I'm rooting for 2012 to take us all out.

I think it'd be the easiest option at this point.And I'm not ranting about how much I hate my life, how ugly I am, blah blah blah. I don't hate my life. And I don't think I'm ugly. Nor do I really have any problems at all.I'm just so sick of dealing with people. I can't wrap my head around their mindset. I really don't understand how you can be intentionally mean to someone whose never done...
October 28th, 2011 at 02:04am

The Old Mibba. & Prom. & COMMENT SWAAPPPP.

Hey everybody, actually read the journal, then we can comment swap.I feel like there's a new generation on Mibba. Most of the people we used to have are gone, and we have a whole new crop of people. I like you new guys, though.(;Anyone notice that more guys have been joining. I picked up on that. :3Anyway, tonight was Tumblr Prom!I don't know how to put pictures on a journal.... so just go to my...
October 23rd, 2011 at 03:06am

I need to become Mibba famous so someone actually reads my journals.

This boy just left me this message on Tumblr:"I swear, seeing your face makes me smile. I love your personality. I love how beautiful you are... your lips, eyes, cheeks, everything. We need to hang out again. You are the epitome of God's gift to man."WUT. He's beautiful. EVERYONE BE HAPPY WITH ME. ghjghfcg.Kill me now. Thanks, guys.Anyway. Today's been a really good day. People have been...
October 21st, 2011 at 01:42am

What is Mibba Halloween?

I just saw something about it, but I'm not sure what it is.Sounds like Tumblr prom.Of which I am very excited.Speaking of which, anyone have Tumblr? I'm only raving about it on mibba so much because I love you guys.Anyway. 100 words, eh?I guess I'll talk about this Facebook thing. I was recently added to a group on Facebook called Naturally Beautiful Girls. The group is up to about 1000 girls I...
October 20th, 2011 at 02:26am

What if you had to choose between two friends?

I have two really good friends. Kris is my best male friend, and I adore him. Briana and I are really close, too. Admittingly, I trust Kris more, but I still love Briana.The two dated last month and it ended horribly. Since then, they hate each other with a passion and won't shut up about it.Kris told me yesterday that if I continued to be her friend, he wouldn't talk to me anymore. Basically, he...
October 14th, 2011 at 01:33am

TUMBLR. & I don't understand why he likes me so much?

This isn't a rant about self confidence or boys beign idiotic. I just genuinely don't know why he likes me so much. I'm pretty, sure, but I'm not stunning or anything. And this kid is the cutest boy, I can't even. And he's the funniest human. AND, he's a senior.And I'm just a sophomore. And he could have any girl he wanted, and I don't know. I'm not hating on myself, I just don't get why he's so...
October 11th, 2011 at 06:01am


My tumblr's been slow lately, so I'm look for new blogs to follow. To keep me entertained on days like today when I'm sitting home alone in my robe eating ice cream.http://floralpokemon.tumblr.com/Follow me, I shall follow you back, loveys.I wish I was popular on Tumblr. I have 32 followers, and I adore them all.Also, I love Lifetime movies. Which may or may not be weird. But they are so good.I...
October 9th, 2011 at 12:10am

First breakup, whoopity doo.

It's weird.He broke up with me.Well, kind of.Anyway, we're not together anymore and it really hasn't effected me much at all. I feel like that's probably really weird. I'm actually kind of relieved, to not have to text him everyday, or have to hang out with my friends less to make time for him.This was my first boyfriend, and I honestly prefer being single. Probably pretty weird. It just seems...
October 5th, 2011 at 05:37am

It's sad that I feel like Mibba is the only place I can talk to people and they actually care.

I genuinely feel like I have NO ONE that cares about how I feel anymore. I tell my really close friends about what just happened to me and they say "Sorry, I love you" then completely change the subject.It seems every single relationship I have is about the other person. I'm continually the person who hears other people's problems and tries my best to help them solve it. Never am I the one who...
September 2nd, 2011 at 02:30am

I can't stand myself sometimes, is there something wrong with me?

I know what I'm doing is wrong. I know it. Literally, as I do it, my brain is screaming at me to knock it the hell off, but I do it anyway. I don't know why.When I did stop it, I felt horrible. I restrained myself from crying all the time. I can't help who I fall for, right? I know it'll never happen in a million years, but I continue anyway.I feel horrible about myself.What's wrong with me?This...
August 5th, 2011 at 08:46am

Can I get your opinion on this little situation of mine?

I'd really liked this guy.Let's call him Joseph.We had been talking nonstop for at least two weeks. We'd always been friends, but we decided to really get to know each other recently.And I know two weeks isn't much time at all, but I really liked the guy.We talked Monday, everything was perfectly fine. We ended the phone call with our usual, "Love you, talk to you tomorrow." He had just told me...
August 4th, 2011 at 08:17am

I'll break down if I'm alone, someone talk to me?

I really don't want to be alone right now. I went downstairs to be with my brother, but he's busy I guess, so I just went back up. I'd really appreciate someone talking to me, so I don't have a little breakdown. I've done everything I can think of to lighten my mood. It's not working.God I hate the night time. I think too much.I want to write something. But I don't know what.I don't know anything...
August 4th, 2011 at 06:45am

I miss having friends on Mibba.

I used to run around in a little group here on Mibba. I've left for awhile and I come back to find half of my old friends banned, and the other half without memory of me. It genuinely makes me sad, I miss them so much.It can be really isolating to have no friends on a site like this, I've come to find.If you remember me at all, do talk to me. I'd really love to see some old faces right about...
August 3rd, 2011 at 11:01am

Have you ever heard a song that really changed your outlook on things?

I'm not a huge fan of Selena Gomez or other Disney Channel stars, but her song Who Says literally changed my life. I used to hate everything about myself. But I sat there one day, listening to it, and decided that I was beautiful. It didn't matter how many imperfections I had. My self confidence has been through the roor since then. I'm so thanful that the song came out. I think it really helped a...
July 31st, 2011 at 01:21am

Boy troubles; we all have them.

For the first time, this boy that I like and I hung out. This is a big deal for me. Because I always like boys from afar, and rarely actually talk to them. But we went to the mall, and it was a blast.That night, we got to texting, and he was telling me how cute he thought I was and all that jazz. Finally, at about 1:30 AM, he texted me saying he was going to sleep and he'd talk to me later.Now,...
November 29th, 2010 at 04:15am

Ghost Hunter's came to my house and we looked for spirits. You believe in supernatural?

Some of you may know that I had a death in the family recently. Well, my aunt decided it would be beneficial to invite some ghost hunters over and look for his spirit. And so, the adventure began.They arrived and set up these weird camera things in every room. Then, they explained my whole family, who had showed up, how the devices worked and whatnot. They gave me a device thing, and I went off by...
November 29th, 2010 at 02:32am

What's appropriate for Facebook and what's not?

This girl in my grade, 9th, has been dating this kid for awhile now. To be fair, they dated for a bit in 8th grade, broke up for a year, and have been back together for about two months. Now, I don't know her life story, I don't talk to her that much. But I just went to Facebook, and her status came up on my wall, talking about having sex with this kid.I'm like, really? To post that on Facebok? I...
November 17th, 2010 at 03:23am

I need to stop. P.S. Homophobic up in here.

There is no mention of any homophobic things in this journal. But I got you to click it, eh?Have you ever been one of those people who refuses to let themselves feel good about something? I'm that girl.My weight has been an issue my entire life. I grew up as "the fat girl", all throughout elementry school, but when I loved to a new town, I changed that, losing about 50 lbs. Then , I gained a lot...
November 17th, 2010 at 02:52am

If I die young... Plus, I'm a boycrazy idiot, you don't have to remind me.

That song is just running through my head. And of any song that could be stuck in my head, I wish it wasn't that one, because that song makes me so sad.I've been a sad chick for the past couple of weeks. Boys need to stop being idiots. This kid, the one I like, he needs to stop being so dumb and realize that his girlfriend is just.. not right for him. She's one of those ditzy girls who you can't...
November 17th, 2010 at 01:37am

BOYQUESTIONS(what fun). Plus, I'm not a ***. I'm just obsessive.

What would you do if the guy you like was the most popular kid in school, and 74x out of your league? And if he may or may not be a huge player? But you couldn't stop liking him?Well, if those were the circumstances of your love life, you'd be me. Which you don't want to be.Brookie gave me some good advice yesterday, which worked, and got the boy texting me. But it's a hard-knock life. I don't...
November 9th, 2010 at 12:33am