Fans of The Office, UNITE!

I need help finding a GIF of Micheal. Specifically the one where Michael screams "NOOOO! NO, GOD, NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOO!" when he finds out Toby is back.If you can help me find it, I will love for FOREVARS~In non-GIF news, life is stressful. Oh, school. You drain the life out of me. I'm glad to be almost done with high school, but I'm dreading it at the same time. College is going to be one hell of...
March 1st, 2010 at 03:18am

MIBBA! I need your help. Also, music and rage.

Alright. BACKSTORY TIME.So my friend has this amazing picture as the background on his iPod Touch ( However, he left it in my car and I am not able to ask him where he got it from at the moment, and he probably won't remember even if I do ask him.I am absolutely in love with it. Does anyone know the name of the artist or the name of the art? Or even better, a...
February 1st, 2010 at 04:31am

Assholes, people that shouldn't exist, and growing up

Sometimes I'm the optimistic asshole. Sometimes I'm the pessimistic asshole. It depends on who I encounter and how obnoxious they act. Y'know what I mean? There are some people that make me enraged daily, and then I just rain on everyone's parade for the rest of the day. I don't even really think about it, I just do it.Want to know who's being obnoxious lately? People that are hating on Haiti....
January 27th, 2010 at 04:07am