
Hello there!My name is Icis luann. It's very nice to meet you.I'm quiet at times. I do get crazy. I can be annoying. I do talk alot. I can write for years. I suck at spelling. I had my mibba for a long time now and still never put up a story. I day dream way to much. I l o v e the color green. I am in deed just saying random thing. I have no idea how to make or put layouts on this profile ma bob, so if this comes out looking stupid... I wouldnt be shocked. I make a thousnad typos and I hardly ever make sense. My favorite band is NeverShoutNever. I would love to learn how to dance, but I cant. I love drawing? I suck at it though ahah.Yes I do write ahah instead haha. My voice is weird. I do have Formspring but no one askes me questions. For all I know I probably wont put a story on here. I am in process of making a book right now. If you want to read a chapter ask me and I'll put it here... if I could. I could type for years. I do type fast for my age? My age? 13 years young. Do NOT try being a perv towards me . I will not like it and I will tell you to leave me alone. I think i will stop blabbing now? Have a question? Go ahead ask me, I don't bite... kinda ahah

Coding by Gemma @ OnlyLiars
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