bethe93 / Comments

  • Thanks for the story comment and the compliment on my writing. :)
    I finished Six Feet Under the Stars and posted the first chapter of the sequel. :)
    September 12th, 2011 at 07:07am
  • ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ahahhaa. i watched the new episode yesterday. have you watched it yet? the one where finn looses 'the big V' and they have the madonna thing.
    sorry to hear about the whole ex-friend thing. taht happened to me as well.
    numerous times. except my ex-friend is a girl i used to be best friends with since pre-school. and she got stuck up and all she would talk about is boys, makeup and parties. she's a smoker now, and spends most of her time sleeping with people :/
    April 21st, 2010 at 09:34pm
  • ahahhaha. I know what you meann.
    There is this girl in my play who, may i say, is the MOST ANNOYING CREATURE TO FOREVER WALK THE EARTH.
    and she can not act even if zombies were about to eat her brain and the world depended on it. really. she's supposed to die, right? she gets killed, has to scream 'NO, NO SPARE ME!' run off and scream. simple right?
    NO. apparently not.
    everytime we rehearse, EVERY TIME, she goes 'NO, i wont die." prances off the stage and yets out a squeal. Its supposed to be dramatic, and she looks as though she's about to go buy a My Little Pony or something. Gosh....
    anyway. tech rehearsal was today :) one of the stupid tech guys is my ex-boyfriend, and he kept trying to shine the light in my eyes. he's a douche.
    good luck with soccer :)
    enough of my ranting!
    April 20th, 2010 at 03:01am
  • aaah.
    yes i am dead.
    or i wish i was.
    my play's this week and i'm freaking outttttt. we have rehearsal everyday for the next 4 days, and we spent four hours on saturday going through the play.
    plus, i ripped my costume :(
    how are you? :)
    April 18th, 2010 at 07:45pm
  • hey there....
    how was your vacation??
    easter break is starting soon...we have one more week and thats it. Nothing much is happening down here...practicing for my play and all. I feel as though I haven't talked to you in forever. How are you doing? by the way...i'm thinking of changing my username, so if I change it and don't inform you straight away, i'm sorry, but the person who is writing you is still the same ;)
    March 20th, 2010 at 02:54am
  • since it went into overtime, and I'd been watching the game for a really long time, I just assumed america might be able to win. i was watching as some of the canadians tried to block the USA that I didn't even notice that Sidney scored until my uncle was screaming up and down about Canda. It aws only when I watched the replay, that I realized what was happening :)
    We don't really have a spring break, but it's more of an easter break. It's from the 26th of march, and goes for two weeks. Pretty sweet, but I'm cramped with finals at the mo'.
    Favourite hockey player?
    March 7th, 2010 at 04:05am
  • yeah, i've heard of Mariana's trench. They're pretty cool :)
    apparently i'm not witchy enough, just because I can't cackle. I have quite a number of speaking lines, so I've been spending my rehearsals acting witchy and cackling every other word. I've also gone through about six throat lozenges. Whoopity doo. My friend's birthday is this Saturday, and I'm invited. My first party in the Bahamas :)
    My guilty pleasure...can't think of one right now. :/
    I know this is kinda late, but did you watch the winter Olympics. I went to my uncle's house (who's canadian) and we watched the hockey game. Sidney Crosby=j'adore.
    March 5th, 2010 at 04:47pm
  • hey,
    i've heard of theory of a deadman, nice band they are :)
    Sorry, i haven't school and all :) unpacking is a bitch.
    schools okay. my teachers are weirder here, but when nare they not. i've made a group of friends pretty easy...but i'm no means popular considering the fact that you have to talk about boys, makeup and socccer in order to be. i got into the schools play...its about a boy who jumps in a book. I got cast as a witch, but I have a semi-main role since i can act :)
    hows life, home dawg? :D
    February 26th, 2010 at 09:57pm
  • which band sounds terrible live?
    is this family force five? if not, let the awkwardness ensue. :)
    i have a killer headache, and have nobody to talk to. my mother ditched me at my dad's house, and I'm stuck here for the day, but he's neglecting me as usual. I have a bunch of work I have to catch up on, due on monday at my new school. whoopedy freaking doo.
    How are you???
    February 21st, 2010 at 02:03am
  • ahaha.
    Yep. Best quote ever, hands down. I'm going to use that from now on, to impress all my new Bahamian friends. School starts on Monday. I'm nervous :/ I've always gone to the same small school, where everybody knows everybody.
    February 20th, 2010 at 03:22am
  • hey,
    I feel kinda like a traitor saying this, but I like Canada better than the US :)
    At least when the Winter Olympics comes along. The summer ones, I'm back to being an American :D
    Instruments...hmmm. Yeah, my old school required us to play an instrument. So, I was forced to learn the recorder as a child, took a brief course in the guitar in which I can play the Star Wars Theme Song, James Bond and Led Zeppelin. And an actual instrument that I chose to play was piano, and I'm a level 3. I'm learning the song Fireflies at the moment :)
    February 19th, 2010 at 01:21am
  • hey,
    it's even hotter here than it is in FL. My mom got a job transfer, that's why we moved. I was watching the Olympics last night. I just love the figure skating. It's probably my favorite part. What's yours? My new school has a play coming out supposedly, and they said i could have a late audition, as auditions are posting when the break it over. It's called 'the boy who jumps in the book.'
    Original, right?
    February 18th, 2010 at 06:44pm
  • hey,
    ohmygoodness. My life has been so hectic! Sorry I haven't written in like forever, but we had this big commotion, and now I live in the Bahamas :S
    Weird right? Well, it's nice and sunny in the Bahamas now, and I'm chilling in my new home. I start school on Monday, as they have some sort of winter break now. How are you doing? I'm sorry I haven't written in a while :(
    February 17th, 2010 at 04:44pm
  • you wear glasses too? WE TWINS :) I hate when my glasses break, which happen about once every two years. Last year my uncle stepped on them, and I had to get them fixed:) I'm not much of an MTV gal, but I love their new series the Buried Life. Also, I'm into American Idol (which I doubt you have in Canada...since you know, it's Canada.) I like So You Think You Can Dance also. What about you? Also, I'm not a good layout creator, so why don't you go to one of the mibba layout sites. I got my latest one yesterday. Just look at the credits on my profile page and follow the site :)
    January 30th, 2010 at 09:35pm
  • Florida's boring. As usually. Sunny-ish for the day, and it's warming up again. I dyed my hair yesterday with Kool-Aid, as promised, but instead of turning the blue-berry blue like it was supposed to, it turned a sea-green....not a beautiful color. Anyway, it should wash out eventually. Hopefully.
    What are you up to?
    January 30th, 2010 at 04:25am
  • hey,
    sorry about the weird train pontential crash....
    I've been insanely busy these day! :(
    Finally I have a day off, though.
    And how are you, today?
    What's Canada like???
    January 27th, 2010 at 10:01pm
  • heyyyyy,
    Seattle huh? My fav. chocolate/ icecream would be vanilla, sorry :( I know it's plain, but I still <3 it. I love baking things, but because of a very sad incident involving home ec. in 9th grade, i don't like baking things from scratch. I'm more of a Betty Crocker girl. What about you?
    And...what's your favorite animal? :)
    January 21st, 2010 at 01:54am
  • hey,
    sorry i havent responded in a while. I went to the Bahamas for a few days, so I was relaxing and away from the comptuer :)
    My favorite dessert would probably be any sort of icecream. My favorite is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. I have two boyfriends. Their names are Ben and Jerry. Hehehehe.
    Favorite flavour of icecream/ cake?
    January 20th, 2010 at 01:32am
  • Killbot? Nice..........:)
    Favorite book/author would probably be the Twilight books,and anything and everything from Sarah Dessen.
    Have you ever dyed your hair with Kool Aid?
    My friend is leaving at the end of the year, and we decided to make a tin can list (it used to be the bucket list before we realized she wasn't dying), of things to complete before she leaves, and dying our hair with Kool Aid was one of them.
    Anyway...favorite dessert?
    January 18th, 2010 at 11:46pm
  • bizarre pets...hmmm....
    I've got a dog that loves me a little too much, and a cat that has an obsessionw with pigeons, but other than that...not really. My dog can get pretty spastic though, and often tries to tackle me. I think he should be like Air Bud and try out for the football team :)
    Anyway, back to the weird train...favorite book?
    January 13th, 2010 at 10:32pm