Unleash The Cupcakes / Comments

  • Ahahahah, hey Gabby!
    I'm sorry for being such an ass to you guys... But I barely have time to sleep atm. I'm making some progress with the next update however, so you can expect it soon. ;)
    June 14th, 2008 at 12:06pm
  • EEE. I'm glad you think so.
    They're two of my favorite songs, for suuure.
    Sea Wolf was supposed to be at the Death Can for Cutie concert I went
    to the week before last buuuuut their van broke down in Canada. XD

    I need to read Survivor. :O

    I've read... Choke, Invisible Monsters, Rant, Fight Club, Diary... that might
    be it? I haven't slept in so fucking long, I can't remember shit. ahahaha.

    I had a fuckton of final exams today, but yesterday my friend came over and we got drunk on vodka and liquor with ice cream instead of me studying.
    And we danced to techno in my kitchen.

    Awwwwwww. :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
    That makes me seriously happy.

    I'm glad you reminded me; I swear I'll start working on it right now. :]
    And it SO won't look like shit, so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    love you, hoeface.

    and and andd... it's from the Misfits song Angelfuck.
    Good song. :D

    June 14th, 2008 at 04:09am
  • yeah, i haven't been on here much either. All my favorites ended too and i haven't really found anything that grabs my attention yet.
    I haven't been up to much really, just working a lot.
    I wrote a one shot the other day, but thats about it really lmao.
    Awww to be honest i kinda miss writing C.A as well, i was writing that and shotgun for so long, its weird not writing it now lol
    June 13th, 2008 at 11:24pm
  • Hey you. long time no talk. Lol i have disappeared for a while haven't i.
    How are you doing?
    June 13th, 2008 at 10:50pm
  • HEY YOU.
    Play nice; I was grounded for a while, so it's toooootally not
    my fault I haven't written you. Not this time, anyways. Smiley

    SO. First, thank you very much! :DD
    It makes me reeeeally super happy that you like Angelfuck so far.

    And second:
    ahaha... I don't know.
    I get it from a million different places, really.
    It's like... pretty much everything I see or hear, if it's AT ALLLL interesting, goes into my head and gets chewed up and eventually used in my writing.
    Sometimes I write things, and when I look back on them, I can tell exactly where certain ideas or concepts or metaphors came from.
    Then again, other times, it's like "WHAT THE FUCK?" [:

    There are a few really inspiring fanfic writers on here, mostly Carys (doll face.) and Sara (Bastard Son.), but like I said, almost eeeeverything I read, even shitty books (although not REALLY shitty ones), affects my writing in a weird way.

    That last Angelfuck chapter was sort of inspired by this book, Grendel, that I had to read for class; it was actually pretty good, and I was shocked, lmao. :]

    I'm working on a long one-shot-thing right now that's full of weird references to art. I'm taking this really hard art class that has a lot of history and research and stuff in it, and I guess it sort of invaded my brain. XD

    And lately I've been listening to 'Black Dirt' by Sea Wolf and oh! 'Break My Body' by Pixies... that song is pretty much amazing inspiration. :]

    Smiley You're so sweet.
    Thank you very very very very much!

    Things are okay... school is a horrible bitch this time of year, though, so I'm not doing too great. I'm managing, though, and today has been pretty good. :]

    How about you, CUNT?

    :] xo.
    May 28th, 2008 at 11:34pm
  • Heyy, nahh not working on anything at the moment.
    But there will definately be something in the future! :D
    April 30th, 2008 at 06:56pm
  • lol. thanks for that love.
    i know it's been forever!! i feel really bad. i know what i wanna write too, i just can't seem to get it out right.
    maybe maybe maybe tomorrow. hopefully...i'll try.
    otherwise i'm good. you?
    April 30th, 2008 at 06:24am
  • Diary was AMAZING.
    I have this really important essay for school, and I might actually
    analyze that book for it. I'm a DORKKKKKKK, I know. :DD
    But yes, it's an amazing read, so definitely get it
    sometime when you're looking for a good book. :]

    I'm planning to read Survivor next!
    I'm eeeexcited. :]
    Fight Club is always gonna be one of my favorites.
    You just can't beat a plot like that, ahaha.

    No, I haven't read it...
    I was thinking about it; I've just been soooo busy lately. :[

    Take your time, lol.
    That WOULD be reeeeally awkward. XD

    Don't make me go all gangster on you. :]
    April 29th, 2008 at 11:23pm
  • I'm really good thanks:D
    A little tired but good.
    How're you?
    April 28th, 2008 at 10:25pm
  • Haha awe well, I'mma quick learner.
    Nice to meet you Gabby, I'm Gemsy.
    Thank you for the welcome(:
    My Chemical Romance = <333
    April 28th, 2008 at 10:08pm
  • Hey! :D
    Long time no speak.
    I'm great thanks, you?

    April 24th, 2008 at 12:23am
  • :]
    I'm glad you liked them!
    Fight Club just absolutely blew my minddd.
    And Choke pretty much did too.

    I've only read Invisible Monsters, so... I don't know. DD:
    You'll have to tell me if Survivor's good when you read it.
    Okay? :]
    My friend's just about to lend me Lullaby by Palahniuk.
    Anddd she used to hate him tons, so apparently I'm a bad influence. :D

    Things are okay, I guess.
    I've been kind of low lately, but I'm surviving, I guess.
    I did write a new one-shot, so at least I can be a little proud of myself.


    I will try to write you sometime without making you start the conversation.
    But STILL.

    ANDDDD I swear I'm working on your layout; I'm just super slowww.

    April 16th, 2008 at 10:51pm
  • Hey. How've you been?
    April 1st, 2008 at 06:10am
  • lol we can definitely mourn the end of CA together.
    March 31st, 2008 at 07:33pm
  • lol yeah i know we really do need to keep in touch better. I think i'll be depressed when it ends too, it seems as if i've been writing it for years hahaha.
    March 28th, 2008 at 09:07pm
  • Lol, I'll try. :]
    I've got one update out of the way, so just two more to go. x]

    I will, I promise.
    I owe somebody a banner, but as soon as I finish that, I'll be glad to help!
    Just tell me what you want.

    Choke is awesome, but disturbing, so lookouttt, lmao. :]
    I'll check out House of Leaves; I already like the title, lol.
    Take your time, ahaha.
    It's Pretty Little Mistakes, btw, just so you can find it when you want.

    March 28th, 2008 at 02:09am
  • Okay, I will! I don't get the chance to read too often, but I'm pretty lucky
    with finding good books, so I'll tell you next time I read an amazing one. :]

    Aww, thank you! Smiley
    Glad you like it.
    I'd be happy to try and make you one sometime, lol.
    Don't worry about not having one... since Mibba started
    using CSS, profile-making got really super hard. x]
    Although I think most myspace layouts actually work on mibba now!

    Lol, don't worry about not reading them yet/recently.
    I actually haven't updated any of them in a while, but
    I've got updates on the way now for Look Straight, and INK. :]

    March 21st, 2008 at 09:15pm
  • Really?!
    I'm so happy you liked it! :D
    It's my favorite book in the whole wide worldddd.
    If you want to read more Palahniuk, I'd red Invisible Monsters & Choke.
    Although they both have really disturbing sex stuff in them, esp. Choke.
    Still. It's worth it, lmao. :]

    I just read this book called Pretty Little Mistakes;
    it sounds super weird but I LOVEDDDD IT. It's
    a grown-up version (lol) of those "pick-your-own-adventure" books,
    so it's got more humor and more sick stuff and more... idk. It's good. :]

    Aww, thank you! Smiley
    I'm kind of sad that it's over too.
    I probably won't start any new stories yet, but the ones I'm working on updates for now are Angelfuck, Ink, and Look Straight At Me, if you're interested. :]

    How've you been, lol?
    March 17th, 2008 at 08:18pm
  • Hey sweetie, it seems like ages since i last spoke to you :)
    How are you doing?
    I think i might cry when i end CA lol, i've been writing that and Shotgun for like over a year now haha. There's probably about 5ish chapters left *cry*
    hmm i'm not sure if i'm still going to write the one in the hosptial or not yet, i have it planned out but just haven't had the time to actually get to write it yet lmao.
    March 17th, 2008 at 07:19pm
  • Really?!
    Awesome. :D
    Both those books are super amazing.

    I've never read Trainspotting!
    I keep meaning too, but I've just never gotten around to it. D:
    So yes, please tell me what you think of it.

    March 1st, 2008 at 07:12pm