MadnessLikeGravity / Comments

  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Trololol. xD
    '&junk'?! Well I'm certainly feeling loved.
    I only say omg when I'm taking the piss. You should hear me, I say all all these computer slang words in the worst accent ever. It's [i]hilarious[/i]
    And if you heart stops beating.
    Hell yea. Satan ain't got nothing 'coz Gerard is like so far down he bypasses the pit of hell. #oohburn
    Yay. That makes me feel even more special! :D YAY FOR BEING PLURALS TOGETHER. 8DDD

    Trolololol, yup.

    Seriously? I know what a joke is and they are not jokes. They're not even remotely funny, and this is coming from someone who tells more insulting jokes then you could probably know. Don't be terrified. You don't have to do anything when he's eighteen or you can do things but keep them to yourself. Just be with him and stay in the present Lacey, honestly. It's best if you do that. It feels weird giving advice like this because I've never, and will never, be in this situation. But seriously Laces, when he turns eighteen just act like it's the same as when he was seventeen. Stay with him, continue going out with him and making each other happy. And if you both want to do things with one another then do it if you won't regret it and if you won't ever tell anyone.
    December 11th, 2011 at 07:29pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    OMG YES. WE SHOULD SO BUILD A BOAT. Yes, totally sisterly-bonding experience. We need it seeing as we've been deprived from each other for a while. D:
    You're boring. Dx
    I'm sorry! It just comes out. I don't even know why I say it. Meh, I'm lazy and saying idk is easier to say. But seriously, don't hate me!
    Well duh, but Satan is like almost as uncool as Gerard Way is so obviously it's gotta count for something.
    Aw, haha. Poor Lacey. xD
    Omg you're giving me permission to do it?! Yay!
    Haha, yay. Laces is sweet nickname for you. :D Yay that you like it! And aw, ain't ya just the sweetest.

    Lawl, really? My friend is the only coloured girl there. xD

    And really? What happened? Come tell me over a mug of tea and some scones. ^.^
    December 11th, 2011 at 06:57pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey now, you swim to the UK. I can't swim that well... seriously.
    Hell no. HELL NO. Vegemite is just like Marmite and Marmite is seriously fucking delicious. I have a packet of Twiglets right now and they're absolutely amazing. You need to come here soon and try all these foods. D:
    So long and goodnight! Um... idk. And oh, I've started saying idk as a work now. Facepalm
    Haha, I know! Orange Brigade... and the worst thing is, they know that they're orange but do nothing about it!
    Take me from the hospital beeeeeeeed!
    Maybe not.. lawl. But apparently I look goth, scary and like the type of person who worships Satan. File
    Omg lawl. I would have just probably ignored the kid. Haha.
    Oh... really now? I feel like taking a trip to facebook now...
    (I would if I had time in the mornings but I don't so no breakfast tea for me D:)
    "Hey Laces... that cheese scone I made for you has a little extra in today." "What is it?" "Marmite... and a little extra." *sweet smile*

    Yes, they're amazing. I made them for my Child Development exam and fuck are they nice.
    December 8th, 2011 at 08:20pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Wtf... how do you not know marmite?! Do you know vegemite?!
    Omg did I?! I didn't mean it, I promise! D: Well duh, it's people who have orange foundation covering their faces instead of blending it in like you should do. Honestly, Lacey.
    SHHHH~ I can treasure it forever because I'll be treasuring it when I die so therefore, I will be treasuring it when I'm dead. #duh
    Lawl, right... at least you haven't been called a Hamish Goth. :/
    Oh? How did I make it awkward then...?
    "Hey, hey Lacey?" "What?" "That Jaffa Cake you're eating is laced with poison."

    And ooh, I can make fucking nice cheese scones so whenever we meet, I'll make you them and we'll be all British together! :D
    December 7th, 2011 at 05:23pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh... yeah, I totally know that. My kids would grow up fucked up too but meh... idk. xD
    No.. wtf? They're covered in marmite.
    Well I'm pretty sure that if you spoke to most of the girls in my form, it'd be a no.... but what do they know, they're the group that are apart of the orange brigade at times. And that sounds totally rad Lacey! xD
    Bhaha, still sound awkward but let's go for it!
    Oh.. well then... it was nice talking to you. I'll only get to meet you once for the concert... but I'll treasure it forever. :'(
    Okay... I would hate the Anne but the Elise doesn't sound too bad. And haha, she scares you? Lets just think here... she could be your possible mother-in-law one day. xD
    Well that'd take an awful long time to get to the Thames. I'd probably wake up by the time you were even half way there.
    December 6th, 2011 at 07:30am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, I could have! xD I wouldn't mind being a parent but I'd be one of them ones that don't push nor that are that much hypocritical. Srsly, nothing like my parents.
    *Twiglet. Look at them and weep.
    Okay...*starts running* I'MA RUNNING!
    I mean it, I'm okay! Bahh, I know. I've once licked my friend's tongue... only because I went to lick her cheek and she turned her head and was about to talk and it happened. Lawl.
    Trolololololol. It'd be rather awkward though... he's like really tall and I'm here, barely 5"1 or so. XD And jeez Lacey, is it really that bad? Incurable..?
    Aw, I like Annelise. I think it's cuteee. ^.^ And oooh... well that's just... never heard of it done that way before. xD
    December 5th, 2011 at 08:25pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    I wanted to drop it after the first lesson I had in it but that would have included talking to my head of year and yeah... I don't do too well talking with people like that. And yeah, ugh. It's why I properly will never fully do as my parents tell me. They're hypocritical and them tell us not to be which is fucking stupid.
    Gah, I want some now. Grr. But nope... I only have a bag full of popcorn and twiglets. ::sigh:
    ZOMG WHY?!
    Another line without a hook! Seriously, I can survive. Honestly, I can. Never have to have kiss anyone. Though my friend took my first kiss. Ahah.
    Mayyybeeeeee. ;D
    Haha, really? I don't think so... but that's me, I have the name. xD And nooo don't you? D:
    Well there's a wall behind me so unless you're fused into the wall, you ain't there bitch!
    December 4th, 2011 at 04:03pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Obviously I don't. Coz yy'know.. languages can go fuck themselves much like religion can (though I got a B in that last year so it doesn't make sense). My mum didn't go to high school much which is totally stupid because she pushes us when she refuses to go most times. I don't care about the 'oh, she's only trying to stop you making the same mistakes she did' because that's not even fucking true. Plus we're our own person, let me fuck up as much as I want. K thanks.
    Well yeah... but it's not just Nutella because I like supermarket brands of chocolate spread. Had them way before I had Nutella. NO LACEY , YOU'RE JUST BLEH.
    Did I sneeze? O.O
    It's better off this way! Nu uh coz you're like... less awkward and more into it than me. I DON'T KNOW. JUST YEAH. Kissing/snogging looks disgusting.. O.O
    It's Jade, by the way. If you wanted to know, that is. If not then just ignore that.
    December 3rd, 2011 at 07:56pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah... basically seeing as I did pretty shit last year on the speaking too. But in a way, it's good that my writing, reading and listening are going to be combined with the speaking to form my overall mark. At least I'll probably get a D.
    My parents never ask questions because they just assume. I rarely tell them my mark tests because really, why should I? They expect too much of me (my mum mostly) and they think that I'll get into sixth form and then university and I'm like 'if no one else can do that what makes you think I can?!' but they don't really take into regards what I want to do. (once again, mostly my mum)
    I'll never eat them... so I'll never get it. Hey it's not weird! And what? Chocolate spread is something you can put in your sandwich... wtf are you on about frosting?
    Okay, sure. Don't mind. Commence swap!
    Well that means you're more lame then before. D:
    I'm not ooooooookay! Okay let's just get this in the open: me - mega virgin (including kiss from opposite sex too), disgusted by sex, weirded out by couples and destined to be 70 year old virgin with 300 cats. Understand now?
    Riiight... okay then. Accept that and just let it slide..
    Me?! Nothing... [i]nothing[/i].
    December 3rd, 2011 at 04:34pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Nope... my teacher was even like 'well... I don't even know what you were saying.' which basically says... I failed. Because really, if my teacher don't understand what I'm saying I doubt the exam board will understand when they send the recording off.
    Well now... sounds like you done hellva better than I ever have done in school. Well done Lacey! :D
    Nah.. they do look pretty rank. Then again, I don't like sweets too much nor ice cream (hurts my teeth, hello). However, I've had pringles in chocolate spread before. One word: lush.
    Haha, yeah. I'm glad I'm out of year ten. And it's funny... teachers always say that year eleven is the hardest with the most amount of work but it's actually not because we barely do [i]anything[/i].
    Hey now... I make fun of everyone, not just Americans. We live in Wales but are constantly taking the piss out of the Welsh. It's hilarious. Don't take it personally Lacey! D:
    You said you read me like a book! So why can't I now call it awkward?
    Grunts mean various things in boy languages. What did you interpret that grunt to mean?
    December 3rd, 2011 at 03:27pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    I had my Spanish and French speaking exam. First was at ten and the second was at 11:40. Did them, failed them, came home. The joy of study leave!
    Hope all yours went well!
    That is not narrow-minded! They look rank, mostly to me, coz they contain meat... [i]duh[/i]. And my mum can barely eat anything so she just tries not to think things look nice.
    The school I'm at now - Secondary school (aka. high school).
    Yup... I'm pretty sure I'm aware of that. xD
    That's because I've already gone though my long years. I mean, year ten was just... bleh long. Now this year... we don't do much even though it's our last year and we're doing all our proper exams.
    That's because I've grown up making fun of Americans... Think I don't even know why either. Just the sort of family I grew up in - take the piss out of everything and anyone; it's a joke. [i]Per say[/i]
    Pfft, you wear me out.
    December 2nd, 2011 at 04:53pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Lawl. I shall google it... of course, after my exams today. Obviously.
    Yeah... no thanks. They sounds - and look - quite... disgusting. Even my mum said so. :P
    Ahaha, they're still in Primary school. Mind you, that's the school we go to until we're eleven so yeah...
    THAT I AM. :D
    Haha. I got only until... May time, I'm sure of it. Coz then afterwards I only got my exams so that don't do much. But yay you for being youngest in your class! :D
    Because you're mean to meeeeeeeeee! D':
    Why should I trust you? You're meaaaaaan!
    December 2nd, 2011 at 07:42am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh really...? Think Maybe it is acceptable to send Jaffa Cakes...
    I'm not dissing it.. per say... just merely expressing my dislike for the look of most of them. And no... however they showed big burgers, pizzas, burritos and other things like so.
    For six year olds? They even broke up at the party than got back together then broke up again. D:
    Nope... not gunna tell you. ;D
    Trolololol okay. xD
    Oooohh... so you have two more years left. Ahaha! Gutted Lacey.
    Hahaha, lawl. Riiight.
    Aw why?! D':
    December 1st, 2011 at 05:21pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Fuck no! Dude, you need to fucking have one. If it were possible, I'd totally ship you some for Christmas or something but I don't think it's possible.
    The food channels, okay? And it's not lying coz it's a show where this guy goes round load of places in America looking for weird and 'wonderful' sweets. Hell, he even went into the Ben and Jerry's factory and they made fucking ice cream with crisps ('potato chips') in. And fuck, there's this one programme that is like... super sized foods or something and fuck are they huge.
    Haha... no she's not really [i]in[/i] a relationship but they say they are. And god, in August was her birthday and he came to her party and fuck, they both cried because of something the other did. And then argued over balloons and hit each other. Jeez, kids.
    Well maybe I do but I'm too nice to tell you whether I care or not. xD
    Okay, when and where d'you want that bite? XD
    Well I don't know... in school or something? I mean, if sixth formers can hang round with year tens in my school then surely seniors can hang around with whatever year you're in. xD
    Oh... haha. That does sound weird. xD But at least he thinks you're soft! Aha, that's a compliment... in so many words. x)
    Okay now this just feels like you're hinting about pregnancy now... xD
    I can't get used to it! D: It's too awkward.
    November 29th, 2011 at 11:35pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Well, yeah... obviously. xD
    They're circular and original! D:
    Well they do not look delicious because hello... sweets with bacon on look fucking rank and a half. Sorrrrry. xD
    Me too! And haha... that sounds like my mum to my little sister. She's six and has an abusive relationship with this guy in her year. I don't know who's the most abusive, but yeah.. abusive.
    Well duh, I called you that because I knew you hate it. It's what sisters do.
    LOVE YOU. xD
    Oh god... my Lacey's growing up. *tears up* she talks about all this adult stuff on the phone. *sigh* growing up too fast.
    Just think... the weekend is only four days away. Aw, haha. He obviously doesn't think you're fat soooo don't feel fat around him.
    Oh god... I don't know whether I will be able to stand that much awkwardness. D:
    November 28th, 2011 at 07:49pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    If only I could execute that oneshot. *sigh*
    Because Jaffa Cakes are like... fucking heaven or something. I'm serious. We brought a christmas tube of five packets the other day and I swear three were gone before the day was even over. [i]And[/i] the dark chocolate ones are like fucking better than heaven. Plus have you seen all them American sweet programmes and shit like that? Man, I wouldn't even try half that shit.
    I was totally shocked when my mum said that because it's just like... she's my mum! It's not expected for her to say that.
    Oh... woah... By any means, you're braver than I am because I wouldn't have even got that far. Especially with six fucking inches... jeez Lace. But god.. that must have been a situation where you just wanted to shrivel up from the awkwardness, right?
    Any other time that would have been really awkward to read... but it's not even six am so I'm not even fully awake.
    November 28th, 2011 at 06:42am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    I take it, by the comment that you left, that you like the oneshot? xD
    Hey now, you gotta paddle over [i]here[/i]. Food is awesome over here and shitloads better than American food. Because hello, Jaffa Cakes. And speaking of them, I can fit three in my mouth at the same time and my mum was like 'fuck, you'll be any guy's dream with a mouth that big' Facepalm
    Woah... you did the deed? But you fucked up? Dear Lacey, how do you fuck up?! D: And I don't know how to help you... seriously.
    November 27th, 2011 at 04:13pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha. And yeah, it fucking sucks because I'm just like... why can't I be like them?! D: But y'know... not that cool. -.- And yes, yes you do!
    Haha, I gathered that much but still... xD
    Right... I'll just nod like I know what you're going on about.
    Hell yeah. Blood don't mean shit to be related. You're my fucking sister, Lacey, and that's a fact. And that you do, totally. And I misses you too. <3
    Well... if no one knew about it, you could totally shag him and have no trouble about it. Plus the fact that there's load of underage shagging happening, probably right as we speak (type). But because it's not on your list... I'M OKAY WITH THAT. :D
    November 25th, 2011 at 08:10pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    He is! Gah, I absolutely hate him so much. I think he's too up himself to swear... seriously. Aha, you must totally read Out of Curiosity. It features both him and my deputy head of year (the first one to pull me out). Man... I wish I was the girl in that oneshot.
    Well obviously not... I mean, we [i]do[/i] get the sun over here. Of course not as hot as it'd be in America but still....
    Chips shops are better than dope... if they're cooked properly. Some absolutely such but some are like... fucking heaven or something and smell gorgeous!
    YES IT IS. And omg we so should! I bet we'll end up being related. Totally.
    Well as long as you don't do anything... (or you don't let people know you did) then it'll just be like... not that bad. It's like my sister... she was thirteen when he was like... fifteen/sixteen. So he turned eighteen before she was sixteen. All is well because she's seventeen and having her daughter in like... a week or so.
    November 23rd, 2011 at 07:27am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    I loved it too! And it wasn't even unnatural! Seriously. They just fucking suck and I just really wanted to kill my head of year when he was like 'oh it washed out?' and I had to be like 'no i dyed it' and he said 'not so bad, it's more natural now' DUDE I WAS SO SO CLOSE TO KILLING HIM THERE. I now feel no guilt over killing him in my oneshot.
    Well apparently, the black is 'too dark' for me and makes me look really pale... bullshit but whatever.
    And I don't like cheese. Bleh. And my town is filled with... the sea, shitty things and chip shops. Sorry, chip shops outweigh your city.
    If you say so... but I'll just roll with you. OMG WE'RE SO MUCH CLOSER! :D
    October 24th, 2011 at 04:08pm