I'm So Happy That Dreams Aren't Real.

I had the fucking scariest dream this morning. My gosh.It started with my mum having to go pick my brother up from work (he's 12 in real life and doesn't have a job...obviously haha.) at like 11:30 at night, but she didn't want to go alone, so she asked me to come with her.My dad, for some reason, did not exist in this dream.But anyway yeah, so we went out to the car, which for some reason was my...
July 21st, 2010 at 04:30pm

I met Escape The Fate!

On Friday (19th Feb), four of us got on a bus after school and travelled an hour to get to Brisbane City (In Australia). We got in the already huge line at about 4pm outside Kill The Music, a music shop where Escape The Fate was doing a signing from 5-6pm.The line took FOREVER to get moving, and by 5:50 we were only like, three metres away from being let inside, when we were told that we wouldn't...
February 22nd, 2010 at 04:52am

I would take a bullet for you.

Speaking of Bullets...I'm going to the Bullet For My Valentine concert!! Wooo!So excited.It should be really good...January 19...not long to go...I just got my ticket yesterday, off a friend who got it off this guy who bought 4 and then couldn't go. lol.Sucks to be him. But it allows me to go...and heaps of people I know are going, which is pretty mad.I'm goin with the guy I went to see Slipknot...
January 11th, 2009 at 12:18pm

Heartbroken. What should I do?

Okay, so I don't know what to do.Today, I got dumped.It wasn't a harsh dumping,He just "lost feelings towards me in that way".He dumped me face to face, we spoke about it, he apologised heaps of times, even cried when I started balling my eyes out. (He's not a pussy.)But I am so lost now...I had been with him for 23 months.Almost 2 fricking years.And he all of a sudden "lost everything he felt...
November 10th, 2008 at 03:03pm

Why September Should Die. Just Like Everyone Else Seems To. </3

Okay, so for some reason I'm feeling really upset at the moment. So I'm going to get some things out of my system....I detest September. I'm really glad it's almost over.Why hate a month?What's the point?For me, September is the month of death.People close to me seem to only die in September.I'll start at the beginning of September.Last year, my 18 year old friend's ten day old baby died on the...
September 29th, 2008 at 01:55pm

30 Things I Hate About You.

Yeah. This was originally on my profile but then I realised nobody is going to read it.It took me a long time to write and I doubt whether anyone will read it in a journal either, but what the hell.Might as well put it in here to get it off my profile.1. My full name is Katherine. I have a really embarrassing middle name so I'm not saying what it is.2. I'm 15 in October - one month to go! Thank...
September 22nd, 2008 at 05:33am

Sex is compulsory!

I'll just start off by saying I am in the best relationship imaginable.It's lasted for almost a year and 3 quarters.21 months on the 1st of September.He makes me the happiest girl alive.But the thing is about being in a relationship so long....is the questions that get asked.We are asked soooo often, "Have you had sex yet?"Um, WHAT?We're only 15!And we're both virgins.Why is it that just because...
August 22nd, 2008 at 02:54pm

Growing Up In Today's World.

Okay.So this is my first journal thingo.And I am going to talk about something that happens a lot where I live, but I don't know if it happens a lot in other parts of Australia/the world.And that is, the kids of today.Yeah, so I'm not exactly all grown up.A lot of people would say that I am still a child, at 15.But I mean primary (elementary) aged kids.Every afternoon after I get let out of class...
August 13th, 2008 at 07:47am