ClairedeeCat / Comments

  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    Oh, yes, definitely, I love my real mattress, plus Pepper hated wandering into my room in the morning and having to squeeze onto a twin-size mattress with me, haha. I now have the headboard of my bed under the window, so every morning Pepper will climb onto the pillows right next to my head and look outside. My mom finds it amusing. When the carpet guys were here, she was behind a little baby gate, we were just there to keep her quiet…. Well…. Quieter. She did try to rip my arms off when I hooked her up and dragged her to the back door so she could go outside, haha. She may be small, but I swear she can drag anyone, no matter what size, down the street.

    The carpet is a taupe/mushroomy color that kind of just blends into whatever color’s on the wall. And it has a very faint, monotonal, rose pattern. Like, abstract roses that look more like swirly lines… hard to explain, haha :)

    The lovely Gizmo is a Shih Tzu (had to look up how to spell that, never knew it was two words…) I know how you feel, haha. I have a lot of money from my birthday, but I can’t spend most of it because it’s going towards my Ipad 2. (Which I just found out is being shipped on the 21st *happy dances until I realize how many days away that is…*). It’s my Birthday/Graduation gift from my parents, and I’m paying for… almost a third of it.

    I’ve been attempting to tan as well….. not going as well as hoped, haha.

    So….. I have more potential moving news :) The company my dad works for really likes him. He’s actually on a business trip now, because they need him in other production plants. Anyway, they’re offering him a corporate job, where he’ll do a lot of traveling to all the plants, but will be home every weekend (which is pretty awesome because some weeks he gets no weekends at all, right now) the corporate office is in Colorado; and if he takes the job, which he most probably will, they’ll want him to move out there in the next 2-4 years. Which means, unless something changes, I’ll be living in Colorado someday, haha.

    Hahaha, John…… oh, and the ‘ego-popper’ made me laugh ^_^ It makes me think of balloons…. And sewing needles……

    The Middle is an ABC sitcom about a family in Indiana. The writers try to show every realistic aspect and oddity of regular family life, but the Hecks (family on the show) always take it over the top. Plus, they’re all just weird. Especially Brick. He repeats things under his breath. My favorite episodes have to be when they fly on a plane, and when Axl has to take care of a fake baby for school, haha ^_^

    Once again, imagining that whole scene in my head….. *giggles* Hmm…If all else fails, pretend he stepped on your foot or something; he seems like the type that would freak out and start apologizing, haha.

    Well, I hope you are doing awesomely well (I guess awesomely is a word, it’s not underlined in red….Crap… I wanted to invent it! :D)

    I’m going to eat Spongebob graham crackers ^_^

    April 2nd, 2011 at 09:38pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    Well, it’s finally over; we have new carpet. I spent three nights sleeping on an inflatable mattress in a room with plywood as a floor, and we now have to move the small mountain of stuff back to its respective areas, but we have pretty carpet! I’m so tired, though….. I spent installation day sitting in a hallway with a crying/barking Pepper. She did not take the situation well. At all.

    I’m glad you had a good birthday! :D

    It’s been 85 here. Feels like a hundred. And I’m gonna be a little ungrateful and say it’s borderline annoying, haha. I know, I’m never content, am I?

    I’ve been watching Gizmo, a neighbor’s dog, since Monday. Tomorrow’s the last day, and the guy paid me in advance, so I’m a happy girl ^_^

    Hahaha, tell your mom I thoroughly enjoyed her comment. My dad has been using zip-lining as an excuse for everything, he’ll end any sentence with “but I went zip-lining”, and when he managed to carry a horrendously heavy bin down the stairs, and Garret and I were gaping at him, he shrugged and said, “I went zip-lining” *rolls eyes* haha. That was after the sore muscles healed, mind you. Before that he was blaming me for want to do it, and chanting “Go! Go! Go!” as I was limping down the stairs. But I loves him, of course……

    Amber couldn’t make it? Too bad….. :) I hope she had fun at her party, though.

    Aw, that’s awesome that you got to sing on your Grandpa’s birthday. And I am not an early riser, either. I’m a solemn person when I have to get up early, I don’t say a word and I tend to glare, haha.

    Hahaha, I’m speccciiiaaaaalllll! John, hear that? I’m special!
    …… okay….. that sounds like I’m special….. in the head.

    I’m watching The Middle…….. never fails to amuse me.

    I’m sad I don’t have much to talk about :( but my last week has been school, and carpet. I haven’t left the neighborhood. Correction: I haven’t left the street. I’m getting cabin fever.

    Well, I have to go walk Gizmo……

    Oh, I’m uploading a pic of me on the obstacle course :)

    Peace, Love, and Happiness,

    March 24th, 2011 at 01:48am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Happy Birthday To You!!!

    Happy Birthday To You!!!

    Happy Birthday, Dear Clllaaaiiirrreeee!!!!

    Happy Birthday To You!!!

    (cha cha cha)

    Hope you're having a fantastic birthday!!

    March 20th, 2011 at 01:04am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Awww, thank you! Definitely the best happy birthday wishes of the day ^_^ I did do the zip line/obstacle course, with my dad! It was an hour and a half of of climbing and balancing, and flying, and we're incredibly sore (I'm laying in bed right now, waiting for the Advil to kick in) but it was sooo much fun. Oh, and we're having our carpet installed on Tuesday! Which means my poor, sore body has to drag stuff down the stairs. Haha, anyways, only two days until your birthday!!
    March 17th, 2011 at 01:41pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    I finally got around to writing back! I’ve been thinking about it for the past couple of days, but I couldn’t find the time until now :(

    Not sure how to bring it up conversationally, so I’m just going to awkwardly blurt it out. The Earthquake. I honestly can’t even begin to imagine what that would be like. To be normally living your day until the early afternoon, and then have everything change….. it’s mindboggling. I wish I could get on a plane, or a boat, and go and help. You know, if there wasn’t a threat of radiation and they probably feel like there are too many people on the island already. I hate when things like that happen, and I hate how it seems to always take a tragedy like this to make everyone care about someone else, when just yesterday they may have been fighting over something stupid.

    Moving on……

    Aww, haha, well if it makes you feel any better, it hasn’t been in the eighties since then. It’s been fluctuating a lot, temperature-wise. Florida’s like that, it can never seem to make up its mind.

    That would be so cool, to have matching trucks! My PopPop’s truck….. it’s either a chevy, or a ford, and it’s tiny. Like a baby truck. Little two-seater. But, I would not be complaining, haha. I’ve always wanted a truck, ever since I started driving. I drive my Mom’s Odyssey (that better be how it’s spelled, we have two of them and I’ve been starting at their name thingies for almost 11 years, haha) and the one thing I hate is that, when I turn my head to check if I can change lanes, I’m staring at a chunk of car, not a window. The part where the seatbelt is in the wall….. So, I thought maybe a truck would be good, because there’s a heck of a lot less roof and windows and… car behind the driver’s seat. I just want to be able to turn my head and actually be able to easily look out a window, haha.

    No carpeting yet, we have to wait until it arrives at their warehouse, then they’ll call us and make an appointment. Then we get to essentially move out, with the three rooms we’re doing being the most…. Lived in, crowded rooms in the house. It would be a different story if we were doing Garret’s room, because his would trump the ones we are doing. But thankfully we won’t have to unload his hoarder’s nest of horrors O.o
    ……That completely just made my day. Sitting in the pews……*imagining*

    Haha, no, it’s not! We’ll be questionable sane, yet totally awesome, together :D

    He is such a drama queen, haha. But it’s nice that you have such blatant reminders that he cares :)

    Yes, it is! Tomorrow! And we ended up not going to Chicago, my dad had to work and I had to do school. My ‘party’ was on Sunday, at my aunt’s house. And tomorrow we (parents, sibling) are going to The Alligator Farm (they have a website, if you want to see it. It’s the one in St. Augustine, if there happen to be a bunch I’m not aware of) And I might zip line over some alligators and do some rock climbing and stuff, but we’ll see when we get there because I don’t want to go alone and no one else seems willing.

    I hope your party, and birthday, turn out okay! I know how you feel about people making a big deal, I absolutely hate that; my mom gains endless amusement from the fact that I told her that I would never want a wedding. Getting married, yes. Wedding, no. Weddings are like the ultimate torture. People pay a lot of money to travel to the location, they bring gifts, you have to walk down an aisle in front of all of them, they won’t leave you alone the whole day, and the money…. All the money it takes to even have a wedding. I don’t even want to think about. It’s times like these where I’m thankful I don’t have a boyfriend and thus no danger of any impending engagement. Ok, getting off that rant, I’m sure you’ll find a way to have fun, John we’ll be there, no it’s pretty much impossible to not have fun, right? Who knows, maybe Amber will go home early *bright side*

    Aww, I’m sorry :( But yay for your own prom! That’ll be next year, right?

    Well….. that girl doesn’t seem to have a problem speaking her mind…….. haha. Oh, and ‘yay!’ For singing! I bet you sounded awesome :)

    Ahaha, John is awesome…… wait! No, unique… interesting… special…. Just don’t tell him I said awesome! He’ll get a big head :D Or maybe he won’t, I have no clue; but I’m suspecting he will. *eyes John suspiciously* That’s right. I can SEE him.

    ….. *clears throat awkwardly* That’s what happens when my blood sugar starts to drop (that’s my excuse, I’m sticking with it) So, I’m going to be completely contradictory, and combat my weird, slightly hyper behavior, with a sugary snack.


    Oh, and I like your new Profile, and never apologize for having an odd life, it keeps things interesting. Some people are doomed to be corporate drones.... and accountants. ;)

    Hope you're doing fantastically well!
    March 15th, 2011 at 08:03pm
  • eli goldsworthy.

    eli goldsworthy. (100)

    United States
    Teenage Dream has finally been updated after an excruciating 4 months. I'm so sorry.
    March 13th, 2011 at 05:08am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    I understand, my life is pretty boring right now too! I'm listening to my parents finishing up our 'laundry room redesign' (new paint and light fixture). Oh, and I found out yesterday that the Business Math I've been taking all year is not good enough for the scholarship I need, so I have to start another math tomorrow and complete at least 2-3 months of it, like 2 hrs a day. So....... yeah. Ah, gotta go help with something..... again. *rolls eyes* haha.

    Hope you're doing well!! :D
    March 6th, 2011 at 09:18pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Helllllooooooooo :D
    I would have written back sooner, but I was an idiot and kept forgetting to retrieve my laptop from various places in the house, before I went to bed (since I usually write to you before I go to sleep). My door is on serious need of WD40, and makes horrendous sounds when I open it, so I was worried I’d wake up the dog. And If you wake up Pepper……. It’s bad. Just….. bad. So. That’s my excuse! Hahaha

    My PopPop (grandfather on my mom’s side), was telling me about that. I don’t really watch the news, but I did look it up after you mentioned it. I will say what I did in like three government essays I wrote last quarter; People just need to grow up. I mean, trashing the capitol? Vandalizing? That’s not rational. I hope it’s calmed down and you’re fully back in school. That’s not fair to any of the students. Would they have extended your school year if you had missed enough days? My cousins have had to make up snow days before, but they used holidays, generally.

    More snow?? My friend from Virginia says that it’s snowed there too. That’s just insane, that it can be snowy up there, and I was baking in 85 degree weather yesterday. Florida doesn’t mess around with it’s weather.
    I might be getting a truck! My PopPop’s little red chevy. I think it’s a chevy. All those decisions will be made by the end of the summer, though. Before college. I’ll either get the truck, or we’ll buy a car. Makes the prospect of having to attend college a wee bit easier. Haha, he sounds like my dad! It looks like my Dad practically lives out of his van, with all the stuff he keeps in there.

    I’m getting new carpet!!!! Haha, ok, that was a little random, but I am very excited! Except for the part where we have to unload the entire upstairs. Good thing it’s only two rooms, but it still won’t be fun.
    Because I can’t stop, I will be uploading a picture of Ollie the Alligator, and his new turtle friend :)

    Yes, Senioritis, mixed with procrastinating tendencies, is an awful, awful combination.
    Hahaha, just locate the local C.O.D den and throw him in. (Though I’m pretty sure Call Of Duty dens do not exist, I wouldn’t be surprised if teenage boys, and grown men, did gather in a basement somewhere and play video games all day long. Actually, that is probably horrifically true.)

    Haha, that sounds like when I tell people about you. Ok, only my mom and my cousin. My mom just said “What?..... you have a friend in Wisconsin?” It took a few minutes to convince her you weren’t a hairy, fat, bald, 40 year old man. :D
    Have you heard the second verse of that song? “They’re there because they’re there, because they’re there.” I believe that’s how it went, not that it’s all that possible to screw it up.

    Wow……… hahahaha, all I can say is I wonder if nosy people looked out their windows and thought they were watching a real-life soap opera unfold before their very eyes. It makes me giggle just thinking about it…..

    Duuuuudddddeeeeeeee, our birthdays are coming up!!!!! We’re both having special birthdays in the same year. You’re turning 16 (if I’m wrong I’m gonna go into a corner and die) and I’m turning 18! I’m so excited! Except for the fact that I might be going to Chicago around my birthday. I don’t mind visiting my family, but they love any excuse for a party, and I hate excess attention. Plus, I should use that week for school, even if it’s also my Spring Break. I’d rather lose a week vacation, then be all stressed about getting stuff done before graduation.

    Well, speaking of stress, I should go do some schoolwork to relieve it. I just want it to be over already.

    Hope you’re well, Claire!
    February 28th, 2011 at 06:41pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Yellow :)

    Wha?! A day off school? So. Lucky………

    Here’s hoping it won’t snow again! I’m imagining a very movie-esque scene with a beat up truck and a girl leaning out the window, enjoying the breeze……. Okay…… I’m imagining The Last Song. That was one of the most uncomfortable movies I have ever seen. Ever. Just because they’re either kissing, or fighting… or crying. So over dramatic. I only watched it because I have some weird faith in Miley. Well, maybe it’s hope that she start thinking before she acts. Poor girl.

    Anyways, I’m sure, given enough time, ‘excitation’ will be a word…. Wait…… I just looked it up. It is a word!

    I would love to see a picture! And I hope you can find one you like! That one you put a link for is really pretty. Have you tried They have lots of dresses in sale and clearance. They’re not designated ‘prom’ dresses, but there are some pretty ones. Even their regular priced ones aren’t horrendously expensive. I actually have one of their dresses…. Haven’t had the chance t wear it yet. I’ll probably wear it to my cousins wedding…. In two years.

    Rest in peace, inner tubes.

    Awwwwwww, you’re so sweet ^_^

    I have officially applied for community college. Now I need to start thinking about studying for the entrance exam. Then I just need to finish Senior year, and I am home free! Summer!!!! So. Excited. This has been the worst school year ever. Not because it was hard or anything, but simply because it is the last one. Senoritis.

    I’m currently ear-binging on Mayday Parade. Gah. I love them.

    Oh yes, that’s that’ll be my only reason for living at that point, I’m sure. It’s all for the lasagna. I’m being completely serious. I know it’s going to be a really special weekend and crap, but I’m not looking forward to it. All that traveling. And dressing up. And sitting in uncomfortable seats. I’m such a bad person.

    Dear Lord, it sounds like John and Kyle have been deprived of ‘manly’ activities and are reverting to their inner-girl friend ways. Though I don’t even think it’s all that common for girls to give each other back massages…….

    I shall upload the pictures tonight, I am actually supposed to be either eating lunch, or doing school at the moment… so……. :D

    John’s a nut. I think that pretty much covers it. :)

    I went to my Mom’s cousin’s baby daughter’s one year birthday party. Did that make sense? It was so odd, I haven’t been to a kids party in forever. Simply because no kids have been joining the family circle. Until little Jadelyn. She’s adorable. Except for that fact that her parents take the ‘first time parent syndrome’ to a whole new level. Which includes a (what felt like) half-hour long photo slide of the first year of her life, with those annoying childhood songs that always seem to be about body parts, and one song where the lyrics were: “We’re here because we’re here, because we’re here, because we’re here.” Not even kidding.

    Well, I think I’m going to hunt down some lunch, and then maybe convince myself to do some French (….nah…. but I really should….. oh, the moral choices…..) Haha.

    Hope you’re having a wonderful day off, girlie!
    February 17th, 2011 at 06:01pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    Ahh, I love all the after thoughts, no worries ^_^

    Prom? You get to go to prom? I’m a little jealous, I must admit.

    Hahahahahhahaha………… don’t tell John that I’m laughing at his pain. That sounds like a fun night, though.

    I used to go sledding near Big Bear, in California, with hot pink, plastic sleds. Almost knocked my dad off the mountain when he tried to stop me, haha.

    I used to carry my brother piggy back! And then he tried to carry me, and fell over. I was always bigger than him…… but My mom just noticed he’s the same height as me! Took like 16 years, but the day has arrived. I shall have to relinquish my crown of tallness, soon *tear*.

    Haha, a Convent? I’m surprised your dad said no, I would think that that would be every father’s dream……

    Dooooooood, I definitely will! As soon as I finish editing it, I’ll tell you and you can send the address then, ok? I have a plan in mind, I just have to sit down and write. Haha, I fully expect you to take a picture with the book, in the store, and send it to me :D

    Dude…. We’re gonna have the biggest party Heaven’s ever seen.
    The name is from All Time Low’s song on the Alice in Wonderland soundtrack, entitled ‘Painting Flowers’….. awesome song. The pic was my first attempt at doing a divided picture, and the icon is the spiral staircase of a lighthouse in Daytona Beach. My mom took that picture, but I edited it. Oh, Oh, Oh!! Take a look at my new profile picture! Isn’t it cool?! I was so amazed when I saw that….. but then I thought….. ‘The tree was able to grow an ‘O’…. so why not an ‘e’? Why?!’

    My mother and aunt were discussing my cousin’s and my graduation party today. We’re having lasagna. That week is going to be so hectic, we go to my cousin’s house in Atlanta on Saturday, May 21st, I think…… somewhere around there. For the party, and her graduation. Then we turn around, go home, have Aaron’s and my party on Monday, and then his graduation on Tuesday. If you could see my expression right now…….

    I beat my brother at Disc Golf on the playstation eye, thingy. You know, with those stupid looking controllers with the squishy glowing ball?

    The thought of John and his ‘boyfriend’ cuddling on a couch…….. that gave me five good minutes of giggling entertainment.

    How To Train Your Dragon is awesome! Toothless’ expressions…. Genius. Absolute genius.

    It’s all nice, and sunny, and forty-five degrees. Gah.

    You can never trust anybody, in those trusting exercises. Nobody.

    As soon as I can, and when I figure out what pictures I’m willing to sacrifice, I’ll upload a pic or two of the Extreme house ^_^ we went four days in a row, and only possibly saw Michael’s hand. It’s like waiting for prairie dogs to pop out of their holes, I tell you.

    Well, I must go do some school…… I know I keep saying this…… but I want summer!

    Hope you’re well,

    February 8th, 2011 at 05:46pm
  • the fallen.

    the fallen. (100)

    United States

    Ugh, that sounds horrible!
    January 28th, 2011 at 10:48pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Once again, I'm posting multiple extra comments because of errors.... Gah. Okay, I'm not sure what in the world I was doing or thinking, but in the last paragraph, the one about my hair, it's supposed to be that I decided to turn around and FACE the water. Not 'have' it...... I'm slightly more concerned about myself o.O I'm sure you figured out what I meant already, but usually I just misspell something, or leave out a letter, not completely write the wrong word. Okay, I'm going to stop reading my message now.....
    January 28th, 2011 at 03:04am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    *facepalms again* How in the world could I forget about her wanting to get back with him and the whole reason for your misunderstanding?! I'm very disappointed in myself...... And slightly worried. I think schoolwork is robbing my brain of its useful qualities....
    January 26th, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    I'm such an idiot. I didn't check John's girlfriend's name. Amber, not Anna. *facepalm*
    January 26th, 2011 at 04:54pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Edit: Hope YOU'RE having a great week.


    January 26th, 2011 at 02:28am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Helllllloooooo :)

    I actually did put Cattica back up, ‘finished’ it, and then removed it again a couple months ago. I’ve actually, sadly, decided the beginning, once again, needs to be revamped. I wish it was just done, haha; but I know every time I edit something, it gets better. It’s just annoying. I am actually in the stage of starting to let people in my ‘circle’ read it and critique. I put it on Mibba in the first place because I didn’t have anyone reading it, and I really wanted opinions. Now that it’s reaching the end product, I’m kinda keeping it under wraps and only letting friends and family (My aunt actually wants to read it O.o) read it (You know, those people who end up on the ‘Thank you’ page at the end of books :D) So, if you ever decide you want to read it before I attempt the impossible (publishing), you’re very welcome to. I’d have to e-mail it to you, or something along those lines; but just know the invitation is there :)

    That’s so weird, because the first thing I thought, after the initial shock and sadness, was ‘Lucky…..” Like you, I’m nowhere near ready to depart, I have so much left to do, but I’ll be happy and ready when that day arrives.
    Haha, I like your description of Josh Groban. I haven’t really listened to him; except for his Christmas Album my mom likes to play in the car, haha. I’m actually semi-obsessed with two songs for The Script’s newest album, Science and Faith. The songs are This = Love, and Science and Faith. They’re stuck in my head. I don’t mind. But, seriously, what woman/women messed those men up? Because like 98% of their songs are about a woman leaving……

    Pepper’s diet is the Science diet kit that comes in a big box, with pre-packaged food and treats. Basically, I think it’s more for the owners, to learn to recognize portion size after pouring it into a bowl for five weeks. So, yeah, I think the whole goal is retraining the owners, haha. Teaching them to-possibly, depending in the individual- give less food, two solid meals a day, and less snacks. Snacks are the enemy, apparently….. even for humans :( Aww, the puppy sounds like a cutie ^_^

    I’m the total opposite, haha. I’m a total shorts girl, and I never wear dresses. I wish I would, especially when I see a really cute one at the mall or something, but I just can never really bring myself to wear them. I want to though……

    Shorts sleeves in -8 weather?! Yes, yes you are tough Wisconsin girls, because I would have freaked. I have a hard enough time keeping warm, since I’m pretty sure I don’t circulate as much blood as I could be. My hands and feet are always freezing, and I don’t really notice it (I mean, I doooo know that they’re cold, but they don’t feel as cold, to me, as they apparently are…. If that makes sense), until someone touches me and tells me I’m freezing, haha. I think I have heard of the Wisconsin Dells….. it sounds familiar.

    ….. How are you planning on getting kicked out of Wal-mart? *mentally remembering stuff from that famous list* yay for using siblings! :D I would do that too, the children’s museum is worth it.
    Hahahaha, it took a good few months for my mom to train my brother to open doors. It started with whispered scolding, and ended with her just giving a blank ‘what-is-wrong-with-you?’ look. He opens doors now.

    Haha, John…… I wish I could meet him, he sounds awesome…. And he and Anna make a cute couple :)

    I don’t know about you, but I always assumed Extreme Makeovers ‘week’ started on a Sunday or Monday, and they brought the family back on the weekend. Apparently not. Demo actually begins on Thursday, and the reveal is on February 2. I keep checking the special site, hoping they’ve revealed the family, but someone is being lazy, because Ty was supposed to reveal it on the 24th. And I’m guessing he did, but someone isn’t putting it on the site. :( I’d risk feeling like a creeper if I got to see Ty ;D Haha, no, if you’re wondering, I do not have a ‘crush’, I’ve just watched him on TV since he was on Trading Spaces, and that would just be cool, to see him in real life. And the other designers, of course.

    Well, I re-dyed my hair today. Oh, it was so funny, usually my mom rinses the dye out in the sink, but this time I decided to just take a shower. I was rinsing out my hair, and just decided to turn around to have the water, and I opened my eyes. The entire back wall of the shower was covered with hair dye, which was a purplish, reddish color. I. Freaked. Thankfully it didn’t really stain anything, but that was the most shocking thing I’ve seen in a while, haha.

    Ok, I think I’ve hogged your eyes long enough :D Hope your having a great week!!
    January 26th, 2011 at 02:28am
  • the fallen.

    the fallen. (100)

    United States

    Ugh, it's so cold!
    I just can't wait for summer!

    What about you :)
    January 23rd, 2011 at 05:17pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    I knew it would happen someday. Curse you, This Century, for changing the general term 'Hopeless Romantic' to 'Hopeful Romantic'. I was doing so well every time I wrote it down, or mentioned it to someone! I guess it was a matter of time....
    January 19th, 2011 at 02:34am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hi : )
    I’m so sorry for your loss, Clara; but that is definitely the best thing, that he not be in pain anymore. He’s so lucky to be in heaven.
    It sounds like you have some pretty incredible friends, and I hope everything calms down soon. I can’t imagine how stressed you’re probably feeling right now. Don’t forget to plug in the ipod and get away for a little while, music does wonders.
    Haha, does John have a rotation schedule for his Bibles? (<- sorry attempt at humor)

    Honest to goodness she did not recognize me. It was very awkward for a minute, and then she proceeded to parade me around to see if anyone else couldn’t recognize me. It was only her :D ahhh, I love her. She’s awesome. I would love to be a spy……..
    A puppy?! I want a puppy : ( haha, Pepper has just started a diet. She’s 31 pounds, and her goal wight is 25. This is like the best diet ever, because she’s being fed a little more, and we’re not allowed to walk her. (Something about how she’ll need more food if she exercises, more protein) I’m still doubting, but if it works, it will be a miracle.

    I wore shorts today. Seriously, about a month or two too early I just can’t stand it anymore, and I either start wearing shorts (if it’s winter) or jeans (if it’s summer). The weather keeps jumping up and down, and I just want summer. Is that too much to ask? Probably…….
    Oh, yeah, I have Ice skated. I took lessons in California. Ended up playing Red Light, Green Light, going too fast, trying to stop, and falling backwards, hitting my head. Haha, despite that, I love ice skating, I wish I had more opportunities. I meant I have not had a chance to stand on a frozen lake, being blown across by the wind. That is officially on the Bucket List :D

    Haha, seriously? Translations amuse me……

    I told my mom about my desire to really do something, to really live, this year, and she suggested going to New York (My dad goes to New Jersey on business, so we might be able to join him one time) We better be able to…… I want to go to Carlo’s Bakery (That place on Cake Boss on TLC?)! They’re in Hoboken, NJ :) And to really focus on finishing Cattica and its Sequel, and hopefully moving in the direction of looking for a publisher. I have a lot of work left to do, haha. Most of the sequel is not written, and I have a few chapters I want to write and add to the first book. But I’m determined. Those characters are almost real to me, and I feel like I’m writing down their story, not creating it. So I really want to finish it, for them.

    Ah, being a member of the ‘fairer sex’ does have its advantages :D

    Tell John he is doing an absolutely fantastic job, because my brother would NEVER cook for us. He hardly cooks for himself. I’m trying to remember…. Is John one of the ‘brothers’? The ones you call brothers, but they aren’t really related to you?

    Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is coming to my corner of the world next week. There was a pep rally tonight for volunteers, and I thought we were going to go, but I just remembered an hour ago….and I was sitting on my bed… So…. I guess not. We’ll probably still drive by the site (we better).

    Well, mon amie, I hope you are doing well! I’m going to break out the chocolate chip bunny grahams, and thoroughly regret it later :D

    Oh! In response to your overly generous photo comments, Thank You! :D Yes, I did draw that picture. It's not the original, because goodness knows I could not attempt that out of my own imagination. Sure, I might have been able to imagine it, but I would not have been able to draw it, haha. I saw the original, and decided to try to draw it. The 'Hopeless Romantic' quote was not done by me, I added that in on Picnik :)
    January 19th, 2011 at 02:30am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Oh, and thanks for the comment about my picture :D I love that bridge... It's only literally a minute from my front door :)
    January 15th, 2011 at 11:48pm