About Me
I fell in love with the girl at the rock show
||Name: Meagan || Age: 16 || Birthday: July 5th ||

Hey. I'm Meagan. I play the violin and bagpipes, and I like cheese =) I'll make this short since, well, I doubt a lot of people are going to read it. I'm bi (deal with it). And yeah, I'll come back to this when I can think about something clever to write here. xP

Bold text | Italic text | underlined text | Stikeout text | Linked text

She said "what?" and I told her that i didn't know
Title Of Story
Description: boy meets girl. Girls falls in love with boy. Boy turns out to be vampire. Girl doesn't care. Boy eats girl. The End?
Characters: Krusty The Clown, Stan Marsh, Lizzie McGuire.
Chapters Completed: ## / ##
Status: Complete/incomplete/Hiatus

Title Of Story
Description: boy meets girl. Girls falls in love with boy. Boy turns out to be vampire. Girl doesn't care. Boy eats girl. The End?
Characters: Krusty The Clown, Stan Marsh, Lizzie McGuire.
Chapters Completed: ## / ##
Status: Complete/incomplete/Hiatus

She's so cool when we're sneakin through her window
Random. I'll come back to this when I have something to write.
Everythings better when she's around
Content by Meagan!
Layout created by Britty from

© Britty of Letterbomblove.webs.com