Just Kate / Comments

  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    Uh? True stories? Look we come up with legitimate reasons for said theories so, it makes them true that’s all. That would be a benefit for you then, no one wants to hear about their brother(s) in a sexual way…unless they’re into incest.

    Yeah and we had to be born different years too so the Earth’s equilibrium wasn’t completely fucked by our sheer awesome-ness. Speaking of making the coast our bitch, have you heard about the East Coast? Well…you’re living there but I guess the ‘mid-west’ is having a huge ass storm dropped on them Chicago is supposed to get down to -30 and I was mildly uncomfortable in my 48 degrees (it’s the wind’s fault it’s going to be in the eighties by Friday). Yeah, I just think it’s almost insulting to other players that you have to be ‘Sidney Crosby’ to garner attention about concussions. Yeah, Chubs had missed six games early in the season from a concussion. http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=542920#&navid=nhl-search

    Well duh, they don’t want their precious ‘Jordy’ to be in trouble, clearly. That’s not only disrespectful of Prust, but also to Marc Savard really it’s like making a joke out of the concussion that Savard suffered and saying “Oh Prust are you pulling a ‘Marc Savard’?” Seriously some people are dicks, and not like me being a sarcastic, blunt, and truth-bearing bitch but like in a mindless sort of follower by idolizing these players and making it as though they cannot do any wrong; as if the sun shines out of their fucking asses and unicorns are grazing in my front yard. “Well, yeah, he killed that guy but he was asking for it, it’s the other guy’s fault”.
    February 3rd, 2011 at 03:23am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    Yeah, probably thought that since she had her perfect little boy she’d go for the perfect little girl but after she found out they were boys she gave up. “I want my perfect little girl to go along with my perfect little boy…and Eric.” Slightly creepy to think about, but hey, they’d both be happy getting drunk and getting laid. Lol.

    Exactly, it’s all making sense now. Psh, they couldn’t handle us on the same coast…clearly. I know Doughty had his first concussion early this season and that didn’t seem to get the ‘officials’ attentions concerning head shots, I agree with you if they kept citing the concussion that Savard suffered as a reason to take head shots seriously then I would completely agree. But, they keep going back to Crosby’s unintentional one, I’m sure if Steckel had the intent to knock Crosby out for even a season, he’d have no problem doing so, but it was incidental. I had been watching because the Kings had a game against then…stupid Brent Burns.

    Hadn’t expected there to be a story so quickly, it just makes it easier for me. Jordy took a cheap shot at Purst in a scrum and got a match penalty and might miss a game for it.
    February 2nd, 2011 at 07:14am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    She just gave up on it and didn’t care to have discussions after that then when Jordan was born she realized that there would have to be more discussions for the next baby. She became complacent with baby Staal as well though since we’ve discussed the fail of baby Staal. Speaking of fail, Jordan , nice way to take shots at someone who isn’t even looking for a fight. Might as well be then, they could be drinking buddies.

    You’re working on your own SS (Stammers Stalking) in your case! Kate, when I watch their games it’s hard for me not to listen to what the commentators are saying I mean should I mute the t.v. or something? I know that’ what was annoying me the most “Crosby’s recently missing the All Star game will lead officials to crack down on head shots”. They said it like every thirty seconds. But, obviously Savard isn’t ‘the face of the NHL’. Really…it bothers me too. Speaking of things that bother me, the Wild: so tired of hearing Brent Burns name announced, sick of hearing ‘Niklas Backstrom’ announced because it’s not my Swede, Jack waved at a baby in a Wild jersey and the kid didn’t even smile; future asshole, I’m calling it.
    February 2nd, 2011 at 04:08am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    Fine by me then. That or mama Staal had spent copious amounts of time telling her ovaries "no butt chins" for the first two, slacked on Jordan's pregnancy, and then picked it up again for baby Staal. Yeah, you tell her that she only had 60% right. Try explaining that to your kids then. He's eating the protein bars to impress your dad, remember? Eh, I'm sure he's a cute kid but I'm also sure I'm not missing a ton from not seeing it. This just means I know there's a hockey player named Brent Burns and he shouldn't have been an All Star.

    I didn't know that you're the one that tells me random facts about Stammers. I just know he's friends with Luke Schenn and Chubs. I know that Del Zotto is friends with John Carlson (defense man on the Caps) because they had mentioned it in a game this season against the two. *coughStalkercough*
    OMFG. Watching the Rangers and Pens game and they keep mentioning Crosby even though he's not in the game.
    February 2nd, 2011 at 02:14am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    First three I know have ‘clef chins’ but I don’t think Stammers does and out of the Staal family only Jordan has that (thank God) it’s a recessive trait if I remember correctly. Right, you can be one of those people that breed small dogs for others to remain a recluse. I just liked more players on Team Lidstrom compared to Team Staal, even if Brent Burns was on Team Lidstrom. Uh…Ovie was on Team Staal but he won in the trick shot contest? I know I just wanted him to stop talking “terrible” yeah, real insightful when you don’t get a goal, I guess that would be ‘terrible’. You always think Jonny looks hot unless he’s in his boxers…or making a “Toews face”. Maybe it’s because he’s a ginger, it’s how he is. They should have given Sid an assist then because he’d have at least gotten one during the game even though the All Stars might as well be a curse for Sid. Was it during an intermission? Because I muted the t.v. and went outside during the intermissions. I still wish Chubs or Jack was sent…stupid Brent Burns.

    Lmao. The visual image of you two sitting inside all day just to stay pasty and only leaving the house for groceries at night to avoid the sun. Well, no, you can wear snow boots, you’d just look like an idiot. That sounds about right in regards to that one.

    I know you know I don’t follow the Leafs like you do, but I HAVE heard of Phil Kessel prior to the All Stars game but never heard of Brent Burns…he should have been last.
    January 31st, 2011 at 03:24am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    It’s what gets you all hot and bothered? I don’t know way to choose your men. That’s okay I bet you’ll pick up on some anti-social activity like knitting or something. I’m glad Lidstrom’s team won, seriously the whole “Canes all being on the same team means they should win” deal was stupid the fact that Kopi scored two goals just made it that much better. OMG listening to the mouthy one just reassured me that he is, in fact, mouthy. Geezsus. I know I really do think Ovie is a goof during All Stars, he’s there to compete but he does really have fun with it. Psh, he gets hugs from men on the ice all the time when someone scores a goal. Lol.

    I was just suggesting he has to have some sort of secret to being able to stay pasty AND not be sunburned while living in the sunshine state. Uh…you do know you can wear boots without snow, right? He’d probably mouth off there too “hey you, dinosaur, you’re in my way; that’s my spot”. Then cue dinosaur eating him.

    P.S. Still no clue who Brent Burns is even after the game.
    January 31st, 2011 at 01:47am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    I could just imagine, you’d both just sit at home together, in silence because you’re both semi-antisocial. Hey, don’t try to ruin their bromance that was apparently broken up by the trade to Atlanta. How can Kaner bribe someone to be better in accuracy than someone else, he’d have to bribe Jonny in that case not Lidstrom. I know I really tried to see if he’d ‘wow’ me at any time…he didn’t. Yeah, they’re be a whole bunch of Crosby stalking but hey, on the website there was another article on “Crosby cleared for light workouts”. I know I guess they’re just socially awkward. Lol. Well, Kaner didn’t even want Jonny on his team but he’s obviously there. Sometimes I really just think he needs a hug…maybe at all times actually.

    Come on Kate, you can make it work with the Sunshine State, I mean, Stammers is able to keep his pasty complexion he’ll show you the ropes. I saw that he had his stick shatter on his second try for the hardest shot and then Tanger let him barrow his stick and the speed didn’t register the next two tries, it’s like the machine hated Ovie. I’m alright with that so long as you don’t try to give him American citizenship, I don’t need him. He’ll be that crappy brother-in-law that you don’t like…and the crappy uncle your children don’t like.
    January 30th, 2011 at 04:55am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    And there you are breaking everyone's heart, but seriously Jonny can stand to lose some beef...a lot of beef actually. I'm watching the shoot out skills comp. now don't care if 'Team Staal' is in the lead, I'm for Team Lidstrom in winning the actual game. Team Staal is only winning because Ovie was popular.

    Yeah, I'm sure that's it Stammers gets excited over confetti. lol. I know Ovie is fun in this situation because he is more of a 'show man' than most others... he did sort of look crazy though. Ah, yeah last selected player in the draft had a 20k donation made in their name and got a car. Did you just revoke Eric Staal's Canadian citizenship?
    January 30th, 2011 at 03:42am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    Good it's not just me then. I know but at the same time I guess he would have gotten a car (be it a hybrid POS) and charitable donations in his name. I thought he was on Lidstrom's team though? I thought we agreed not to speak of that one.

    Yeah, that was something from your Jonny boy that I didn't need to see...ever.
    January 29th, 2011 at 05:49am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    I hate to admit it, but Jonas Hiller sort of looked adorable wearing glasses. I really should hate him but he just looked like the cute, sort-of geeky kid in school.
    Poor Tanger though, out of all the guys that it could have happened to it was the soft spoken French-Canadian. lol.
    January 29th, 2011 at 04:53am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    I was hoping you were lying...I checked, you're in fact, not lying.
    Why does Eric have to ruin everything?
    January 29th, 2011 at 04:31am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    I know I just hope that no one thinks I give off the 'approachable' vibe while I'm just missing California because even though it's hot as hell in summer, we have tons of beaches AND I have a pool in the backyard. They chose Texas because the cost of living was significantly less, with less taxes and everything and still had a nice landscape (they have natural parks close by) and such. Right be a BAMF with a golf cart. He's playing hard to get that's why you never get to meet him. It really is some sort of curse for Sid! Tsk tsk Jonny.
    January 27th, 2011 at 05:20am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    Well, I'll be getting my Droid right around when school starts up again maybe I'll see just how well the internet works on that. I can picture it now, everyday in Texas just sitting in coffee shops with free wi-fi. Joy. Yeah, wonder how well that'd go over with Texas grandma. Yeah, Texas is essentially either a rich/poor situation my grandparents are in a golfing community...maybe I can steal a golfcart to drive around? Psh, way to already plan an affair Kate, Jonny would need to lose his beefyness then though speaking of Jonny... he apparently needs to step up his game somehow if Peek-A-Boo is an Alternate and he's not. Just saying...
    January 27th, 2011 at 04:22am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    I believe the correct answer is: "be epic and win at life". But, seriously I don't know why anyone would need a gold plated mac AND a diamond apple symbol on the back.

    No, here's the deal my grandma worked at a Lawyer's firm and actually was a secretary for three lawyers at the firm so she has grown to hating computers therefore she has no internet. Maybe if I seduce a neighbor I can get their password for their internet? lmao. At least a week, probably will be more but she doesn't live in the country at all there's actually mansions and shit everywhere and their high school football fields are actual stadiums...ridiculous. I know first Marc, now Jonny you're just a heart breaker Kate!
    January 27th, 2011 at 03:56am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    Eh, just means it's one less day that I'll have to deal with that first week. Caps game just ended, Caps lost 0-1 to said Thrashers. Psh, I know better to get you gifts then, you'll just pawn them off.

    My grandparents already bought our tickets, I won't be there all summer (thank God) but still I'll be there for at least a week...no internet...in Texas... in summer. Ugh. That's cool, I find it a little odd though to try again even with the distance I thought he was going out there in the spring or summer? If I were to guess that's when I would have seen you two getting back together. lol. Just get your Mac Book.
    January 27th, 2011 at 03:29am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    February 8th, yes, it is a Tuesday for whatever reason that's when my classes start. The game I meant actually was the Lightening versus the Thrashers, 7-1 win for the Lightening. Okay, I was joking about the gold plating but... http://tech2.in.com/media/images/2007/Oct/img_28781_goldmacbookpro1.jpg

    I'm going to Texas again this summer and you get to go to London? We're not talking.
    January 27th, 2011 at 03:09am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I'll have to actually start setting a clock to wake me up at seven since I have early morning classes this semester and my current routine of waking up past eight won't work, sadly enough. I still have to buy my books..keep putting it off. It's not like they were raped, the Lightening recently beat some team 7-1.

    But, won't your parents end up buying it anyways? Not saying you should go look at like gold plated laptops or something like that but, I'd look to see about battery life, storage capacity, and such to see which would be a better fit.
    January 27th, 2011 at 02:42am
  • Taylor;

    Taylor; (100)

    United States
    Don't worry I'll neglect you too when school starts up. I've sort of been busy (and not with anything I'd choose to be) but errands are a pain in the ass. Almost can't wait until school starts again...even though I'm sure I'll take that back the first week back.
    You? Aside from studying psych.
    January 27th, 2011 at 02:27am
  • A1407719

    A1407719 (100)

    United States
    I understand! I have finals right now. Ugh stress!
    Hope everything works out for you!
    January 26th, 2011 at 07:27am
  • A1407719

    A1407719 (100)

    United States
    I miss your stories! all of them!
    January 26th, 2011 at 04:43am