man overboard! / Comments

  • Hell yes. Food proof.
    I think that child will grow up to become Cat Woman. Honestly. Or a Demi-God. Something extrodinary.
    The drunkard? .. He'll be the bait. (:
    Youtube. If Chuck Norris is unavailable, Youtube is the solution. :D
    September 28th, 2010 at 11:40pm
  • I'm not a creeper, I swear. I stumbled upon your page cause I saw your avatar on katelynnjosee's page and I thought it looked cool. THEN I saw the background of your profile and really liked those Nazi zombies. Is that from a movie or just some random picture?
    September 28th, 2010 at 08:26pm
  • okay, so it's .
    September 28th, 2010 at 05:55pm
  • Mine will probably be just as pathetic..
    I know how you feel. =/
    You know the best way to get a stalker?
    Stalk him.
    They never really suspect it.
    I'll get the brother and you get the source. Then we'll team up and banish them to the banks of hell with the help of Zeus and Posideon, and then Batman will applaud our bravery. Thankfully Spiderman has offered to help keep us undercover, so no public showings of our work. (:
    Oh I agree. I always have small little smart kids sitting next to me, I'm sure they can talk their way out of anything..
    Like dates maybe?
    Drunk teenager.. Coyote.. Chuck Norris-trained-Matrix-related-stalker.. So many choices, but the most logical is definitely the last. There's just no comparison.
    Wind? .. Naah.
    September 28th, 2010 at 04:10pm
  • Haha, I know. If only I had some..
    I know what you mean. I hate attention. And Kudos for fighting back. :D
    LOL. Gosh, that sounds familiar. The one time I got into a major bitching fight with someone we didn't get physical (unfortunatly, she deserved a good hit or two) but she was worse in the language department, so even though I was talking in circles, I was so mad I managed to win.
    But I do the same thing, imagining different senarios. I do it with regular boring days too; like if a burglar or a rabid dog jumped into my class in school, I have so many escape plans.
    1. Get on a desk, punch through the ceiling and climb in; I'm sure there's gotta be SOMETHING to hold onto.
    2. Throw the kid next to me infront and run for the window.
    3. Play dead.
    4. If it's a burgler, restle the gun/knife/bat/fork/weapon of choice away from said burgler and he the hero of the day.
    But they would never work because that generally means everyone is watching you, whether it's wondering what the hell you're doing on top of a desk (which can compromise your situation) or just get people to think you've gone batty.
    Yehup. So many people tell me horror stories of how they screwed up and they still regret it, so I've been trying to get a fool-proof plan. But it's always good to have a fall back (ie. retreat to a farm and live a simple life with the horses, but kill ever bug within a mile radius).
    LOL. My parents went out of town one weekend. My dog is getting old and (I think) is starting to see things. So no one else is home. I'm sitting downstairs watching TV and getting ready to go to bed, and Alley starts looking at the top of the stairs. She's done this before, but dude. Alone? Everything's freakier. Of course, it had to be windy out, and of course the house was creaking, and of course Alley wouldn't lie down and sleep, so I'm freaking out.
    I ended up taking sleeping pills and suffocating under my blankets trying not to look out and trying to sleep.
    Worst. Night. Ever.
    There was also a knife under my pillow. Not the safest location, but definitely close. x)
    Haha, anytime! (:
    September 28th, 2010 at 04:59am
  • oh nice. Hey, I know this awesome story on it's a Supernatural fanfic, it's called Fallen Fates. Would you like the link?
    September 28th, 2010 at 02:51am
  • lol. I'm always up after my dad's gone and gone before my mom gets up. But if I could, I would have waffles topped with ice cream and a whole jar of syrup. Honestly the best breakfast ever.
    And strawberries. (: Seperate of course.
    Haha, movies are most definitely a life. I am determined that watching movies and reading books and talking to people online all constitute a social life and can, in fact, be the whole of someone's life.
    Mainly because that's me too. (:
    Haha, oh goodness. I cannot see me pushing my way to the top. I enjoy a more peaceful route, mainly because when I get really upset my mind goes to goop and I can't talk straight and it's just embaressing. So I avoid confrontation for the stupidest of reasons.
    And it's true; I have no desire to set myself out for the opportutities. The world is too big and scary for me to head out on my own, regardless of how appealing it sounds.
    I'm also scared of what lies in my closet and behind my bookshelf when the lights are turned off. And if the rice was ACTUALLY moving or if I smoked something funny.
    September 27th, 2010 at 11:49pm
  • Totally, but it's cool. I'm waiting to see if anyone remembers my contest, 'else I'll probably delete it and tell everyone who asks that they imagined it.
    September 27th, 2010 at 11:07pm
  • wow seriously? That's okay though, everyone learns at their own speed.
    September 27th, 2010 at 09:44pm
  • lol. I wish I could say the same.
    But breakfast is great! I just get sick every time I eat it.
    LOL. I like that. Stephen King is scary; he's just too twisted and unpredicatble. I really don't like how he can take an every day situation and warp it to fuck with people's minds. But I do understand why he's so damn popular, lol.
    I haven't watched that either. >.> When good movies come out, I'm always too busy to watch them. -.-'
    lol, it does. I guess I'm okay with the little things because the large, substancial things pass me by.
    September 27th, 2010 at 03:53pm
  • it's cool hun, I keep on forgetting about it anyways!
    September 27th, 2010 at 05:22am
  • Well, fantastic to meet you. (:
    You know, nothing really. Just admiring your fantastic profile. Seriously, I love it. I haven' seen the movie the image above is featured in, but dude.. the previews looked sick! (:
    And I have a great story with zombies in it, although now she's brought in werewolfs and vampires, so it's not many zombies anymore.. It's still good though.
    Anywho, your main picture is also brilliant. (: I would have to agree. x)
    But other than oogling at your brilliant layout, nothing's up. Homework is supposed to be the cats meow right now, but Mibba takes priority. My "social" life calls (ha, what a great oxymoron). What about you? :D
    And, GO CANADA!
    September 27th, 2010 at 05:09am
  • no problem, but I don't think that what I said really counts ;)
    September 26th, 2010 at 09:03pm
  • Aw.

    No problem. <3

    PS: You're from Canada! I love Canada. xD
    September 26th, 2010 at 04:48am
  • Ahh no worries. A sociapath is like.. a person who can be around people and have freinds, normally who are as cynical as they are. They don't like going to parties and such and prefer to be on their own. There are three types.
    1. Very strong- Hates humanity and themselves really.
    2. Mild- Dislikes humanity and wonders how they could be related to humans, but hardly no hate.
    3. Weak- Can get on with other people and normally... dilikes people in moments of stupidity.

    I'ma cross between 3 and 2. So, there you go^_^
    September 25th, 2010 at 08:52pm
  • Thanks for the comment on My Blood on Your Lips! I'm glad you didn't yell at me for the ending. I am now going to attempt to start writing a sequel!
    September 12th, 2010 at 11:46pm
  • Thanks, I'm glad you like it :D
    September 9th, 2010 at 01:42am
  • thanks ! i'll change it now :)
    September 8th, 2010 at 10:10am
  • thanks for the story comment :)
    September 3rd, 2010 at 10:23am
  • You're welcome!
    September 2nd, 2010 at 06:38pm