ClairedeeCat / Comments

  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    I LIED!!!! I'm sorry! D: I had to do a ton of math homework yesterday. It sucked. But, I did so much that I can take the weekend off!

    Haha, I know, Irene is a weird name..... Katia's the newest one. Unless she turns, she will not be hitting us. They almost never hit us, haha.

    Haha, Katie sounds amazing ;) I've made that mistake before. Lesson learned: never tell anyone who your 'crush' or whatever, is. They may forget your favorite hobby, they may even forget your birthday, but they'll never forget the name of the boy you like, and bring it up seven years later, haha.

    Ahh, lucky. I'm closest to my mom's side, and they live like an hour away..... :(

    True...... Western riders can be more incognito then English riders, haha ^_^

    I had Bob for a month, and now he's gone...... :( haha

    I've had..... Counting..... 4 days of college. My schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays (it's awesome). Um.... It's been good so far, but my first math test is on Tuesday, so I'm stressing out. I don't test in math well. That's why I put off all that homework, so I could use it as study/practice. Gah.

    That sounds like a fantastic day :) and, John seems to be the brother you never had..... Or maybe never really wanted? Haha ^_^

    I hope you had fun with the International students! What kind of nationalities were there?

    I have not heard of them, but I will definitely look them up!

    THANK YOU!! the test wasn't hard at all, haha. I still missed some things, but I've never backed up for fifty feet, darn it! I have yet to drive anywhere alone. When we got home, right after the test, I jokingly said that now I could run away. My mom replied "We can hope.", or something to that affect. Can't you feel the love? Haha ^_^

    Well, my dad got back from a business trip last night, so I'm gonna get my butt out of bed and go.... Sit in the same room, at least. :D

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend, Claire!
    September 3rd, 2011 at 02:14pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    Just wanted to write a quick note to say that I won't be able to write my full note until...... Friday :( I got my first taste of College homework this week, and, while it isn't a horrible amount, I haven't learned to get it done right away, yet..... haha..... anyways, I have to finish an English assignment, and study French, tonight, and then I have class, and math homework tomorrow :( Whoever said college was fun..... was lying. Though I quite enjoy my Psychology teacher. He's funny. Oh, on a brighter note, Bob is officially on his way home! It's weird not to have to worry about his whereabouts anymore......

    Ok, well, I hope you're doing well and having more fun than me, haha ^_^

    Talk to you soon, Girlie!
    September 1st, 2011 at 02:07am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Claire!!!!!!!! :D

    Tropical Storms are like really bad thunderstorms. Hurricanes…… There generally isn’t much, if any, thunder and lightning. Just rain and wind. A lot of wind. We haven’t had an actual hurricane reach us since….. I think there was one after Katrina. So, it’s been awhile, thankfully. It’s still been raining almost every evening, but it caused a stunning rainbow yesterday, so I was happy ^_^

    Garret and I don’t love eachother enough to be mischievous…… Ok, no, just kidding, we love eachother! (deep, deep, deeeeeppp, down ;) ), I guess we’ve just never had that type of relationship. We’re never-hangout-unless-we-randomly-play-videogames-or-watch-a-marathon-of-some-weird-show-for-no-reason siblings ^_^ We have our moments. Out sweet, awkward moments.

    I know what it’s like to have pathetic relationships with cousins. I have…… 14, 10 on my dad’s side, 4 on my mom’s. I only semi-regularly talk to… 2? It’s always weird/awkward to be around the rest of them, because they’re family and I should be comfortable, but I’m not, you know? Plus, my dad’s side has this awful tradition, that if you call them, and they’re having a massive family get-together, they’ll hand the phone around to everyone. So, you get to have 5+ awkward conversations in one phone call :D

    I’m not sure, I always just type Brad Stine into Youtube’s search bar.

    I remember always feeling just a little cooler when I was riding English ^_^ Maybe because it was new, and the saddle just looks cool……
    Aww, that sounds like an amazing experience! And I love experiencing moments like that old man gave you, he sounds like a lovely person :)

    Aww, thanks ^_^ *blushes* You’re pretty darn stunning yourself, Girlie, I’ve seen some amazing pictures :)

    Bob is losing his initial appeal. He’s just annoying, now. My neighbor’s dog accidentally pressed the button, so there was a recording of nothing, and I got nervous- because I had two actual erratic heartbeat recordings on Bob, already; and I was worried they’d somehow be erased. So, I called the number on the front of Bob, talked to Tyler (the 20-something Cardionet technician :D), and downloaded them over the phone. Tyler sent them to my doctor, a nurse called and asked if I was okay… I said yes……. Anyway, I just want Bob gone. I have to carry him everywhere, he’s started recording when I’ve tossed him into my purse. (Have I mentioned it sounds like screaming bats when it’s recording?)

    Alrighty, well, I need to go feed the dog, she’s getting impatient…. Hope you have a lovely weekend!


    P.S. If all goes well, I shall be a licensed driver on Monday…..
    August 19th, 2011 at 03:16pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Oh, and all my tests came back perfectly normal -_- so, now it's just up to Bob (the heart monitor. I named him) to record stuff. *sigh*..... At least I don't have to be on medication for the rest of my life, but I still have no answers yet.
    August 10th, 2011 at 10:00pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    For some reason, it just told me I had a photo comment -_-

    Anyways, yes, I did edit it :) my new camera has some built in 'art filters' and that's the dramatic/potentially creepy (if used on people) one ^_^
    August 10th, 2011 at 09:58pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    I finally have a chance to write back! It’s been so hectic lately, I’ve been going to a lot of doctors appointments, I’m sick of it, haha. I’ve had blood drawn, two EKG’s, a cardiac ultrasound, and a chest x-ray…. And no results until….. the ninth. I’m being tested for hyperthyroidism. But, they’re also jumped the gun and ordered all those heart-related tests, because I’ve had some issues with my heart, which could end up just being caused by my thyroid. I also have a pocket heart monitor for one month, in the hope that I can catch the erratic heartbeat that I’ve been experiencing for three years, that started this whole investigation *sighs*


    Aww, tell your mom thanks ^_^ She’s so sweet…..

    It rained a lot last week, not so much this week, and TS Emily is slowly bearing down on us, so more rain is coming, haha.

    I saw some of those posts, haha ^_^ It’s times like that that I’m glad my brother doesn’t attempt anything like that, and that I don’t have any physically-present-lean-over-your-shoulder friends ^_^ and, my password is completely ridiculous, and un-guessable. At least, I hope so…. O.o

    Yeah, exactly, no one is perfect, and it’s unfair of us to hold them to a higher standard, just so we can tear them down when they screw up. Of course, I still get ticked when they make stupid mistakes in their personal lives, because, honestly, it’s not that hard to be a good, faithful, loyal person. You just have to be self-aware and willing.

    Have you watched any of Brad Stine’s videos on youtube? I like his outlook on things, and he’s very funny.

    Ahh, I used to ride English! That was my favorite, because I liked to post (It’s been so long, that what it’s called, right? When you raise and lower yourself to the rhythm?) But, Western is awesome too, I always felt more laidback when I used that saddle :) That sounds like an awesome job/opportunity! I hope you have a ton of fun, I’m jealous….

    Ok……. Were you looking at my blond pictures? Because, when I was still blonde, I had two random (as in, unrelated to me, and to eachother) people tell me that I looked like her. So, you’re the third :D I shall take it as a fantastic compliment, so thank you! You’re so sweet :)

    Well, I’m going to attempt to gather the strength and will to make my bed, it’s actually like the only thing that’s making my room messy right now. That’s progress, right there.

    Au Revoir, mon amie!

    August 4th, 2011 at 06:48pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    *imagining John on moped...... ^_^* haha, that actually does sound fun though, I've always wanted to ride on a moped.... Anyways, just letting you know that I'll write my full message in the next day or two, I finally got my laptop back!! :D until then, girlie,

    - Bethany

    August 2nd, 2011 at 05:19am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Excuse my language; but man, that sucks. No TV? No computer? :( I really hope you feel better soon, Girlie! :)
    July 9th, 2011 at 02:14am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Awww, man, I hope you're ok! Is it just bumps and bruises, or cast-worthy? I've never been bucked off, but I've seen it happen. But somehow the girl was extremely, extremely lucky with her timing, or whatever it was, and landed on her feet. I don't even know how in the world she managed to, cause I would've been in the dirt.... Anyways, I hope you heal up quickly, and I won't mention it on Facebook :)

    - Bethany
    July 8th, 2011 at 02:52pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Edit: Haven't seen a vacuum*

    Darn you apple self-corrector that sometimes corrects wrong :(
    July 7th, 2011 at 05:39pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    ... That was short :( I'm wrote it on my iPad, and I still managed to delete the first message. Note to self: do not touch anything outside of the comment box. Please. I beg of you.

    July 7th, 2011 at 05:38pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    So... My college orientation was on Thursday (last Thursday), and it was incredibly boring. I'm shooting for a B.S. In Early Childhood Education :)

    Now that you say that, I'm scared to drive in a city..... I want to live in a small town, with one streetlight.

    Haha, I know, right? I've shown my mom pictures of you and Bess, and she knows your name now, without me having to mention Mibba ^_^

    It's been in the mid-90's here, and it's supposed to rain, but it hasn't yet. It's humid though, you stand outside for ten minutes and you're dripping sweat ^_^

    Hahaha, a girl car...... don't worry, he'll never know ;)

    If you look in my Myrtle Beach '08 album on Facebook, there should be a picture of one of the pools :) and I'm going to try to get more recent ones up soon, but my mom is still using my computer, since hers died :(

    That sounds like a very interesting trip! Gah, politics makes me want to bash my head into the wall, haha. It never goes right, someone always does something stupid, and people always end up hating the politicians, because they're human and the make mistakes (sometimes really stupid ones). Our governor does not have many fans right now. At all.

    Well, I'm going to attempt to muster the strength to actually get some chores done *gasp!* haha. Some of the floors have to seen the vacuum in a while. I'll admit it.

    Hope your 4th was fantastic, Girlie!

    - Bethany
    July 7th, 2011 at 05:36pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Well, I was an idiot and didn’t write the first one in word, and I accidentally deleted it. So…. Take 2.

    It was several years of curriculum, because my mom wanted to keep stuff ‘just in case’, and she finally decided to let it go. I think the boys were serious. The taller one DID look younger, now that I think about it….. I waited until I was in the car, to laugh :)

    Don’t worry, I crack up when I think about him, too ;) And, yes, that was the first time parallel parking. It’s not that hard, except for the fact that you have to cut the wheel at just the right moment. That’s when it gets frustrating.

    I told him (my dad). He smiled. :)

    Awesome! I can’t wait to see a picture, I bet it’ll look beautiful :)

    Yay for finals go well! And, who cares about math, anyway? I don’t. :)
    I think it was mentioned on HLN (the power outages), while I was watching the trial, haha.

    Yes, yes it does have its fallbacks.

    It works wonderfully, and I shall post a picture soon! I Agree, it is rude :(

    I absolutely love imagining these scenes in my head…. John has a red sports car? I never would have guessed that….. seriously. Hmm.

    I love the smell of leather. It’s…. Homey. And ‘accidental’ soakings are awesome… to the person doing the soaking, of course.

    Hahahaha, dirtbag? His mom sounds awesome.

    I’m looking out the window, at a pool that’s 4 stories above the ground (over a parking garage). It’s been fun so far, but I’m not much of a bathing suit, water person. But I did sit on the beach, and my shoulder is slightly sunburnt! I have been officially marked by summer.

    I am so tired, I think I’m going to head to bed soon. We have to go shopping tomorrow, while the menfolk golf for a belated Father’s Day outing.

    I hope your week is going amazingly, Girlie!
    June 21st, 2011 at 03:18am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hello :)

    I'll write again soon, but I'm currently sitting in a room in Myrtle Beach, SC. That was, what felt like, the longest drive ever, yesterday. I ended up counting fire hydrants for entertainment (53), and saw a Skittle decorated car (it was purple, with the logo plastered all over it).

    I did well enough on the test to get into a extra math class, that will at least count for an extra credit. It's still one more semester than I would have had to do, but whatever. (the A.A. Requires 2 semesters of math, and I'll be taking three).

    I'm hoping I can write again tonight, we'll shall see :) I'm so glad I get Internet here, haha.

    Hope you're having a great weekend, and, and don't know if this sounds weird (probably), but tell your dad Happy Father's Day, for me! (have we reached that stage of friendship, yet? ^_^ well, we have now, haha)

    ~ Bethany
    June 19th, 2011 at 02:49pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    So.... That 'Hopefully I can write again tomorrow' thing... Didn't happen. :^/ On Friday, my mom and I went shopping, and dropped off thirteen boxes of curriculum (masterfully balanced on a moving dolly thingy. It was truly a sight to behold.) at the homeschool curriculum sale. While we were waiting in line, I overheard some people behind us. A woman was talking to two teenage brothers. One of the must have mentioned something about graduating, because she asked if he was 18, he said no, he's 17 (with a fairly normal, non-deep voice). So, I kinda looked over at them, and he was a tad shorter than me, and his brother was taller than me. Anyway, for some reason, the woman turns to the taller brother, and asks if he's younger. And, in an incredibly deeper voice than his older brother, he said 'Yes, I'm 14.'...... It took a lot of restraint to not laugh. On Saturday, we shopped again, and picked up some of the books that didn't sell. And, yesterday Garret and I learned how to parallel park. ^_^

    It sounds like you've been busy too! I'm so glad summer's here, and at least school's out of the way.

    Yes, that Madeline :D We just needed something concrete to show that I learned some French, and Madeline is surprisingly hard to translate. I had to read it to my mom, to show that I knew how to pronounce French words, and I had to translate it to English.

    I hope all your final tests went well!!

    Oh, I heard that a couple thousand people in Wisconsin were without power. I hope you guys weren't/aren't one of them.

    Yeah, it's truly amazing how some people can be so..... Uncaring. Evil, even. I could never imagine doing any of the things that she has done. *Sigh*

    Haha, I'm imaging the whole 'tiller in the garden' scene.

    Oh man..... That must've been so awkward. I hate situations like that, because I would never want to hurt or offend anyone with special needs, but sometimes it's just so uncomfortable. When I was 12, we went on a cruise, and one of the boys in my group was maybe autistic, or something along those lines (my cousin's autistic, but her condition's pretty mild compared to what I remember about this boy) anyway, since I'm too nice of a person, and people like to gravitate right towards me, this boy decided that he wanted to hold my hand. There's nothing wrong with that, and I held his hand, but it was still so awkward. He was really nice though.

    Haha, your people have some complex anti-jokes ^_^

    I got my shiny, amazing, brand new camera today. And now I have to wait for like another hour for the stupid battery to finish charging before I can even turn the thing on. Why can't they pre-charge the battery? Is that so hard?

    Well, I'm going to attempt to clean my room, since I haven't in forever.....

    Hope you're doing well, Girlie!

    ~ Bethany

    Oh! And I blast music and sing really loud when my family's gone, too. Tis very fun :)
    June 13th, 2011 at 08:22pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    Happy Last Day Of School!

    I'm supposed to be getting ready for bed, but I just wanted to tell you that, and that I took the test, and can officially go to college :) I'll hopefully be able to write again tomorrow; in the mean time though, I hope you're doing well!

    June 10th, 2011 at 03:57am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    You’re very welcome :)


    I’ve had to read Madeline (If that’s the American way to spell it, because I’ve been staring at the French version for two weeks :^/) in French, for school. Which I’m semi-officially done with! I have to finish Madeleine (French spelling…), and two reading books (Lord of the Flies and Right Ho, Jeeves), but they can be finished outside of school (The books, I mean. Madeleine has to be finished). My research paper is done, my tests are done. I’m done.

    …. Except for Madeleine. Grr.

    That’s basically my life for the past week, except for torturing myself by watching hours upon hours of the Casey Anthony trial. Have you heard of that? ‘Tot Mom’ in Orlando? My mind was made up about her as soon as I heard that it took 31 days for her to admit that her daughter was missing. No mother that cared about her daughter would wait over a month to tell anyone, and then not do anything to help, once word got out. She’s guilty. I know it.

    Your graduation sounds like it’ll be really fun! That day will come faster than you think. And faster than you’ll realize you ever wanted it to. *sigh*…… I’m a sad excuse for a high school graduate….. I just wish I graduated Kindergarten, not High School. Life was good back then. Simple. Fun. I’m rambling…..

    My dad wanted “to have fun” on Memorial day, so we saw Pirates. It was good, entertaining. But during the movie I was thinking “….What’s going on?” and afterwards, “…. What just happened?” There wasn’t a clean cut….. purpose behind the movie. There was no resolution. There were tons of unanswered questions. It was weird. I’m basically tearing it to shreds, aren’t I? It was good, I swear! Haha.

    I hope, for your sake, the 9th gets here soon! But, that’s the day that I have to take a Math test at the college….. so… yeah. :)

    It’s still been in the 90’s here, all week. How is it that, when winter comes, we can suddenly forget about the awfulness of summer heat, and wish it was summer again?

    I shall listen to that song as soon as I post this comment :)

    Ahaha, I love random encounter stories :D I don’t think I have any new ones to share….. I’m boring.

    Well, I hope you’re doing amazingly well, and having an amazing week!

    ~ Bethany

    P.S. Sorry is this message seems random, I’m unexplainably sugar high right now. I think it was the Frosted Flakes. Resisting the urge to break out in song, because that sounds like a really awesome thing to do….

    Dear Lord, I’m acting weird.
    June 4th, 2011 at 02:32am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Long time no talk? Apologies for being such a massive fool and completely abandoning you guys for so long! Uni completely swept me off my feet. Completely awesome, but oh-so busy. Hasn't left me time to breath - I'm now ill because I'm finally taking time off and my body has taken the opportunity to crash! But now I have time off, I'm hoping to get my fingers back to the keyboard. :)

    How're things with you? xxx
    May 30th, 2011 at 12:34am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    It’s all over! I’m so happy, haha. It was all great, starting with Alyssa’s graduation. There were actually 17 graduates, I was three off. She goes to (or went to….) a Christian school, so that, and the small number of graduates, resulted in a very personal ceremony. Each graduate had a minute long shout out, voice over (with pictures on a big screen). I was mentioned in Alyssa’s. She said “And Bethany, for being my future Amazing Race partner.”….. I may have done a small fist pump in the middle of the church when I heard that….. :D Then there was her party the next day, where a bunch of people dropped in, ate, and left. They go all out for parties, so there were elaborate decorations (it was a BBQ theme), and she had a slideshow of pictures, some of which I was in ^_^ haha… I wasn’t a very good ballerina (or Alyssa, because we did ballet together), apparently, because I overheard my aunt mention a significant recital (significant because we still have the tiny outfits) to my mom, and mentioned how she was almost crying with laughter. No one will tell us why, though….

    Then we drove home on Sunday, and went to my grandparent’s house on Monday, for Aaron’s and my double graduation party (neither of us had diplomas at that point. I still don’t). We played Rockband, opened presents, and ate cake (best part). Then, finally, Aaron’s graduation was yesterday. Oh, The Places You’ll Go, by Dr. Suess, was read, and one of Aaron’s classmates gave a speech. Ten seconds in, I realized there was something weird about his voice. Five seconds later, I realized.

    He was (is) British.

    I automatically looked over at Alyssa (who was sitting in the row in front of me) and she was staring at me with her mouth hanging open. It was a very, very pleasant surprise. Afterwards, Alyssa was on a mission (not really, because she would never actually have the guts to talk to him, but she had no problem talking to all of us about him.) For fun, I looked up where he would be attending college (on a soccer scholarship), and mapped it to her college. 5 hrs 25m. I told her, she pouted, and then said it could be a long distance relationship. For more fun, I routed the distance to my house. 3 hrs 8m. I told her. She slapped my arm. *rolls eyes*

    We, unfortunately, did not see Pirates. There was a problem with getting tickets, and Alyssa decided she really didn’t want to feel like crap the next day.

    Were you successful with the whipped cream removal? :)
    I hate near-miss driving experiences. Especially when an idiot who isn’t following the basic rules, causes them.

    On the way home yesterday, a woman (in her crappy white SUV with all the windows rolled down) was blatantly chugging a Corona. I mean, come on, how stupid and uncaring to you have to be? Luckily, she was turning off the main road when I noticed her. Hopefully she was near home, the idiot.

    I’m in the final countdown for school! All the stupid odds and ends you just really don’t want to do…. When do you get out for the summer? I can’t remember if you’ve mentioned.

    Lucky on the weather, it’s been in the mid 90’s this week. Florida 90’s, not regular 90’s. (meaning it was humid)

    You would be a natural Homeschooler, because that’s what I do. And that’s why I’m not done yet >_<. Haha, I’ve been in bigger holes than this one, I’ll have no problem getting it done.

    Well, I’m going to go see if any of that graduation cake is still up for grabs….

    Have a great week, Claire
    May 26th, 2011 at 12:30am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hello, Girlie!

    Just wanted to say that I'll write tomorrow. I thought I be able to on Sunday, or Monday, but it's been like a whirlwind. And I have to do school, hopefully take a nap (since all this business has me vaguely feeling like death) and go out to eat and attend the last graduation of the looonnnggg weekend. It's almost over. Ok, well, hope you're doing fantastically! :D

    ~ Bethany
    May 24th, 2011 at 01:52pm