Just finished reading "When She Cries"
and the ending.. made me cry :(
It also made me want to bring Mike back to life, and cut his body up in little slices, then feed it to a bunch of cannibals.
:(((( Great story.
:) I'm gonna read your other ones now..
I get what you mean, you just don't want to ramble or go on with no real point. That happens to me all the time too. [:
Do whatever your heart desires!
Hey! I have a new contest out and I would be really happy if you would take a look and possibly enter! It's a Harry Potter contest, so if this isn't your thing, then by all means ignore this message ^_-
One of your stories has been linked on my profile as an honorable mention - a story I really enjoyed :D If you don't want me to leave it there, I can take it down. I just thought I'd let you know.
Hi! I know you read my other stories that involved Avenged Sevenfold, and I wanted to know if you could check out my new story http://stories.mibba.com/read/403306/Never-Be-What-You-Want/! It’d be greatly appreciated!
Nice! Yeah, needles don't bother me one bit. Back a couple of years, I used to have to do a shit load of blood work so I would get stuck with needles all the time! And they just don't bother me :) And my dad isn't totally opposed to me getting one, he just wants me to get them where they can get covered so I don't get turned down for a job, ya know?
Argh, I'm bored..lmao
That's prolly when I'll get it..Only 1 year and 6 months! Blaaa..So, have you ever heard the song Zoe Jane by Staind? I am in looove with that song at the moment :P