Summaries part 2

Some people have raised the point that summaries give away too much. If the summary is done right it gives away minor details and then tells things that make you ask questions. Most summaries have some like foreshadowing(hinting to something that may or may not happen in the future) effect, well the good ones do. Summaries make you interested. Summaries could even just introduce the characters,...
October 8th, 2010 at 08:48pm


Some people don't write summaries, because they think it will give to much of their story away. To be honost if a story doesn't have a summary I don't read it I just push the back botton.Now I'm sure some of those stories are good, but I would know. The summaries of the story is like the back of the book. I have never bought or read a book when I haven't read the back. I'm sure most people read...
October 2nd, 2010 at 08:23pm

Trying to keep a friend is hard work.

Ok, I have this best friend that i've known since kindergarten. We grew up together, but when we hit Jr.high we started to grow apart. It's not like we don't hang out we do and we talk and text all the time, but she wasn't sharing stuff with me. She would hide who she like from me- even though i could tell who she liked.6,7, and 8th grade we went on missions to Kentucky together with other...
January 27th, 2010 at 10:12pm