
Hey, I'm Kate. Plain and simple. Not Katherine, or Caitlin (no matter how you spell it), or Katie. I'm not an English major, so there will be errors, this is just something I do in my free time. I'm a strong believer of the mentality, write what you want to read, and that is what I do here. So, that's about all I have to say. I'm not going to even try to be witty or funny or spiffy on here. I'm just going to be honest. And honestly, I'm tired.


Date: 9/12/11 (:
Time: 2:54
Mood: A dark swirling depression that threatens to engulf me like a black hole...nah, I'm kidding. (And I know, I'm a liar, I just tried (and probably failed) at being humorous.
Music: My Symphonic Station on Pandora.
Updates: New Story.


Le Cirque de Verre.
Genre:: Fantasy, Romance, and Mystery
Chapters:: Prologue

Genre:: Fantasy, Adventure, and Romance
Chapters:: Chapter 1-3

Nature's Muse.
Genre:: Fantasy, Romance, and Adventure
Chapters:: Prologue-Chapter 3

Layout by Classic. at Classy, Not Classic Layouts.
Please don't steal my layout.