Being sick sucks!

Man, this whole weekend I had to stay home because I got sick on thursday. Staying home at my house is pretty much like watching grass die. There is absolutely NOTHING to do! The plus side to being home sick though was I got to update a story and add a new one. Check them out if you're curious or already read them. *cough cough* excuse, anyway my friends were all talking to me on facebook...
March 7th, 2010 at 05:57pm

My funny moment of the day

Okay so my grandma has netflix so I order my Korean and Japanese movies off of there and since I don't see her during the week cuz she leaves for work before I come home from school she leaves the movies in a hiding spot or waits till Wednesday and gives it to my uncle so I can get it when school finishes. So today(march 2,2010) I was watching tv it was about 7 and Im lying on my chibimaru pillow-...
March 3rd, 2010 at 06:30am

My random English assignment

Okay, so in english we just inished reading Romeo and Juliet. It's a good play but if you know what's gonna happen it's kinda boring plus we watched the 1968 version or whatever and it sucked. So, before we finished the play we got this essay project thing called "perfet mate"and we had to get our parents to make a list of who hey think would be my perfect mate and who they think would be mine....
March 2nd, 2010 at 05:55am

Kaneshiro family reunion

this weekend satuday and sunday was my family reunion. it was really fun and a very traditional Okinawan party. saturday night we had dinner at hanamalu cafe(the best place on kauai to eat shrimp) and we had my cousin John-john play his ukulele, my auntie Leah singing a song and playing the ukulele, we had my unlce Frank paint a picture that turned out to be Jesus when you flip it. my uncle Niles...
February 15th, 2010 at 08:35am

Movie reviews

Okay well I watched this Thai movie called "ghost mother" that was such a good movie! And the ending is sad if yo can relate of you can understand it. I loved it even if the subs went by fast. 0.o and the gore was not something you want to see but other than that it was a good movie. The second movie I saw was a Japanese movie called "kokkuri" it's kind of like the ouija board only Japanese of...
February 7th, 2010 at 08:16am

Technology! and how its kind of stays in our lives

okay well I've got a new ipod touch and i love it the only problem is that i use it SO much that it has to be charged like twice a day! its so funny but i guess technology is such an important thing in our lives now-a-days that we can't leave it alone, if you know what i mean. 0.o but it cant be halped i mean with out it wouldn't our lives be kinda boring? it's not like we can't do other things...
February 7th, 2010 at 04:33am

Boredom on the Hawaiian Island of kauai(whats with that?)

Oh my dog!(meant to say it) its so boring today! why does time move so dang slow in this house? maybe its cuz i live in a valley we're in some kind of time rift....i would write but ive been suffering writer's block*da da du~un* i wicsh i lived on Oahu there would be more to do and more places to go<(-_-)> but oh well Kauai is good too if you like living in the country...i dont...maybe thats...
November 27th, 2009 at 10:17pm