Muse, a gift from god ---- Link to a poem I wrote a few minutes ago. Not entirely sure what it's saying myself. Open to self interpretation. -------- Link to a poem that's based on the feeling I have for the bands 'Disturbed' and 'Metallica' and when I listen to them. It's more aimed at the singers.So, is this simply a spam...
November 16th, 2010 at 07:47am

Do I belong here?

My situation is an odd one indeed.I am not a normal fourteen year old at all, but I don't mean I dress in black clothes, dye my hair and paint my fingernails and listen to screamo, neither do I indulge myself in the popularity scene or the nerdy group of kids. I seek to take interest in so many things that you can't label me as a jock or emo, I'm so withdrawn that people don't even care to crack...
June 20th, 2010 at 04:39pm

Michael Jackson hate? Come on people....

Michael Jackson was an amazing artist! Most likely didn't have the best childhood and wasn't the same as everyone else, but can't you just open your eyes and see that a few people tried to make a quick buck off a false charge? Do you know how many tens of millions of dollars they were sueing him for? I am refering to the child molestation charge, if your clueless.He was even found not guilty! Why...
September 24th, 2009 at 01:59am

Story idea.. any suggestions?

Ok, so last night I saw gamer.Best movie ever made in my book, and Gerard Butler was one amazing character.He's done like, four movies in the past few months which is crazy, plus he's the main character in the soon to be 'Law abiding citizen'. He was also the main character in 300.I personally love his acting and the fact that he always plays the silent, insanely smart badass.So I was thinking..I...
September 10th, 2009 at 02:06pm

Old memories

Alright, so I was thinking back to old school days, and one pretty awkward situation popped into my head.I walk into Art class and I walk over to the teacher. I am at a brand new school after moving. I say to the teacher,"Can I go to the bathroom?"She looks over to me, then takes my hand and goes outside of the classroom, then turns to me and starts whispering,"Garrett, do you have any bladder...
September 7th, 2009 at 01:56am

Me, myself and I

Rant/complaining warning >DI've been told by many, many people that I am seriously anti-social, and even more have gone as far as calling me emo.Let me clarrify.I don't like dealing with stupid people, and bull crap. Most people are sky rocketing with both, so I tend only to hang out with a select few, which are usually truthful and intelligent people.I live in new jesery around 13/14 year...
September 6th, 2009 at 09:33pm

Abortion? Seriously..

Of all the thing wrong in America, of all the starving children, murders, rapes, inanity and hate.All I see is 'Save the fetuses, don't have an abortion, blah blah blah.'First off, what fucking right do you to stick your nose into other peoples' buisness? If I don't want a child, by god I'm not gonna have a freaking kid! End of story.And there's, what, six billion to seven billion people in the...
September 5th, 2009 at 03:59pm

Have you noticed..?

That most people lie, simply because they don't want to deal with a problem?Seems silly to me. But then again, who am I?Ya know, life kinda sucks when you think about it for awhile.That's why retards are always so happy.The sky is blue, and so is water.I see a connection.What does E-mail stand for?Entrails mail. ... Not really, but it Rthymes!Sex is the reason that humans are so freaking evilI...
September 3rd, 2009 at 11:47pm

The things on my mind

Well first, SPOILER ALERT!!!!I just read the 43d book manga of naruto, and found out about Itachi's true intentions and what he did until his dying breath.That, is just complete and utter love that one can not describe. Every action was for his village, the village that forced him to kill his family. But he couldn't find a way to kill his little brother. So all his life, he simply focused on...
September 3rd, 2009 at 08:03pm

My thoughts

Ya know, looking over my poems constantly, I see the crazy insanity behind them.And I love it.My mother had told me last night that I had the perfect profile for a killer.I agree.I think the world should make a list of people who should be killed instantly.But I would most likely be plastered all over that list.Comedy is my goal.But so is ruling the world.Sex seems to make the world turn..But then...
September 3rd, 2009 at 12:41am