ClairedeeCat / Comments

  • the cornflower.

    the cornflower. (100)

    United Kingdom
    D'aww. Thank you for the lovely photo comment.
    It really did make me smile. :3
    May 22nd, 2011 at 12:17pm
  • TariRawr

    TariRawr (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thanks for the comment on my photo >_<
    May 21st, 2011 at 01:48pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    *Siiigghhh* I meant 'Gah' at the beginning of the message. I think my iPad auto-corrected it.... Incorrectly.
    May 20th, 2011 at 04:26am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Gay, I'm supposed to be going to bed, but I wanted to write something quick. I was planning a full message, but I ran out of time today :(

    Anyway, I'm going to my cousin's graduation tomorrow, and possibly a 11:15 PM showing of Pirates 4. With my cousins entire senior class. 14 people. I have a feeling it'll be a long day....

    The bug guy came to our house today. He likes Stargate. I guess that's one thing you have to know about my family.... We love Stargate. So... He was an awesome bug guy :D

    It sounds like John needs to start courting girls, not dating them. If he tried being friends with them first, he might've had only one girlfriend by now, haha.... Boys.

    That old lady was sitting beside me at a restaurant, where there was a half wall between our tables. I was talking to Garret, facing away from the wall, when I felt something hit the back of my head. Garret's eyes got really big and he mouthed "Don't turn around."

    I did. And there was a old lady staring at me. She just laughed and said "I'm just kidding you." I smiled awkwardly, laughed, and scooted my chair as far away as possible.

    Well, that turned out a little longer than expected, but I'll write again on Sunday or Monday :)

    Hope you're doing well, and have a great weekend!!

    ~ Bethany
    May 20th, 2011 at 04:24am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Darn it, that's so short :( I'm leading a boring life right now, haha.
    May 15th, 2011 at 04:09am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hello :)

    Aww..... Darn John, it's really hard to be ticked off at him when he's doing stuff like that....... darn him. And why would your friend read it to your bible study? That seems..... really unnecessary.

    I don't enjoy driving, either. Well, sometimes I get the urge and I ask my mom if I can drive, but generally I don't. It is what it is, nothing spectacular.

    Yes, you are :)

    Haha, she is definitely a character. I wish I was able to see her more often....

    I told you; I attract the creepers! Hahaha. Did I tell you about the little old lady who slapped me on the back of the head in a restaurant?

    6. Months. ? ..... wow...... It rained here today. And apparently in Ohio, Virginia. and Chicago. Ahh, facebook. It was like a hurricane, minus the horrific wind.

    One week until I graduate! Well, a little more than one week. The 23rd. I'm so ready. But I'm not ready for any of the.... after. Because, yeah, I'll be done with High School, but then there's.... College. It's such a disappointment of a realization. haha. *sigh*... who knows, maybe something wonderful will come of it. I'm just having a hard time accepting my fate. :)

    Well, I need to get to bed soon, I'll be spending my Sunday cleaning, and hopefully gettting some school done. I don't mind giving up a weekend day, if it means reaching summer a day earlier, haha.

    Hope you're having a fantastic weekend/week, Girlie!
    May 15th, 2011 at 04:07am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hey :)

    Just wanted to say that I'm alive, and will write my full message tomorrow. I just finished a stressful week, and I'm emotionally exhausted, so I'm feeling crappy at the moment. Hopefully sleep will solve that. I thought senior year was supposed to be the best year ever? Maybe it's just me.... Anyway, I hope you're well, and had a good week :)
    May 14th, 2011 at 01:54am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    I’m back :) I got paid for watching the cat (more than I thought I would, even after I mentioned that I only watched him for a day), so that’s over and done with.
    Thank you for the support on that, by the way; it made me feel a lot better :)

    I’m so sorry about John! I’m trying to see both sides of the situation, and they both make sense, but, personally, if I was someone’s girlfriend, I would never let myself come between him and his best friend. But, that might just be me and my people pleaser-ness. I hope everything turns out ok!

    Yay, Claire! Semi-licensed driver, you! I look like a boy from the 70’s in my picture, so no worries ^_^

    After multiple phonecalls and angry conspiracy theory declarations, the headphones are on their way for examination at Monster Cable’s customer support center.

    Yeah, it’s hockey. I was rooting for three teams (not like I have any right to choose any of them, since I don’t watch hockey regularly), and all three have been knocked out of the running. So…… yeah.

    Aha, me too :D My dad’s brother’s wife is Italian. So… my aunt. Haha. She’s funny, and has an obsession with Johnny Depp. Plus, she’s 5’, so I’m almost 9 inches taller, which is fun, haha. Sadly, I am not Italian :(

    The Lawn Mower Guy was, I’m guessing, around mid-50’s. He had long, gray hair. Oh, one of the creepiest creepers I’ve encountered, ever, was a black man in Target. He was wearing mechanics overalls, and sunglasses. In Target. I knew he was following us, but I wasn’t sure until we went in the Lego aisle, and he was still right behind us. He stayed like 20ft away at all times, but it was so nerve-wracking. My mom and I kept giving eachother looks, and all I could think was, “Oh, my gosh… he’s wearing a mechanic’s outfit…. Do you know how many murderers wear that?!” ….That probably stemmed from the recent – then- story of a girl who had been kidnapped/murdered by a mechanic as she walked behind a car service place.

    Well… boys will be ungrateful dum dums sometimes, unfortunately. Actually, they’re ungrateful dum dum’s all the time.

    I bow to your Wisconsin toughness….. because I would have been in a parka.

    Oh! I was looking out at the lake, and the gator was there; and, as I was watching, a vulture landed by him. And then another one. And another one. Eventually, 20 of them were either surrounding him, or a little ways off down the bank. I was so creeped out, haha. And, every time the gator got annoyed and swam into the pond, they would all look concerned and gather at the water’s edge, looking for him. O.o

    Well, hope you are having an awesome week, Girlie! Oh, and I am sending you a private note in a sec :)

    ~ Bethany
    May 6th, 2011 at 01:35am
  • josten.

    josten. (100)

    United States
    Thanks so much for the story comment :D
    April 30th, 2011 at 07:33am
  • explorer

    explorer (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for your comment! It made me really happy to hear you call me an incredible writer. My ego just grew a little. :3
    April 27th, 2011 at 12:21am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Happy Easter!!

    I'm at my Aunt's house at the moment, just finished the Easter lunch :)

    Yes, the iPad is amazing, and I love it to death. I'm spoiling it (Just got a decal skin) haha ^_^ I love how everything is just.... Bigger. Especially album covers when I'm listening to my music. They're bigger than they would be on the CD cover.

    My dad officially accepted the position, yesterday. Which means he'll start traveling more, so.... yeah. But he should start getting weekends always off, so that will be a good improvement.

    Haha, you little lawbreaking rebel ;) I hope you do get your permit soon! It's a love/hate relationship, haha. Poor John. And poor you for the computer troubles. I have to call a earphone company, because the earphones ($78) broke within 3 months. Not looking forward to that conversation. I'm not good with..... Talking. Haha.

    I have been slightly obsessed with watching The Stanley Cup Playoffs.... I'm not sure why..... Those heart warming, inspirational, triumphant commercials... That's what did it.

    The epic tale of Shakey is that he was apparently an Italian cat, that was caught in the midst of an volcano and ended up on his now-owner's Italian doorstep :) I think there were earthquakes as well, hence 'Shakey' haha. Now he just spends his days lying in the driveway.

    Ooo, I bet the fair was fun! And I always attract the creepers too! What is up with that?? The most recent one was a guy mowing the golf course behind our house. He kept staring at my mom and I, and did fancy donut spins with his gigantic tractor/mower. And we were at the gas station, and one old guy in a creepy kidnapper van was staring righty at me as he drove away, even when he was turning into traffic.

    Are you singing at the band rehearsals, or do you play an instrument?

    Mmm..... Pot roast.....

    And, now that I know that pond is frozen, it begs the questions about why your out there in shorts and a tank top?! What was the temperature? Or is it just your hearty wisconsin, toughness? :)

    Well, hope you're having a fantastic Easter, a hope you have a good week!!

    April 24th, 2011 at 08:10pm
  • oh how lovely.

    oh how lovely. (100)

    United States
    yes it is, le sigh they need to play it more.
    April 24th, 2011 at 03:38am
  • oh how lovely.

    oh how lovely. (100)

    United States
    I am obsessed with that movie! I love it so much! Every time it comes on I have to watch it, it's so lovely!
    April 24th, 2011 at 03:31am
  • roe.

    roe. (100)

    United States
    Exactly. :)

    I'm getting a cold, so things could be better. Haha.
    April 21st, 2011 at 06:16am
  • roe.

    roe. (100)

    United States
    Hi there! :D Yeah, I always get excited when I read that someone else is a Christian. How're you?
    April 21st, 2011 at 04:08am
  • kwon jiyong.

    kwon jiyong. (100)

    United States
    aw, you're a sweetie <3
    thank you, bb Arms
    April 21st, 2011 at 01:01am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Edit: ... Modern Family might be at 9...... Ok, I think The Middle's right before Better With You, haha. I always forget... :)
    April 16th, 2011 at 02:59am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hello :)

    Well, I have it. The iPad. I'm using it now. It arrived way earlier than I original thought, and I obsessively tracked its shipping progress on the FedEx website, and then I was already greeting the delivery guy before he was halfway up the driveway, haha. It's amazing. A little more complicated than I was expecting, but amazing nonetheless.

    My dad is supposed to get weekends off, which I'm pretty sure he'll be here this weekend; but, because of the nature of his job, he's put in charge of projects that are usually completed while the Plant is 'down', aka on the weekend.

    So you've started driving now? That's awesome!

    Aw, I hope you and John get some time to hang out soon, it sounds like it just wouldn't be right if you weren't hanging out. That's the sign of a real, true friendship, I would say :)

    We've had a hard drive die on us too, actually it was that and a scary 'you're going to lose everything you care about, and things you thought you didn't' type message. We told the repair guy what the message had actually said (can't remember now...) and he just looked at us and mumbled, "Well.... That's not good."

    I get to watch Shakey the cat for around eight days, starting next Thursday. That's always an adventure.

    Oh, The Middle is on on Wednesdays at 8, right before Modern Family, if you ever have a chance to watch it. Though they're kind of sporadic about new episodes, they usually show reruns :)

    I don't really like spongebob either, though I do enjoy the episode where the main characters are the halftime show at a human football game.... That one's good :)

    Well, I think that's all the news....... I hope you have and awesome weekend!

    I'm going to get some applesauce.... Or a roll...... Choices....

    April 16th, 2011 at 02:56am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Just letting you know that I am not dead, and I will write my full message tomorrow :) I was going to respond a few days ago, but I got awesome news that will be coming to fruition tomorrow, so I decided to hold off until I had it in my hands ^_^ that last line either confused you, or you know what I'm talking about, haha. Well, hope you're doing well!!!

    'Til tomorrow,
    April 14th, 2011 at 10:09pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Oh! And thank you for the photo comments ^_^ Funny you should mention the bird looking like a dinosaur, because Garret and my mom had gotten ahead of my dad and I at the zoo, and then Garret came running towards us and said, "Look at the Dinosaur!" Haha :)
    April 2nd, 2011 at 09:52pm