MadnessLikeGravity / Comments

  • I know my school fucking sucks. Guess what? I was pulled out AGAIN on Monday and I no longer have the nice red hair. ):
    For the first time in my life time of dying my hair, I am... a black head. :O
    But I like the sweets, music, magazine and shops over here... America don't have my nice things. ):
    October 19th, 2011 at 08:10pm
  • So like I said... it weren't my fault. But here goes...

    I go strolling into the entrance where we go in for assembly and as I go in my deputy head tells me to take my hoodie off so I start doing it and THEN she calls me back and is like 'your hair's not a natural colour' and I'm all like 'well i've had it all year and no one's said anything' and she's like 'i don't care, it's not natural' so then she takes me from assembly and up to my head teacher's office area and tells me to sit at the table and the head will be out to check my hair.
    And by then I'm freaking out and close to tears because I do not go well with being put in a position like that and people intimidate me and I've never spoke to my head teacher in the five years so I'm literally having a panic attack just sitting there. Then another teacher comes along as is like 'your hair?' I nod and she's like 'go get some psychology work, come back and someone will look at your hair before you can come to the suspension room' and I freak out as I go downstairs and to my class and have all eyes on me when I get my work. I go outside the head's again, NO ONE comes to check my hair and I spend all my day in the suspension room.

    I come home, let my mum knows what happen, my mum gets annoyed and pissed off AT MY SCHOOL and is going to complain because I PASSED uniform check (hair included) at the beginning of the year - AND IT WAS BY MY HEAD TEACHER AND HEAD OF YEAR.

    So yeah... that was my day and the reason I was outside the head's office. xD
    October 1st, 2011 at 12:08am
  • Yeah, me too. -- IT'S DECENT.
    Omg it would. That'd be the best thing for them to do. Seriously!

    Bhaaaa, thanks. Haaa. xD
    September 22nd, 2011 at 11:58pm
  • I know. D:

    I am currently searching up vids of Brian May rocking with MCR.
    It's best to just forget about it. Bob was sudden and everything but it wasn't anything like stealing. They drummers are just cursed.

    I have red hair but my friend was like 'dude you got kinda mikey sharon stone hair' and I was like....but it's red! D:
    September 5th, 2011 at 11:26pm
  • Trust no one

    You do, you do!
    Nah, I dislike Tumblr for some reason. :/ But c'mon, Frank's been friends with him since Revenge era so he's bound to be really hurt over it.

    Well, it [i]did[/i] look like a bowl cut.....:/
    It looks okay now! : D
    September 5th, 2011 at 10:46pm

    Hahaha, I know! Lmfao. xD If swearing was illegal on the internet, I wouldn't stop. xD
    I guess......:/

    Of course not as good as watching him fangirl over Brian May but whatever.
    OMG did you hear? Pedicone is no longer the drummer.

    And I now hate my hair. D:
    September 3rd, 2011 at 09:42pm

    I dislike facebook. Uck. But I do use it....though my mum thinks swearing on the internet is illegal....0.o
    DUH, they fucking love us. xD And that's good, being unashamed. It's my chem, so it's okay to have tears.

    Right, yup, I'm kidding. Ray was soooooo not practically fangirling on stage either.
    August 31st, 2011 at 07:11pm
  • LACEY!
    I miss you too! <3

    We haven't spoke in ages! D:
    AND YOU DROWNED?!?!?!?! :O
    You missed Brian fucking May performing with MCR 'We Will Rock You' AND 'Welcome To The Black Parade'!
    August 30th, 2011 at 11:55pm
  • D; everytime you disappear it makes me realise just how little of a life I actually have. lmfao.
    I've missed you too! D':
    P.S you have a nice arse then. :P

    If you do storm up to the capitol building and scream in his face you have to record it me, 'kay? I'd love to see you do that Lacey! It'd be so funny. :3

    Mikey's side
    Gerard's side
    August 5th, 2011 at 03:08pm
  • A couple of days? I had 11 new pages of comments before you replied back. So I have an excuse to be forgetful. xD
    Love you too! :D
    P.S it's still wardrobe.

    But still...animal cruelty.

    July 20th, 2011 at 09:01pm
  • Yeah, I actually kind of liked 'Wake Up Call' at the time, but 'Kiwi' was uh... yeah, not really my thing haha.
    Like if someone is going to write something straight up dirty, I want it to be humorous like 'Get It Up' or 'Issues' by Mindless Self Indulgence.

    Billy Corgan [i]is[/i] a fucking genius!
    His voice is incredible, because it is technically a horrid voice, it's nasal, and screachy at times, and then breaks into these sort of euphoric sighs, and then he screams, and rants, and everything that American Idol says 'You're just not what we're looking for', but he has perfect control, he creates intricate melodies, creates perfect emotion, all to be the backdrop of pure poetic brilliance in his lyrics.
    Same with Conor Oberst, he has a technically bad voice, he shudders when he sings, he yells often times without melody, but the way he does it is brilliant.
    I like the musicians who are sort of like 'unlikely heroes' or 'anti-heroes'.
    July 19th, 2011 at 07:52pm
  • WOAH, we had a contest going on?! And I never knew it?!

    School sucks monkey bollocks. Though, that would be animal cruelty....
    And, lolz, sure? xD
    July 19th, 2011 at 05:04pm
  • Songs About Jane was actually enjoyable for me, I listened to that album a lot when I was ten or eleven, but after 'Kiwi' I was sort of turned off.
    It turns me off pretty quickly when people start writing songs about sex.
    I may be the only person in the world who is [i]turned off[/i] by erotica, haha.

    I think they played Garbage too... Hmm, I'll have to rediscover them I guess.
    Smashing Pumpkins has been a really influencial force in my life, Corgan is pure poetry, I swear to god.
    I don't know why I swear to 'god' I'm an athiest... I used to swear to 'dog' but people thought that I was dislexic.
    Did you hear about the dislexic agnostic insomniac? Poor guy laid awake all night wondering if there really was a dog.
    Okay, I'm done now, bad joke...
    July 8th, 2011 at 02:22am
  • Mhm, very much so. Not much that she can eat.

    Two different ones. Ha. The original's about a school where there's this 'forever young' group who are in it every single year, and the school has a 'suicide' rate of 90% whilst the 10% who leave the school are severely fucked up that they end up in mental institutions for the rest of their lives.
    July 6th, 2011 at 04:54pm
  • Woah, he thought Dylan was The Boss?! Dude, that's sacrilege!
    Not so much Iron Maiden (I found them on my own) but Disturbed, Bush, Korn, ect. And yes Nirvana! I fucking love Nirvana!
    My eldest brother was really into The Smashing Pumpkins, after all of these years we still talk about them, haha.

    I'm not actually a Maroon 5 fan.
    I thought some of their older songs were okay, but I'm not liking the club thing they've got going for them currently.
    July 6th, 2011 at 06:07am
  • She can't. She doesn't have any saliva. Therefore, no sucking in the wardrobes....

    Bhaaaa, always. :)
    Oh yeah, totally. Totally love chu.

    I was...until I got 25k in and realised I don't know where I'm going with it. xD
    July 6th, 2011 at 12:27am
  • I don't own a kite. So go suck a lollipop in your wardrobe. :P

    Nah, it's a brick wall, the pier, so if it's pitch black he won't be able to see, swim into it and knock himself out in the water. Simple as.
    BHAHAHAHAHAHA Lacey, what are you like. xD

    July Novel Writing Month. I have to write a novel that has 50,000 words or more in one month.
    July 5th, 2011 at 10:00pm
  • Whatever. Wardrobe. Wardrobe.

    Hahaha, xD
    Nah, because the river's under the bridge, which is like 25 miles away from me, so I'll throw him off the pier and into the sea! :D
    And yeah, wow. Never thought of that.

    (still don't see how you didn't know what 40k was....)
    Oh no, I'm writing 50,000 words for JulNoWriMo. I've done 24k so far! :D
    July 5th, 2011 at 08:50pm
  • I don't think that I could ever get tired of Springsteen... Have you ever heard his song ''No Surrender'? Incredible.
    I grew up with a lot of The Eagles, and The Who, The Guess Who, Cat Stephens, people like that.
    Then a lot of grunge, and metal thanks to my brothers.
    And this gay band called 'Alliance' that my mom loved... Yeah.
    There isn't much I don't or won't listen to.
    July 5th, 2011 at 01:22am
  • Dude, it's [i]wardrobe[/i] and good luck trying to change that. :P

    And yes! It's actually be [i]smaller[/i] on the inside, therefore being the reverse of what the TARDIS is, which is bigger on the inside!
    Yup, personal joy. And oh, yeah, I live by water so perfect dumping place, but also because I can go on the A55 and no one's there and it's pitch black, and I can just leave the body in a field and let the sheep/cows at him, if they wanna. Wouldn't blame 'em if they didn't.

    40k.......40,000 words......O.o
    And yay! :DD
    July 4th, 2011 at 08:42pm