And Im Carissa / Comments

  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    cadburys is soooo yummy!! believe me that is really hot for england pretty pitiful i know :L yer i should really try hersheys. well the royal wedding at the end of the week...yay -_- i hope her dress is nice though. well we went back to school yesterday and i am soooo tired! i got a letter through the other day about my options saying i got them all i dont want them :L i want to swap history for textiles. but im not sure what to do. well anyway....... :D
    April 27th, 2011 at 06:06pm
  • blank-

    blank- (100)

    United States
    hey you. Its been a while sweets
    April 25th, 2011 at 08:53pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    lol I mean all the Star Wars movies. It's kinda hard to just pick one, don't you think? :P
    April 24th, 2011 at 06:11am
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yer i hate cancer, its horrible.he isnt staying there forever (though i would like him too) :) you do such nice food in your country! :O you dont know what Cadbury's is?!?!?!?!?! it is only the best english chocolate money can buy. I have heard that Hersheys and Kraft is quite bitter compared to Cadburys but i cant say as i havent tried them. All the english are quite worried about the company though becuase it was on the news a while back that Cadburys was selling and Kraft was taking over and nobody over here likes the bitter taste. But im not sure if it is actually happening. OMG it has been sooooo hot over here for our half term! it has been like 25'c (about 77'F) and this is really warm for england. the shops have been nearly out of everything as loads of people are having BBQ and we all have our pools out. Its soooo hot i even have a slight tan! Argggghhh we have to go back to school on tueday. But atleast we only have to go to school tuesday, wednesday and thurday becuase the royal wedding is on friday and we all get a national day off!!!!! but im not going to watch it lol. so what have you been doing in your holidays?
    April 23rd, 2011 at 12:06pm
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yer i prefer netball to basketball. we have something like that over here but it is called the race for life. the local one to me is 5k for cancer but it is only for breast cancer. there are longer distnaces though. i must have been really upsetting to watch that. My nan has cancer but she has just finished her chemotherapy and they think it might be gone. fingers crossed. my nan and grandad are coming up from devon at the end of the week and i cant wait to see them. i went back to that american stall and bought 24 cans of vanilla coke. My sister bought some lucky charms and soem pop tarts. they are tooo sweet! the guy is really nice though. he sells loads of yummy stuff, it is quite expensive but well worth it! American food issss sooooooooooooooo NICE!! But you guys dont have Cadburys and i couldnt live without cadburys ;)
    April 18th, 2011 at 08:04pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Haha. Sneezing isn't THAT disgusting to me. :P To me, it's just an annoying thing people have to do that sounds kinda funny. XD By the way, I'm now starting to think that Star Wars is tied for my favorite movies with Narnia and Pirates of the Caribbean. :P I love those movies to death. lol
    April 18th, 2011 at 04:59am
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    well netball is like basketball but more restricted. You have 3 thirds and 3 shooting D's. you are not allowed to move with the ball. assigned people to mark and limited to places to go. i hate basketball...its soooo hard! OMFG guess what i bought in town today?! there was this American stall with all the american foods on...which is really rare! and i bought....vanilla coca cola!!! AHHHHHHHH they used to do it in this country then stopped :L they had loads there. pop tarts which they also used to do but then they were banned in this country because people kept burning themselves :L i never liked them but friend (the american one) bought hershey's syrup (whatever that is) but she says it is yummy! for 1 can of vanilla coke i paid £1.50! rediculous but nice! sooo what have you been up to recently?
    April 10th, 2011 at 11:32pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Haha. Yeah. Family is always good to have. Well... when they don't diss you. XD I'm actually writing this comment while I'm watching Star Wars. All the Star Wars movies are my favorite. :3 lol Ewwww... Jabba the Hutt is nasty-looking. rofl Oooo.... pod racing time! Bye bye. XD
    April 10th, 2011 at 06:59pm
  • StormyAngel

    StormyAngel (100)

    United States
    >.> I haven't been on in forever, baby..
    April 10th, 2011 at 03:45am
  • StormyAngel

    StormyAngel (100)

    United States
    :( But you don't love me with all your apple juice?
    April 10th, 2011 at 03:30am
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Eh... that's the thing. I don't actually have friends I can hang around with. :( That's one of the downsides to being home schooled. Nobody in my neighborhood seems to be my age either, so... this rots. There ARE, however, teens from my church that are in a youth group that I'm also in. Though, nobody seems to have the same interests as me. All the girls keep talking about guys, which is soooooo......... I don't even know. I'm not boy crazy like they are. They freak me out by how much they talk about guys. I'm also pretty sure they all like Justin Bieber. I've heard them talk about him a few times. *rolls eyes* And I wouldn't even think of talking to any of the guys there because they all talk about... weird.... things..... (lol) When I'm at the youth mettings with everyone, I'm pretty much mute unless I can't escape from answering someone's question. I talk a tad bit with the adults because they seem to think I need someone to talk to me. They come up to me and start this whole "conversation" which includes them asking a whole bunch of questions, and me giving them vague answers. In my head, I'm saying, "Please walk away.... I REALLY don't want to talk to you right now. I DON'T like talking to adults. All your questions are boring me. I'm about to fall asleep. GO!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaah!! Get me outta here!!!!!!!" >.<' Yeah.................................................. I guess I'm not very social. Sure, I'm talking to you, but chatting online a lot easier because you're not face-to-face with the person. XD I should go. I told my cousin I would play a video game with him. Hmm... I guess cousins are the closest thing I have to friends. They are all fun like me. :D rofl
    April 10th, 2011 at 01:04am
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Bwahaha. Yeah, my weekend was fun. I think what we have planned for this weekend is just for us to sleep over our cousins' house, but I don't think I'm gonna do that. I LOVE my comfy bed. XD The most comfortable place for me to be in the entire world: my room. lol You have contacts that hurt your eyes?!! NOO!!!! NO CONTACTS SHOULD HURT ANYONE'S EYES. XD I have contacts, but, so far, they aren't hurting my eyes, but now I might've jinxed it. rofl Practically every time I comment to you, I'm on my iPod. It just so happens that THIS particular time I'm on the computer. Haha. I've been listening to "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World over and over and over and over and over. It never gets old to me. XD I'm actually listening to it right now. The tune to sooo catchy. D: I just KNOW it's going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day now... no, wait. The WEEK. Yeah.... lol Possibly month. XP *dances like a maniac* BWAHAHAHAHA!!... *ahem* That wasn't me. <.<.................>.> *explodes from too much excitement* MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!'s not Christmas?................. WELL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!'s not your birthday?........WELL, HAPPY EASTER!!'s not Easter either?!...........Well, I feel stupid. <.> *bursts out laughing* I think I'm WAYYY too energetic right now, so I think I'll try to save the rest of my dignity for outside... then freak the neighbors out by ringing their doorbell with a creepy mask on and saying "Trick or Treat!....I prefer tricks. BWHAHAHA!" *takes out ax then runs off* Yeah... I should TOTALLY do that........... I only have ONE problem: I don't have a creepy mask. Time to ask Mom to go shopping! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! No, seriously, I actually WOULD do that.... XD But only if friends are with me. It's MUCH more fun that way. :P BYE BYE!!!
    April 8th, 2011 at 10:27pm
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    found out that my friend comes from Cape Coral FL :)
    April 5th, 2011 at 10:16pm
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I DIDNT GET THE RED CARD!!!!!!! so happy ;) but yeah...i dont know what part my friend comes from but i will find out for you :D well we havent had much nice weather since i spoke to you....just been raining...a lot! i have netball club tomorrow :DD i love netball <3 oh how i love netball... whats your fave sport? if you have one :D
    April 4th, 2011 at 07:53pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Haha. Yeah, I don't think the elephants would like being painted. Plus, I imagine them being stiff from dry paint. Then I would have to have extreme patience in teaching them to stand on their hind legs and hula dance. XD But, yeah, I'm sure a lot of people would pay good money to see that. rofl That would be funny. I just had a great weekend with my cousins. Yesterday we went walking around this lake for a few hours and playing at the edge of it, trying to get some lilly pads and catch tadpoles. lol Then today we just played outside. First we decided to draw on the driveway with some chalk, but quickly got bored of that, so we then decided to play catch with a frizbee, whichbwas actually pretty fun. After around thirty or possibly more minutes (I lost track of time), we quit and played a board game called Clue. We pretty much all cheated in that game, but it was fun anyways. lolz Then we got home from our cousins' house and I played a little game of Charades (which wasn't really Charades because we were making the noises of what animal we were and so forth), and then we all fell on the floor laughing really hard when I tried my Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) impression. Haha. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe and couldn't really get up from the floor either, and my stomach hurt sooo bad. XD I thought I was gonna die.... which only made me laugh harder. :P Yeah... now it's all a blur and I have to go to bed soon. Ah well. I can't wait until the end of this week because we have some things planned for then, too. XD rofl Bye byeeee. Reeeeaaaaallllllyyyy loooonnnngggg cooommmmmeeennnnttttt. Bwahahahaha!!!
    April 4th, 2011 at 05:33am
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    thankyou! lol- big monkey balls XD well i havent finished it all yet but omg i got a 7b in my science!!!!!AAAAHHHHHHH! ;) i hate it when they give you projects over the holidays. whats your about? well apart from my amazing results today was crap! i got told off by 2 teachers in 2 hours!! :L it sucks! i think i have another red card coming after today but i will have to check :L its raining here...but then thats good old england for you. i actually think it is a miracle if we ever have good weather. my friend was born in Florida and she now lives in Cambridge with moi and she says the biggest thing she misses about America is....the nice weather! i cant wait for "summer" :D
    March 30th, 2011 at 07:14pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Yes, it was an interesting house to walk into. Although, it was kind of a good thing because all the bright colors made me happy a lot. XD I don't know why. lol Ooooh, your room is pink? I would beg my parents to let me change the color. xP Red sounds like a nice color to paint a room. :) Haha. For some reason, my mind is so weird that if I think of the color red, I will think of blood, and then the color black...... and then vampires. XD Hahaha. Speaking of thoughts, I just thought of purple elephants doing the hula dance in a circle. o.O Weird. What did you think when I said what I was thinking of? XD rofl
    March 30th, 2011 at 06:51am
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Oooo, tigers. Haha. :D Yeah, I guess painting my room like that would be a bit difficult, and I already suggested it to my parents. They said possibly... whenever we actually get to painting the house. :P I would obviously need some tape, to make the stripes straight, of course. lol I remember the house I use to live in before the one I live in currently. We painted it all sorts of colors that clashed with each other. My parents aren't good with matching the furniture and everything, so our house looked like a rainbow. XD My room was light green (it was my favorite color at the time, now I think it would be ugly as heck. o.O), my littles sisters' (they shared a room) was light pink (i... would NEVER.... do that XD), our living room and hallways were a bright orange, the kitchen was kind of connected to the living room, so it was also bright orange, and, finally, my parents' room was like an off-white or yellow color (i forget which). Yeah......... I would've just stuck with the colors blue, black, and white, but that's just me. rofl Maybe every other wall could be a dark blue, and the rest of the other walls the color white. Then it could be bordered with black molding along the ceiling and the floor. Yes, that would do nicely. XD lol What color(s) is your room?
    March 27th, 2011 at 04:01am
  • one.tough.cookie

    one.tough.cookie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    LUCKY! we dont get easter half term until the 9th of april! yer...i got 3 red cards in a last year and that was it but none since. 1 was for putting pritt stick (glue) in someones hair. 2 was for eating in the corridor -_- pretty stupid i think! 3 running out of a lesson 6mins before the end :D so yeah...not very good :L i have decided that i have too much work to do. listen to this:
    1. english essay for tuesday
    2. revise for science test monday
    3.revise for maths test on monday
    4.complete geography essay
    5.complete french essay
    my life revolves around homework! :L
    March 26th, 2011 at 10:55pm
  • Hyper_Sprite

    Hyper_Sprite (100)

    United States
    Yup. lol Hmm... spring break....................... does late April sound right? XD I mean since I'm home schooled and all, my mom can just pick wherever she wants us to have a few days off. Though, she still tries to let us get off on some of the same days that the public school system gets off. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... what's your favorite animal? lol I loove wolves. I actually have a wolf poster and a wolf calendar on one of my walls. :P I wish my walls were painted with vertical black, blue, and white stripes. rofl That would look sorta awesome to me..... well, in my mind. I'm not sure how it would actually turn out. :P
    March 26th, 2011 at 04:40am