I've neglected you, Mibba.

It's been so long since I posted a journal on here. What's up Mibba? How's the cold weather treating you?When I last journaled, it was August, and a few of my friends had turned on me. Everything's better with them, although we will never be as close as we were. But I'm just glad that everything worked out. The last journal before that was about me getting rejected. Well, it's all okay now. That...
February 1st, 2010 at 07:14am

I don't know who to turn to anymore.

Here are some things that my 'best friends' have told me.'look corey basically you put me through hell and i stood by your side because i cared but this time im going with lydia because i believe she is right here and i can see her point im done with the guilt trips corey you need to stop it it just ticks people off and people still try to give u another chance....seriously stop it, ask anyone....
September 1st, 2009 at 04:06am

Alright, time to make an actual journal.

I don't fall in love fast, but when I first met her, I was on the ground before I knew anything about her.Her name's Lydia. We became friends over AIM. But she wasn't a long distance friend, we live about ten minutes away.My friend Erik invited us into a buddy chat and from there on, we got to know each other fast.Eventually, we talked on the phone, and we had such a fun time.For over a year, we...
August 19th, 2009 at 01:48pm

I feel right at home.

I loved all of the welcoming! It completely made my day. :DFriend request me if you'd like, I'll accept as long as there's something in the friend request comment.I'm sorry I couldn't get back with everyone. If I didn't, send me a message about it.I respond to messages more. :]I wish I could have commented back with everyone. I feel kinda bad not commenting back.But it made me feel good,...
August 18th, 2009 at 06:21pm

I'm not good at this.

Well, I guess I'll start by telling you about me.My name is Corey. I live in Ohio, and I'd love to move down south.I live with my sister and dad, my mom died when I was ten.I made one of these because of my friend Larissa. [;I'm not good at this kind of stuff whatsoever.Im 13, almost 14 when writing this.I constantly fuck up, and I get screamed at for it.But I dont have it as bad as some people...
August 18th, 2009 at 02:07am