this was no accident

It's hard to explain me. Not because I'm interesting but because I'm ordinary. I have interests but doesn't everyone? I have a past but I won't bore you with it. I'm not gonna sit here and talk about myself trying to get people to be friends with me or anything. I'm not that desperate. Truth is underneath the ordinary, there are pages and pages of complicated. You can try to figure me out. Those who have either fell in love with me or hated me.. or both.. in either order. I guess I'm just me, an ordinary nineteen year old girl in the middle of a big city who can't find the words to explain herself. Can you?

this was a therapeutic chain of events

The Soundtrack To My Semester
characters: Zach & Regina
status: Almost done!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story
characters: Caleb & Melissa
status: Finished!

characters: Caleb & Melissa
status: starting when the first story is finished ^

you're a regular decorated emergency

layout by gemma@onlyliars | image from | please do not steal