my lovely and i

so, i think my insecurities about the relationship are more my doing then his.he honestly has not done anything wrong in a very, very long time. i keep seeing him as a person who does shit wrong, so i don’t trust him, and and then he does something that makes me upset because i over analyze it.everything i notice something, and tell him, and usually blow it out of proportion, it turns out it was...
June 29th, 2011 at 09:46am

Tickle Your...Nevermind.

Ahem. Never listen to Tonetta. Ever. He just gets stuck in your head, for a week after wards. How disturbing lmao.So, I get to graduate in a month. :D I really, really, want some people to actually come to the ceremony even though it's at 8 a.m. but I doubt many people will. Oh well it's okay, who needs them? Not me, my favorite part of college is going to be making new friends. I'm tired of my...
May 26th, 2011 at 02:41am

Vitamin Water.

I love complaining, in online blogs that no one really cares about. It's the best way to complain, because once you're TALKING to someone, and you start complaining, you might say something you regret in the heat of the moment. In a little blog, if I feel guilty about something I said (which does not happen often...hahaha), I just have to delete the blog. I deleted tons of my old ones today. ;DSo,...
February 13th, 2011 at 03:32am


Yeah, so this is what happens when you tell your best friend you'll go to an MCR concert with her, and you're buying the tickets in 3 days. You have to actually LEARN the songs. [4.22.11] Then again, I'm kind of excited because it's something new to do. And we never have anything new to do, and life's gotten really boring. It's gotten so boring, I'm actually depressed at how boring it is.No one...
January 24th, 2011 at 04:02am


Here let me write another blog! Since, today, my good friend AND my boyfriend mentioned that they read my newest one, and my best friend commented on it. I had no idea people still saved makes me kinda paranoid actually. Because when I look back and read that old shit from last summer, I'm just like, "Lol. Fucking retards."By the way, speaking of last summer, I think if everyone just got...
January 12th, 2011 at 05:01am

Hello There.

I swear, this site feels completely dead to me. I haven't updated in months; I've just been writing in my real journal, since last time Mibba deleted all my blogs. I'm paranoid it'll happen again, and then where are my memories? :(Another reason I haven't really been writing is because...not much has happened. I'm pretty much cruising through life day by day. Which is why, currently, it's December...
December 23rd, 2010 at 07:35am

I'll be your detonator<3

Right...I guess that doesn't count as a name, but it should. Believe it or not, I kind of like that song, which is pathetic since it's really terrible. MCR was better before, and this is coming from me, who just never liked them. Anyway, yeah. I'm bored. There's no intense need to write at the moment, I'm just bored. And chilling. I'm avoiding English homework, even though I already read the play...
September 30th, 2010 at 03:30am


I gave Sammie this journal's name, because she doesn't even know I have a Mibba, so she can't think I'm being creepy. And to be honest, if she did know, she wouldn't care. She's one of my best friends after all. The absolute best friend I have in RHS, if I'm being honest... besides Hassan of course. I like how he asked me out again, which offically makes it 9 times. This time, because I'm not...
September 19th, 2010 at 07:53am


Hahahaha. So the person mentioned above has been bugging me to write a blog for the last 24 hours incessantly. But, since I read all her blogs yesterday and I pretty much stalked her life, I figure I owe her. So this one is for you...and it's even named after you! Now aren't you a special little trooper? Emphasis on little. =]So, I started school two days ago. Already, I feel like...great. When's...
September 10th, 2010 at 06:05am


This blog has the HONOR of being named Kathryn. That's not a particulary good thing at the moment, because that just means that I am INCREDIBLY ANGRY at this girl. Because I didn't think she was this stupid. Effin whore.She has brains. She's supposed to be one of the smart ones in this little group of people I like to call friends. She's the one who thought up that stupid thing, a few years ago,...
September 3rd, 2010 at 05:51am


I decided to name my journal entries now. This one's name is Anthony, in honor of my GREAT friend! He's so awesome that I copied his about me into my own on Facebook. I, obviously, want to be JUST like him! And apparently I also enjoy knowing obscure facts and telling them to people, along with my strong work ethic...F A D E D.Alright, hehem, anyway...moving on. In case you didn't notice, which...
August 24th, 2010 at 02:37pm

Just Let Me Cry.

So, twenty minutes ago, I read something that made me want to punch the wall. For some reason now, I'm just ...really depressed. I haven't cried over months. But now i will. Now I will, because now you kind of made me hate you.Forgive me, I'm so effin sorry that I ever dated you in the first place. Especially if I knew it would turn out like this. And I'm so effin glad that you're so...
July 27th, 2010 at 05:58am

I Wanna Touch You<3

So, Warped Tour was July 17th. I probably would have written this earlier, but, as soon as I got home, I crashed. And slept until at least...6 p.m. today. I woke up with stickers on my shirt and lip prints on my arm...I don't remember where those came from! To sum it up, I pretty much had a fucking awesome time, and I'd love to do it again. Even the part where we went into the Trojan booth, and...
July 19th, 2010 at 09:42am

Haiii I'm your biggest fan! ...loljk

^ Title credit goes to my buddy Ed. Since, as he put it, "hes the biggest jellyfishing jellyfisher!" Minus all the cursing...He's kind of weird. But i like him so this isn't about Ed!This, my dear readers, is about someone a little...darker. With that unforgettable swagger, those too-cool sunglasses, and that newly bought hat. And let's no one forget the voice. Oh baby, I'm getting shivers.....Of...
July 13th, 2010 at 05:45am


This is the second blog I've written this week! It must be a very slow week, since I don't usually write this much. Then again, since no one can see the first blog, we can just consider this one the only one I've written this week. That works.So, this summer is shaping be very boring. I don't think I've spent so much time in this house in months. My Dad actually came in today and asked me...
July 3rd, 2010 at 08:41am

Whispers in the Dark

I WOULD name this journal after a Skillet song. I'm just going to blame Julie, and her love of this song, and move on. At least it's not Comatose.So, there's not really much to write about. It's been a pretty boring, calm, couple of months. I almost want to see what kind of drama can be created, just for entertainment. But I won't. Summer drama always comes up eventually, anyway. And this time,...
June 26th, 2010 at 06:57am

Slither Away

I like how it’s 3:13 am, and Julie is behind me…dancing to Beyonce. My going to Roosevelt influenced her a little too much…in my opinion. But hey we have nothing better to do until at least 5…we’re so leaving then. This house is hot. And quite boring.Anyway, I’m not really in the mood to dance to Beyonce…since when have I ever been in the mood to dance to her? So I decided to update...
May 31st, 2010 at 10:11am

Everything Ends.

So, here I am writing again. About the same boring subject…you’re probably all sick of these. But there IS a difference…after this, there will be no more written about him. At least, not in this way. Maybe later, if (don’t think like that, it’s when not if) we become friends, and we’re cool, maybe then. But I’m putting him on a strict hiatus until at least July. That gives me May and...
May 19th, 2010 at 02:30pm

College Stuffs

I don't usually think about all really. I know i'm a junior, and thus, should be thinking about it all the time. But I'm not really interested. I kind of just figured I'd go to WCC and then figure things out from there. Something nice and simple you know? Cheap, and close to home. But recently....I was talking to my friend a week ago or so, about normal things. And suddenly we started...
January 18th, 2010 at 06:17am

And without you, is how I disappear...

This isn't really an important journal. No one has to read it. Nothing big happened. Nobody died, nobody got shot, I'm still in RHS...I'm just in a lovey dovey mood I think, and so I want to write about it. So what? Suggit. xPI has the best boyfriend in the entire world! :DOh yeah, I hope he gained some ego when he read that line. Because I know if there's one person who's going to read this, it's...
November 16th, 2009 at 08:11pm