Oh my.

It's been quite a while since I've been here, but I've just posted a new story. It'd be wise to read (at least) the first five chapters of Like A Bird (the last chapter was an extremely abrupt ending and I don't advise reading it unless you actually like the story) before reading it, but the story gets along by itself even without the background information.I'd appreciate feedback as much as...
January 28th, 2011 at 07:42am

one trip after another...

so, this is a recap of my life the past week.spirit week.no marching band from monday through wednesday. then the school bonfire thursday and the homecoming game friday. mon-wed, walked home with jennie. monday, my stand fell twice in band. once when i was about to sit down and thought i had placed it firmly on the ground, and the second because i tripped over it while moving a seat over. showed...
October 30th, 2010 at 11:06pm

pure entertainment.

there's nothing like sitting in the stands with some of the best people you will ever meet in your life. the uniforms are on as powerful symbols of what we stand for, of who we are. they're equalizers, putting us all under the same category for doing something we all love to do. above the treeline not far from the field, there's one shining planet that is always there. it shines without twinkling,...
October 12th, 2010 at 12:17am

This bed is on fire with passionate love.

Nyeh, I really love the old American Pie movies. The most recent one made last year was like, what the hell? It wasn't even about the Stifflers or Livingstein's son, which was so stupid. It also had a really gay ending, trying to promote the fairness between people in a relationship, and how one should respect his woman. Of course this is true, but I had more fun watching the old movies with the...
September 29th, 2010 at 04:51am

ut animadverto.

Have you ever looked up at the sky on what seems like the most perfect day and see how fake it really looks?Like a painting, almost; though, slightly more realistic since you can watch it move.Then you look back down to earth, where a forest line starts at the end of a grassy meadow, butterflies and such fluttering around you.The forest looks fake as well; it looks rather dark and not very bright...
August 26th, 2010 at 04:51am

Today was just ***ing fantastic. :|

It's hard to explain. Basically, I have to take pills elsewise I might end up with kidney issues [they found bacteria in my urine] and I have been diagnosed with psoriasis. Only on my scalp and a bit in my ears, though; it's nothing like the pictures on google [thank goodness]. It's a lot for me to take in and I wanted to go home and cry about it to my dog, but mom wanted to go shopping and I...
August 5th, 2010 at 03:39am


I mentioned before that I had this idea for a short story, but I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet. Instead, I've had ideas for other short stories - one, of which, will be posted tonight. I hate how I always get so sidetracked, but that's alright. I've been more busy this summer than any other summer - and I hate it. I definitely don't like having homework over the summer, nor will I...
July 27th, 2010 at 12:28am


I just finished watching Marley&Me. It's kind of stupid, but I always tear up at the end of that movie. I walked over to my dog and sat down next to him for a while. I was talking to him, petting him, ruffling his loose skin folds [that sounds gross, haha.. he's an old dog]... and I don't know. The movie always makes me feel really lame when I do that, but it's one of those sudden reaction...
July 15th, 2010 at 03:09am

Well, I'm not sure of what to think.

I'm not exactly on writer's block because I can think of plenty of things to write about, but I'm not exactly sure of where I want to go in my current story "Like A Bird." I know the general idea of what I want to happen throughout the story, but I'm still thinking about what I want to happen in the next chapter. I'm only getting ideas for other stories, and I can only take details from the other...
July 6th, 2010 at 11:48pm

Sad Eyes.

I was going through weeks-old pictures today, taken before I made the big move back home. And though I can't say that I miss Okinawa completely, or that the people still there are all amazing as can be... but the one person I do miss is on my mind frequently. Not weirdly, or in a loving way, just... there. Memories and the subjects we talked about. We talked about everything, like most best...
June 28th, 2010 at 12:57am


Oh, look.Click.What?There's nothing on this page.It's blank.No words, except her name.A picture of her and her dog.An iPod playlist?That's a great vintage wooden background.It's a great design; pretty, happy, yellow flowers.Others would like it....She's always hated the color yellow.I like the random iPod, though it has a crappy song.Wonderwall, really?The lyrics don't have much meaning.I guess it...
June 14th, 2010 at 04:53pm

And some of us are sitting here

looking through others' eyes into our friend's hearts; their souls.Then we wonder why we never saw it when they were with us.And it's weird, seeing the same place being lived through different eyes; separate lives....Then it's funny, thinking deeper into the situation...Seeing that really, as much as you may think you do, you don't.Don't miss it.Don't miss them.Don't miss anyone... except one.And...
June 2nd, 2010 at 09:58am

Private Matters.

Song: Ohio is for Lovers [Acoustic].One star. One last glimmer of hope I see before the darkness starts setting in. The light it's radiating to Earth makes it seem as if the night is talking to me again. If I opened my window, what wonders would crawl in?A bug?The wind?The moonlight?I'm not a special girl. Compare me to the beauty of the moonlight or a rose bush. I'm not exactly pretty, and I take...
May 11th, 2010 at 01:14pm

Dysfunctional Brain.

I'm trying to imagine life without my current best friend. It's really hard. There's not that much that's great about him, but I think that's why I find him so fascinating. He's funny and nice, so I guess that's why other people like him. But we were both listening to his iPod today... and Hurt by Nine Inch Nails started playing. I was doing my work since we were in class and he was humming softly...
April 29th, 2010 at 02:52pm

Typical Day

Waking up is always the same for me. I never wake up with some supreme happy feeling, but I never wake up unsatisfied. I’ll look at the clock and realize I should’ve gone to bed earlier; I need to get up quickly to brush my teeth and change into something presentable because I’ve made plans or have just decided that I won’t catch much sleep if I go to bed again. If it’s a school day, I...
February 13th, 2010 at 05:42pm