
Ralph is the bombbb diggityyy.And. I just needed to write about it.Cause he's cool.And, I don't know him.But I had to.And now I have to waste.100 words.So.List of fears my fears.?Contreltophobia.Aerophobia.Methyphobia.Potophobia.Agrizoophobia.Myrmecophobia.Neophobia.Ochophobia.Motorphobia.Peladophobia.Bacteriophobia.Phalacrophobia.Domophobia. <333Ablutophobia.Copy and paste is hurting my...
January 3rd, 2010 at 07:55am

This is super important, to someone.<3

Hey hi hellothere. I'm not quite aware on how to put links. So, this won't be as cool as Doms entry about me. But, I'll make it longer, mmkay? I really don't know how to top that, but it's worth a shot.I never thought I was a 'good person'. I mean, yeah. I'm nice and all. I like to make new 'friends'. But nothing like this has really happened. Even if it is internet. I have a best friend. I have...
January 3rd, 2010 at 07:21am

I think

I love you (:<3I'll post something important later.Wow, this thing has to be atleast 100 words?Well then.I guess I'll tell you about my pizza man.he's oddly attractive.in the old creepy 27 year old man.I went to the door and started screaming before i opened it.Because the door wouldn't open.So, he laughed at me.Buuut, he was attractive.Yet ugly.You know?I'm going to eat my pizza now.<3Still...
January 2nd, 2010 at 02:08am