music by that age. His taste changed over the years, back then he listened to Korn and stuff, but he had a start by then at least. Myself and my older sister were always into music and buying cds from a young age, even when we were in the boyband stage of music taste. My little bro is just not into anything at all, and that surprises me. I'm hoping that he eventually gets into it.

    It was 1993. Take That were a really big boy band in the UK, possibly in Europe too, who broke up in early 1994. They got back together a few years ago, you might know this song though. Their sound is very different now though, but back in the 90s they did the whole bare chest thing, and music videos in the rain lol.

    I think it's amazing that she does the work she does, not many people can be I admire her and her devotion to helping others. Very few other 'religious' people will do that. My mother's side of the family is quite religious, and in fairness my parents themselves are religious in that they believe in god. They just never forced it on us, and neither of them would be church goers. They went ballistic when I said I wouldn't baptise my kids, if I were to have them so the faith they have is strong, but we weren't forced to believe what they do.

    Your poor mom, going through that 3 times. That's bad luck. Oh, so your part Irish? Awesome! Hehehe. Do you have any idea what part of Ireland they was from?

    And I'm glad you liked it! I wrote it very quickly but I think my attempt at humour came through lol.

    I feel like it should be left alone. Not everything needs a sequel or an elaboration. Plus, I only pictured the scene, to be honest. I wanted to capture a particular kind of moment, not tell a full story, if you get what I mean.

    Oh, and I caught up on Monster, and I LOVED!!!!!!! the last chapter! Smoochies rock, though I wanted to shake her when she left! I mean, I understand why she passed up on Bucky loving, but I don't know how she was able to do it. It was such an awesome chapter!!! Words can't express how amazing I thought it was.
    June 23rd, 2014 at 11:37pm
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    Okay, I was writing you back yesterday when my computer decided to lose everything. And then I was angry. And then I randomly got sick this morning for no reason so I took a nap. Now I feel better. :D

    But yeah! He's pretty good at it. I can't wait to see what he comes with next time. Aw. I'm sorry. That's terrible. :(

    Lol. I understand completely!

    I understand that too. I go through phases though sometimes. Like last week I think I put makeup on every single day and this week I've barely even put normal clothes on. Hahaha.

    It's worth it!

    That happened to me when I was writing... Forever and Always. I was writing in the middle of the night at my dad's house and I was crying so hard that I couldn't see the screen and I had to pause and let it pass before I could finish the chapter. But! It generally feels good when it's finished. Like you've gotten something off your chest. And actually, I feel bad when I make people cry but at the same time I'm glad that I can move people to that point. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right. ^.^

    I don't even know if that's where I got that scene from or not. But it just bothered me because it makes me feel like my shit isn't as original as I thought. Ugh... Oh that sounds fun! I did something like that with the Stephanie Plum novels/One For the Money movie. It was a lot of fun!

    I never cared for Pete Wentz either. He always seemed kind of douchy to me. I do like Fall Out Boy though. Or at least I liked their older stuff. I have not listened to hardly any of their last few albums. But Gerard and Frank, mm.. And Billie Jo too! He was my first musical boyfriend. Hahaha. I was like 10.

    The US is ginormous. I'm glad that I've at least traveled inside of it though. I've never left the country but I've seen plenty different ecosystems and that's pretty rad.

    I need to do that too. I have a collection of Tolkien's work on my computer (I can email them to you if you'd like) but I haven't started reading them. I have a difficult time reading on the computer because I get too distracted. Christopher Lee is like the king of the Tolkien fan girls. Hahaha. I have never even heard of them! But if they're children's books my son might like to read them with me. I'll check them out! I'm actually doing an essay on The Hobbit in my writing class right now. I have to write a compare and contrast essay and I chose to talk about books and their film adaptations. And I was just going to generalize that subject but my teacher insisted I write about a specific book/movie so I went with The Hobbit because it was sitting on my desk. Lol.

    Yeah, and they were like hard core Christians. They're a locally owned store and they only hire like conservative Christian white folks. I mean, I am a white folk. But I sure as hell don't look like a conservative Christian. And it sucks because I know I could have done that job excellently. Not to mention I was a local and had been shopping there since I was a child, so I knew that store front to back. I knew the job. I knew the customers. I was absolutely perfect for it. But nope. Not conservative enough.

    Aw, you have to be careful though because people get really crazy about pet foxes. Like that whole big thing on Tumblr where these people adopted a baby fox (named Vader) and they had a blog dedicated to him and he was a super sweet baby. And then like year after they got him some idiot kept harassing them, saying that they needed to let him go back to the wild (even though he physically could NOT be re-released) and that they were horrible for keeping him. But they just ignored it because people are assholes. Well then this person went and called the police and told them the fox bit them. So the police came and apprehended the fox without a warrant and absolutely NO evidence to support this accusation (considering the person who'd called didn't even live in the same state, I think) and they euthanized him the same day they took him. And it was really horrible. People were making petitions to get justice for him and the owners were just like "What's the point? Our baby is already gone." And they shut down their account. :(

    They are actually this group of four chins that lives in a pet shop and they keep getting adopted but brought back to the store. So they've developed this friendship and have their own adventures. But the reason for the title is because one of them was a perfectly average chin named Neo, until a previous owner gave him a taste of bacon. And then he went bat shit crazy and thinks he's Napoleon and is trying to have his "Bacon revolution!" and obtain of more bacon. And in one episode he's going to break out of his enclosure and find the livestock and he rides a pig. So the show emblem was going to be him riding a pig and shouting "Chinchilla Revolution!" in a French accent. And I have no idea WHY we came up with this. And it sounds stupid but we still want to do it. Hahaha.

    Aptitude tests aren't always accurate though. Like the one I took in high school said I should be a veterinarian. But every single one I've taken in college has said I belonged in art, writing, or teaching. So I think it changes as you grow. :/

    Our poor iPods. They were so in love. But yeah! I don't know what the problem is because first it was just the password and them not resetting it for me. But I downloaded iTunes onto my new computer and I can't even GET to the log in screen or get to my account. It just loads indefinitely. And I don't know if it's a problem with Windows 8 or if iTunes just hates me.

    That's about what it's like here. We live in a Mormon state so they banned concerts in general for like 20 years and we're just now getting them back. They had like county fairs and stuff like that. Mostly country music. But now we're getting a lot of 80's rock bands. This is the first time I've seen a band I actually like. Lol. We usually have to drive 4-5 hours to Salt Lake City, or to Boise, which is like 8 hours away. So it's awesome that they're playing just an hour away. I hope so too! I'll take pictures of his set too. :D

    That's how I feel about Felix. When I changed his name from Milo there wasn't a lot of the story written so far. And it was still just an idea. So it was easy to change. But now I can never change it. It's who he is. Nah, don't worry about that. You can always make an author's note saying how to pronounce it. Or have one of the other characters ask him. That's usually how I do it. Like I know Johanna is a common name but I had Steve ask her how to pronounce it because I wanted it to be clear that even though casual people call her "Jo-Hannah" and friends and family call her "Jo," the proper pronunciation is "Yo-Honna." That way you can sneak it in there and tell people what they need to know without changing anything. :)

    I think it's a good thing! It's weird but we all have things we're passionate about. Lol. Aw, that was mean. I'd be pissed if someone did that with MCR stuff. I don't think anyone in my family has any MCR stuff. Hahaha. Except my dad. He has a shirt. But that's only because I got the shirt for free and it was too big for me. So he had to have it but he never wears it. -_-

    Oh, my brothers weren't really into music at 13 either. I mean, they were when they were little kids and we'd "rock out" together or they liked whatever you showed them. But it wasn't really until puberty was over that they kind of found their own styles. Lol.

    Oh my gosh! What year was that? Their clothes. Lol. I don't know who Take That is either but oh my gosh. The bare chests.

    Oooh I see. Lolololol. Yeah, my family is extremely NOT religious. So this stuff interests me.

    Yeah, it was the third time for my mom actually. But I wasn't alive during that first house fire, thankfully because it happened in the middle of the night when my family was sleeping. And my uncle ended up saving my mom's life. But yeah, my grandma's family is from Ireland. Not recently though. She was born in California, but her parents were Irish.

    Oh yay! I'm going to go check it out right now. :D

    No problem! Lol. Ommigosh. But yeah, I liked it! I was just wondering if you planned on continuing it. But I like it how it is

    I'm so excited for the rest of this story/the sequel. EEEEEEEE! But I do love those little cute moments. I'm hoping there will be more in the sequel since more time will have passed and he'll be more himself than he was before. But obviously his darkness will still be there. I just think there will be more romance too. Eeep!
    June 22nd, 2014 at 01:23am
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    @ Indigo Umbrella

    Aw, if I had gotten a kitten after watching that movie I probably would have named it Bane lol. Your kid is good at picking names, that's a good trait he'll carry for the rest of his life. I was so devastated at this time, but my parent's didn't care. I was so mad, because otu of all the dogs we took in, he was the one I really wanted to keep. :( I still feel sad about it.

    Ugh, see, that's the kind of thing that scares me. I don't want anybody pushing my organs around. I like them right where they are, thank you very much.

    Very rarely I'll do that. I used to do it as a teenager a lot, but now, well, I have a serious case of energy conservation going on, which prevents me from doing so.

    It's better to be over cautious though. I've learned that now.

    I can imagine, it's such a heartfelt story, I know I would've cried writing it. I almost cried when writing one scene, which was strange for me, because I wouldn't normally get that emotional, but I got so into it, and I was really feeling the emotion of what was going on. My hands were shaking, and I barely stopped the tears from falling. You can tell that you put a lot of yourself in it, and that's what made it so wonderful to read. I can't wait to read them, whenever they get put back up!

    Most of my stories have happy endings...from my perspective, at least. Frank had gotten screwed over a few times though, hence why I'm writing the one shot, where he doesn't get screwed over lol. Don't apologise for making me cry - that's a good thing, actually. I was so attached to the character, that I couldn't help but get emotional, ad I love it when I get that attached. Only the best writers can make their readers cry.

    Lol, something like that is really minor though. I've watched Mean Girls, and I didn't catch that. I wouldn't have put the two together. But yeah, the little things like that can be annoying, unless you're intentionally putting a reference in. Like, I'm gonna write a fan fic version of Chasing Amy, which is just basically a homage to the film, because i love it so much. So, I'll be taking a lot of stuff from the films. including some dialogue if I think it fits. It's not gonna be original in the slightest, but I'm not claiming it is either. Its just gonna be a funny remake, is all.

    I sorta like Fall Out Boy, but I never got the whole Pete Wentz thing. He just never caught my eye, really. But Gerard and Frank in eyeliner is just awesome. And Billie Jo, he suits it too.

    Here it's huge, but I thought in the US that that be considered medium at best, since it's such a big country and all. *Shrugs*

    I have to start getting back into the Silmarillion. It's just shameful at this point. The thing is, I love LOTR, and I was so captivated by them when I read them, but the idea of rereading them is just exhausting. Christopher Lee rads them once a year, and I don;t know how he does it. Seriously. I love his writing though, it's amazing. Did you ever read Roverandom? It's a children's book, and I loved it, it's so Tolkien, and yet not, at the same time. The Hobbit is a bit different though, it's not a detailed, so it's faar easier to read.

    I think it's stupid judging someone because they have a tattoo. People really need to get over themselves if their biggest problem is being offended by a tattoo. People need to mind their own business and get on with their own lives. It's a shame that it makes things awkward for you, it really shouldn't make a difference. It has nothing to do with how well you can do the job you're interviewing for.

    I'm determined to own one day. Seriously. The only thing is that they're natural preys to cats, so you really can't that two together, and they live for 15-20 years, and I love cats, so it's be choosing one over the other. Chinchilla Revolution? I'm just imagining Chinchilla's in surperhero capes, flying about and fighting crime, for some reason lol.

    We don't so those aptitude tests here, I always wondered how they worked. It's be cool, though, to see what mine would say.

    Aaawww, that sounds like an awesome story, you should still write that someday. That's freaky that hers stopped working, it must have been true love lol. That's weird that you can't get onto your account, if you have a lot of music on it I would get in touch with someone about that. It's be a shame to lose music like that. I have about 17 gbs of music, some of it from cds that are now lost, so I would be be so pissed if I lost it.

    I have to travel an hour an a half to get to any gigs, since bands only come to Dublin, One or twice a band has gone to Cork (I think Nirvana went there) but thats way way WAY down the south of the country so there's no way I'd get there. It's about a 5 hour drive, I think. But all our big venues would be in Dublin, plus it's an easy place to travel no matter where you live. Some play in Belfast as well, so if a band went there I could go, it's much of the sameness to me since I live in a town that's exactly halfway between Belfast and Dublin. Oh, I really hope you get to meet him! You'd have to send me pictures!

    The original story I was telling you about,the one that was supposed to be a fan fic, well, the oldest son is basically gonna have the same name I would name my son I I were ever have one. I thought about changing it, but I just can't. He's too developed in my mind to change his name, and I would feel odd calling him another name. It's his name. Same with the younger son, actually, for the other boy name I had in mind, though I may change his name since it's an Irish name and I'd be afraid of readers not being able to pronounce it. Other names will have to be changed, and so it'd be nice to keep some original names lol.

    It's weird how you can become possessive of a band like that. I would be like that too. Like, one time I had a fight with a friend, because I was going to buy a Linkin Park thing, and then she bought it, even though they were MY band, and everyone knew it. She only wanted it because there was a poster inside it as well, plus I think she enjoyed upsetting me.

    He's only 13, so there's still hope, but we're all a bit bemused by his total aversion to music. This is the kid that used to sing Numb when he was 3 years old, and used to go mad when I played the LP live dvd. Now...nothing. It's very sad.

    Oh, I have to show you this. It's so embarrassing to watch that, as an Irish person. That was their first appearance on Irish television, the day after they were formed. They were Ireland's first boyband ever, and the reason they made it big is because Take That broke up, so there was a gap in the boyband market. They brushed themselves up after that, lol.

    I don't know her too well, to be honest. She's been gone my whole life, I've only met her a handful of times. My grandmother, her mother, was thinking about becoming a nun actually, before she met my grandad. She's really religious, devoutly so. I think it was the proudest moment of her life to see one of her children take religious orders. I also had a cousin who almost became a priest, and a friend of my ex was actually about to take religious orders, he did two years of training I think, but he was too much of a degenerate. He loved women too much, lol.

    That's really bad luck to have that happen twice. We never had anything like that happen to us, though we did get robbed once. We didn't lose anything too valuable though, just a couple of pieces of jewellery. My mom has a ton of old pictures that she keeps locked away, she's go nuts if anything happened to them. Is some of your family from Ireland, or was that just a stuff from a vacation?

    Oh, I posted the prompt you gave me! [url=]Here. I wrote it in 20 mins, so it's not great, but it was fun to write!

    And thank you for commenting on Love Fool! It means a lot that you actually read one of my stories, truly. Like, I squealed when I saw you commenting. I can't believe you actually read it!(Yes, I'm in full fan girl mode right now) I plan on keeping it as a one shot. That's not to say there won't be a sequel at some stage, but at this point in time I don't see it happening. And yeah, I always wanted something like that to happen to me too, because you hear of it happening to other people. I just never thought I would have one of those stories, lol.

    I also read the last update of Monster and the cuteness overload was unreal! Just seeing Bucky becoming more at ease with Jo, is just heart warming. I like seeing a relaxed Bucky, it gives hope that one day he can choose who he wants to be, and not be so haunted by his dark side.
    June 20th, 2014 at 11:57pm
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    I think I'm going to do that. It'll take me 5,000 years to finish all of them if I do it the other way. Lol. No worries!

    Haha. My son named her like right after we took him to see The Dark Knight Rises. We also had two rescue kittens at one point named Thor and Loki, but we don't have them anymore. He said our next pet will be Tony Stark. Hahaha. Awwwwwwww! How sad! I understand that then. You didn't even know you weren't going to see him again. That's horrible. I'm so sorry. :(

    Yeah, my mom told me some horror stories about her pregnancies but mine was a walk in the park. Aside from a few minor things like stomach cramping. I forgot that part. I had bad stomach cramps in the beginning. But my doctor said it was because my uterus was pushing all my organs around.

    I understand completely. I am the same way. Sometimes though I'll put on makeup and then sit around at home and do nothing. But 99.9% of the time I don't even bother. Lol.

    Okay, good! Yeah, I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a story so I take extra-extra precautions now. Lol.

    I cried writing it. Like a lot. Lol. X) I'll have them both back up soon though. Those two stories will require more work than just quick edits though. So I can't say when they'll be back up. But soon. :D

    I don't think I've ever written a story that DIDN'T have a happy ending. Or at least one that had a sad ending and no sequel. If I leave off with a sad ending I usually always make a sequel. Except for one instance where I ended with a character's death. :X Not including Poison's. I couldn't let them all die. Lmao. Aw psh.. That makes me happy. Kinda. Sorry for making you cry though.

    Yeah, when I have instances like that where I KNOW it was inspired by something but I can't recall what it was, I usually try to make a note of it in an author's note. But the worst parts are when you have no idea you were even influenced or inspired by something. Like for instance. I don't know if these even counts because it's such a small detail in such a large story. But I was watching Mean Girls. And it was the scene where she's talking to that boy she likes in class. And she asks him for a pencil and is like "Whoa, he's hot." And I was like "Hahaha. That's how Felix and Ruby meet. Wait... red hair... black hair... classroom. SHIT!" And those little teeny tiny things that seep into stories angers me so much! Because I did not do that intentionally and I don't know if my mind just conjured it and was like "This will work!" because I've seen it before? Or if it was an idea that was dormant in my brain. I don't even remember the first time I saw Mean Girls! Let alone being inspired by that one stupid scene. It makes me angry.

    That's actually exactly what I was thinking. Pete Wentz is not my kind of eyeliner. But Gerard and Frank and pirates are a-okay in my book.

    That's fairly large. At least I think it is. My home town only had a couple hundred, that I know of. But then again I did live in the largest county in the entire United States. My county was bigger than the state of Rhode Island. And plus we have a shit ton of states and a large continent. So yeah, sizes are weird.

    That's why I like to let the reader decide most of the time. Because an outfit that's cute to me might be hideous to someone else. And I don't want to like put them in this horrible outfit that I think is cute and have them be like "That's fucking ugly. I'm going to pretend they're wearing something else." So if the color is important I'll add it. Occasionally I'll mention certain types of clothes. Like sneakers or cardigans. Just to get a feel for the character's style or comfort level. But I like leaving that, and hairstyles, to the imagination.

    I am actually right there with you. I've only read Lord of the Rings once all the way through. And it's my favorite book series but I know it takes some serious commitment. I've read The Hobbit more than once, but it's generally easier to read. And I never finished The Silmarillion either. Lol.

    Oh yeah, I understand that too. The bagging groceries job I had was actually okay with the tattoo as long as I kept it covered. So every day I had to put a bandage over my neck, which just drew attention to it and every single day I had someone ask what happened. And then when I told them I had a tattoo they were like "They make you cover it? That's stupid." But then it also ended up being how I discovered I was allergic to latex. My entire neck broke out from my collar bone to my chin. It was gross. And yeah, I made the mistake of asking about it during an interview and the interview immediately changed from hopeful to not a chance in hell. Then they told me I wasn't what they were looking for. So now I hide it as best I can and hope that I don't have to wear my hair up while working like I did at the grocery store.

    AW! Me too! I love chinchillas! My husband and I wanted to make a cartoon about chincillas. It's called Chinchilla Revolution. Lol.

    Poor bear! He needed to be free. :( That would be fun! You should look into it! Shelters and animal hospitals are always looking for volunteers. I did brief volunteer work for an animal hospital when I was in high school. Because my aptitude test said I should be a vet. So I did it through school and it was fun.

    I did cry! Lol. I was so sad. His name was Witherwings. He was my loyal companion. It's been over a year now since I lost him and I haven't been able to replace it. :( And me and my sister always made jokes about our iPods being in love. And we were going to write this co-write about Witherwings and her iPod (I can't remember her name). But it was going to be this love story where they talk about listening to music together and he says she has "classic" good looks. And then at the end we were going to reveal they were just iPods. But the reason I'm telling you this is because when my sister moved her iPod only played sad songs and we decided they were sad about being separated. And then Witherwings jumped into the toilet after she left so I sent her this message saying I had horrible news about his death. And then like a week later her iPod stopped working for no reason. We had a Romeo and Juliet with our iPods. But I miss it a lot. :( And I don't know what's wrong with iTunes because I know all my stuff is on there because I've bought music. but it won't let me on my account.

    Yay! I'm excited! *Punches procrastination in the face* We don't usually have anything in Idaho at all. Except for crappy bands usually. So I usually have to drive 4 hours to see any good bands. (That's how I saw MCR in 2011.) But this is just an hour away and I'm so happy! If I meet him I WILL DIE! And I will probably cry in front of him and really embarrass myself. I am not prepared for this! Lol.

    I still don't have any girl names chosen though. Or boy names now for that matter since I got my Milo. I like the name Felix too (random fact time, Felix's original name was Milo because I liked it so much. But then when I had Milo I changed it to Felix because I thought it was weird). So obviously I can't name my kid Felix. And if I did do that then all my kids would be named after cats. Lol.

    See! It just feels more personal when they belong to you like that. That's what I try to explain to my siblings. Because my sister got mad at me when I went to see them because I didn't bring her back any merch. And I explained that I only had enough to buy something for myself. And she got all "Well you got to SEE them and I didn't. So I should get the merch." And I was like "Bitch, this ain't your band. Back the fuck up. They belong to me, homie." When Bob Marley comes back from the grave and puts on a show I'll buy you the damn merch. This my shit.

    We're a very musical family. Just full of assholes. That's weird! There's so many of us you'd think there'd be at least one of us who doesn't really like music. But we're all musical fanatics. How weird. Although... how old is he? Because I wasn't much of a musical person until MCR and I was 18 when I discovered them. So I didn't really care for music much until I was 18. He might just need to find his "MCR."

    Oh how sad! That's too young! Ommigosh! That is some straight up boy band stuff. Lol. I should not be surprised, their name is Boyzone.

    I've never known a nun, that's why I was asking. But yeah, that takes some hardcore dedication.

    :/ Yeah, it sucked. It actually happened twice. But we were just little kids the first time and we got a buttload of donations and a lot of cool stuff out of it. Plus we didn't have anything really valuable like family heirlooms or anything because my grandparents had all that stuff. But then we were living with them when I was like 15-16. And my mom's boyfriend burned it down. And we lost shit my family had brought from Ireland. Like my grandma had a geneolegy book that had been in our family for at least a hundred years. Gone. And we had stuff they'd collected from their travels. A lot of stuff from Hawaii. All of mine and my sister's baby pictures. All of the baby pictures of my aunts and uncles and grandparents. And we lost two cats, a dog, a goldfish, and a hamster. :/ It was horrible. But now whenever people do happen across old pictures and put them on Facebook, I steal them. I have some pretty great pictures saved now of my family. :)
    June 20th, 2014 at 01:13am
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    @ Indigo Umbrella
    I don't know how you're going to do it either lol. You should totally just do quick edits and post them back up, and do the bigger rewrites later. Am I saying this because I miss your stories? Yes, yes I am. And I make no apologies for it! : p

    Bane is an awesoem name for a cat. I met a woman who called her two cats Baloo and Bagheera, and I'm so going to do that if I ever have pet cats again. And I don't know where he went to, if it was a rehoming or his original owners. I came home from playing with my friends, and I saw him being put into a car and being driven away. I was so upset over it, I didn't even know he was being rehomed/returned. I thought we were going to keep him.

    At least you didn't have so bad. Not all pregnancies are awful, but my mom just had an awful time, and I'm afraid of taking after my mother in that regard :-/

    I like looking cute too, I just can't be bothered most of the time. I'm the laziest person you will ever meet, ever. I hate fixing my makeup, or wearing 'nice' clothes, unless I'm specifically going somewhere that requires it.

    I have mine backed up to a google drive account, plus in emails, so hopefully that won't ever happen to me! I also have a hard drive, which I need to transfer them too as well. I would cry if I lost my work, even if I took them off this site or the other sites I post on. I learnt a lesson from deleting that stuff. It genuinely crushes me that I got rid of them, especially since I actually think they were good stories, though the writing may not have been the greatest quality.

    That sounds awesome. I'd love to see some of Mila's pov chapters again. I always remember the first time I read that story, I think I might have cried even. That and LF are my joint favourites when it comes to your stories, so it'd be great to see it up again.

    It better be a happy ending, or...well, I can't of a good enough threat right now, but I'll cry and be really really really really REALLY upset if it's not a happy ending. It'll be a good contrast, to have it from her saving him, to him saving her. I like the turnaround aspect of it! I love happy endings. I remember reading Doll's story, and crying when I thought it was going to be a sad ending. Honestly, I was crying. You have no idea how happy I was to see Poison come back. I think my tears of sadness went to tears of joy. I should also point out you are one of the few authors out there who made me cry.

    That would wreck my head too, if I couldn't remember where my inspiration came from. Actually, for one of my stories I'm think it's possible that I was inspired by something else I read years and years ago, but I have no idea from what or who, so I can't give any kind of credit for it if I did indeed read something similar, though I could just be paranoid. All I can hope, is that if it is inspired by something else, that since I don't remember anything about it, that it's only the basic synopsis that's similar. It is annoying though, because I would hate if someone did say 'I've read something similar before'. Nothing has been said though, so hopefully it's just paranoia.

    Sometimes. Like, I never thought Pete Wentz suited eyeliner, but then I see Gerard with it, and it suits him. But yeah, pirates with eyeliner are just...yummy, for lack of a better word. *Sighs* My home town is like, 40,000 in terms of population, and it's one of (if not the) biggest town in Ireland, population wise, though ironically, it's called the 'wee county' since it's the smallest county in Ireland. Go figure. But yeah, we've a tiny population, it's like, 4.5 million, 6 million of you take the island as a whole and include Northern Ireland, though that's a part of the UK so it doesn't count.

    I rarely describe their clothes either, unless thee's a reason too, and even then, at most it's like 'a blue dress'. I don't think the reader cares too much about knowing those kinds of details. I know I don't, anyway. I like to have a certain amount left to my imagination, and also, i love descriptions but not too much either, if that makes sense? That's why I never reread LOTR, even though I loved the books. It's also why I still haven't finished the Silmarillion, even though I stated it in 2006.

    Oh, I will! Don't worry. The one on my leg didn't hurt, 'cause I have really big legs. My mom love to point out how I got my father's fat legs. Anyway, it didn't hurt one bit. I love that tattoo so much. I rarely show it off, but when I do, I do it with pride. That's what kills me about my skin problem - when my leg breaks out, I can't show it off, which is such a bummer :-/ Has the neck tattoo ever actually lost you a job?

    I want one too! So bad. I also want a cat, a dog, a bunny and a chinchilla. True story.

    Yeah, it was apolar bear. :( Aaww, that sounds so cute with the ducks! I used to attract animals like that, but not so much anymore. Part of me is thinking of doing veterinary nursing if I go back to college,I just love them so much. If I drove and had my own car I'd at the very least volunteer at an animal shelter, that's how much I'd love to work with them one day.

    Oh, I would CRY!.M y own Ipod is starting to go on the fritz, and if it does, I don't have the money to replace it. I think I'd fall into depression if I didn't have it, as silly as that sounds. I need music to keep sane and somewhat balanced. I don't know how you survive without it! *hugs*

    I started writing it last night actually, I'm hoping to have it done for the weekend, though knowing my luck it'll be another week or so. Whenever I plan on finishing a story, something delays me. Normally it's procrastination, lol. And ugh, that's why I wish I lived in the US. You get all the bands, and now you're going to see Frank. I'm happy for you though! Eeeeppp! Maybe you'll get to meet him!!! OMG, that would be awesome!!!!!

    I think it's a girl thing though, to plan your kids names in advanced. You might change your mind every so often, but it's a natural thing to have it thought out. I have two girl names, and three boy names planned, just to be on the safe side, lol.

    For me, I discovered MCR all by myself too. Nobody I knew, knew of them. It was purely by chance that I came by them on a mix cd. I fell in love with them within seconds of hearing 'Venom'. I already knew of LP, and my brother gave me their cd, but MCR were all on my own. That's why they're my fave band, not LP, though they're still very close to my heart. They mean more because there was no influence from others. That sticks with you more.

    My little bro doesn't listen to music, actually, and it bums me out so much. My sister and I love music, and my older brother, who doesn't appreciate it as I do, does listen to it. Even my mom has her own music collection Then there's my little brother, who just 'doesn't like' anything. He likes one Carpenter's song, one Queen song, and one Abba song. That's it. I wonder where I went wrong. I thought I was doing my best, but somewhere along the line I failed. It hurts.

    Yeah, they're Irish. This is one of their first songs. I was in love with the main singer of this song, his name was Stephen. He came out as gay, one of the first pop stars to do so I think. He died a few years ago, sadly, he was only 33 or something. But yeah, he was my first love, and they were my first concert. Stephen actually made eye contact with me and waved at me. Best moment of my pre-teen life! Lol.

    Yeah, she's been a nun as long as I remember. She's 25 years with the order this year, actually, and I'm 26 so it's pretty much my whole life. She went on the missions when I was quite young, so I don't remember her not being away. She'll be home for a few weeks though for her 25th anniversary, we're gonna have a party for her. She teaches the kids in school, which is pretty awesome. I'm not religious, but I'm really proud of her for devoting her life to helping others. That's sucks that you lost your stuff in a house fire, I can't imagine how devastating that must have been. I think i would keep books like that if I ever had ids. My parents weren't sentimental like that, but I wish they had been. It's nice to have stuff like that to show your own kids when they're older, so they can see a glimpse of what you were like when you were a baby/kid. It's a piece of history, really. i know I'd love to see one of my parents.
    June 20th, 2014 at 12:17am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    I don't know how I'm ever going to finish all of them. Ooahghas.... I might just take my rewrites/old fanfics and just do a few quick edits and get them up and out of the way. I can always do the full fledged rewrites when I'm stuck or out of inspiration at another time. :/

    Yeah, luckily I kept my current cat (Bane) from getting pregnant until I could afford to get her fixed. She won't have kittens but hopefully I can get her to move passed this dog hatred. Aw! Where did he end up? Did you find him a good home?

    I think I just got lucky then. Because I've heard some horror stories from other people too. Or maybe I just don't remember it all that well. I did have back pain a lot. Lol. That's okay. I understand completely. I have a very low pain tolerance, or at least I have this horrific fear that people will see me in pain and so I hide it well. I cry easier when I'm laughing or when I'm angry than I do when I'm in pain. My instinct is to hide and not let anyone see me.

    Oh yeah, that's true.

    For freaking reals. Well I like looking cute. But 90% of the time I don't go anywhere. So what's the point? I used to have a few nice dresses and heels. I do have one pair of ankle boots that I LOVE. But they don't match any of my clothes and I have no reason to wear them. I used to have a much bigger collection of shoes. :( Now I just have those ankle boots, a pair of biker boots for winter, a pair of sneakers, and a pair of sandals. And that's it. Lolololol. I understand that pain!

    That's why you always have to keep a backup. Even if you just make a specific email address and just email all of them to that address and save them there. You don't even have to use the email. Just keep the address and password somewhere. That way you can always go back to them if you change your mind. I have my shit saved everywhere. On my external harddrive, my email, various writing sites. That way I don't ever lose anything again.

    Well I'm hoping I can get it going again. I think I'm just going to combine Frank's version with Mila's and make it entirely new. So his intro will be her intro, etc.

    Lol. Me too! I don't remember what my original reason was for making that happen. But I thought it sounded good. Lol. Like the tables have kind of turned. In Monster Jo is the one trying to save Bucky and in the sequel he'll be trying to save her. And yeah, he'll feel incredibly guilty about it. But I'm shooting for a happy ending. We'll see how it pans out. But I'm pretty sure everything will work out. I'm a sucker for happy endings.

    Yeah, I'm sure she won't. I just felt like it was already too much. Lol. But we talk to each other constantly and I'm pretty sure she's gotten ideas from me too. So maybe I'm just being a butt about it. Yeah! I don't remember that tweet (because I don't go on Twitter) but that happens to me so freaking much! And I don't even notice it most of the time. I'll just be watching a movie I haven't seen in like 10+ years and then I'll be like "This reminds me of this story I wrote... shit." When I KNOW for certain something has given me an idea I always credit it. But there are times when I have absolutely no clue that I've even done that. And it irritates me. Lol. I'll ask her anyway when it gets going. Because I like my idea for it so far. :)

    Eyeliner is sexy. Sometimes! When it's done right. But pirates with eyeliner is fucking smoking. And it makes his eyes pop. Like I was just watching it a few minutes ago and I was like "Yup. Fucking fine ass piece of pirate booty." Oh that's crazy! Yeah, I'm used to California standards of big towns. I mean, my home town is tiny. And like... Michelle Quan was from there. But that's about it. But famous people always owned houses by the lake and their boats and shit. But we never saw them. Very often anyway.

    Lol. That's the best representation of my expression whenever I come across those stories. Yeah! I think I very rarely describe what the character is wearing. Mostly because I don't want to go in that direction. But if I do describe it, it'll be like "she wore a red dress." Use your imagination. Lol. Except I did link outfits on two separate occasions in the Lunacy Fringe. But that was for the super date dress and her wedding dress. And that was mostly for research purposes because I wanted to hint that they were in the 70's/early 80's and I needed to be sure I got the style right. And then I thought the dresses were so pretty that I wanted to share them. But yeah, one mention of Hot Topic and I'm out.

    He's so cute! I wanna see it if/when you get it done because that sounds super cute! That's really cool! I have three of them. But one of them I got when I was 14 and shaped like a bean-poll so growing kind of warped it. Plus it was ugly to begin with. That needs to be covered up. And the neck is actually one of the least painful places to get a tattoo. It didn't hurt at all. I could have fallen asleep. The foot I heard is really painful though. If you have bony feet. My step-mom and her best friend got matching foot tattoos and my step-mom said it hurt like a bitch whereas her friend said it didn't hurt at all. So I guess it just depends on how much meat is on the top of your foot. The closer you get to the bone, the more it hurts. And I like my neck tattoo. It's pretty but I was only 18 when I got it and it was a weird form of rebellion. I can't even get a shit job now if they see the tattoo in the interview. I have to wear my hair down to cover it and you're not supposed to wear your hair down in an interview. Plus I can't see myself as like a 40 year old mother with a neck tattoo. It was a bad move on my part.

    I want a pet fox! *cries*

    Oh, it was a polar bear? Aw. I don't think polar bears do very well in captivity in general. I think I heard that they have a lot of issues with keeping them. They need to be free. Poor babies. The zoo here is like a smalltime local zoo where they just keep the animals that are native to this area. I mean, it takes like an hour to get through the whole place. And there aren't really any big animals. Just stuff you'd find naturally here. I think the peacocks were donated because I'm pretty sure peacocks aren't native to Idaho. Lol. But in the San Diego Zoo the bird habitats are massive. And I think they generally do better for their animals. Like the gorilla exhibit is so freaking huge that you can't even really see the gorillas from the ground. You have to ride this cart thing above the enclosure and look down over them. AWWWWW Penguin parade!!!!! I went to the zoo in Salt Lake a few years ago and I made friends with a penguin. He waddled right over to me and followed me along. Like we just sat there bonding for a long time and I miss that little guy. My husband says I'm the animal whisperer because animals always come to me. Hahaha. Like one time we went to the lake in California and the ducks started following me in a line like they do with their moms. I WAS A MAMA DUCK! And he said he took a mental picture and he could see me walking along with this trail of ducks behind me. IT was AWESOME!

    You know what else might be the cause of my musical indifference? I dropped my iPod in the toilet. I haven't been able to replace it and I can't seem to access my iTunes to get all my music back. So that probably makes a huge difference because my music is no longer portable and I can only listen to Pandora, rather than the stuff I own. I miss my iPod. :(

    Aw! I want to read that one. It's been a long time since I've had some Frank feels. ALTHOUGH! OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT TO TELL YOU THIS! HOLY FUCKING SHIT I AM STILL FREAKING OUT ABOUT THIS I AM GONNA CRY! Okay. So like last week my dad went to the grocery store and he saw a poster hanging up from the bulletin board they put out front. It was advertising some local concerts coming up. And he decided to steal this poster for me. And he came home and he was like "I got this for you." And held it up. But he was showing me the back of it, which was Theory of a Deadman and I was like "Okay, how do I tell him that I don't like Theory of a Deadman?" But then he turned it around and showed me that it was actually for Taking Back Sunday and The Used. Who I do like. So I was like "Oh that's awesome. Thanks for stealing this poster for me. But I probably won't go. No biggie. Whatevs." WELL THEN GUESS WHO IN THE HELL JUST DECIDED TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE'S GOING TO BE PART OF THAT TOUR? MOTHER FUCKING FRANK IERO! aldsghasldhgalshdg'alsdjg;ahdgahsdg... I'm so glad my dad stole this poster for me because I would not have known about it otherwise. Which means I would have potentially missed Frank. Because the only reason I saw the announcement at all was because I recognized the poster. It's like the stars have aligned to bring me to this concert. It's in September and the tickets are $35 but my dad AND my brother want to go. Which means I'm fucking going to this concert and I'm gonna see Frank. And the best part is it's LOCAL. Which means it is within driving distance and I won't have to drive for five hours to get there. Oh my god. I can't breathe. I'm gonna fucking cry.

    Okay, back on topic here. Phew. Deep breath. AWWW! I had Milo planned in advance too. I couldn't come up with a name for a girl so I'm glad we got Milo. We didn't have his middle name picked out until I was pregnant though. But when I met my husband I told him I wanted to name my future son Milo and so whenever we talked about having kids we always referred to them as Milo. Like "Someday when we have Milo I'm going to do this with him." And then we got Milo. :D Chester Leon would be cute!

    I do still love Linkin Park. They kind of had the ability to say everything I wanted to say before I was allowed to have a voice. If that makes sense. Like especially when it comes to my family always trying to make me something I'm not. I listened to the shit out of Linkin Park because of all that anger. So when I said they take me back to middle school I meant like it gets me in my feels because I remember being that little girl who was all full of hate and couldn't do anything about it. :/ And their new stuff is pretty radtastic as well. But I don't think I ever got into them the same way that I did for MCR. Because MCR was what ultimately got me into music the way that Linkin Park did for you. And I was pretty much the same. They came out with Revenge right when I was transitioning into adulthood and trying to figure out who I was and they helped me become... me. If that makes sense. It was the first time in my life that I found something that was entirely mine. No one influenced me. No one told me about them. I found them on my own. And then when people tried to take them from me I fought tooth and nail and they're still mine. In my family, I mean. Like I found them through watching music videos and no one else in my family had heard of them yet. Now my sisters all know them, some of them love them. But they know that they're my band and they don't even bother buying merch because they know it rightfully belongs to me. :P And one of my sisters told me she had a nightmare that their bus broke down in front of her house and she forgot to ask them for an autograph for me and she felt so terrible that she felt the need to call me the next day and apologize and assure me that she would remember to ask if it ever happened. Hahaha.

    Family sucks like that. My siblings all have a very diverse taste in music and they all seem to think their taste is superior than everyone else's. Actually I can't say that. Two of my sisters have very similar taste as I do, though with slight differences. And neither one of them are assholes about it. It's the ones who listen to rap and country and screamo that think they're fucking gods. My brother who listens to screamo pisses me off the most becuase he's actually said to my face that I have shitty taste in music. With the whole "I'm not judging you but your music taste sucks." And want to know why it pisses me off? ALL OF THE BANDS HE LIKES ARE BANDS THAT I WAS INTO. Every. Single. Band. Give or take a few. Like in 2005 when I was really into MCR I listened to all of the bands he listens to now. And I told him "Dude, what the fuck? I showed you this band. I remember listening to them with you when you were a kid." But he swears he doesn't remember and maintains that my music taste is shitty because I like MCR. -_-

    Lolololol. I went to the cinema to see Spice World too. I still love that movie. Oh man. Me and my sister wanted to turn our bedroom into the Spice Bus and a part of me still wants to do it. I just want a swing in my bedroom. Hahaha. I have never heard of Boyzone but that is probably because they are Irish? Yes, that would be why. I have a few Backstreet Boys songs for nostalgic reasons. Lol. That's how I feel about them.

    You have an aunt who's a nun? Whoa. That's cute. And see, I want to keep like a whole bunch of his stuff. I actually need to buy a box so I can start collecting the things he made in preschool. He has a little plaque that they made him and a little picture book. I want to put them in a safe place so that years later he can see them again and stuff. Like my grandparents kept a bunch of stuff that I had made as a kid and I wish I'd given them that book because I'd probably still have it. They even had like a Spanish Mission replica I built in 4th grade. Lol. But my house burned down so I lost a great deal of my stuff like that. I do, however, have a plaster plaque my grandpa made just after I was born. And it has my handprint on it and it says "A Star is Born!" And plus, I think kids just generally like stories about themselves. My sister got one of those "insert your child's name here" books. And it was this printed story about she and me and one of her other friends all going on this Christmas adventure and she loved that damn book. Milo does have one like that in storage. It's about his birth and it has a baby panda. Lol.
    June 19th, 2014 at 12:56am
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    @ Indigo Umbrella
    Ah! I think I would cry too lol. You have so many stories!

    There's no point doing it if you don't enjoy it. I mean, personally, I love creating the story. Like, getting the initial idea. Normally it stems from just a scene in my head, and then I build the rest of the story. That's the best part.

    Getting attached is hard though. You can't keep them all, and it was always tough to say goodbye when they went to their forever homes, but the worse was Lucky. He was with us for a while, and I loved him to pieces. He was so sweet.

    My mom had horrible pregnancies, which she has told me about in detail. The bloating, the pains, the not being able to sleep for the last month. I could imagine myself being the one who's screaming the hospital down, if I were ever to be in that position. As I'm sure you can already tell, I don't handle pain well, at all. Adoption isn't a big thing here though, sadly. There aren't enough babies put into the system, so a lot of couples adopt from Vietnam. There isn't the same social acceptance of adoption here these days, after the scandal of forced adoptions.

    Yeah, I had that kind of joy with my little brother, lol.

    Comfort wins any day. I'm like my mom in that way. I dont give a frack about what other people think - if I'm comfy, that's all that matters. I wear heels when I go on a night out though. I'm too small not to, lol. Even with heels, I'm still tiny and not noticed by the barman when I'm trying to get a drink : (

    Yeah, I think I will rewrite it. I wish I'd realised I'd want to read, or post, them again. It makes me really sad that I can't get them back. And Paper Snowflake was the first story of yours I read, and I loved it so much. I fell in love with your storytelling from that story. I remember you saying you lost it, and I can understand how you'd be upset over that, especially when it was such an amazing story.

    Hehe. I feel a bit bad being excited, with the torture and all, sounds so good! My heart already breaks for Bucky, because I can just imagine how guilty he'll feel, and I wanna hug him when I think about it. *Joins in your dancing*

    Yay!! And I'm sure as long as you talk to her about it, she won't mind. Creative people get inspiration all the time, you can't really help it. Plus, from what you've said, they're different stories with different themes. If it was me, I wouldn't mind. I had someone get inspired by something I did, and they had an idea for a story that took one aspect of the plot, but it was twisted and not like my story in any way, but I didn't mind. It was different to my story, and they also said it. I think once you say it, most people don't mind. I remember reading a tweet of Gerard's once, and he said that he couldn't really watch TV anymore because he kept on getting ideas. It's hard not to get inspired when you see/read something you like. For me, whenever I read or watch something, I can't help but re-imagine it, put my own twist on it, or keep the characters but warp the story. It's great, but annoying at the same time lol. But yeah, I think you should post it, if she's okay with it. I would ask, at least. It sounds like it's gonna be amazing.

    Yeah, I love him. I don't know if it's the eyeliner (I swear, I'm not an 'every guy in eyeliner is hot' kind of girl, but some guys just look hot in it) or the appeal. But he's got something. We actually have a couple of celebrities from my town. Well, there's the Corrs and a directer, I think his name is John Moore, he directed the Omen remake. I also think one of the brothers in Prison Break was from here as well., or has family here or something. Which is crazy, because while it's a big town in Ireland, by US standards it probably small.

    I love that gif lol. Best use of a JT gif ever lol. But yeah, that's exactly what they're like. And, honestly, once a story mentions Hot Topic, chances are I'm not gonna like it. Or, if they link every piece of clothing the character wears in every chapter. I mean, I don't mind they occasional picture link, if it's suppose to be like, a special dress they're wearing or something but...c'mon, I don't to know every new piece of clothing in Hot Topic. I get that you like it. And yes, I know you like your makeup. Kudos.

    He's my favourite ever! I love him so much. I really wanna get it done, but I don't know if I will. I have one tattoo on my leg, it's a compass with all my horoscopes on it instead of NSEW. I love it, but it's the only one I have so far. Oh, I say the neck was sore to get. I like the idea of one, but it sounds painful. Same with the foot. I've seen some gorgeous foot ones, but I think about it and I cringe with the idea of the pain. The neck would be hard to cover up too, another reason why I wouldn't do it. I actually saw a guy with the same Scorpion tattoo as Frank on his neck, in the same place. I was like 'so hot, but damn that must have hurt'. I think I'd get my kid's names tattooed too if I ever had them. Turtles are awesome, though. And I saw a picture of the foxes, and I nearly dies from the cuteness overload. It was so. freaking. cute.

    And they do take care of the animals quite well here, so I don't know where it went wrong with the polar bear. It was just so sad to see :( I agree with the bird enclosures, it is sad that they can't so what they're meant to do, it'd be great if they were more free to fly about. They don't let any of the animals roam free in Dublin Zoo, but in Edinburgh they have the penguin parade, where they take the penguins for a walk. They don't force them out or anything - they open the enclosure, and if they want to come out, they will. which means there are days where maybe none come out, but it's awesome to see. I have pictures of it somewhere, I think. That was the best ever.

    I love just lying down and listening to music, though if I'm walking anywhere I have to have my IPod with me. I'd go crazy if i had to take a journey without it. Actually, one time, I left my IPod behind in work, and I was off the next day to go home for my birthday, which is an hour an a half journey. I didn't realise until I was on the bus after work that I'd forgotten it. So, the next morning, at half seven, I got up, took the forty minute journey into work to get it, went back into the city, to take the hour and a half bus journey back to home town. There was no way that I could have done the hour ad a half journey without my IPod.

    And yes, I know your a Frank girl. Honestly, on some days, I'm more of a Frank girl. That's why I'm finally doing a Frank fic. I think I'm gonna do a one shot with him as well, as I've realised I always screw him over in my fics, so I wanna make one where he gets the girl in the end. He's just so adorable...with those eyes...and that smile...but uhm, anway. It is a lovely name. Yeah, here you'd never hear Gerard pronounced any way but 'Jared'. Ever. It wasn't until I heard his name pronounced that way that I realised there was a different way of pronouncing it. I already have my names picked out though. Aurora Rose for a girl, Daniel James for a boy. I've had them planned for years! Hehe. Says she who is determined to never give birth, lol. But I think Chester Leon would be nice for a boy...hhmm...there's a possibility.

    Linkin Park were, and still are, special to me. They opened a new world to me, when I was about 15, so I'll always love them, even though MCR took their place a couple of years later. It would feel wrong to not include them, plus I genuinely still love their stuff, even the new stuff. But yeah, when I think of my first state exams (we take them at 16, but they don't count for anything), I think of Linkin Park. And MCR were my final state exams at 18. And my first year of college, which is when the Black Parade came out. MCR were all my big moments, actually. College, first love, first heartbreak. All that stuff.

    My sister looks down on my music taste. She thinks she has a broader taste in music one day, until one day I pointed out I like all the stuff she does, plus what I like. She's was the indie, old rock, grunge kind of person. The main stuff I listen to, she hates, so for years I didn't listen to pop because I was afraid of being made fun of even more. My parents didn't care,really. They like older music, although my mom did like Linkin Park, actually. I made a mix cd of them for her and everything, which was cool. And the Spice Girls, takes me back to childhood. i remember when they came out, and when they were big. Wow, it's hard to believe it was so long ago. I saw their movie in cinema and everything, though i was never a big fan of them. Backstreet boys are awesome, though I dont have their new stuff. I have the best of and backstreet back, and a few other songs. I also have an Irish boyband, Boyzone, as well. They were my first loves. I was five when I fell in love with them They were big here, and in the UK and Europe, but they never broke the US. For nostalgic reasons I have a few of their songs too.

    I remember my aunt, who's now a nun in Ghana, made a book that like, studies me for a year or something when I was 3 or 4. I vaguely remember it, it hand my hand prints, a bio and pictures and everything, but I have no idea where it is now. It must have gotten lost years ago I wish it'd been kept safe, because it would be awesome to still have. It's a little sad that my parents lost it, actually. So yeah, that'd be great for him to have. He'll love it when he's older for sure, who wouldn't love a keepsake like that.
    June 18th, 2014 at 11:26pm
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    I know. I made Fury an ass in that chapter. :X But I needed Jo to get snappy and I needed Steve to defend her. I also needed to show that Fury was alive, since he was taken out of the scene in the beginning to fix the SHIELD stuff.
    June 18th, 2014 at 07:58pm
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    I totally understand that. I organized all my files yesterday, hoping to break them up so that I could get them done more efficiently. And then when I opened the separate files there were like 30 stories in each and I just wanted to cry. Hahaha.

    That's the whole point. Is just to enjoy it. Everyone thinks they're crap at some point. I imagine even published best-selling author's feel that way too. Or at least they did in the past at some point. The only way is up, my friend.

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. But she was really old too. It just makes me sad that those people probably loved her and never found out what happened. She just got out and never came home. :/ Awww! I hate when that happens. I wasn't allowed to bring dogs home. I brought a lot of cats though and we always ended up keeping them even though they would have been better off if we found them homes. I always just got too attached and then they always had kittens. :(

    Pregnancy... at least for me... is not all that bad. I actually enjoyed being pregnant. But it does cause a lot of anxiety. Especially toward the end when you know you're going to give birth soon and you're just like "Fuck fuck, shit shit shit shit shit." And when I went into labor I shook the whole time. They had to put oxygen on me because I was shaking so bad and I apparently wasn't getting enough oxygen. But as for the pain, I didn't even cry. They said it was strange that I didn't cry. But I got an epidural as soon as I could and it started to wear off. Then they gave me another dose and it ended up being too close to the actual birth. So I didn't feel anything but pressure. But it could have been worse. I mean, it was worth it in the end because I got the best thing in the world. I'm not trying to sell you on the idea of childbirth. Lol. Everyone experiences something different and there are millions of kids who need to be adopted.

    But regardless of how they get to you, they will pull your hair and cause you a great deal of physical pain no matter what. Hahaha. Milo dropped a toy hammer on my head yesterday.

    Same here. No Disney though. I'd like some Disney stuff. I think I only have one dress but I don't like it. My husband said I should buy a new one but there aren't really any good dress places out here. And I can't buy online because I want to see how it looks on me before I buy it. I'm the same way! Sometimes I'm like "Golly gosh, I wish I could accessorize and wear cute tops with pretty necklaces and those belty things. How do you wear heals with jeans? I wanna try that." But then I'm like "Meh, this is so much more comfortable."

    Yay Hufflepuff! I have never written an HP story before now. And I don't think I've read very many of them. I've just had a lot of ideas for a long time and I finally decided to get it over with. Hahaha. Write it anyway! Cliche smische! Aw. It happens. That's why I don't actually delete my stuff anymore unless there's a copy of it somewhere else. Because I made the mistake of deleting everything and then lost a bunch of stories. Like Paper Snowflakes. :(

    Yay! I'm glad you're excited! I am too! *Dances around in a circle* I did the same thing with those books. Hahaha. But yeah, they're going to try to do to her what was done to Peeta and turn her against Bucky by torturing her. My poor babies.

    I started that one too! I was going to hold off on writing it until after I finished the Monster sequel but I couldn't stop myself and I got two chapters done. AND I'M SO EXCITED FOR IT TOO OMMIGOD I WISH I COULD PUT IT UP! I'll have to talk to Clara about it if/when I finish because she might not even care. But it's the second time she's inspired me to write something and we also both started our Bucky fics at the same time. So I don't want her to think I'm trying to rain on her parade or take her ideas. But mine is entirely different. Her Alice was not going to be Grace's mom. And was just going to be a girl who owned a tea shop in Storybrooke. Whereas my Alice is a portal jumper and a thief and runs trades through Wonderland when she meets Jefferson. In the beginning.

    And Hook. Oh lord Hook. *Fans self* I'm still catching up on season three and I swear every time he's on screen I'm like "Sweet baby Jesus. Mama likes." Of all of the characters I could be attracted to, I never once considered that I might be attracted to the Mad Hatter and Captain Hook. Hahaha. But that's awesome! No hot people came out of Idaho. Or where I lived in California.

    Yeah, I can't handle that shit. I remember those were really big when I first got into writing. Like on Quizilla. Back when I first started writing MCR fan fictions. And they always had like "You're wearing an Invader Zim shirt that you got from Hot Topic. You have blue hair. And you're a tom-boy but you just put on all this black eyeliner that you also got from Hot Topic." Image

    Hahaha. I vaguely remember that movie. Vaguely. I got bit by a spider once. I don't remember what kind it was. Only that it made my ankle swell up and I had to wear a slipper to school and I couldn't go outside with my friends.

    THUMPER HOW CUTE! I used to have a bunny, and I was going to name him Thumper but my mom said it was too cliche. So I named him Flower instead. Lololololol. I have a turtle tattoo. He's not significant. I just like turtles. My next one is going to be my son's name though. I don't know if I'm going to get anymore after that. Maybe just a coverup. But I'd like to get the one on my neck removed because that's a dumbass place to put a tattoo if you ain't got a job. Oh, I've seen them! I think it was a documentary or a TV show or something! But I saw them! And they started to develop spots and floppies and their tails were different and stuff. Oh my gosh. I would love to have a pet fox. *Squee*

    Aw, poor baby. :( The grizzly here was really well taken care of, I think. He was very friendly and he had other bears in his habitat with him. I think the zoo here does really well with their animals. Except for the birds. I always feel bad for the hawks and stuff because they're meant to soar and they have such tiny enclosures. But they let the peacocks roam wild. They just kinda do their own things. Lol. And the buffalo and elk have like a full acre to roam free.

    Yeah, that's probably it. Because I have to be moving in order to listen to music. I can't just sit there and listen. And I can't listen when I go to sleep because I have to be able to hear my son. So the only time I ever get to listen to music is when I'm cleaning the house or something. It kind of sucks. I can't wait to have my own place so I can blast music when I'm in the shower and stuff.

    Thanks. ^.^ And yeah, I didn't name him that because I love Gerard. You know I'm a Frank kind of girl ;). But my husband came up with the idea and I agreed to it because Gerard was my hero for a long time. Due to all of the things he overcame and stuff. And plus the name Gerard is French and I am French and I liked that. Because the name Milo is German and neither of his parents have a single drop of German blood. Lol. Yeah! Oh my god. That actually annoys me to no end. People do that here sometimes. Not too often. But I hear Jared a lot and I'm like *eye twitches*. But no one has ever mispronounced Milo's middle name. Yet anyway. Chester isn't a bad name! See, I really loved Linkin Park when I was in middle school. So when I listen to them I'm instantly transported to my middle school bedroom with my purple little stereo and my Korn posters, being sad about preteen stuff.

    I did that too. Mostly because my parents were really big assholes. Especially my dad. When it comes to music. Like he's an 80's metal head and he used to make fun of me CONSTANTLY if he did not approve of my musical choices. Pop was like a definite no in his household. And my mom wasn't genre specific but she made fun of my choices just as much. So I only listened to whatever I thought they were cool with. Except for when I was really into the Spice Girls. But that was elementary school and I don't count it. BUT then I got really into Maroon 5 and my dad kept trying to make fun of me because they weren't "real music." And I told him to fuck off and made him buy me their first CD anyway. And now he says he "tolerates them" because they "play their own instruments." -_- He also said the same about Imagine Dragons. And I was like "I'm not looking for your approval, fucker. Get out of here with your bullshit." And having Backstreet Boys on your iPod is a-okay! I used to really love them too. I haven't listened to their new stuff but I was super crazy about them about the same time I was crazy about the Spice Girls. Although, I still listen to the Spice Girls regularly. In fact, I listened to them yesterday when I was washing the dishes. Lol.

    I just think he'll appreciate them when he's older. Because I remember when I was in kindergarten our school had this project where the 4th graders would like "sponsor" a kindergartener and at the end of the year before they went on to a different school, they would write you a storybook. And I don't remember anything about my sponsor. I just remember the book that she made for me. And I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! I remember there was a unicorn that she drew herself and the cover was red. I don't remember what the story was about. But I just remember us going on an adventure and seeing the unicorn. And I just thought it was the coolest thing in the world and I wish I still had the book. So I thought that I would handmake a bunch of books for my son for him to read. And then when he gets older he'll have these cute little children's books that were written just for him and maybe he can pass them onto his kids. And maybe he'll love those little books as much as I loved the one I got. Aw. :( Kids are great.

    Lol. Yay!
    June 18th, 2014 at 07:50pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    @ Indigo Umbrella
    It's so easy to be unhappy with what you've written though. There's two more of my stories that I would love to rewrite, because I was too eager to get them written and posted. When you have a break from writing, you can see the things you want to change. It's really frustrating, actually.

    That's true lol. I still think I'm a crap writer though. I'm just...bleh. I enjoy doing it, though.

    Aaaww, poor thing. I would say it was lost, if it still had bows and stuff. We used to take in stray dogs all the time when I was younger. A lot of the time we found the owner, and the rest we found new homes for. There was one puppy, he was a springer spaniel, and I really wanted to keep him. His owners came looking for him though, and my heart was broken :'( He was half starved when I found him, and his tail had been docked. I called him Lucky, and he was the sweetest thing ever. I still miss him.

    Being a parent is scary, but that doesn't scare me as much as pregnancy. Pregnancy is makes me panic at the idea. So would being a parent, but I've seen what goes into raising a child (my little bro is 13 years younger than me) so I have an idea of what it involves. I also saw my mother's pregnancy, and that was awful. She bloated, spent the last three months in and out of hospital, and the idea of giving birth just...I don't know how you don't hate the child afterwards. Everyone says that you just forget, but how? I'm afraid of pain, btw, if you haven't noticed.

    All I have are jeans and Disney or primark generic tops. I mean, I have a few dresses for when I'm on a night out or something, but otherwise all you'll find are jeans and tops, and a few band tees. And two pairs of tracksuit bottoms. Sometimes I feel a little self concious, when I see people I went to school with and I realise that I look like a teenager in comparison, but honestly, I can't make myself care enough to change it. I like my tshirts, and band shirts, thank you very much. They're comfy!

    Yeah, I'm a pretty proud Hufflepuff now. Hehehe. Oh, a HP story? EEHHH. Awesome!!! Ugh, I used to read them all the time, but then I stopped. I really should get back into them. Ooohhh, I wrote a couple of Potter stories years ago. One of them I was really proud of, it was a one shot about Snape and how he was in love with Harry's mothers (I wrote it over ten years ago, before Deathly Hallows) and I wish I hadn't taken it down and deleted it. I also had a Harmony fic, which I might try to write again's cliche. But, I have to admit, I really wanna write, despite that. It's hard to know what to do. I also had a His Dark Materials one shot, which I fully intend on rewriting. I don't have the original, but I vaguely remember what happened. I really wish I hadn't deleted my early writings, but I got frustrated and embarrassed one day and I just got rid of them : (

    And EEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! Now I'm even more excited to read it!!! That sounds ssssssssssooooooooo good. Poor Jo. And Poor Bucky. And ugh...I wanna read it so bad. (And yes, I've read the Hunger Games Trilogy. I read the three of them in like, three days. I couldn't put them down. They are some of my favourite books ever. Ever ever.)

    Oh, I love that idea. That sounds like it's gonna be really interesting. And yes, please do. I would need to read it. I love Jefferson ssoo much. Him, and Hook. Hook is actually from Ireland, and he's from the same county as me! He actually went to a private school in my town! That made me so happy when I found that out.

    That's it, they're all the same for the most part, and tend not to be well written as there seems to be a lack of adjectives and good descriptions. Honestly, the other day I came across a story, and I like the idea of it and the writing itself wasn't bad, but it was second person, and once it's written that way, it just reads like a fan girls fantasy, even if it is a good story.

    *Shudders* Spiders are Arachnophobia just made me hate all spiders, and especially tarantulas. I was six years old when I watched it and it just...scarred me. I might get a wolf tattoo at some point...right after I get a Thumper one on my shoulder. And a daisy chain on my wrist. And Foxes are just so cute. Apparently they're some domestic foxes in Russia, like as part of research to see if they could be domesticated. Their ears go floppy when they're domesticated! Floppy, I tell you!

    The Polar bear in Dublin Zoo died not too long ago, I think. I used to cry seeing him though. He was on his own, and I think he went a little insane. He would shake his head You could see something wasn't right with him, and it broke my heart to him like that.It got to the stage where I had to walk past him, because it was so upsetting.

    For me, I was really busy too, between full time college and working all the time. I had no time to listen to music, and because of that, I didn't feel any inclination to listen to it. I actually think it fed into my depression, not having the outlet I had used during my teenage years. I just made myself listen to music again one day, and then it kinda came back naturally. But it is tough when your so busy, and have a million and one other things to be doing. And that's a lovely name, I love Milo. The last daycare I worked in had a kid named Milo and I loved him so much. Milo Gerard is just adorable for a name. That's also really sweet in a way. I don't think it's fan girly to acknowledge that he had a big influence on you. Honestly, I would do it too, of it wasn't for the fact that it's not pronounced the same way here (we say Jared) and that would just bother me too much, having to correct people. I have to do it with my name, I'm not doing it with my kid's, if I ever have any. I've also thought of Chester as a middle name (after the lead singer of Linkin Park, who were the first important band to me and the reason I found my true taste in music, and also the reason I discovered MCR). My mom would hate the name, though. She says its a dog's name, but I love it.

    Variety is the spice of life! I used to flat out refuse to listen to stuff before, just because it didn't fit into 'acceptable genres' for me. Now, I don't care. If I like something, I like it, and I'm not gonna apologise for it. I'll admit that I have backstreet boys on my ipod. They have some good tunes. I also have Take That, because their new stuff is awesome. I don't care if they're a boy band.

    You sound like the best Mom ever. Seriously, that's just so sweet and a great idea for a children's book. I wish my parents would have been like that. I love kids, hence why I worked with them. It bums me out a little that I'm not gonna go back to working with them : (

    Hehehe. I'm just ssooo excited to read them again. Though, I say that about all your stories. But I get excited about all your stories. True Story. Cool
    June 18th, 2014 at 02:55pm
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    I'm excited for that one too even though I can't get myself to work on it. *Smacks face* I take my stuff down a lot. I'm usually always unhappy with my stuff. *Smacks face again*

    I do that too. It's perfectly normal. And you do not suck. You shush your face. Everyone has doubts. And if they don't have doubts they're probably assholes. Hahaha.

    My mom's husband kept the poodle and then I guess she died. :/ But she was really old when we found her and it was his theory that whoever had her just let her go because no one seemed to be looking for her. I didn't believe that because she had bows in her hair so obviously someone paid money to groom her. Well she was fine even when she was out of the carrier. We lived there for like two weeks and they never bothered each other except for when the cat was sleeping on the couch and the dog would jump up, not realizing she was there. But they never fought.

    Lol. It is really scary. I'm not going to lie. Being a parent is the most terrifying thing ever. And that's not including the pain and all the rest of the shit that comes along with it. Even if you adopt, you'll be scared for the rest of your life.

    So do I! My wardrobe consists entirely of jeans and t-shirts. So it's nice to have some cool ones to wear. I have not changed my sense of style either. Lol. Well... I stopped wearing skirts but mostly because I got self-conscious. And I also don't wear like studded belts and bracelets anymore. Lol.

    I did! I am a Ravenclaw. Every test I've ever taken has sorted me into Ravenclaw, so once Pottermore confirmed it I was like, "I guess I am 100% Ravenclaw." Hufflepuffs are underrated! I am currently also working on a HP story but with OC's. And the two main characters are a Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff. YOU SHOULD! SHOW YOUR HOUSE PRIDE! It's also super awesome when people recognize that it's an HP shirt even though it isn't Gryffindor or Slytherin. Of course it says Quidditch. But I feel like wearing a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff shirt instead of the other two kind of asserts yourself as a knowledgeable HP fan or very deeply rooted HP fan. When I go to Florida I will probably wear my Ravenclaw shirt. But if I had my way I would be in entire Ravenclaw school robes. I also intend to get my exact(ish) wand from Ollivanders.

    OH MY GOD! OKAY! I really don't want to spoil you but I WANT TO TELL YOU SO BAD. Okay, spoilers below

    *slaps hands together.* You know the whole thing with Sam saying that Jo just needed to find her "Project Falcon?" Well in the sequel she will have found her "Project Falcon." And she becomes an almost superhero. Not to the extent of the Avengers. But she decides to start hunting down Hydra agents who are on the run. This is also how she gets back in touch with Bucky (because of the things that are going to happen in Monster). But the problem is that Bucky is doing the same thing she is doing. Only that when Jo captures an agent she hands them back over to the government. Whereas Bucky is leaving behind a trail of bodies. This puts them at odds obviously because Jo doesn't like killing. So they occasionally work together when they are not fighting over how they deal with the agents. Jo is still trying to "save" him and he's trying to get revenge. However! And this is the part I'm excited about. Jo will eventually be captured by Hydra and they're going to start experimenting on her with the super soldier serum. But instead of wiping her memories of Bucky, they know for a fact that Bucky will come after her and they won't have enough time to make her a lethal enough killer. So instead they do what was done in Mockingjay (idk if you've read that yet). But they basically torture her whilst showing her images of Bucky so that she attributes him to pain and torture. They also show her everything that he did while he was with them. So she actually sees the damage he's done, rather than just heard about it. This is so that when Bucky does come for her she will either lash out and try to kill him and he will kill her to defend himself, which would destroy him. Or he will allow her to kill him and thus they will have gotten rid of his threat. So I don't really know how I'm going to end it just yet. Just that those are my ideas/plans at the moment and I was super excited to tell you. I'm sorry.
    *End spoilers*

    I was thinking that if you were interested I could always email it to you. :D I don't think he's in the Wonderland spinoff from what I've heard. And I've never actually watched it so my story won't have anything to do with it. We'll just pretend it doesn't exist. Because I was going to have it so that Alice is actually Grace's mom. So the whole gist of the story is Jefferson trying to find out what really happened to her. Since he witnessed her beheading before he realized you can survive a beheading in Wonderland. Once he has Grace back there's no reason why he can't try to find Alice. So the story will most likely be called Finding Alice. But when I get it written I can send it to you!

    I actually completely agree with you. I cannot stand second person stories. I like them for like games. There's a game I just played called Choice of the Dragon, and Choice of the Vampire. And those are cool because they're those sort of story/games where you answer questions and your story builds from your responses. So that didn't bother me because it was a game. And it wasn't like "You and Gerard Way decide to go to a concert. You think Gerard looks smoking hot. Gerard kisses you." *Facepalm*

    Yay! Me too!

    Hahaha. I had a pet tarantula and she was cool. She just hung out in her cage a lot and didn't do anything. I have never seen a wolf. :( We were supposed to get a wolf exhibit at the zoo here but I don't know what happened. They ended up renovating the bear exhibit instead of getting wolfies. And I wanted to see the wolfies. But I love foxes! Oh my god they are such cutie patooties!

    I love watching active animals, preferably when they're not masturbating. But I love when they're bouncing around and playing. I love foxes but every time I go to the zoo here the fox is always asleep. I have never ever seen that fox get up for anything. But the mountain lion and the lynx are always on the move. The grizzly was too. He was super friendly and always sat by the fence and just scratched his butt and looked at people. But he died. :( He was old.

    I hope so. It just feels weird. Maybe I'm just too busy all the time. I'm going to school and being a mom and always writing and I just never have time to enjoy music like I used to. :/ That sucks though. I'm glad you were able to reconnect. I definitely understand that feeling of having music help you get through stuff. That's why I love MCR so much. I've been a fan of them for 10 years now. That's a long time to have something in your life. A lot of stuff happened in those 10 years. And that's why, no matter what happens or how long it takes me to get out of this rut, MCR will always be special to me. I had them when I had no one else. My son's middle name is Gerard too, btw. I always feel weird telling people that because I sound like a fan girl but they mean a lot to me and Gerard has always been a big inspiration to me. So I've got my little Milo Gerard. ^.^

    Not laughing at all! I love music like that! I like expanding my horizons and that seems to be what I'm into nowadays. And I'm not really into country music either. Except for a rare few songs that are more folksy like that, make me laugh, or are old school. Pop and hip hop is iffy for me. Depends on what it is. But I like to think I listen to a nice variety of genres and styles.

    Working with children is so much fun. They come up with the best shit. My son and I are going to write a children's book called Cray Cray and Toot Toot. Because he came up with this story about a little robot boy named Cray Cray and his cyborg mom named Toot Toot. So I want to write him the actual book of Cray Cray and Toot Toot going on adventures together. He named them too. Hahahaha. And I was going to write him a Halloween book called "My Mommy's a Witch." Because whenever he tells me he scared of monsters I tell him that I'm a witch and monsters are scared of witches. Lol. So I made up this whole story about having a witch for a mom to keep him safe from monsters. And at the end he's going to say "And the best part is, I'm a witch too!" And then I got the idea for an entire series of mom and son witch duo fighting monsters together in cute little books.

    ^.^ Well those ones I figured would be way too difficult to make into originals. And the Killjoys are characters and not real people. So I didn't feel weird about them. The Ghost of You takes place in the 1940's so obviously it's not really them. I might tweak their names but it'll be pretty much the same deal.
    June 16th, 2014 at 12:45am
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    @ Indigo Umbrella
    I can understand with Bone Maiden. I'm really excited to see what direction it will go in, now that it had a more definite plot. I love horror stories and myths, so it's hard to tell what way the story will go. But yeah, I used to hate seeing authors taking their stories down to rewrite them, but then when I finished My Way Home, I understood why it happened.

    Exactly. Sometimes I catch myself writing something, and then I stop and realise that the way I wrote it mightn't make sense to anyone else. I hate when that happens, because then I have to rewrite it. then I get frustrated, and then I doubt my writing ability and I feel like I suck at writing. Well, I do suck, but I still write anyway lol. That's the thing with books, it would be so much better if there were author notes occasionally lol.

    Aw, what happened to the poodle? Did she get rehomed? That's a good thing though, that your cat was calm in the cat carrier. The problems stem from intimidation, so once the cat know it's safe, and the animal won't attack, she calms down. I'm sure gradual introduction would work for her.

    Man, I'm freaking terrified of how big I would get if I was pregnant. Well, pregnancy freaks me out in general. I've decided I'm never giving birth, ever. I'll adopt if it comes to it. the whole thing is just...scary. I love kids, but birth and pregnancy just seem so horrible. I've seen 16 and pregnant!

    Aaww, thank you xx. When I eventually get a job and have money again I'll definitely buy some. I live in t-shirts and jeans. The other day, I was out with my mom, and I saw two girls I went to school with, dressed all adult-like. Not fancy, but just in like, nice shirts and stuff, and then I was there in a plain t-shirt over a long sleeved top and jeans, and I couldn't help but think 'I haven't changed my sense of style (which is Disney t-shirts and jeans) since I was in school'. And that will never change.

    Oh, did you get sorted on Pottermore? I got Hufflepuff...I was devastated at first, but then I read the description and realised that I am indeed Hufflepuff. We're loyal and not very judgemental, which is me to a tee. So, now I'm kinda proud of being a Hufflepuff. Gryffindors might be brave, and Ravenclaws are smart, but at least I'm loyal. I need to get a Hufflepuff top, now that I think of it.

    *Coughs*You know, you could tell me if you wanted. I'd still read it.*Coughs*
    I love Sebastian Stan's Mad Hatter. I love Once Upon in general. I would love to read that. If you do write it, you should still post it. Or maybe I could still read it? Cause I'm sure it would be awesome :) I think that character is really interesting, and he really should be used more, although ,maybe he's in the Wonderland spin off? I haven't seen that yet.

    As long as a story is well written, perspective isn't that big of a deal. The only thing I hate is second person perspective, actually. don't ask me why, but it really bothers me. To the point where I just can't read a second person pov story. Is that really bad? I wish it didn't annoy me so fracking much, but it just turns me off a story immediately. It could be an amazing plot, but I just can't make myself read it.

    If I do, I'll tell you all about it! I''ll post the pictures up, even! I really hope I get to go!

    Oh god, spiders are the legs...and teh creppy, I saw arachnophobia. Those creatures are general rule is, if it has more than four legs, or no legs, I'm not going near it. End off. Nothing good from either type of creature. We used to have wild wolves, but the last one was killed centuries ago :( I love wolves, though, They're awesome. You're right though, of course they were gonna go for livestock, they need to eat. You could hardly expect anything else. We have lots of wild foxes though, which kill livestock here.

    That was when he started...ya'know...have fun. He's so adorable though. I stood there for ages, just watching him I could have stayed there all day, watching him. The same with the Meerkats, actually. They're so active, and cute. Whereas, like with the Tigers and Lions, they just lie there sometimes, which is cool but it's more amazing to watch an animal who doesn't sit still.

    I went through a similar thing actually. I was with my ex, and I just...stopped listening to music. I disconnected, and I stop reading fan fiction. Well, all bar one site, which was 'fanfictfanatics', which was run by two women who wrote some the of most twisted, but utterly amazing,mcr fan fictions I have ever read in my life. They took the site and their stories down, unfortunately. Anyway, during those four years, I stopped finding new bands. I stopped connecting with music, including mcr. I mean, I read a couple of stories, but that was nothing compared to what I used to read. I broke up with my ex mid- 2011, and it wasn't until then that I listened to Danger Days properly, or any other new album by a band I loved. I completely shut myself off from the things I loved, including normal reading, not just fan fics. I lost interest, even though music had been my obsession since I was 15, when I got a hold of my brother's 'Hybrid Theory' album by Linkin Park. Through them, I discovered other bands I'd never heard of before, like Qotsa,Lostprophets, Foo Fighters, HIM, and it got me into Green Day and Papa Roach, who I just didn't listen to before then. Actually, it's because of Linkin Park that I bought the Kerrang magazine that had a mix album, which had 'Venom' on it, and I fell in love with MCR from the second the guitars kicked in. Anyway, for years music got me through stuff, and I just stopped connecting with it. Then, I broke up with my ex, got my heart smashed to bits by another guy who was a complete asshole, and then, when I was getting myself back together, I fell back into music, through MCR. I remember the moment I reconnected, and it was amazing. You will find your way back to it. When you find yourself disconnecting, there's normally something else going on that's stopping you from it. Once that's resolved, you'll find yourself feeling it again. It was three years for me though, so I hope it doesn't last that long for you.

    I listened to that, and wow, I love it. It's so haunting. I'll admit, I love Irish folk music, stuff like this. *waits until you finish laughing to continue* That band is from my local town, I know they had a few hits in the US, but I don't know if you know them. Anyway, I love that kind of music. Actually, I like most music, really. Bar bad pop and country.

    And I know, I think my ovaries exploded from the cuteness overload when I heard it. It's so fracking adorable and sweet.

    I'm not exaggerating, that really makes me happy that they're going back up as fan fics. Even though I'd love them in original form, seeing them as in fan fic just makes me giddy, a squeally!
    June 15th, 2014 at 10:54pm