leaf's a buzzard / Comments

  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Hm, interesting.
    No, I haven't seen the movie, but I've heard a lot about it.
    It's actually kind of surprising I haven't seen it.
    I'm a huge movie junkie.
    I've never seen Monty Python either. >.<
    I know, I know. Everyone tells me I fail at life because of it.
    But I've seen a lot of other movies!!! :(

    TOWEL DAY?! O_O No! Why haven't I been informed of this information before now?
    When is it? I mus participate in it!
    September 11th, 2009 at 06:40am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    I agree with the Sam Rockwell making a perfect Zaphod thing. I also liked how they made his head instead of how it was in the book and old TV series.

    I think I basically know how you feel. XD Our towns sound practically identical, although mine sounds just a tad bigger than yours, which to me is surprising to me because I always thought I lived in the smallest place in the world. >.<

    Dial up internet? -_- I would die. Well, not literally, but I thrive on the internet, or at least I used to. Not so much anymore. It was more of a personal choice. It just felt like I was doing the same thing day after day, but now I get out more, breathe the fresh air, go to school, hang with friends more often than usual, etc. The fact that I hardly had any friends on Mibba wasn't doing so much either, so I'm really glad I've finally met someone with whom I have so much in common. ^_^

    In what are you majoring in college? Currently, I'm majoring in Sociology, but I think after this year, I'm going to take a break from school, get a job, travel, decide what I really want to do with my life, then go back. I just wish I would have come up with this plan before I enrolled. -sigh- Life.

    My hair used to be long, but I cut it to above shoulder length, then chopped it all off into a fohawk. Although now I'm letting it grow back out. I miss my long hair. You should take more pics of your fab hair 'cause I'm sure a lot of girls on the site would be jealous. XD

    Wow! The only time I've walked out of a movie theater during the movie was the 6th time I went to see The Dark Knight, but I stayed until the last scene with the Joke in it. I just didn't care about Harvey Dent... I almost walked out during Eragon though. That movie was complete crap compared to the book. I mean, I know the movie is usually not as good as the book, but Eragon was nowhere even close. I'll admit, I probably would have liked the movie if I hadn't read the book, but everything was just wrong. Saphira had feathered wings... :(

    Really tall, huh? How tall are you? People call me shorty all the time. I'm 5'3 1/2". I consider it to be average, but maybe most people don't. Notice I always have to get that last half inch in there. XD It's weird because Freshman year, I was 5'4" by both the school and doctors' scales. >.<

    Hm, seems we have another thing in common when it comes to dad, even though they're both their own kind of bad. Sorry about yours too.

    Yeah, I don't much care for Carrie Underwood. XD
    Wanna know something funny? I accidentally spelled her last name Underworld just now. >.<

    Unfortunately, the place I went to eat tonight didn't have the yellow fin tuna I've been craving since I got home from Florida last month. :(
    September 11th, 2009 at 06:37am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Yeah. XD
    Did you get my comments I sent a few minutes ago? There was two.

    this is the last I got of yours:

    Cool. I have that version too and them separately, some in their original print (my parents' copies). Personally I loved the movie. I've seen it too many times to count too. I thought it was kinda weird and was a little pissed that it didnt follow the plot of the original book, but then I heard that Douglas Adams was the one who decided to write the script that way. I think it's kinda cool how he changed the plot and added in stuff that wasn't there. It's like a fresh, difefrent retelling of it, and I really liked the scenes he added that weren't in the book, although at the end where Arthur gets back together with Trillian totally ruins it IMO. And yeah, I'd definitley agree with you on that, Mos Def was awesome as ford and I also thought Sam Rockwell pulled o
    September 11th, 2009 at 06:13am
  • Billie Joe Armstrong

    Billie Joe Armstrong (200)

    United States
    Oh the show is awesome. I just started watching it (torrents are my friend. XD) it's addictive. I don't watch much tv either but when enough people recommend me something I look into it.

    And oh... what kind of music do I listen to? A little bit of everything. Got like 6000 songs on my iPod since October. lol.
    I don't listen to too many newer artists but I've summed up my favourites on my profile.
    September 11th, 2009 at 05:50am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Wow, we're going to have to start posting in segments now. XD I didn't know Mibba had a comment word limit. Learn something new every day, I suppose.

    Anyway, here's the rest of the comment:

    The Gorrilaz are great! I love how they never actually show themselves. It puts more focus on the music that way.

    I really wish they'd make the rest of the series into movies as well, but apparently the first one didn't do so well in the box office. :(
    I swear people don't know a good movie when they see one. >.<
    My friends and I have a plan that if they ever do make a new one, we'll go to the first showing and take a towel with us. ^_^

    Eek, I think some of your previous post was cut off, but I'm pretty sure I got the gist of what you were saying, and I totally agree.
    September 11th, 2009 at 04:37am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Oh wow. From now on, with long comments, I'm typing them in my email, then pasting them over to make sure that doesn't happen.

    Real butter? Wow. I don't think I've ever been to a theater that serves real butter on their popcorn. You must be lucky. Honestly, there's not much happening in my town. We have more churches and bars than anything, which to me is ironic. Next in line is banks, then gas stations and fast food restaurants.

    Yeah, I don't think I've seen a single guy with hair below his shoulders. About as long as hair got was the identical hair of the "skater boys" in my old high school. Perhaps that's why I'm so "Oooo, pretty!" when I see a guy with long hair. XD

    I haven't seen "Meet the Spartans" because normally I don't waste my time with going to see movies that look completely idiotic in the previews. They only reason I went to see GI Joe was because my cousin begged me to, so I agreed under the condition that he pay for my ticket. :)

    Never learned to ride a bike? Hm, that's different. I think you're the first person I've met who doesn't know how, which isn't a bad thing at all. I like meeting people who are different from the norm. :)

    Maybe, but he really is a dick. I mean, he begged my mom to get an abortion and when she didn't, he begged her to give me up for adoption. Then when I was little, he'd get mad because I accidentally did something and yell in my face, his spit going all over me, then hit me wherever his fist landed, saying it was my fault that I moved. He also yelled at me for crying at my uncle's funeral, saying that it was stupid for me to cry because it wasn't like he was my father or anything, which really my uncle was more of a father to me that my bio dad ever has or will be. =/

    I like Brad Paisley, Rascal Flatts, some Tim McGraw, Kenney Chesney, Alan Jackson, and Keith Urban, but that's pretty much the end of it. Honestly, I only have one Brad Paisley song on my iPod, but no other country.

    I could be smart and pretend like I know who Syd Barrett and Roger Waters are, but I won't. I'm guessing they're from Pink Floyd, and I'll totally feel like an idiot if they're not, but the only songs I've heard from PF are "Wish You Were Here" "Brick in the Wall" (duh) and "Comfortably Numb". Wish You Were Here was my ex's and I's song, but that was a few years ago and I'm glad it's over. I was stupid for that.

    I really like "Closer" by NIN, but I prefer Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt". Although, that might be because I heard his first.

    I like Rock Band as well, although I don't own it. I played it with my friend Cat a while back and got 100% on hard on Dani California. ^_^ I was so proud. I <3 RHCP.

    I also forgot to mention that I like music that I call "love music" that brings out deep emotions in me. Like The Goo Goo Dolls and The Fray. Then there's "Round Here" by Counting Crows and "Jesus Christ" by Brand New.

    "Prescilla" is my faovirte song by Bat for Lashes. You'll have to let me know what you think of them when you do have a chance to listen.

    Wow, it seems like we have a lot in common.
    I took art my senior year as well.
    Actually, not to brag or anything (although I totally am), I got the highest grade out of my entire senior class in it.
    My teacher gave me a chalk art set, although I've yet to use it because I'm not too much into that media.
    My big thing is abstract paintings. I love them. Maybe it's just because I really suck at everthing else in art. XD
    I seriously wish I was talented enough to sketch something, but alas, I am not.
    I'm planning on turning my garage into an art studio so I can be in my own zone when I'm working.
    I think I'll start working on wire sculptures. I've never done it, but it really intrigues me as of late.

    The Gorrilaz are great! I love how they never actually show themselves. It puts more focus on the music that way.

    I really wish they'd make the rest of the series into movies as well, but apparently the first one didn't do so well in the box office. :(
    I swear people don't know a good movie when they see one. >.<
    My friends and I have a plan that if they ever do make a new one, we'll go to the first showing and take a towel with us. ^_^

    Eek, I think some of your previous post was cut off, but I'm pretty sure I got the gist of what you were saying, and I totally agree.
    September 11th, 2009 at 04:36am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Wow, I was just working on a really long comment, about half way through when I accidentally clicked outside of the box. I'll retype. >.<
    September 11th, 2009 at 04:18am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Well, lucky for you to have a movie theater in your town. My town consists of a little less than three thousand people, most of which are old conservative, close-minded farts. >.< You walk down the street in a tank top and they look at you like you're Satan in the flesh. I go to a nice theater about thirty minutes from where I live. The biggest university in this area is there, so I go there quite often because it's where everything is "happening".

    Yeah, everyone said that the preview for G.I. Joe looked great, but I thought it looked pretty shitty, and as for the movie itself... well, it's probably the worst one I've ever seen. It was just horrible. They even made ice sink to the bottom of the ocean. Is it weird that out of everything, that's the part that annoyed me the most? XD

    It's something I've wanted for a long time. I know the dangers that are involved, but I'm willing to risk it. :)

    But you'd think that someone who survived something like that would appreciate life, but not him, he's a prick. =/

    Wow! Would it be weird if I told you I'm the same way? I pretty much like everything except for Bluegrass as well. I'm tolerant of a few country songs, but I don't listen to it very often. The varieties I mainly listen to are Rock and what most people would call hippie music. Let's see, the top two songs on my iTunes are Round Here by Counting Crows (whom I saw in concert and were great) and Mad World by Gary Jules. I recently ran out of room on my iPod for the second time. I'm in desperate need of a new one. Right now, it's only 4 gigs. I need way more than that to fit all of my songs, although I doubt my collection is quite extensive as yours.

    As for Rock, a lot of people don't like Nickleback, but I do. I also really enjoy System of a Down. Metallica is okay for me for a while, but after a while, it all sounds muttered together. I like a few songs by Pink Floyd, which are really the only ones I've heard. Some Ozzy songs are good. I really like Nine Inch Nails. Buck Cherry is someone I listen to a lot.

    Then there are people like Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, The Black Eyed Peas, etc. that I listen to.

    I've also recently gotten into a band called Bat for Lashes, which no one I've spoken to so far has heard of, and I'd be quite surprised if you had, but they're really good. They've got a very Native American feel to them. I kind of feel like good music like that has gone away, or else is very hard to come by these days.

    Wow, I could go on and on about music. I'm going to stop myself though because my cousin just got here and we're taking my mom out to eat for her birthday. Sea food, ftw.

    I got the version of all five books put together that looks like a Bible. :tehe:
    What'd you think of the movie? I loved it, personally. I think Mos Def was perfect as Ford, but they did mess some things up. However, I think the outcome was good.
    September 11th, 2009 at 12:27am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Well, it did just come out yesterday. I'm a movie person, although the movie prices keep going up, which means I'll probably have to stop going soon. That makes me sad. Stupid economy. >.< And no, "Welcome Home" wasn't in the movie, which was a little disappointing. I honestly think the preview is one of the best I've seen for a movie ever. The music mixed with the scenes they showed was just epic.

    I wish I did now, but my dad's all "Those are dangerous. I should know!" I understand he's trying to protect me, but for Christ's sake, I'm eighteen years old and will be nineteen in February. I'm not some little girl anymore, you know? He's just like that because he used to have one, but got wedged between two cars, then crashed through the back window of a car, landing in the back seat. I mean, I know that's bad, but how often does that happen, really? Anyway... yeah, I'm excited. A little nervous too though seeing as how I know nothing about them besides the fact that I want one. Suzukis are so pretty. Although, I like Kawasakis as well.

    What kind of music do you like?

    Also, I see you like art and Douglas Adams. I think you're one of the coolest guys I've met on Mibba so far. Seriously, ftw.
    September 10th, 2009 at 03:54pm
  • Billie Joe Armstrong

    Billie Joe Armstrong (200)

    United States
    Finished up watching True Blood for the night (I've been trying to catch up with it XD) and am about to pass out now. (3:40am)
    September 10th, 2009 at 10:41am
  • Billie Joe Armstrong

    Billie Joe Armstrong (200)

    United States
    Hi John. (it's good to know names. lol)
    What's up?
    September 10th, 2009 at 08:57am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    And I forgot to ask how you're doing.
    How nice of me, right? >.<
    September 10th, 2009 at 07:44am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    It's going well. I went to see 9 tonight. In my opinion, it was pretty good; I think it could have been better, but nevertheless, it was good. I just love the design of everything.

    I'm pretty excited for the motorcycle class I'm taking Friday as well. Just thought I'd throw that little bit of info in there.

    Oh, and thank you for the compliment on my profile.
    September 10th, 2009 at 07:44am
  • Billie Joe Armstrong

    Billie Joe Armstrong (200)

    United States
    Hi, just thought I'd leave you a comment because you seem interesting.
    I'm a bit of an ancient fixture here on Mibba so if you ever need any help you can talk to me. =]
    I'm Ash, btw.
    September 10th, 2009 at 07:04am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Thought I'd stop by and say hello because I saw your post in the Atheists thread.
    September 10th, 2009 at 06:17am
  • KerenzaMarie

    KerenzaMarie (100)


    Oh gosh yes. I have a bunch of plans. My plans don't involve school though.
    I want to be a writer and act. And lucky for me, I may live in a crappy city but it's a crappy city near Vancouver, British Columbia. Tons of things are filmed here so I won't have to travel much. I'd prefer not to have to travel a thousand miles to shoot something, unless it's a role I really, really want. (:
    September 7th, 2009 at 07:50am
  • Converse Addict

    Converse Addict (100)

    United States
    u r lucky > < u get to wait even longer till school starts. Not fair :P
    September 7th, 2009 at 05:30am
  • Converse Addict

    Converse Addict (100)

    United States
    yess im so happy i have it back xD it's like..my baby. and the new CD is awesome. tis a most definite must xD
    September 7th, 2009 at 05:30am
  • KerenzaMarie

    KerenzaMarie (100)

    Ahh that's awesome! =D
    I love Indiana Jones hehe.

    Sweet. That sounds fun. (:
    September 7th, 2009 at 02:05am
  • KerenzaMarie

    KerenzaMarie (100)

    That's awesome. (:
    What are you majouring in? English?
    September 7th, 2009 at 01:13am