hopeful- / Comments

  • MaryKatelynx3

    MaryKatelynx3 (100)

    United States
    Thank you soo much for that comment on my joural. Totally made me smile :D
    April 10th, 2011 at 08:31am
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    Yeahh, i've already got my concert buddy for ARTTM's headliner! I'm so excited :). I friggen love Runner Runner, and I saw Anarbor when they went on tour with VE, so i know a few songs! alkjsdfakgrklt I want to meet Halvo. Omg. I saw Halvo at Jingle Bell Bash (radio concert thingy) and I seriously like went all fangirlish. I don't know what it is about Halvo, but i melt.
    If WATIC is on Warped again, then I probably won't go to GK because Jordan is already on Warped. But if WATIC isn't on warped, then I'm most likely going to GK.

    Long lost Asian sister that lives on the other side of the country... yeah, that works haha :)
    January 24th, 2011 at 08:31am
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    Oh, and I've decided from looking at your tumblr and mibba "about me", we are meant to be best friends. We are SO SIMILAR!
    January 21st, 2011 at 05:50am
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    I'm friends with Devin on facebook, and he's tagged in pictures from Erin's facebook, and there is a picture of Maddox, and he's adorable :). You totally gave me a url to some black-appreciation tumblr, it was weird haha.
    Luckily, Dirty Work is at this venue Seattle kids don't really like, so it hasn't sold out yet! I got 2 tickets, one for me and a friend. Ugh, i hope i get to meet ATL again. Last time i met them, it was for a radio thing and we were in and out--NO TALKING OR AUTOGRAPHS. It sucked. I was mad. But i hugged them all, except for Zach because I didn't think about it... And I haven't asked about GK tour--OR ARTTM'S HEADLINER! Oh my gosh, That falls on a weekend and I'M SO EXCITED! My friend Elle and I already have plans on going together. Duuude, stoked!
    So far, the only one I'm really excited to see is The Ready Set. No one else has been announced that I'm really into! If i go to GK, i'll see Jordan 3 times next year! Rob from WATIC hinted that they might do the end of Warped, but nothing has been confirmed :(
    You found me on tumblr? Like, just on your dashboard?!! I thought you just like, idk, went to my profile and clicked the link that says tumblr lol :)
    January 21st, 2011 at 05:48am
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    I was aware that Devin had a child, but I wasnt aware that a picture of Maddox became public. WHERE CAN I SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL OFFSPRING OF TEO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE?! I assume that Erin is pretty, because I don't think i've seen her haha. 
    I'm definitely going to Dirty Work--just bought my ticket :). And I really want to go to GK, but i can't go to AP because it's the day after GK. I just know more bands at GK, and I only know VE and conditions at AP. But it's during spring break, so who knows what I'll be able to do. 
    Haha, my friend and I were like "WE HAVE TO GO TO WARPED THIS YEAR!" because we both missed last year. And so far, no bands that I really like are on it yet. I mean, Go Radio and Every Avenue are okay, but I've never listened to them thoroughly enough to actually like either of them. I know that The Maine isn't doing it :( and one other band too that I was pretty sure wasn't doing it. But I guess We Are The In Crowd might go on part of warped? If so, I'm pumped!! 
    Oh! And fancy seeing you in tumblr haha. I was happy to see your follow--when I knew who you were haha :)
    January 2nd, 2011 at 09:04pm
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    I suck at commenting--please forgive me.
    SO ! I actually wrote a reply at one time, on my ipod, but then before i finished my ipod decided to refresh the page and lose everything that i typed. I would've replied faster, but yeah. That happened. I've been reluctant to comment again before i got on a real computer again :/ SO I'M SORRY!

    VersaEmerge was so so so epic :) It was completely a blast!! I got to meet Devin :DD haha. He was such a sweetheart, no lie.
    I missed TSS because I had a jazz band performance. Ugh. It killed me that i couldn't go! I also missed The Maine! Ugh! My parents totally bailed on allowing me to go because it was a school night :/
    Hopefully my next concert will be This Providence :) Which is this weekend! And then my concert calendar next year is looking so sweet as of now! So far, I'm looking at The Glamour Kills Tour, The Dirty Work Tour, The AP Tour, hopefully ARTTM's headliner (if they come around)... And that's just my spring line up! I'm hoping to do warped tour this year! The last 2 days of warped tour :)
    What concerts are you looking at?
    December 13th, 2010 at 05:52am
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    Band and school has been killing me. Our first competition in this weekend and we JUST learned all of our charts. I'm in the pit this year and i barely know all of my music...
    Today is the first day in like a month i've been on a real computer T_T I don't like replying to comments on my iPod because i never see my mistakes...
    But back to business of our last discussion!

    For my birthday i ended up getting tickets to VersaEmerge's tour :DDD I'M SO EXCITED! And I'm trying to weasel my way to tickets to see Hey Monday and TSS, but TSS is the same day as my jazz band preformance and so I might not be able to go D:
    October 19th, 2010 at 01:12am
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    You guys will do bomb too! Believe in your band, and you'll achieve great things :) Our band is sort of big headed (collectively); we are so cocky, it's kinda embarrassing.
    *sigh* I hope VE has a fall tour. I mean, i know they're planning it, but I just want to know WHEN! I'm getting lucky, because my birthday is this month, so I'm asking for concert tickets :)
    A few days before the TSS fall tour is the Hey Monday headliner, and it's on a friggen monday! (haha, irony :D). YOU'VE MET TSS?!!!!! :OOO Wait. Let me guess. Warped?
    ASDFLKAJTGOIDSAKL THE MAINE OMGOMG. I thought it was bad enough when i personally met Jared and John (Jared is my all time favorite--teddy bear <3), but when I met ALL OF THEM on their headliner... omg. I talked a alot to Garrett and Kennedy, and a little bit with Pat. Jared jumped into my conversation with Kennedy about his pedo-stache (haha :p) and it totally made my night. Pat = cutest guy ever. I love him. Then again, thats my inner drummer speaking :) haha.
    Joel. Is. The. Sweetest. Thing. Since. Sugar. Cane. Omg. I love him! Can't wait until This Century comes back with Hey Monday !
    AUSTIN GIBBS IS SO AWESOME! Haha, he talked to me the most out of everyone at The Maine's show. I love him :)
    September 3rd, 2010 at 06:34am
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    Our first competition is on the 25th i believe, and OHMYGOSH, we haven't even looked at our charts D: I'm so scared. And I expessed this to my director, and he says we'll just do badly at Silverdale (city of competition--thats how we refer to them haha) and then kill everyone at Everett and Auburn. But still, I'm so scared!! Our rival school is going to be at Everett and Auburn, and they already have their first movement done!! We are so behind! Silverdale is going to suck!
    Sorry. Ranting. I had to get it out. I'm a very competitive person xD

    Sierra is amazing, Blake is fucking adorable, and Devin is just lovable :) But he's kinda off-limits, since he's, ya know, engaged, haha. If they do a fall tour, i am SOOOO pre-ordering. Like, no other, holy cow! I have a feeling that if they ever headlined, they'd make their show a theatrical one. Kinda like Panic! At The Disco did a few years back, if you remember that one! (Nothing Rhymes with Circus)
    The Gomez Brotherssss <3. I am so in love with him, it's not even funny. I can't wait for their fall tour! They're coming on a weekend, so I am DEFINITELY going to that one! And Jess Bowen? My friggen hero. As a drummer, I look up to her SO MUCH. She's a badass drummer in a all guy band. I love her!
    Not to mention their bringing Austin Gibbs with him, who is so hilarious! I love that guy. Don't know him? Check him outtt! One man band, haha.
    September 2nd, 2010 at 06:33am
  • chewy...

    chewy... (100)

    United States
    No, Oli's definitly nice. I met him and all and he was cool. I'm just past the whole "OH MY GOD I WANT HIS BABIES!!!!" Stage. xD
    August 26th, 2010 at 03:58am
  • chewy...

    chewy... (100)

    United States
    BAHHHHH! I LOVE IT! [b]LOVE IT![/b] though a lot of people don't. D: If you ask me, I think it's one of their best. It's been on repeate for me for like ever. :3

    And, I'm not much of an Oli person, but I was still like drooling. XD
    August 26th, 2010 at 03:30am
  • chewy...

    chewy... (100)

    United States
    Why of course, they're my favorite band. :D
    Did you?
    August 25th, 2010 at 05:32am
  • chewy...

    chewy... (100)

    United States
    See, my friends and I met Sierra out of the venue on the way back to the car and she was like talking to one of her friends. But when we went up to her she seemed kinda pissed. :\ But who knows.

    But all together they seem like pretty chill people.
    August 24th, 2010 at 04:35pm
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    Hey, i'm starting band camp soon too! Not sure when, but I'm pretty sure we start sometime this week! :) Cirque de Soleil fieldshow is INTENSE! At least, i think haha! I hope you guys do well too! 3rd place is good! You still get a medal when you when 3rd in the Olympics :p haha, at least thats how i look at it! And I'm glad you like your new director! My friend at another high school just got a new director too and she says he's pretty chill, so I understand how stressful it can be to get new directors.

    My mother wouldn't let me, and I had no one to go with, and it was just depressing D: But I'm glad your not a Warped virgin anymore! Haha. I hope Versa does a fall tour and comes to my neck of the woods :P
    August 23rd, 2010 at 10:42pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    yeah, it surprised me too. sadly i didn't but since my friends and i got there uber early we saw them when they got off their tour bus ^.^ Dudeee Bamboozle was mad awesome. I got to meet a bunch of the bands that were there. It was soooo worth the 30 bucks and the fact that I almost passed out because of how fucking hot out it was haha. I want to go to the AP tour soooo bad. I want to go to the fall one and th spring one.The fall one because BMTH will be there, but none of my friends like them so I doubt they'll go w/ me :/ lol I already asked my mom about ATL's tour and she said I could. I'm like dying for them to realease the tour dates haha
    August 23rd, 2010 at 07:50pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    My mom has been giving me a lot more freedom lately. I saw the Maine two weeks ago at a bar w/ my friends.Normally she would never let me go to a bar even if it was an all ages show. Butttt my friends and I decided we're going next year and we're going to go Bamboozle Roadshow again next year. Nice to meet you too :)
    August 23rd, 2010 at 02:51pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    dudeeee i seriously fucking envy you!!! haha. i wanted to go to warped sooooo bad and my mom said i could go but i had no way of getting there T_T it was only half an hour from my house but all my friends who wanted to go were either away or couldn't go :P haha anywayyyyy im katie :)
    August 23rd, 2010 at 04:08am
  • love only knows

    love only knows (100)

    United States
    Lame, once again I sucked at replying to your comment :xSorry!!

    Yeah, our director arranged that song with the composer, haha. I'd give your director some time! I mean, imagine how much stress she must be under since she IS straight out of college. Field show is the best thing to have come out of marching band :DD I love it! I'm in the pit this year. Last 2 years i've been on field cymbals. Band kids > Football players. Our band does better than our football team x.x But i still hope you do well in your show! Make it yours, and have fun! :)
    80/600 = 2/15 , so that's pretty dang good! Hey! I've seen some pretty impressive A bands! Some of them beat us out score wise! Size doesn't always matter :p. Luckily (hopefully), since our school is moving down to AA, our band will stay in AAA because our biggest competition is there! I agree with you, those kids should love band enough to stick it through all the teachers. Plus, the kids can help teach the new teachers how to be successful! It's a duel-effort, ya know. We're pretty small too, i mean our city (small city, that is) isn't a hole-in-the-wall anymore, but it wasn't too long ago that we were! You guys can be that one band that no one knows but they steal the whole competition! :DD haha.
    August 14th, 2010 at 09:21pm
  • precursors

    precursors (105)

    United States
    Ah school. I have two weeks left of summer D: How much longer do you have?

    I'm playing Sims 2 and procrastinating for reading this book I have to have done for school.
    August 9th, 2010 at 05:41am
  • precursors

    precursors (105)

    United States
    Awe, thanks <3

    So, what's up? :)
    August 1st, 2010 at 04:41am