
I confused the shit out of myself, i really do.It's been a few days since I've sen my exboyfriend.We see each other once in a while.We broke up about 3 weeks ago.It was my doing.I plan on getting back together with him. However, I did this out of wanting space. I felt controlled and time consumed to him. He would always take up all my time. I did this to teach him a lesson.I planned on trying not...
September 15th, 2010 at 01:00am

I Want Out.

Okay so my life isn't exactly, terrible. My parents don't hit me and I don't have some kinda of terrible disease and shit. But i hate my life enough to wear i wish my parents would hit me. Most of my pain is emotional. Although my parents don't physically abuse me, I feel that the verbal abuse is much worse.I'm been called nothing but fat and useless and all of the above for the past 7 years. I am...
September 1st, 2010 at 09:17pm

I'm Trying Not to Throw Up..

I've come to the conclusion that i might loose one of my closets friends...I just.. god i don't know. I'm sitting here like crying. I don't want to loose him.. And i feel like i'm sounding like its my boyfriend or someone i like or whatever but it's not.His name is Anthony.I met him over a year ago in my drivers ed class. Yes there was a point in time when we did like each other.. but nthing...
July 27th, 2010 at 07:42am


So, I'm sitting here, pretty much. Listening to the Wolf's Rain song, Requiem. It was the song that Ed first told me he loved me to. Ha. Well, this blog isn't really about him.. I'm just feeling like I should write something.Well, today was terrible. My SAT scores were bad, I almost got into an actual fight if my mom didn't hold me back from getting out of my car... Then I bought new clothes that...
June 26th, 2010 at 07:28am

To Start Off The Summer.

I notice that I haven't written anything in a long time, and for some reason, I felt the need to right now. So while my boyfriend, Ed, goes and plays final fantasy, I shall sit here and write this.Well, to start off things, today was my last day of school. I can happily say that I'm glad that summer has finally arrived, although I feel like this summer is going to pretty much suck/ Why so? Well....
June 23rd, 2010 at 02:07am

I Don't Talk To Strangers.

It's been, countless days.. weeks, where i haven't slept. These pasts months have been, don't get me wrong, great, but then there were those hard times that just broke me down so bad, no one will understand the thoughts that went on in my head. Being in a long distance relationship was just, hell. I couldn't do it. It was harder than i thought. And it wasn't the fact that not only did I miss that...
January 18th, 2010 at 07:15am

Dreams? No. I would say Nightmares.

Last night I had fallen asleep early. A LOT earlier than usual. I think it was because I never took my nap, and I had went for a walk instead, and sat down by a bridge until it was too dark to see, and then went on home around 8:00 ish.I talked to my boyfriend, Jeremy, on the phone for a good hour and a half, and we were talking about some random things, and personal things, etc etc, and then we...
September 24th, 2009 at 05:40am

Diary of a Scared Sibling..

So last night was pretty, nerve racking for me. I haven't felt like this since before my sister was born. That was about.. four to almostt five years ago.I had spent the day with my friends Steph, Jessica, Julie, and Kevin. In the end, I ended up at Steph's house with Kevin, and then I was on my way home.During the whole car ride, my mom kept ranting about some random shit that was pising me off....
September 8th, 2009 at 08:20pm

To My Little Guardian Angel.

Dear Sean David Devaney,I was thinking about you today, and I felt that I have to write an entry about you, because you were someone that was supposed to come into to my life, and for some reason, God took you away from me.I rememer when we first found out that our mother was pregnant. We were so happy for everyone. Our mom called her family to say that she was pregnant, etc etc. It was a moment...
September 6th, 2009 at 02:49am