YourLittleDecoy / Comments

  • My mom keeps being a Debbie downer. There really isn’t anything on the ground right now. Ughh. My mom told me that I to work on my project or paper tomorrow If I stay home. FML. I know I should but I’m like ehh. My final paper is gonna kill. 8-10 pages. F that.
    February 26th, 2010 at 02:05am
  • The weather around the shore is just wacky. I cant stand it. The HSPAs aren’t; bad at all. My math teacher was telling my class that in a couple of years they are getting rid of them and replacing them with subject tests I guess you can call them. It’s going to be soooo much more work. They would basically be like an extra midterm or final which sucks ass. We have a 100% of precipitation but it’s Ran/snow. Idk. As long as I can still go to this party tomorrow then I will be happy. I would think you wont have school tomorrow. Did you have school yesterday?

    Uhh, the USA women aren’t doing to hot right now. =[
    February 26th, 2010 at 01:28am
  • Yeah, consinderng that you guys got snow the day before we got snow here. We have no more snow days which sucks so I'm like ughh, no more snow! The HSPA's are next week annd i'm not really doing anything all day b/c i have Jrs in my math and science class. Then history is just 'ehh' and englsih just sucks. I do think we are watching a movie though. =]

    Ewww, my mom just said to me that I am probably going to have school tomorrow.
    February 25th, 2010 at 11:33pm
  • I know! Bring on the Finns!
    I had a half day and I don't think I will have school tomorrow...
    I'm kinda over snow though. I almost went off the road twice coming home from school b/c the roads are soo nasty.
    February 25th, 2010 at 06:32pm
  • I saw that. He's a BEAST! Like he's not human. haha
    February 18th, 2010 at 05:57am
    February 16th, 2010 at 08:25pm
  • I’m in Pennsylvania right now…whoo, half way home!!
    It’s freaking hilarious! Haha. And there has been a couple of proposals at the games. I know our friend Ron proposed to his now-fiancé, Kelly at a game. Haha, they would say that. If we go past a church and someone is getting married my dad yells “don’t do it!” haha. Aww, that’s so cute! The guy who gave me a tour of a resident hall was soooooo cute. He was a sophomore.

    Thanks for the update. I did hear that he got gold which is awesome. I’m watching figure skating right now.
    February 16th, 2010 at 03:46am
  • So I'm watching the news and a Rangers fan proposed to his girlfriend at the game while on the jumbotron & she said no. Best thing I have ever seen!!!
    February 15th, 2010 at 05:26am
  • I don’t have school tomorrow either but I have the tour tomorrow. BGSU has class though which sucks for them. And yes, please do! I love watching them too. I wish I could snowboard but it would hurtmy knees to much probably. Bummer…

    I will be guy hunting though, that’s for sure. Hehe. =]
    February 15th, 2010 at 05:16am
  • I know! USA won 11-1 I think it was. Jocelyne Lamoureux had an insane goal!
    I hate when teachers blame the whole class for something that one person did or a few people did. It’s won of my biggest pet peeves.

    I’m making fun of them like crazy. They are sooo skinny too, it’s sickening. There was one Russian who was pretty cute. It was Alexander Shirov. I’m sooooo mad I’m missing the men’s snow board cross tomorrow.

    Damn, I should go to bed b/c I have to be at the school at 9. Of course I don’t want to go to bed. If I end up going to Bowling Green and not UND I think I’m staying in the same building where a lot of the athletes stay. =]
    February 15th, 2010 at 05:06am
  • I think my school has played Morris Knolls for field hockey but I’m not. Maybe lacrosse too. Only in states though. I hate how students get out of hand. Our rivals keyed a bunch of our cars at a football game before. We can get intense with rivalries too, but not what it sounds like you guys have. We do have cops at games tho, just not 12. Haha. I was playing softball at this one field and their were cops in the outfield b/c the area is bad. It was freaky as hell. Haha.

    Woo, USA Women's hockey is up 5-0 end of 1. =]
    February 14th, 2010 at 09:43pm
  • At least you didn’t lose. Who’s your rival? And yeah, you guys do win state a lot. Haha.
    I’m bored. My parents are both sleeping and I’m just sitting here.
    February 14th, 2010 at 04:42am
  • Did they win? I wish my school had a hockey team. We tried to start one but it didn’t work out so well. Haha. And the Devils are sucking again. UGH! And I just want The USA, Canada, Italy and Russia to do well (I’m Italian and Russian). I’m just sitting down and watching stuff now but I don’t think anything is for the medal right now.
    February 14th, 2010 at 03:23am
  • Those were the Devils that we know and love. I'm pissed I didnt do to the game last night but oh well. I'm soo pissed, I just missed the Bowling Green/Miami of Ohio game. Miami of Ohio is ranked number one. I'm soo happy that I'm finally in my hotel room. 9 1/2 hours in a car is NOT fun.

    I have to miss the game again tongiht, even on the radio b/c i'm going out to eat. That's probably a good thing tho b/c i'm getting cranky. haha
    February 14th, 2010 at 12:32am
  • Aww thanks! I promise it gets better as it goes. I just updated too, if you want to check it out!
    February 11th, 2010 at 05:19am
  • It can stop after your school gets closed then. Haha. I agree, it just sucks that Marty, Patty, Jamie, Zach, and Ilya are playing. Of course Bryce had to get hurt tonight too, Hopefully its nothing serious. I’m not going to the next game b/c I made plans thinking that there wasn’t a game, but now I get to watch the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. Of course the hockey players won’t be there. It’s kinda not worth watching now. Jk. You going Friday?
    February 11th, 2010 at 04:37am
  • Devils can't do anything right.
    That's awesome that he went there! I can just say "I have more famous people that went to me school then yours does". haha. I guess you jsut have to find the right people to hang with. I think i have no tv signal b/c the dish n the roof might be covered in snow...awesome. I rather go to school tomorrow then sit home and have no tv. Like the snow can stop now, school is closed tomorrow
    February 11th, 2010 at 03:42am
  • Devils are pissing me off.
    And they definitely miss Zach, but Zach isn’t the whole team. My cousin knows someone who went to McGill and he liked it a lot. It’s just a pain to go to school in another country. And they can be mean in Montreal, I know from experience. I’m going in March so I’m excited! A lot if kids from my school stay in NJ or in the Tri-state area but a lot of kids also go to the Carolinas or Florida. Chicago would be fun to go to also. I get shit from people all the time about North Dakota. I’m like “don’t worry about it, you’re not the one going.”

    No school tomorrow. =] I’m happy about it but not psyched since they are going ot take a day away from spring break.
    February 11th, 2010 at 03:19am
  • Zach is out with an upper body injury...
    February 11th, 2010 at 01:10am
  • I think I heard of that. I wanted to go to Boston but that wasn’t happening. And McGill in Montreal? I was going to apply just for shits and giggles buty I wasn’t writing an essay. Haha. Acouple of people from my grade are going to schools like Princeton, Duke, Upenn, but for field hockey. Same differnece though, they still have to do work. I’m majoring in Athletic training but if that doesn’t work out then physical education. My friend is majoring in exotic large animals at Delaware Valley. She gets to go to Africa or something her senior year. How awesome is that!? Haha. I’m sooo pissed, my tv signal is out b/c I have Direct Tv and I cant ge the game. Hellooo Radio…FML! Ohh crap. All the shows I tivo arent gonna tape either. ughh

    And shoveling sucks. My face I buring and I’m sooo hot. haha
    February 11th, 2010 at 12:48am