another shot ! [any ideas?]

well, it's been about two months since I've attempted to write a story on Mibba.[mostly because the first one I started got deleted]I'm thinking about giving it another shot....but it's going to be a little difficult for me since I'm not much of an, for the next few days, I'll be debating on what genre the story's going to be in and once that's decided, I'll begin writing.but thanks to...
October 24th, 2009 at 09:10pm

Gah ! My story went A.W.O.L !!!!

OMG !I am sooooooooo friggin madd ! I had to learn the hardd way that your stories can just DISAPPEAR and then REAPPEAR [hopefully] sometime laterr !qahhhh, I'm losinq it !!#@%#qrrrr, I'm better now....smhhI had to let off some steam ! qeez, I was lookinq forward to writinq my story ALL DAY at skool ! &nd then I come home and they said my story doesn't exist ! that's right, DOESN'T EXIST !...
August 28th, 2009 at 10:11pm