ClairedeeCat / Comments

  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hey :D!!!!!
    Yeah, I am feeling much better, thanks for asking :) Ugh, I hope you don't catch it, that doesn't sound fun :( you have to make up phys ed? that doesn't sound fun either :( Your day sounds like it was fun though! More interesting than my week or weekend. I did chores. Lots of chores to begin earning for the Ipod. I'm sore. very. Sore. But I feel good, I did work. I like work :) My brother is feeling better, his face is still swollen, but everything is returning to normal. I'm currently watching Ski Jumping. I seriously thing this one sport has been going the whole time. Day one til now, haha. At least it's somewhat entertaining. somewhat. I'm excited, my laptop should be arriving tomorrow!!!!! I will finally be able to compute from the comfort of my room. (even though the desktop is only like 15 ft away from my room. Don't ruin this for me) Haha, I guess I'm mostly excited about being able to take it and write anywhere, even on vacation. Now I have to deal with transferring Itunes..... ugh..... ok, I'm rambling.... I hope you're doing well! @(*_*)@
    February 23rd, 2010 at 03:15am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hey :)

    Sorry it's been..... 3 days.... I was catching up in school, fighting a 24hr cold, and dealing with my, temporarily, invalid brother :) He doesn't react well to dental surgery apparently... but he's doing better. Sounds like you had an interesting weekend and gym class, haha. I start giggling randomly too..... I am right now :) I'm a little stressed out, I have two weeks to finish a bunch of schoolwork. I never realize how much I procrastinate until it's getting down to the wire... *sigh*... I hereby promise that I won't get behind in the last quarter, there is NO WAY I am wasting summer vaca days on school. Plus I need to earn some money... fast.... My B-day's coming up (yours too!!!!!) and my mom already ordered a laptop for me, which I'll partially pay for from birthday money from relatives. That's all fine and good, but my beloved Ipod is starting to fail me and I neglected to get a service plan..... So, I'm biting the bullet, and upgrading to a 32gb 3rd gen Ipod touch (plus getting a service plan and protective case so no more unfortunate accidents will occur) , (I have a 8gb 1st gen Ipod Touch). So.... that's a lot of money...... argh.... Lot's of chores are in my future, but it will feel good when I really earned something that expensive..... again.... why did my Ipod have to break?! I watched the dobermans for a week for that thing! ok, this is getting long... I hope you are doing well and enjoying your week!!!!
    February 19th, 2010 at 09:56pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States

    Haha, yeah it always took me a while to get used to my hair, especially if it was a big change (I bleached my hair waaayyy lighter at the beginning of last year, and I've been dyeing it darker so it's more natural looking) I had a pretty good weekend, we stopped at my Aunt's house and my brother jumped ship, so I was alone with my grandparents the whole time. But we went shopping, watched the Olympics, and went to an Art show where my cousin won second place. So, overall it was good. Now I am home and everything's back to normal. Haha, I hope you still enjoyed your weekend!! My brother is getting his wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, I had my done a year ago :( It's not fun. I Well, I need to get ready to go, my brother has a dual enrollment college class tonight and I have to accompany my mom to the mall..... I hope you're doing well!!!
    February 16th, 2010 at 10:09pm
  • hisdearjuliet

    hisdearjuliet (100)

    United States
    it doesn't work.. but thank you, anyway. <3
    February 15th, 2010 at 11:50pm
  • hisdearjuliet

    hisdearjuliet (100)

    United States
    oh yeah, uhm, do you know how to make links on profiles?
    like, facebook & stuff.
    February 15th, 2010 at 12:51am
  • hisdearjuliet

    hisdearjuliet (100)

    United States
    i'm good; i just wrote a new chapter!
    read it, please?
    February 14th, 2010 at 10:31pm
  • hisdearjuliet

    hisdearjuliet (100)

    United States
    AW, THANKS! you're my first commenter, so i'm really happy.
    at least one person knows i exist, hehe.
    it's my first time actually writing a real story, so it's okay to me.
    thank you again.
    February 14th, 2010 at 08:24pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hello! Yay, I love To Kill A Mockingbird! It got a little boring at parts, but I liked it overall. I'm reading The Scarlet Letter right now.... it's not fun. at all.

    Cheeseburgers are amazing :) I love blue and green and orange and purple (I'm not sure which is my absolute favorite). Pretty much any shade of those except for their pastels. I remember my mom mentioning it, so I do believe the puppy's name is derived from one Agent Gibbs ;) You cut your hair?! Aw, I bet it looks awesome! My hair has been every length, the majority of the time it was really short though. Like two inches all around short. Now I am finally growing it out and I have blond, three inches past the shoulder, hair :) I will be gone from tomorrow til Sunday evening :( My Mom and Dad decided to take a trip and my brother and I are staying with my grandparents. *sigh* that's not what a homebody wants to hear. And I'm a homebody..... ah well, I'll live. Except the last time we did this I got no sleep because Pepper decided to whine all night and I was the lucky one that had to take care of her. Which I have to do again this time..... this'll be fuuunnnnn. Haha, anyway, I hope you are doing well and I hope you have a good weekend!!!!!!
    February 12th, 2010 at 04:19am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hey :)
    Sorry this took a few days, I was behind in some reading and I had to clean the house because my grandparents were coming over :) Haha, those letter to your friend sound fun! It makes me wonder what would happen if I wrote down everything I was thinking... I don't know if I could, I think I'd be thinking 'Think of something to write down!' the whole time, haha :) Ooo, favoritest food? Wow, hmm...... I guess cheeseburgers, I love cheeseburgers... or Pizza... I eat soooo healthy, don't I? ;) What about you? Ok, my official random question to you is the cliche question 'What is your absolute favorite color (at the moment)?' I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, we survived the freakishly long week! Last random thought: my neighbor got a 4 month old Poodle/Pomeranian (I believe) named Gibbs, he's so cute. I haven't officially met him yet....
    February 7th, 2010 at 01:15am
  • JennaMariee143

    JennaMariee143 (100)

    United States
    Hey thank you for the comment. It might be a little choppy because i had rewrite because it got deleted. I tried to remember what i wrote. Thank you thought for the pointers. I appreciate it. I will write more now. But thanks.
    February 5th, 2010 at 02:12am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    'Ello :)

    Haha yeah, the dream was rather odd and creepy. I hate scary stuff too, but it usually doesn't have lasting effects. Just depends on what it is, some things scare me more than others. I have to say that I much prefer 'Oh my Jonas Brothers' :) YES! This week is going by soooo sllloooowwww. I think the effect is everywhere, I have friends on Facebook saying the same thing and none live near me. Maybe the world slowed down :) I read your story, haha, I love it!! It's so good, I bet you will get/have gotten an 'A'. I like the way you write, you certainly have talent :) I updated Better Be Prepared, it's not long and it's kinda random (it's mostly about door hinges, haha), but that's how I write. I sit down at the computer and start writing, there is absolutely no planning involved and I usually don't go back and edit except for locating typos. Sometimes that process can be a good thing, and sometimes it's a bad thing, haha :) Well, I hope we all survive this very long week. I want the weekend. Now. :D
    February 4th, 2010 at 02:13am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hey :D
    Haha, I am happy for some reason..... hmm.... Anyway, thanks for the support! Ah, I wish and hope that someday it will be good enough to consider publishing, that would be amazing. Owie, I've been scratched by cats (and dogs) multiple times, it hurts :( I love arguing with myself too, though I can never seem to win..... Oh! thank you very much for the story comment! haha I loved the 'Oh my Jonas Brothers' :) Now that I can take a break from Cattica, I have started to work on Better Be Prepared again and I am thinking about completely editing Last Thoughts so it is longer, but we'll see on that one. Random Topic Alert: I had the weirdest dream last night, it started out at an ugly lake in France (I think.... because I dreamed of visiting France the night before) then I was at some weird store with a creepy old man that made doll houses. And then the store changed (it was newer and there were no dollhouses) and I had to cry my way out of being falsely accused of almost shoplifting a messenger bag..... yeah.....
    Anyway, hope you are doing well and having a fantastic week so far. (As fantastic as it can be when there is school involved) @(*_*)@
    February 2nd, 2010 at 06:12pm
  • moonyandpadfoot

    moonyandpadfoot (150)

    United States
    I much :D
    And no problem.
    February 2nd, 2010 at 05:43am
  • Crash Thrusts.

    Crash Thrusts. (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the photo comment! *hug*
    February 2nd, 2010 at 04:30am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hey :)
    Agh, I am so upset and confused. I decided to remove Cattica from Mibba.I wrote this whole long explanation and posted it as a chapter. (I know Mibba frowns on that, but Oh well.) Now I just feel really bad for the people who've subscribed :( I really don't want to remove Cattica, but I came to the decision that being obligated to update on here is hurting the story. I'm sad.... Ok, I just have to get over it, this is for the best. Right? Anyway, Thanks for the friend request!!! haha, I smiled when I saw it, so thank you :) Dad is only one of the issues against cats, Pepper is the other one. She's 5 yrs old and the sweetest thing.... to people she knows. If a stranger comes up to her and says hi, she literally looks like she'll rip your face off. Makes her a good guard dog though.... We have tons of feral cats in the neighborhood, and she loves chasing them (if she happens to get away from us or we didn't notice the cat before she did) She also chases turkeys.... bikes... cars.... lizards, frogs, golf carts, people... anything that moves. Anyway, this message is getting lengthy, sorry for venting earlier.... I hope you are doing well!!!!
    February 2nd, 2010 at 12:55am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Bonjour :)
    ^ the extent of my french language knowledge (okay, not the COMPLETE extent... but close). And I need to pick it up again next year...... darn those 'two years of foreign language' rules. Yeah, I'm glad he was home. He has to work some weekends and he's spent a considerable amount of time away on business earlier last year, and he might have to again... *sigh* anyway, sort shorts and skirts???? In -20? haha, wow. Skirts are awesome though :) Go English Grade! I LOVE redecorating my room! I've rearranged it hundreds of times, I've painted it 5 times, now I am kind of stuck with my current wall color (but I love it, it's like a vintage bluish-green) because I am currently obsessed with painting words all over one wall. And I have two song chorus' forming a border around the top :) Dad's allergic to cats, so dogs it is. We also have the turtle and we've had a fish and a hermit crab. And a butterfly, but that was for a science thingy....

    It's in the 60's today :) I want summer :(

    I love getting your comments too! I always get a little excited when I see the 'New Profile Comments' notification :)

    Hope you are doing well, and keeping warm! @(*_*)@
    January 29th, 2010 at 07:49pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Eh hem *clearing throat* 23 degrees? twenty-three degrees? Wha?! OK, is that Fahrenheit or Celsius??? haha, wow. I'm glad I live where I live, then. A hearty Congratulations on your exam results!!! I am super happy for you! :D Good grades always make me feel warm and fuzzy inside :) I haven't been up to much.... again.... *sigh* I'm boring.... My dad was home for four days this weekend! That was a little odd, but fun :) We did home improvement projects ALL weekend.... But I don't mind those :) Do you have any pets besides Bess? Sorry, I'm a little brain-fried today... I hope you are doing well, tell Bess 'Hi' for me :)
    January 28th, 2010 at 02:46am
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    haha, don't worry, I could never think you're a meany :) My birthday lands on the 16th, so we're close together! Wow, those are BIG dogs! haha, my mom just got an e-mail about this Great Dane that is like 7 ft, front to back. They're trying to get him in The Guinness Book of World Records. Those dobermans have oodles of problems. Weak bladders, sensitive stomachs, nervous carpet eating habits, so if my brother and I didn't go four times a day, we'd have some messes to clean up. But they're so sweet, so I don't mind. I love big dogs too, but my family kinda has a tradition of Dachshunds. We've had three in my lifetime. Kiffel, Penny, and, the one we have currently, Pepper. How's the weather by you? We had 77 degrees two days ago. The day before that it was thunder, lighting, rain, hail, and tornado warnings :) It looks like it might rain today..... Haha, well, I hope you are doing well! @(*_*)@
    January 24th, 2010 at 07:12pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    haha, probably :) I strongly believe in procrastination. It is an amazing invention. :) hehe. Love the new profile, by the way! it's really pretty. I haven't been up to much... went to the family get together for my cousin's 17th birthday on Saturday and spent the whole weekend dog sitting two Dobermans. Had to go over and let them out four times a day. Haha, it's a pain but it's money and the dogs are really sweet. Really big. But really sweet. Well, I hope you are doing well! @(*_*)@
    January 20th, 2010 at 07:18pm
  • The dream isn't done

    The dream isn't done (100)

    United States
    Hey :)

    Ew, Exams :( I don't envy you, but I do feel extremely sympathetic :) Aw!, well, when you find the time, I hope you enjoy them :) I read your 'All Will Be Well', it sounds really interesting, you should continue it when you can :) No, I have never heard of that song, but I shall look it up soon! It's been around 70 degrees the past couple days! The weather is just so weird.... Well, I hope you and Bess are doing fanstastically well :)

    In A While Crocodile :)
    January 18th, 2010 at 10:37pm