
United States
Joined date
August 20th, 2009


Hey :)

Well, I'm Mason, but I never normally comprehend how to officially start an about me. I'm a huge fan of Paramore and one would often improperly classify me as obsessed. I'm also a fan of Tomb Raider and James Bond, and I'm pretty knowledgeable on both subjects - quiz me. I am partial to music, photography, video games, and fine art. My inspiration for anything and everything roots from Brandon Scott Sessoms, Hayley Nichole Williams, Jacqueline Vanek, and Davey Wavey.

I spend most of my time at the computer when I'm not in school, chatting with friends, Twittering, and reading articles on improving your lifestyle. More often than not, I contradict myself and portray a very hypocritical demeanour, something I'm trying to work on. I can be very sarcastic and immature when I just want to have fun, and I'm often told that I am the male version of Juno MacGuff. I consider that a great compliment.

So since I'm running out of positive things to say about myself, I invite you to get to know me more. I highly doubt you'll be disappointed :).

P.S; I get a lot of comments and I'll try to reply to them all, but there's just so many xD! Thank you in advance for your comments, I will get back to you soon!