Growing up in the Technologic World.

I'm sorry I haven't bloged in awhile if you read my blogs enough to notice it lol.A little update on my life:It's going pretty great:* I'm taking and hanging out with my friends and family a bit more regularly.*I'm pretty happy, the happiest I've been in awhile.* I GOT A JOB (which so far with training I believe I'm going to love even though it's not my dream job.)*I decided I'm going to change my...
June 11th, 2014 at 07:02pm

Being A Nerd

“…because nerds like us are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stuff… Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can’t-control-yourself love it. Hank, when people call people nerds, mostly what they’re saying is ‘you like stuff.’ Which is just not a good insult at all. Like, ‘you are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human...
January 14th, 2014 at 04:45am

The Houses That Built Me.

I barely listen to country but a few artists have slipped their way into my liking, and Miranda Lambert is one of them. Anyways I was listening to "The House That Built Me", and it made me start thinking. I didn't have the most normal childhood, but it was the one I had and I have grown to accept and love it.There wasn't just one house that built me, to be specific there were Three. My Granny...
December 17th, 2013 at 11:07am

I didn't peak at 18, cool!

I thought when I went to THS, that I had peaked socially. Cause I was more talkative and a bit more out going than at EHS. I was wrong, I didn't socially peak in high school. I'm starting to peak now. Slowly, but still I'm socially peaking in college. I start conversations with people a bit more easier now, I mean I still have difficulty with it but not as much in high school. I'm speaking out...
November 20th, 2013 at 02:54am

Reinvented Dream.

Well I couldn't keep my goal. School, homework, family, and trying to have a social life takes up a lot of time. Maybe I'll try again next semester when I can make a better schedule, if not then the summer.Do you ever wonder what it would be like to just leave and never look back? To become someone else, the you that is everything you are and want to be? To just start fresh, but knowing what you...
October 2nd, 2013 at 06:54am

Movie Magic That Sometimes Gives Me Feels And How I Deal With Those Feels In The Theatre..Part1

So I started thinking and I decided that I would try to make a little blog entry 1-3 times a week. As my first term of college will begin next week it may be a bit rocky keeping that goal, but I'm going to try my hardest. Now these blogs will be random. Sometimes serious, sometimes not.For today's random blog, comes from me watching Hank Green's Movie Theater Rant. I was watching it and I thought...
August 23rd, 2013 at 09:27am

I can dream big, I can dream fast.

This blog was suppose to be my biggest dream, but I can't pick one out of my two big dreams to be my biggest. So I'm going to write about both of them.My first big dream is to be a journalist for a big music magazine like : Revolver, Kerrang, SPIN, or AP. I want to meet musicians and talk and write about music. I want to write about how the musicians(s)/artist felt when they wrote a song and...
July 19th, 2013 at 06:51am

Writing Prompt Blog. Two Truths and one lie. Also a life ramble =3.

I'm so happy to do this prompt =3. I love this game, ever since first played it on the first day of Drama I.Ok so here are my two truths and a lie:1. I've met the bassist and guitarist of Burn Halo.2. I've had my hair dyed pink before.3. I've met all of Get Scared.Which one do you think is the lie and what are the truths?So my life ramble today is that honestly I feel like my life is at a really...
June 28th, 2013 at 01:17am

My Chemical Romance, The Band of Heroes, has dis-banded.

I cried and I'm still crying a bit. My Chemical Romance has released that they are over. My Chemical Roamce is very close to my heart. They saved my life, they literally did with their music. It breaks my heart a bit to know their over. I can't stop listening to them. But what helps is when I think of what Gerard Way said years ago. He mentioned that My Chemical Romance would end when they no...
March 23rd, 2013 at 04:48am

Love is watching someone die.

If you've ever listened to Death Cab For A Cutie's "What Sarah Says." Then you know where I've got my title from.I think those lyrics are painfully true. When you watch someone die, instead of looking away, it does show how much you care for them and love them. Cause I believe as hard and painful as it is to watch someone die,if you don't you'll feel regret for spending those last moments with...
September 8th, 2012 at 07:53am

I'm here 'cause I know you'll need a friend And you know that accidents can happen And it's okay,

So I finally did it. I got my first tattoo. It's of the Sixx:AM smiley with Sixx:AM under it. It cost me $10 , my friend did it, and she did a damn good job. Now I would've loved to have a My Chemical Romance related tattoo as my first, but I want that tattoo to be professionally done. Now when I say that it doesn't mean I love Sixx:AM less. Because Sixx:AM has helped me many many times, it's just...
April 24th, 2012 at 10:03am

College, Life after College, Time.

So I've been thinking about college and time today. I'm almost done with Highschool and I'm starting to look into colleges and I'm terrified. I mean College is going to be my first time in the real world, it's my first step and it's scary. I mean I'm going to have to lean on my parents to support me less, go through four years of schooling on my own and start my own life. I mean those four years...
January 27th, 2012 at 05:46am

Morning Rambles 002

I've been thinking about life lately. Life well Life sucks, Life's dark, Life's dirty, Life''s fun, Life's sad, Life's great. Life is well, life. To me you can use one word to really describe life. There's no true meaning of it, only personal meanings of it. What life means to one person may be different than another person's meaning. To me Life is about poetry, thinking, always learning, writing,...
January 24th, 2012 at 10:24am

Morning Rambles 001

So as I write this it's currently 3:33 A.M , and I have a lot on my mind, a lot of thoughts just floating around. So I'm just going to write down my internal rambles.I've been thinking lately, that you know no matter how much I tell people I don't want to be in a relationship, to be in love, marriage, kids, or anything among those lines, I think I'm just telling people that because I fear those...
November 28th, 2011 at 10:11am