It's Darrian betch

My name's Darrian and I'm a music addict. I don't know how I should explain it, but The Used really changed my life.My Chemical Romance and Panic! At The Disco saved my life more than once. Panic! is my favorite band. I talk about the member as if they're my best friends. I'd say family, but I don't have much of one. I'm on the computer way too much. I have more friends online than I do In real life. Infact, my best friend, I met because of Panic! At The Disco. In fact, it was because of a fanfiction website. She lives at least six hours away, and sometimes she's the only person with the ablity to make me smile. I read, I write, I play music. The only thing I can't do, which is a huge goal of mine, is to dance. I get into fights with people too much. I'm a Northern Downwhore. I don't know how to ever write these things, so ask for my AIM. And I would list my favorite bands, but right now, that's too many.
~Hacked. By Justine. Already.
This is Justine talking about my bestest friend Darrian. She's a northern downwhore just like me. Be jealous. She's in love with Mr. Jon Walker. Her favorite band is Panic! At The Disco and that makes her pretty damn cool. She likes dirty jokes and can always make you smile no matter what. She spends way too much time on the computer but don't we all? She's the best friend you can have and I love her to death.