Ensen Crackles! / Comments

  • Well Supernatural merch is a very rare thing to come across where I live. It's a complete rip off that they slam such a huge price tag on it. I mean, if i had money coming out my ears I'd buy it, but I'm pretty much poor all the time hahaha.
    May 13th, 2010 at 02:43am
  • aw thanks. and no, i kinda forgot about the booshiness, plus i've been busy. but i will get around to it at some point. as for the smex scenes... hm. let go of inhibitions and write a crazy ass first draft then you can tame it later before you post. i need to work on my sex scenes too.
    May 13th, 2010 at 01:27am
  • True.. but I already order so many things online, my parents are getting really irritated x]
    Indeed it is (: AND GIR!
    Aha, naah. I live in CANADA! :D
    May 13th, 2010 at 12:12am
  • Haha the one time freakin' My Generation came on, but it was Green Day's cover, and I forgot about the one part of the song. I forgot how loud "Well fuck this shit!" was when they throw things. I'm like O.O "Great, now that mom probably thinks I'm throwing a fit or something." XD

    Yeah I think it'll be cool. But in a way, if it's too Foxboroy, it's going to seem like Foxboro's loosing it's charm =/ The reason I like them so much is because of HOW different they really are from GD stuff.
    May 12th, 2010 at 07:05pm
  • x3 The other day I redid my iPod finaly (computer crashed -_-*), and I was blaring my music, and all of the sudden It's Fuck Time comes on. I had to run over and turn it down XD I'm like *whistles innocently and sits back down* I guess the new record is supposed to sound somewhere in between Green Day and Foxboro. Hmm. And I'm good! Just overtired I guess haha.
    May 12th, 2010 at 06:53pm
  • Haha yeah I know what you mean =P So how are you?
    May 12th, 2010 at 06:47pm
  • no problem. i actually really liked it. i know it's old and boring to hear that writing is rewriting and rewriting but seriously, that was awesome for a first draft type thing. :)
    May 12th, 2010 at 05:53pm
  • Well, i do love my icon ^__^
    I actually found one of the comics in a store i ntown the other week, but i couldn't afford 40 bucks :( So I'll just have to get them off ebay :D haha.
    May 12th, 2010 at 02:51am
  • Ugh I know right? Like most people are jealous when their rockstars marry and stuff...but I can't hate Adrienne. They're just so perfect XDD
    Yeah, I know o.O LIke, I could see Shoshanna and Fredrick, but that's about it. I don't know, the Basterds seem like they would be too rough for a relationship while in a war xD
    May 10th, 2010 at 04:45am
  • Ugh, gosh, that episode was disgusting XP
    Oh really? :D
    I live in Canada and we don't have Hot Topic, which sucks.. but omgsh, I love Invader Zim :3
    May 9th, 2010 at 10:22pm
  • ahaha. Yes that is why I picked that number =D it's also got 6661 which is Vengeance University's (Guitarist for A7X's clothing line) signature little thing =]
    May 9th, 2010 at 08:15pm
  • I bet there was 'None of this is real, it's just...' didn't get the rest. Do you have livejournal? I'll just post a link to that persons journal cause she has so many puzzles there :D the moving ones must be recent.


    hahaha :D It could be actually an interesting change if there was a show like that with two guys like them ; ) they're pretty much close to that. Especially when they cry. hahaha I sometimes wondered if they were really brothers and not something else. Sometimes it really seemed so...well, guys crying ; ) and so emotional...

    Yeah, but this time I pictured him in a role of someone he'd rather hunt :D
    May 9th, 2010 at 11:23am
  • I'm a new Boosh fan (I discovered them right after christmas!) but it is slowly becoming my life :) I've been trying to get my friends into it, but they just think I'm nuts. It's good to make a new friend that likes Boosh. You might understand what I talk about.
    So Aimee, how are you?
    May 9th, 2010 at 06:16am
  • All I have to do now is get money XD
    But when i get money, i seem to spend it all on Supernatural gear XD
    Not that thats a bad thing.
    May 9th, 2010 at 02:52am
  • lol it made me so happy to see that first spn gay kiss. when i told my friends about the kiss they were all like "omg, was it sam and dean or dean and cas?" (i've just introduced them to the show so they've seen some of season 1 and have heard a bit about our resident angel.) and i was like "i wish!!!" lol.

    but seriously, not only was it funny and cool it was also the first gay kiss i've seen on prime-time television that isn't will&grace or queer as folk or something that's about gay people (or on hbo lol).

    and omg, tim curry is a beast! love him. and rocky horror. i saw a midnight shadow-cast of it on halloween as well as repo! the genetic opera the night before. it was amazing, 'specially since the dude who created repo! was there both nights. anyway... this is turning into a very long comment.

    and yes, i am bisexual. although i think i prefer the term pansexual though almost no one knows what that means. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pansexuality)

    and by the by, you have no idea what an honor it is to hear things like that about my story. :) i'm so glad you stick with it. i got a comment the other day that was... hang on. i'll copy and paste it -

    "33 chapters in, I decided to check out something closer to the end, on the off chance you'd stop the "kiss! oh no I'm a horrible person angst never again! kiss! oh fuck I should go die in a fire angst! kiss" thing that had LITERALLY been going on for half the freaking story. But no. Of course not. So, here's a little advice. Angst, drama, whatever - it's fine in moderation. But when I find the same thing in chapter 1 as in chapter 74? In -every- chapter? That's just irritating. I'm sick of it. I advise you to try some variety now and again. And I'm out of here."

    and i know they have a point. it is super angsty but knowing that you and lots of awesome folks like you are into the story regardless (or maybe in part because of) makes me happy. :)
    May 9th, 2010 at 01:50am
  • love the rhps layout. and yeah, he does seem rather gay. i don't remember him saying something wincesty but he did frame another demon as his lover. his gay lover. lol.

    i just remember one of the ultimate wincesty quote from zacharaiah... his warning to adam about how sam and dean were EROTICALLY co-dependent. *smirk*
    May 8th, 2010 at 11:28pm
  • You know....I thought I could tell you about this. I was putting this puzzles togetheer that I got from lj. All Supernatural and so far 3 are moving!!! :D One of those puzzles is with the title of supernatural. the bloody one. while putting them together (it's so much funnier when those move... especially with changing channels one :D) so... listening to the beginning I always considered the whispers at beginning to be just...whispers with no meaning but no I caught for 100% 'none of this is real it's just........' couldn't really put together the last part ; > little help? :D I could send it to you. I'm sure you'd like it too.
    May 8th, 2010 at 11:12pm
  • I guess. I guess that there was some information about this on Polish fan site(and I must say that they are really doing a great job on that site...)
    hm...lately there was actually something about emotional stuff about the next season. Don't remember what really it was about. I believe it will be good :)

    HAHAHA! That would be actually hilarious...they at least once mentioned it in the series...no. more than once. I remember that one episode where this girl was writing it hahahahah :D you know...I never read those :<

    I know ; ) saw how many people is watching the episodes when they're airing. Then I read the comments and people are like 'I can't believe those people don't watch it there when they have the chance!'

    I guess I could. But it costs :/

    I have puzzles on my computer with supernatural :D:D:D:D and too many photos x.x almost as many as Green Day ones.

    You know, I'm writing this ghost story and I can't help but picture Jensen as the main male character x.x
    May 8th, 2010 at 02:42pm
  • I know right -_- It's totally not fair at all!
    Bahahahha I'd probably be something gay and I'd end up throwing something XD
    Well they're game, drugs are bad XD
    I'm about to self promote so you've been warned XD
    Have you checked out my new story "The Lesser of Two Evils"? It's an SPN ff I'm writing with a friend :D Let me know if you check it out and please comment and enjoy :D

    lol. All done :)
    May 8th, 2010 at 04:47am
  • Haha it's Billie Joe and Adrienne (: It was just a cute icon that I was like =D About haha.
    And I totally agree. My Raine fiction was so hard to get all complete in details and stuff.
    May 7th, 2010 at 08:28pm