
Smile big for everyone...even when you know what they've done.

yeah, that picture right there is me. no, not the feet or the person in the drum major's uniform.

the name's tonya...with an "ahh" sound where that o is. but whatever. i love to write. i love to bake/cook. i love attempting to sing. i love dogs and cats, but i only have one pet; his name is mario and although he will never replace the void in my heart that was left by roger, he's still pretty kool. i am, indeed, a VersaVulture; in other words, i love the band VersaEmerge. i know what heartbreak feels like...it sucks. sometimes, i just do whatever the hell i want without thinking about it beforehand. i've been playing guitar for just over a year, but i'm not exactly a songwriter (yet). im not your average person; more like your average everyday sane psycho. i take a long time to update recently, so if you read my stories, be patient; there is a lot going on right now in my life. if you'd like to know anything else, don't be afraid to message me. kthxbye.

Layout by dancing alone. at Classy, Not Classic Layouts.
Please don't steal my layout.