HookedOnVengeance. / Comments

  • JennyLynn2012

    JennyLynn2012 (100)

    United States
    Hi! I would really appreciate if you would check out my Newest story! :)
    Here's the summary, it's called (http://www.mibba.com/Stories/Read/462628/Right-By-Your-Side/)Right By Your Side
    Lennox Anderson is a down to earth seventeen-year-old girl. She lives with her mom in a two-bedroom house and goes to John Adams High School. Unlike most girls, Lennox never cared for boyfriends. Yes, she believed in love. She just didn’t think it was truly possible to find it while in high school. She was past the high school drama. All she wanted to do was make enough money to move away from the city into a small town. The only problem with Lennox, was her sarcastic nature. It was hard for her to get to know people, especially girls, because people just didn’t want to take the time to break down her wall. But if you got past it, then you’d see just how sweet she really is.
    Andrew Williams isn’t your typical jock. Sure, he plays football and has a girlfriend, and acts all tough on the outside, but he’s really a sweetheart. Unlike Lennox, he was in a relationship. He loved his girlfriend, Macy, but he just wasn’t IN love with her. Even though he wasn’t in love with her, he never felt the need to break up with her, because they had a special relationship. Macy was kind and sweet, but was emotionally dependent on Andrew. So, he never left her.
    So what do Lennox and Andrew have in common?
    Well for starters, they both have had a mini crush on each other for over a year, even though they’ve never actually formally met. But now that they have been paired together for a school project, things are about to be taken to the next level, as the two young adults have a secret relationship.
    Will their relationship stay a secret?
    Will they be there for each other through thick and thin?
    Or in the end will Andrew choose Macy over Lennox?

    [i]'If you ever need me,
    you know where to find me,
    I have never left you,
    I'm where I've always been,
    right by your side.'

    -Matthew West[/i]
    May 9th, 2012 at 02:27am
  • Jayme112234

    Jayme112234 (100)

    United Kingdom
    thanks for your comment on my lionel messi story x
    May 7th, 2012 at 06:56pm
  • Angelina Shadows

    Angelina Shadows (100)

    United States
    Hey can you read my two a7x stories called Torn and My Addiction and comment and subscribe if you like them. Thank you.
    October 8th, 2011 at 09:05am


    United States
    oh yeah the family would definitely agree that michelle is the worst. i really do think that the last 10% are people who actually like her, maybe some don't even care. i've only ever seen two pictures of michelle where she looked pretty. and that was it. otherwise she just...she just tries way too hard.

    aww that's so sweet! i didn't know that, i was wondering how he had met her since she definitely doesn't fit the stereotype of a rockstar's girlfriend. they are way adorable together and she just seems so genuinely sweet. gena, i really did used to hate her as well, but that way just dragging on from the hate for val for thinking they were gold diggers when clearly they are not. gena is a very successful hairdresser, doesn't she own the salon? and i think she does the guys hair and makeup for a lot of their old photo shoots. that's so adorable that she made zacky chase her. and yeah, in the guys documentary All Excess they had that section just about val and they all stated how much she did for them. if fans don't believe that then they're just dumb.

    yeah i definitely agree. leana should have just kept the tattoo, to carry a piece of jimmy with her forever but she definitely shouldn't have dropped the family out of her life like that, they would have all been there for her like they were for each other. it sucks that she's acting that way but yeah jimmy would have wanted her to move on since she's still so young.

    haha thank you! i couldn't figure it out at all but that makes so much sense. well i have a feeling michelle won't last long.
    September 3rd, 2011 at 09:52pm
  • bb-8

    bb-8 (100)

    United States
    I really do hope so!
    Or a drumstick :P
    August 28th, 2011 at 10:04am
  • reasons for insanity

    reasons for insanity (100)

    lol yeah. But at least you know someone like that would be sanitary and whatnot haba
    August 28th, 2011 at 04:39am
  • Angelina Shadows

    Angelina Shadows (100)

    United States
    Yes they are. I really wanna go to one of their concerts and meet them but i'm broke lol.
    August 27th, 2011 at 07:59am


    United States
    haha i think i may have com across your rant but i'm not sure. but yeah there is always someone ranting about how terrible they all are, but they really aren't. lacey seems the nicest because she's never in the spotlight, and she goes to college or went to college and she's with johnny and they're both just so sweet. gena doesn't need to rip off zacky becayse she makes her own money by being a hairstylist, i'm pretty sure she owns the salon she works at and i think that's where she met zacky even. val is a model and an actress but even before that she has been with matt since WAY before the band was even starting, 6th grade, and she helped them become who they are, they've all said that without val who knows what would have happened. and michelle...well...she's michelle. she's a drunk and a cheat and i really don't believe she loves brian or supports him. she really doesn't deserve him.

    there truly is just something off about her. in every single story i've ever written about brian, michelle has always cheated because i truly believe she would. she just doesn't look stable and poor brian is very blind if he can't see that. and it must be annoying for him, having to take care of her when she's drunk all the time and being embarrassed by her. hahaha! i definitely think she'd annoy zacky...um this may sound silly but what's a wag? i saw it all over tumblr involving the girls haha.

    yes indeed she was a porn star. well, i thought she just took photos kinda and did movies sometimes or made weird videos, Teen Topanga or whatever haha. but i could see her as a porn star actually. i think she's adorable, or well i used to, i don't know what's been going on with her and if that's true, about all the stuff with her and those guys, then it really is sad that she moved on so quickly from such a loveable guy. i was kinda wondering where she went after his death, like the A7X family got closer but she drifted off...
    August 27th, 2011 at 12:18am
  • reasons for insanity

    reasons for insanity (100)

    haha dude, I took it BETTER than a man. XD According to Geoff anyway. Geoff being my tattoo artist/dental hygienist lmao. Weird combination.
    August 26th, 2011 at 04:50pm
  • Angelina Shadows

    Angelina Shadows (100)

    United States
    Hi i'm arianna and i love Avenged Sevenfold!
    August 26th, 2011 at 08:10am


    United States
    that's true, but i mean, from what other people say and stuff like when they've actually met the girls, you kinda have to believe it, but nothing is set in stone until you meet them you know? like i have my opinion and if i ever meet them then it'll be set.

    yeah i used to HATE on her and val and gena and leana for just dating the guys and then i figured how childish that was and had no reason and i slowly started to like val, and then leana and then gena, they all seem wonderful but michelle...i've just never liked her. at first it was because she was with brian and then i looked at her closely and saw how gross she was because at that point she had that DISGUSTING (i mean the one she has now with that blonde shit makes it looked all dried out and her bangs look terrible) hairdo of the brown curls and random blonde spots, i mean like it looked ok at angles, like from the side, but i've always thought it looked like someone blew chunks in her hair and she never washed it all out.

    she really does bring it on herself, i mean, she acts in her terrible ways and poor brian obviously doesn't see it. i don't know what he sees in her because she really seems like a bitch.

    and i didn't realize that you had mentioned it had only been two months since jimmy passed when she moved on, that is ridiculous, she would have been struck with grief more than anything probably because she was with him for so long and it was so sudden.

    and yeah, they're definitely confusing dude. nothing about them is just plain in sight.
    August 26th, 2011 at 05:00am
  • reasons for insanity

    reasons for insanity (100)

    haha, piercings aren't that bad. my tattoos weren't either, except for the bit that's on my shin. THAT hurt like a mofo.
    August 26th, 2011 at 02:03am


    United States
    whoa! i had no idea about so much of that! i thought his clothing line was still running. and yes, she always has her alcohol it's totally ridiculous. i mean...a drunk person all the time? that's got to be annoying for brian.

    no way really!? they did!? i had no idea! i thought they just started dating because val was dating matt and michelle was just around a bunch. i had no idea it was drunken hookups. there's no way their marriage will last now. not with her being a lazy freeloader. if he makes all the money she has no right to be spending it. aaaand i just want to point this out, but her boobs are so fake, and she always flaunts them. i mean, val got hers done to help her modeling career right? well one twin couldn't be genetically enhanced with boobage and the other not gifted so michelle had to have got hers done too right? the way she dresses makes her look like a skank. honestly she has got to be the bitchiest of them all.

    really!? leana did all that!? i mean...she deserves to move on and be happy because jimmy wouldn't want her to be sad and depressed the rest of her life, she's too young, but getting the tattoo lasered off? that's just sad...it was a memory for them to share. she should cherish it to remember him.
    August 26th, 2011 at 01:32am
  • reasons for insanity

    reasons for insanity (100)

    Cool. I've seen ones behind people's ears, they look pretty awesome. My tattoo artist said that a tattoo on or near the hip is the most painful place for a girl to get one, for what that's worth lol. But the pain would be worth it, no doubt. :)
    August 25th, 2011 at 04:57pm


    United States
    oh and yes she definitely seems annoying. in fact i read on tumblr that when this girl met her, she was really drunk and brian had to apolgize for her and he like said "i hate when she acts like this". i just typed michelle's name into tumblr and found that. and then someone complained that val wasn't very friendly either but that i don't believe very much.
    August 25th, 2011 at 04:28am


    United States
    haha ok good, glad you didn't notice then. it was pretty bad.
    yeah she does seem clingy, and she's kinda the only one who doesn't have a job. i mean she supposedly helps brian design his clothes or helps run the line but i don't know about that. and i guess she ran his myspace for it too.

    really? i didn't know that. i thought her and matt wanted kids now you know? they'll make beautiful babies. really tall babies actually haha. and they're not getting much younger. but whatever they want you know?
    August 25th, 2011 at 04:27am
  • reasons for insanity

    reasons for insanity (100)

    That's really pretty. :) Where do you plan on getting it?
    August 25th, 2011 at 01:48am
  • reasons for insanity

    reasons for insanity (100)

    Oh I know, lol. I was 18 when I got my deathbat tattoo and my dad still almost kicked me out of the house. Ah well.

    What do you plan on yours looking like?
    August 25th, 2011 at 01:00am
  • reasons for insanity

    reasons for insanity (100)

    Hello! Thanks for the tattoo comment. :) Gotta say it's my favourite tattoo so far (I only have two at the moment though...lol), and probably will be permanently. As soon as the self titled came out I knew I wanted to get the Afterlife angels tattooed; it's my favourite song by Avenged, and I think it's beautiful artwork as well. I was only 15-16 at the time though, so I had to wait. By the time I was 18, things had changed regarding losing Jimmy and whatnot, so I made some additions to it. Parents weren't impressed when I came home from university with a tattoo that took up my whole calf (and what's more, another tattoo for "that band") but hey, can't please everyone. :)
    August 24th, 2011 at 06:44pm


    United States
    haha just realized i said previously that brian would make a fantastic child, but i meant he would make a fantastic father, but i guess he would make a fnatastic child works too.

    that's so true i didn't even think of it like that! it wouldn't be fair to either of them, unless he took the kid out on the road with him but then that would require michelle having to go and that wouldn't be fair to all the other girls, and then brian wouldn't get the space he needs more than likely from her.

    granted, i also don't want him to make babies with her because she's not very pretty. val definitely got the better looks because she doesn't have to try hard to be pretty.
    August 24th, 2011 at 02:25am