Unleash The Cupcakes / Comments

    August 30th, 2008 at 11:29pm
  • LMAO, noooo, you're not a fat, ranting turkey at all! I liked hearing about your concert. :] Plus my last comment got pretty ranty at the end, so we're even. XD

    OMG, that's so amazing. :] I've decided I need to get a Fight Club shirt! As soon as I get some money, I'm ordering one online FOR SUUURE. Yours seems like it's magic or something. :D

    And that concert sounds AMAZINGGG.
    I want to meet them even more now that I know how nice they are! [: I want to see the pictures when you get them; that's just so awesome. :D


    P.S. Okay, here goes. :] Pulmonary edema is water in the lungs, while pleural effusion is water in the space/tissue between the lungs and the inside of the
    chest cavity (a.k.a the pleura). Voila! :D
    August 30th, 2008 at 09:12pm
  • sounds like the most amazing first, real concert ever! hahah. im so jealous of you. i lovelovelove MSI.
    August 30th, 2008 at 04:44am
  • I told one of my best friends... she just stared at me for a while, but since she loves Fight Club too, she finally started laughing her ass off. :D I'm sure thinks I'm cool as hell. XDD Lmfao.

    OHMYGOD, you did?!
    That is AMAZING. They came out last year at Project Rev, but they stayed behind the barrier and my friends and I didn't get down in time. D: That's so cool that you got to meet them! Did you take pictures? :]

    I haven't really seen any good movies lately. Except The Dark Knight... three times. :D I'm really looking forward to the fall, though, 'cos there are loads coming out that look really good. I want to see Burn After Reading 'cos the trailer made it look pretty funny. :] AND, there's this weird movie coming out in a while where Brad Pitt plays a guy who like... ages backwards. It's called The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I think it looks so cool, and Rolling Stone said it's gonna be amazing. :D Plus there's one scene in the trailer with Brad PItt on a motorcycle in aviators and he looks REALLY HOT.

    Just saying.

    August 29th, 2008 at 07:11pm
  • ohlala, MSI?! lovelovelovelove.
    how was it?
    August 29th, 2008 at 04:40am
  • LMAO, awwwh, thank you. :]

    I was so gonna tell all my friends that I named my fat Cornelious today, but everything was so asdghkl; at school that I didn't get a chance. D: TOMORROW THEN!

    Oh we definitely should. :D
    We'd be pretty badass, there's no doubt about it.

    AND OMG I SAW YOUR MESSAGE! I got that email from Gerard this morning: THAT IS AAAMAZING. :DDD
    August 27th, 2008 at 10:06pm
  • :D they really arent that great though.

    honestly, lately ive been up to absolutely nothing. how about yourself?
    August 27th, 2008 at 03:30am
  • hahaha, SAME! C:

    im doing good, nothing too exciting.
    how about yourself?

    and im bree!
    August 26th, 2008 at 05:11am

    That is SO PERFECT.
    (I just HAD to check, 'cos if you meant cat and then I was all "I WANNA NAME MY FAT CORELIOUS TOO!!!11!" can you imagine how weird I would've sounded? XDD lmao.)

    Anyways, it's official; my fat is named Cornelious too. :] It's pretty sexy, no joke.

    August 25th, 2008 at 09:23pm
  • you like MY profile. yours is asdaf. fight club, enough said. (:
    August 25th, 2008 at 03:55pm
  • Do you mean fat? Or did you mean cat? If you actually named your fat Cornelious, then LMFAO. I want to name my fat Cornelious too. :DD
    August 24th, 2008 at 10:40pm
  • My computer was a fuckface and deleted the comment I just tried to post, but in reply to your latest comment, thank you thank you thank you again. Smiley You're much too nice to me. :D

    AND, I promise to fix your head and all your broken bones. :] I'll try really hard not to make you end up looking like Frankenstein, too. :P

    ily. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo (CUNT.)
    August 6th, 2008 at 09:12pm
  • I know what you mean. One of my favorite things about Fight Club is the way it's written, so that's what I look for in Palahniuk's other work. Invisible Monsters has a pretty amazing style too, so I think you'll like it. :] I still need to read Survivor, Lullaby, and Haunted, when I have a chance. D:
    AND BTW THERE'S A MOVIE FOR CHOKE COMING OUT! (In October, I think?) and I'm pretty excited about that. :]

    Thanks about the picture. :D
    Yours is pretty orgasmic too, fer sure.

    And lmao, I agree with you! Alex Pardee is AMAAAZING, and the work he did for The Used is some of his best, if you ask meee. :]

    love you too, cunt!
    August 6th, 2008 at 09:07pm
  • Hi, I'm Jennie.
    I lovelovelove your profile.
    Fight Club is my FAVORITE movie.

    And I see you're a good friend of Liz's.
    So I just thought I'd steal your link and comment you. Bahahaha.

    How's life?
    August 6th, 2008 at 08:40pm
  • Smiley

    I'm just about to reply to the comment you left on my profile, but first, I want to thank you for your comment on Guernica and give you the world's most ginormous hug. :DD

    I'm sooooo so so so happy that you liked it (even though you're a total cunt :] ). And even though you're also a complete loser, I'll consider dedicating a book or two to you in the future. Smiley

    eeeee. ily, mwah.

    Replying to your other comment now...
    August 6th, 2008 at 07:12pm
  • OH! And by the way, I read the book Lunar Park last night,
    and except for the first chapter, I thought it was AMAZING. :D

    ...REALLY scary, though.
    Then again, I'm kind of a pussy.
    But I read it all in one day, right before I went to bed, and I was fucking terrified. Of one part in particular. DD:

    You should read it, though. :]
    July 11th, 2008 at 09:06pm
  • OMGSH, don't get me started.
    I could spaz for HOURS about how much I want to see The Dark Knight.
    I'm just getting back from my trip to Myrtle Beach the day it comes out, and the second I'm home, I'm grabbing my friend and going to the theatre. :D
    I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!11!
    And The Joker is amazingggg. :O

    I think he's getting better. :]
    They might be moving him out of the ICU to a regular room,
    which means that he ins't critical anymore. So yaaay to that. [:
    And yes, lmao.
    I'll save your life someday, JUST YOU WAITTT.


    Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu!

    & ahahaaa, every time you say 'beastly,' I just can't stop laughing.
    July 11th, 2008 at 09:04pm
  • I'm doing okay, actually. The trip was really hard, and even though I want to work in the ER when I'm older, I still hate hospitals when people I know are in them. .__________. It's scary seeing them all full of needles and tubes and everything. BUT. I survived and I'm home, and they might be taking my grandpa off the ventilator again, so that's one good thing, at least. :]

    I'm thrilled that you like it. I think I said that already but IT'S TRUEE. :]

    and lmao, I'm beastly?
    Why thank you. :D
    Thank you about the story, too, I worked so hard on this one, and I was scared it would turn out to be complete shit. So hearing that you liked it makes me absolutely ecstatic. :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

    July 6th, 2008 at 07:50pm
  • Sorry it took me fooooorever to say you're welcome, but my grandpa got even sicker, and I had to fly to Montreal to wait at the hospital every day. .________. He's not better, but I'm back now.

    I'm so so so super glad that you like the layout. :DDD

    And... how have you been?
    July 5th, 2008 at 06:26pm
  • making your layout nowww. :]
    June 18th, 2008 at 08:13pm