can you help me, please? I joined a quiz on facebook to get Linkin Park’s ticket concert and anyone who get the most likes and comment will get the ticket. I just have 2 days!!! Just click like and comment on (delete the star)please, spread the word? THANK YOU.i'm not be able to buy the ticket because it's so expensive than another concerts. beside, I just enroll as a...
August 27th, 2011 at 08:15am

share your tumblr! :D &questions.

yeah, I'm kinda a newbie there. I made it a week ago.Sooo, I'd love to see your tumblr :) I'll follow you.mine is, if you want to have a look ;)&your twitter, maybe?Questions:1. Do you know which software that I could use to edit the video from youtube?To make it as gif format.2. What do you think about 30 Seconds to Mars - Closer to The Edge music video? I just...
August 28th, 2010 at 10:19am

my mind......

There’s a lot of things on my mind. A LOT.But, when I try to tell you through the words, here.I just can’t. It hurts me, fyi. Too much, eh? But It’s true.I want to write some stories, some fanfics.I already make the plot, here, on my brain.But, I just can’t put it on words.I’m bad at the details. I have no writing talent. Obviously.I have written some fanfics and stories, but I just...
August 5th, 2010 at 04:51am

Back from hibernating (?)

First topic.So, It’s been such a long time I didn’t take care of my account here. *bash*I seldom to check my page, mostly check the stories that I subscribed to :3I have written In Love with a Football Player until chapter 4 , but MY FLASHDISK IS BROKEN!Yes, since I don’t have a pc, (laaaameee) I save the files on my flash disk.Only on flashdisk. I didn’t save the back up on any pc/laptop...
August 4th, 2010 at 05:55am

Indonesia at Thomas and Uber Cup 2010

Thomas and Uber Cup Is the one of supremacy symbol of badminton's champion group.Indonesia had got both of them in the past.So, I hope we get it again now.Now, It's held in Malaysia.But, China beat Indonesia at semifinal (Uber Cup 2010)So, I wish we'll get Thomas Cup.This evening Indonesia will play versus Japan.Gooo Indonesia!This is the line up of Team Uber Cup 2010 of Indonesia:1. Single Women...
May 14th, 2010 at 12:14am

It's about #IndoWantsMCRBack!!

Yep, MCRMy Indonesian wanted MCR baaaack!So, please help them to make it trending on twitter!One tweet mean so much!Although, I'm not MCRMy but I like the band!&I want to help them!Go to @MCRMyIndo for more information.Actually, they tried for the second time last ni ght (Indonesia Time) but failed.I don't know, when they try to make it as trending for the third time.But, would you give me a...
May 2nd, 2010 at 04:57am

Fieldwork Practice, All Time Low's concert &boredom.

So, Here I am. Stuck with my cellphone at 4.10am in the dawn of sunday.I can't sleep cos of the coffee.Ok, then in June 21st, I'd do the fieldwork practice at the company.Fyi, I school in Vocational High School of Graphics.It's technique printing school actually. Hoahm.I dropped the mail to get the permission to do it at the company, like employees.I dropped it in March, but it's been 1,5 months...
May 1st, 2010 at 11:24pm

Speech Competition. HELP!

My teacher asked me to join The English Speech Competition.I told him, that I didn't want to.Because, I'm lazy to write the script :PActually, I wasn't the first whom He asked to join but my friend.She wants to join if I want to!It seems like I don't have choices. So, yeah in the end I've decided to join.So, here's the theme:1. Drugs2. HIV/AIDS3. Environment4. HeroesI think, it's more than that...
April 16th, 2010 at 02:11pm

Eff you, headache.

Yeah i'm typing this journal at about 2am in the fuckin morning of thursday.I do regret why I drank a glass of coffee 4 hours ago.But, I took a nap too.I, uhm I don't know what I have to do.The headache is getting worst, &know I'm kinda shivering because I'm starving.I don't want to eat but my tummy is roaring.So, now I just laying on my bed &exploring mibba world.I guess, I'm gonna...
April 14th, 2010 at 09:23pm

The words are spinning around my head.

YEAH. That's what happen right now!LOLSince i'm being an active user on Mibba, uhm well not that active.I have lust to post something here. Anything.It's been 6 months , that I didn't take care of my Mibba account. *bash me* xPI have 3 or 4 ideas about my story.But, I don't have a PC to drop it on!DO YOU BELIEVE ME? I don't have a PC! LMAOWell, actually I have. BUT, It's broken. Useless -,-"I'm...
April 5th, 2010 at 08:53pm

What the hell I have done?! (help, please')

I met a girl on twitter, she's very nice and welcome... in the beginning.Until, suddenly she's unfollowing me then pretend that I'm not exist.Although, I did some mention for her but she didn't reply it.Oh yeah, I don't effin know, WHY?I have no idea at all.I wish, she would tell me why did she do that?What I have done? What's wrong?Perhaps, I did some mistakes. I will do the apologize thing.I...
April 4th, 2010 at 01:35pm