ClairedeeCat / Comments

  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hey :) just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about and praying for you, and take all the time you need. I can't imagine what you're going through, but just know I'm here for you, girly :)

    ~ Bethany
    January 15th, 2011 at 11:46pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    It has been exactly one year, today, since we started talking, haha ^_^ hope you're doing well!
    January 12th, 2011 at 03:24pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    apparently smiley faces don't translate between Word, and Mibba....... each of those little boxes are smileys. (the one by Trish is a frownie, frowney. however you spell it.)
    January 9th, 2011 at 01:04am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Yes… Yes, I do….  so now I’m typing it in Word first, then I’ll just copy and paste ^_^
    Those presents sound great! My big present this year was a TV (which my parents got an amazing Black Friday deal on), and I got a new, very pretty Bible, and clothes and miscellaneous stuff (Oh. My. Gosh……. I spelled miscellaneous right on the first try….. that never happens.) 
    My New Years was fantastic! Family Game Night was sooo much fun! My cousin hugged me, leaned back, looked at my hair and said, “It’s Dark!” haha. The highlight was when my Mom’s aunt, who used to live in California when I did, and who I’ve spent a lot of my childhood with, didn’t recognize me. I mean, completely did not recognize me. She thought I was my cousin’s friend (even though I had just hugged her hello), and my aunt had to tell her who I was, because I was just standing there, in shock.

    Oh, I’m so sorry about Trish  that’s so sad, but it sounds like it was the best thing to do. She couldn’t have been comfortable, at all.

    I hope your grandfather is still comfortable. I hope he is improving, and, if not, I know God is there for him, and you. I watched a movie, called ‘A Walk in Your Shoes’, or something, and one of the lines in the movies is something I’ll never forget. A little boy is telling an adult about how his father died in duty, and how the boy was somewhat mad at God for allowing that to happen. The boy says, “Where was God when my Dad died?” and the adult looks at him and says, “Right beside him.” That touched my heart. That, even though people think he must not be there, if something bad happens, the fact is he is there for us, to help us through. He didn’t make the bad thing happen, but he knew it was going to happen, and he’s there for us, whenever we need him.

    Haha, 40? Warm? I don’t think I could live is Wisconsin! It was like 70 something today. I wore a short-sleeved shirt. I’m so ready for summer…. I miss my Tank tops and shorts  Floating across frozen water does down pretty spectacular though…. I might have to try that someday.
    I will take the college entrance exam in a month or two…. I’m so sick of this. What was I thinking when I was 10 and couldn’t wait to grow up? Stupid. I was stupid.

    I’m not sure on the resolutions yet. I just want to do something different, like…… get a job (gag)…. Join a sport (……hahahahaha…… no)…………. Get a boyfriend (ah! Yes! I’ll go with that one! You know….. if I even knew a boy.)

    I helped my dad change brake pads today. You know, last time I checked, I’m pretty sure I had a brother. Nah, ok, let’s be honest, I’m mostly the son in this family. I’ve played sports with dad, I’ve worked on the car with dad, I’ve done house projects with dad. Garret’s done all that too, but he’s usually dragged into it. *sigh* he’s just special  hahaha, I bash on him a lot, don’t I? He’s a wonderful brother (sometimes).

    It seems like every time I write a message, I’m planning on getting a snack afterwards…… hmm.

    Oh! I do have an official resolution! Finish the Cattica sequel. That’s taken wayyyyy too long. That’s my summer project.

    OK, now for the food ^_^

    Hope you’re doing well,

    January 9th, 2011 at 01:01am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hey, Clara,

    I'll write my full message tomorrow, or Saturday (tomorrow is my last day to finish last quarters school work, and I have alot to do >_>) But I saw your message about your grandfather, and I really couldn't wait to say he, and your whole family, are definitely in my prayers. I wish I could be there to give you a hug, girly. I hope he's comfortable, and improving.

    Your Friend,
    January 7th, 2011 at 03:46am
  • findingfaith

    findingfaith (100)

    yay! Someone with my sense of music :P 'I Dare You to Move' did it for me ^.~
    January 4th, 2011 at 07:53pm
  • findingfaith

    findingfaith (100)

    Wow! You really haven't heard of Hillsongs? They have some pretty great songs. Switchfoot is great too. You should definitely check them out :P
    January 4th, 2011 at 04:35am
  • findingfaith

    findingfaith (100)

    Lololol... I just read ur profile :P Well, I feel stupid :S Oh, and thnx for the welcome >.<
    January 4th, 2011 at 03:44am
  • findingfaith

    findingfaith (100)

    Lol... Yeah, I am. Guess I should've put hillsongs up there, but i'm not too big about them :P what about you? >.<
    January 4th, 2011 at 03:41am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    ...... well, my first message magically vanished......

    Let's try this again!

    I hope you had an amazing Christmas! Mine was pretty fun, but I'm anxiously waiting for New Years Eve. I really want to see my cousin, she's the only friend I get to see in person, so I'm very excited ^_^

    I hope the horses are okay! :(

    I hope your Grandpa is feeling better! I am determined to not get sick. Ever. (pretending I actually have a say in the matter....)

    I hope your friend drama is resolved soon. I may not have a ton a friends, and I may not have had high school level drama, but I have been put through the petty-drama wringer. I'm not saying I'm not petty myself sometimes, but everytime I hear a story like that, I just shake my head and wonder where that person's head is at (John's ex). How we can so easily lose touch with what's truly important in life. It's a constant battle, I guess.

    Hahaha, Chauncey.... poor baby. Wonder what his parents looked like..... :D

    Apparently there were some flurries of snow near my house yesterday! I missed it...... Snow in Florida...... it's a miracle. Haha. It was sooooo cold on the 26th. Well, cold for me. I don't think it got above 40, and there was a strong breeze all day.

    My brother is MIA for the week (he's staying at my cousin's house ^_^) I should probably be less excited about this........ I love him! I swear! But, distance makes the heart grow fonder, right? (Wow, that all sounded really creepy.....)
    Well, I got the results of the SAT. *sigh* I am now looking down the barrel of a college entrance exam, because I missed the minimum Math score by.... *drum roll*.... 10.


    It was a very emotional day. A lot of crying and cursing everything to heck. It was just really hard to accept. I missed by 10 points. That's just disgusting.

    But, I'm moving forward and moving on.

    Aw, I love your nickname! Now I have a neighbor calling me 'Red', as well. Gah, I guess this is the downside. I suppose there had to be one.

    I've been thinking about resolutions for 2011. I don't usually do that, but I just decided that maybe, if I make some promises to myself, something will change.

    I really want something to change.

    I'm going to hunt down a snack......

    Au revoir :D
    December 28th, 2010 at 02:49am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    I'm sitting at the kitchen table, eating Frosted Flakes, and waiting to go to my aunt's house; so I just thought I would wish you the official, on-the-actual-day, Merry Christmas! Hope you're having a fantastic day so far!

    December 25th, 2010 at 02:22pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hey! I just had a chance to log in, and I just thought I'd clarify the thing you didn't understand in my note. I knew when I wrote it, that it sounded odd, but my mind went blank at the time, haha. My second quarter of school doesn't end until the 7th of January :) Hopefully I worded it better that time. I'll write a full message within the next few days, school and preparations for Christmas are keeping me busy, haha. Hope you're well, and Merry Christmas! (Almost)

    ~ Bethany
    December 22nd, 2010 at 07:18pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Side note: I wasn't laughing uproariously at the name 'Chauncey' (though it does make me giggle :D) I was just imagining the scene; you holding a screaming mechanical baby, and perhaps, if you were me, threatening it (I wouldn't do that to a reaaallll baby, of course....... but I've wanted to.... gosh, that makes me sound horrible.... I'm only human! And crying is not a soothing noise! hahaha, ok, I'll stop now...)
    December 12th, 2010 at 03:01am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    Yes, I absolutely love my hair! I think I was born to be a redhead..... hahaha. It's a big change, but I starting to really like it.

    Sorry this took a little while, I was doing school and helping my mom finish the Christmas decorating. My school days go up to the 24th, haha. At least, that's what my mom put down, so I could get in the right number of days. I don't really have a problem with that, I have a ton to do and it's not like I would have anything else to do during Christmas break anyway. Plus, I have the first week of January in the 2nd quarter too. Not sure how that happened, but I'm not complaining.

    Hahahahaha, Chauncey? wow, I didn't think those existed in real life; I thought that was just on TV shows.... Did he cry and everything? If he did, I wonder if they did that as a deterrent...... make the baby as annoying as possible, so you won't want one, haha.

    Snow? What is this thing you call 'Snow'? Haha, I haven't seen snow in forever...... Haha, your mom sounds like a funny woman :)

    Orlando was great. We went to both Universal parks, and I got my wand!!!! It's Hermione's

    here's the link:

    My brother got Dumbledore's and........oh gosh, you seriously have to see this in person. As you know, he's 18; but he walks around the house with this wand. Just..... walks around with it. And sits with it. And possibly sleeps next to it (haven't confirmed that, but I found it on his bed today.) He even tried to fit it in his school bag so he could show his friend at college.

    Bless him.

    I don't think he'll ever grow up, haha.

    SAT was the most draining experience of my life. I honestly am not confident in how I did. My biggest issue was time. 25 minutes for 20 algebra questions?! It's not fair. At this point I just have to hope my combination of correct answers, guesses, and skipped questions evens out and I get the score I need (470 so I don't need to take a remedial class in college) I know I could have done better, but I didn't have the time. Which again, IS NOT FAIR. They want to assess my skills, but they only give me like a minute and half to solve a semi-complex algebra problem?! Poo.

    Haha, yeah, I probably would feel stupid....

    So far, comments about my hair have been... interesting. Neighbors have said they won't recognize me anymore. Garret (trying to remember if I've mentioned my brother's name before.... I think I have) wouldn't stop calling me Ginny for the first day, even after I threatened him. Now he calls me 'Red'.

    Took 17 years and a change of hair color, but I've finally aquired a nickname. And it's 'Red'. *sigh*

    Mom just stared at me and said 'Who are you?!" and, "I won't know my own daughter anymore!" Dad said "It's dark."

    I'll find out about the rest of my family on Christmas Eve. And the really exciting one, my cousin Alyssa, on New Year's Eve. hehehe, can't wait.......

    Disney knows they can reel in those desperate dads who are being surrounded by pretty princesses and limited, mostly children-friendly TV channels. Give them two days and they'll fork over the money for internet.

    Haha, the P.S's made me laugh :D

    Yes, Harry Potter was fantastic. Dobby's scene made me squirm, haha. He kept saying 'I'm so happy I'm with my friends' over and over. It sounds horrible, but I kept thinking "Just die already!" Not in a mean way, but he was sending me on a serious guilt trip, and I was sitting in the audience!

    I also saw 'Tangled'. It was really incredibly funny. I was surprised....

    Well, I am really tired and I don't know why. I better not be coming down with something *glares at immune system...... where ever that would be...)

    Hope you're doing well, and staying warm! My Air conditioner (I have my own, it does the loft and my room) decided to die, so I have no heat at the moment. Yay. Good thing it's not freezing.......

    Au revoir!!!
    December 12th, 2010 at 02:50am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    I will write a full message soon, but I just wanted to say I put up a new picture :) Hope you're well,

    December 7th, 2010 at 10:25pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    *Hangs head and mutters angrily to herself* This is getting absolutely ridiculous....... I do love reading, I just have so many books to read, that I can't choose; so none end up getting read. If that makes sense. And the book was Night Runner. A book I bought without knowing it was about a Vampire. I've never read any Vampire books, but I liked how the author approached it, like it was partially a medical condition, haha. And he was funny. Now, if I forgot something else, I am going to ram my head against the nearest wall. >:( 
    November 28th, 2010 at 01:44am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    I'm on my iPod so I couldn't correct the 'Your' at the end that's supposed to be 'you're'...... *stares at it* It's bothering me...... Move on, Bethany..... Move on....
    November 27th, 2010 at 12:47pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    I have acquired Internet!! Crappy Internet, but Internet nonetheless :D I really need to start keeping your message in another window, so I don't miss anything, because i forgot to say thanks for the comment about my photo ^_^ hope your doing fantastic, Clara :)
    November 27th, 2010 at 12:44pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Aww, you're not a Jerkface! I understand you're busy, that's why I pat myself on the back when I respond in under a week, because I'm a lot less busy then you and I have no excuses (well, I dooooo... they're just really pathetic ones :D), hahaha. I'm glad Tech week went well! Oh gosh, it just had to be you who got hit with the falling object, out of how many people on stage? Of course..... :)

    I am writing on the eve of my departure to the land known as Orlando. Ok, that was overly dramatic. Apparently I'm leaving at 8 in the morning O.o

    I actually have interesting things to tell you this time! *gasp* I know, shocker.
    Interesting thing numero uno: The SAT. Mine is on December 4. And I have basically forgotten almost everything I've ever learned in Math. I'm going to take off school next week and study my butt off. I hate this, I think I'd seriously rather shoot myself in the foot. At least I'd have a cool cast instead of 4 hours of torture that'll only make me feel stupid. whee.

    Interesting thing number two: In the week followed interesting thing mentioned above ^^^^^^^ my mother is taking me to have my hair colored professionally, as an early Christmas present. The best part is the fact that I'm going..... red. Yes. Red. Not Carrot, or Fire Engine, though. A red that has brown in it....
    To explain this: My mom is a redhead, but I got my dad's hair.... which is a problem. My dad was born blonde, like me. But his hair changed to brown when he was a teenager..... like me. :( So, I knew I would have to maintain the hair (whether I wanted to be blonde, or something else... cause my dad's hair color is kinda... mousy? eh) So, I decided to try being a redhead, like my mommy :) It'll be a big change.... Oh, best part is that I haven't told the majority of my family, so it'll be a surprise. Ohhhhh, I can't wait to see the look on my cousin's face..... hahaha.

    Well, I have to go finish packing, and decide if I'm going to ever eat dinner tonight ( we had a Thanksgiving lunch....)

    Hope you're well!!! And I won't be back until monday.... here's hoping this hotel has internet connection ( you have to pay at Disney, but we're not staying at Disney this time)

    For now, Mon Amie, (ahh, the overly dramatic returns)


    P.S. Can't believe I almost forgot to mention we saw Harry Potter on opening day (went to the 3:10 show, most kids were just getting out of school) Have you seen it yet??
    November 26th, 2010 at 12:28am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Can't believe I just realized I forgot to mention that I 'Awed' at the story about your Grandpa, haha :)
    November 14th, 2010 at 12:54am