so it goes / Comments

  • hello! I just dropped by to say that I started re-writing my Spencer Reid [i]Swallow Me Whole[/i] as I promised :)
    February 5th, 2012 at 05:25am
  • Well, still. I thought that was like, one of the easiest sciences. :P
    And you're taking it in 9th grade? Whoa. I took earth science in 9th grade. That was pretty easy too compared to what I put up with this year. And what I'll have to deal with next, which is Physics.
    I was thinking you were older for some reason. Huh. Maybe it's because you write like you're older. lol. Which is a good thing, trust me. It's better than my cousin who's in the same grade and types like, 'oh, lulz, ur so funny!' and stuff like that. XD That was actually a compliment to what she says. :P It's actually been a lot more ridiculous. :P
    And aha. :D
    February 2nd, 2012 at 02:55am
  • lol. I guess. :P Thanks.
    And yay, you got good grades too! Aha. :D
    A D in Biology? How? XD I had it last year and it was so easy. Now Chemistry, however, is another story. lol. But wait... what grade are you in? I was in 10th when I took biology... but it may be the different schools thing and things might be different. Aha. Idk. But just curious.
    Um... yep. We went out to eat at Panera Bread, aha, which was my first time eating there. :P And then... well, we waited until the weekend until we went shopping. Aha. I got a new purse and some new clothes. :D
    January 31st, 2012 at 11:58pm
  • you're welcome c:
    not much! just sitting at home, being BAMF with all my (imaginary) friends
    listening to some pretty music c:
    January 30th, 2012 at 04:16am
  • XD It is, I know.
    And well... I got a C on my Chem final. :/ It honestly would've been a D but the teacher gave us a chance for extra credit so it bumped it up to a C... I honestly don't know how I did so bad on it, but I passed the class because I did good on everything else. Aha. And hm... oh, on my Spanish 3 final I got a B... and on my English final I got an A. :D The other class I had last semester was SAT Prep, but, I didn't really have a final for that. The only thing we really had to do for a test in there was take the SATs in December. :)
    And yeah, it's kind of the same way with us. Except, we don't have the same classes the whole year. Like, the first semester is four of our classes and the second semester is another four. Aha. But in each semester, it's kind of like the whole school year's worth of taking each class because they're twice as long with only having four classes instead of eight at once.
    Anyway, thanks! Aha. :D I had a good birthday. :)
    January 29th, 2012 at 05:49am
  • ewwww that sucks :/
    people are pretty shite, I'm not even gonna lie.
    but some of them are awesome :3
    hope it works out soon :]
    January 28th, 2012 at 07:12am
  • aww thank you :3 ehehe
    aww, what's up? :c
    January 28th, 2012 at 03:22am
    he's so sweet I could cry.
    we will come live in ohio with you :3
    we went to a festival yesterday and he lifted me on to his shoulders for pretty much every act lol
    how've you been lovely?
    January 27th, 2012 at 04:41pm
  • Um, well, actually... I had finals for the four classes I had during the fall/beginning of winter. I now have new classes, for the end of winter/spring semester. :)
    My school is kind of confusing so... that probably doesn't make any sense. lol. But that's the way its set up. Idk if midterms are the same thing for you guys...?
    But yeah, we don't have any midterms here. Just finals. Or well, I guess it depends on the class. I haven't had any, or maybe just one, that's ever had a midterm. :o
    YAY! :D lol.
    Guess what? My birthday's this Thursday. :3
    January 25th, 2012 at 01:47am
  • lol I'm basically in his lap x]
    omg I am blessed <3
    January 23rd, 2012 at 12:14pm
  • IKR!?!? AHHHH
    it was so adorable I could just die hfjskjjwk
    he's sleeping over tonight and I'm being antisocial and going on mibba c:
    we're all snuggled up on the couch right now
    he says hullo!
    January 23rd, 2012 at 12:02pm
  • d'aww :3
    ahaha I hear you sister friend, I hear you
    jvbeijbv I went to this party and I basically just spent all weekend with my best friend and my boyfriend and it was just so amazing and jvijhije
    I slept at my boyfriend's house on saturday night and we were in separate beds but when I woke up he was right next to me and apparently he couldn't sleep when I was on the floor so he moved to the floor as well <3 ahhhhhhhh I'm flailing just thinking about it
    January 23rd, 2012 at 04:06am
  • I'm back I'm back :3
    yusss apparently people actually missed me? I was surprised
    How've you beeeeen??
    I just had the greatest weekend..ever.
    January 23rd, 2012 at 01:12am
  • Ugh, I just got over finals for my first semester classes. I start my second semester on Monday. :)
    And I see that you've posted a new story, so, that's progress, right? Aha. Getting back to the writing, I mean.
    January 22nd, 2012 at 05:21am
  • You're very welcome! :)
    January 21st, 2012 at 05:27pm
  • CAIT!?
    it's Macedon :3
    January 18th, 2012 at 11:34pm
  • Aw, that's okay. I understand. :)
    Um, I've been good. Kind of stressed, but good. lol. Nothing too new. :P
    How about you? Or has school kind of consumed your life? lol.
    January 16th, 2012 at 12:57am
  • XD Thanks. :P
    lol. Glad I'm not alone, then. But yeah, I'm sure a lot of people like that aspect of it. ;) lol. And aw, that's sweet. I really like the family gatherings and stuff too. :D
    Aha, don't worry. I'm going to be a clothes hoarder. And already kind of am. XD
    And lol, yep. Definitely. Thanks, though. :D I'm enjoying it more than missing my long hair at the moment, that's for sure. lol. My long hair was annoying me. :P
    January 2nd, 2012 at 03:58am
  • don't remember what we were talking about.
    January 1st, 2012 at 05:50am
  • XD Yep, that's pretty much the story here. I'm glad I'm not alone. :P
    Aw, yeah, thanks again for saying that. :D I'm starting to learn stuff... I at least know how to work it a little bit now. I still have to learn about all of the effects, though. lol.
    :D I could think of a million things I don't have. :( It's sad that I can only get one big thing. *Sigh*... money's tight these days. I hate it.
    lol. That didn't sound snobby, did it? It kind of did. My bad. :P
    I'm happy with what I've got, though. :)
    Aw, they all sound like awesome pairs of shoes. :) The mustache ones sound awesome. lol.
    I got a kind of late xmas present from my mom today. I went and got my hair cut. :o It was like, down to my mid back, and now it's only just touching my shoulders. :o
    December 29th, 2011 at 05:52am